/*============================================================================= sample_add_client_complex.cpp =============================================================================== This is an example of an XML-RPC client that uses XML-RPC for C/C++ (Xmlrpc-c). In particular, it uses the complex lower-level interface that gives you lots of flexibility but requires lots of code. Also see xmlrpc_sample_add_server, which does the same thing as this program, but with much simpler code because it uses a simpler facility of Xmlrpc-c. This program actually gains nothing from using the more difficult facility. It is for demonstration purposes. =============================================================================*/ #include <cassert> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <xmlrpc-c/girerr.hpp> #include <xmlrpc-c/base.hpp> #include <xmlrpc-c/client.hpp> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **) { if (argc-1 > 0) { cerr << "This program has no arguments" << endl; exit(1); } try { xmlrpc_c::clientXmlTransport_curl myTransport( xmlrpc_c::clientXmlTransport_curl::constrOpt() .no_ssl_verifyhost(true) .user_agent("sample_add/1.0")); xmlrpc_c::client_xml myClient(&myTransport); string const methodName("sample.add"); xmlrpc_c::paramList sampleAddParms; sampleAddParms.add(xmlrpc_c::value_int(5)); sampleAddParms.add(xmlrpc_c::value_int(7)); xmlrpc_c::rpcPtr myRpcP(methodName, sampleAddParms); string const serverUrl("http://localhost:8080/RPC2"); xmlrpc_c::carriageParm_curl0 myCarriageParm(serverUrl); myRpcP->call(&myClient, &myCarriageParm); assert(myRpcP->isFinished()); int const sum(xmlrpc_c::value_int(myRpcP->getResult())); // Assume the method returned an integer; throws error if not cout << "Result of RPC (sum of 5 and 7): " << sum << endl; } catch (exception const& e) { cerr << "Client threw error: " << e.what() << endl; } catch (...) { cerr << "Client threw unexpected error." << endl; } return 0; }