<configuration name="nibblebill.conf" description="Nibble Billing">
    <!-- See http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_nibblebill for help with these options -->

    <!-- Information for connecting to your database -->
    <param name="odbc-dsn" value="bandwidth.com"/>

    <!-- The database table where your CASH column is located -->
    <param name="db_table" value="accounts"/>

    <!-- The column name where we store the value of the account -->
    <param name="db_column_cash" value="cash"/>

    <!-- The column name for the unique ID identifying the account -->
    <param name="db_column_account" value="id"/>

    <!-- Custom SQL for loading current balance - overrides column names
         channel vars are interpreted.
         field nibble_balance is used for balance info

    <param name="custom_sql_lookup" value="SELECT cash AS nibble_balance FROM accounts WHERE account_code='${nibble_account}'"/>

    <!-- Custom SQL for loading current balance - overrides column names
         channel vars are interpreted.
         nibble_increment is the amount to update

    <param name="custom_sql_save" value="UPDATE accounts SET cash=cash-${nibble_increment} WHERE account_code='${nibble_account}'"/>

    <!-- Default heartbeat interval. Set to 'off' for no heartbeat (i.e. bill only at end of call) -->
    <param name="global_heartbeat" value="60"/>

    <!-- By default, warn a caller when their balance is at $5.00. You can set this to a negative number. -->
    <param name="lowbal_amt" value="5"/>
    <param name="lowbal_action" value="play ding"/>

    <!-- By default, terminate a caller when their balance hits $0.00. You can set this to a negative number. -->
    <param name="nobal_amt" value="0"/>
    <param name="nobal_action" value="hangup"/>

    <!-- If a call goes beyond a certain dollar amount, flag or terminate it -->
    <param name="percall_max_amt" value="100"/>
    <param name="percall_action" value="hangup"/>
