/* * libZRTP SDK library, implements the ZRTP secure VoIP protocol. * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Philip R. Zimmermann. All rights reserved. * Contact: http://philzimmermann.com * For licensing and other legal details, see the file zrtp_legal.c. * * Viktor Krykun */ #include "zrtp.h" #if (defined(ZRTP_USE_BUILTIN_SCEHDULER) && (ZRTP_USE_BUILTIN_SCEHDULER ==1)) #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM!=ZP_SYMBIAN) #if defined (ZRTP_DEBUG_WITH_PJSIP) && (ZRTP_DEBUG_WITH_PJSIP == 1) # include #endif /* Windows kernel have it's own realization based on kernel timers */ #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WIN32_KERNEL) #define ZRTP_SCHED_QUEUE_SIZE ZRTP_MAX_STREAMS_PER_SESSION * 1000 #define ZRTP_SCHED_LOOP_QVANT 20 #define ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(count) zrtp_sleep(ZRTP_SCHED_LOOP_QVANT*count); /** Schedulling tasks structure */ typedef struct { zrtp_stream_t *ctx; /** ZRTP stream context associated with the task */ zrtp_retry_task_t *ztask; /** ZRTP stream associated with the task */ uint64_t wake_at; /* Wake time in milliseconds */ mlist_t _mlist; } zrtp_sched_task_t; /** Initiation flag. Protection from reinitialization. (1 if initiated) */ static uint8_t inited = 0; /** Sorted by wake time tasks list. First task to do at the begining */ static mlist_t tasks_head; /** Tasks queue protector againts race conditions on add/remove tasks */ static zrtp_mutex_t* protector = NULL; /** Main queue symaphore */ static zrtp_sem_t* count = NULL; static uint8_t is_running = 0; #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WIN32 || ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WINCE) HANDLE scheduler_thread = NULL; #else static uint8_t is_working = 0; #endif /*==========================================================================*/ /* Platform Dependent Routine */ /*==========================================================================*/ #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WIN32) || (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WINCE) #include int zrtp_sleep(unsigned int msec) { Sleep(msec); return 0; } int zrtp_thread_create(zrtp_thread_routine_t start_routine, void *arg) { DWORD dwThreadId; scheduler_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, start_routine, 0, 0, &dwThreadId); if (NULL == scheduler_thread) { return -1; } return 0; } #elif (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_LINUX) || (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_DARWIN) || (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_BSD) #if ZRTP_HAVE_UNISTD_H == 1 #include #else #error "Used environment dosn't have - zrtp_scheduler can't be build." #endif #if ZRTP_HAVE_PTHREAD_H == 1 #include #else # error "Used environment dosn't have - zrtp_scheduler can't be build." #endif int zrtp_sleep(unsigned int msec) { return usleep(msec*1000); } int zrtp_thread_create(zrtp_thread_routine_t start_routine, void *arg) { pthread_t thread; return pthread_create(&thread, NULL, start_routine, NULL); } #endif /*==========================================================================*/ /* Scheduler Implementation */ /*==========================================================================*/ #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WIN32) || (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WIN64) || (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WINCE) static DWORD WINAPI sched_loop(void* param) #elif (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_SYMBIAN) static int sched_loop(void* param) #else static void* sched_loop(void* param) #endif { #if defined (ZRTP_DEBUG_WITH_PJSIP) && (ZRTP_DEBUG_WITH_PJSIP == 1) /* Register current thread if it was created by external system call(not pj_sip call) */ pj_thread_desc desc; pj_thread_t *sched_loop_thread; if (pj_thread_is_registered()==PJ_FALSE){ pj_thread_register("zrtp_sched_loop_thread", desc, &sched_loop_thread); } #endif #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WIN32 && ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WINCE) is_working = 1; #endif while (is_running) { zrtp_sched_task_t* task = NULL; zrtp_sched_task_t task2run; int ready_2_run = 0; mlist_t* node = 0; /* Wait for tasks in queue */ zrtp_sem_wait(count); zrtp_mutex_lock(protector); node = mlist_get(&tasks_head); if (!node) { zrtp_mutex_unlock(protector); continue; } task = mlist_get_struct(zrtp_sched_task_t, _mlist, node); if (task->wake_at <= zrtp_time_now()) { task2run.ctx = task->ctx; task2run.ztask = task->ztask; mlist_del(node); zrtp_sys_free(task); ready_2_run = 1; } zrtp_mutex_unlock(protector); if (ready_2_run) { task2run.ztask->_is_busy = 1; task2run.ztask->callback(task2run.ctx, task2run.ztask); task2run.ztask->_is_busy = 0; } else { zrtp_sem_post(count); } ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WIN32)&& (ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WINCE) is_working = 0; #endif #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WIN32) && (ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WIN64) && (ZRTP_PLATFORM != ZP_WINCE) return NULL; #else return 0; #endif } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t zrtp_def_scheduler_init(zrtp_global_t* zrtp) { zrtp_status_t status = zrtp_status_ok; if (inited) { return zrtp_status_ok; } do { init_mlist(&tasks_head); if (zrtp_status_ok != (status = zrtp_mutex_init(&protector))) { break; } if (zrtp_status_ok != (status = zrtp_sem_init(&count, 0, ZRTP_SCHED_QUEUE_SIZE))) { break; } /* Starting processing loop */ is_running = 1; if (0 != zrtp_thread_create(sched_loop, NULL)) { zrtp_sem_destroy(count); zrtp_mutex_destroy(protector); status = zrtp_status_fail; break; } inited = 1; } while (0); return status; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void zrtp_def_scheduler_down() { mlist_t *node = 0, *tmp = 0; if (!inited) { return; } /* Stop main thread */ is_running = 0; zrtp_sem_post(count); #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WIN32) || (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WINCE) if (NULL != scheduler_thread) { WaitForSingleObject(scheduler_thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(scheduler_thread); scheduler_thread = NULL; } #else while (is_working) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } #endif /* Then destroy tasks queue and realease all other resources */ zrtp_mutex_lock(protector); mlist_for_each_safe(node, tmp, &tasks_head) { zrtp_sched_task_t* task = mlist_get_struct(zrtp_sched_task_t, _mlist, node); zrtp_sys_free(task); } init_mlist(&tasks_head); zrtp_mutex_unlock(protector); zrtp_mutex_destroy(protector); zrtp_sem_destroy(count); inited = 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void zrtp_def_scheduler_call_later(zrtp_stream_t *ctx, zrtp_retry_task_t* ztask) { mlist_t *node=0, *tmp=0; mlist_t* last = &tasks_head; zrtp_mutex_lock(protector); if (!ztask->_is_enabled) { zrtp_mutex_unlock(protector); return; } do { zrtp_sched_task_t* new_task = zrtp_sys_alloc(sizeof(zrtp_sched_task_t)); if (!new_task) { break; } new_task->ctx = ctx; new_task->ztask = ztask; new_task->wake_at = zrtp_time_now() + ztask->timeout; /* Try to find element with later wacked time than we have */ mlist_for_each_safe(node, tmp, &tasks_head) { zrtp_sched_task_t* tmp_task = mlist_get_struct(zrtp_sched_task_t, _mlist, node); if (tmp_task->wake_at >= new_task->wake_at) { last = node; break; } } /* * If packet wasn't inserted (empty queue or all elements are smaller) * Put them to the end of the queue. */ mlist_insert(last, &new_task->_mlist); zrtp_sem_post(count); } while (0); zrtp_mutex_unlock(protector); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void zrtp_def_scheduler_cancel_call_later(zrtp_stream_t* ctx, zrtp_retry_task_t* ztask) { mlist_t *node=0, *tmp=0; zrtp_mutex_lock(protector); mlist_for_each_safe(node, tmp, &tasks_head) { zrtp_sched_task_t* task = mlist_get_struct(zrtp_sched_task_t, _mlist, node); if ((task->ctx == ctx) && ((task->ztask == ztask) || !ztask)) { mlist_del(&task->_mlist); zrtp_sys_free(task); zrtp_sem_trtwait(count); if (ztask) { break; } } } zrtp_mutex_unlock(protector); } void zrtp_def_scheduler_wait_call_later(zrtp_stream_t* ctx) { while (ctx->messages.hello_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } while (ctx->messages.commit_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } while (ctx->messages.dhpart_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } while (ctx->messages.confirm_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } while (ctx->messages.error_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } while (ctx->messages.errorack_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } while (ctx->messages.goclear_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } while (ctx->messages.dh_task._is_busy) { ZRTP_SCHED_SLEEP(1); } } #endif /* not for windows kernel */ #endif // ZRTP_PLATFORM==ZP_SYMBIAN #endif /*ZRTP_USE_BUILTIN_SCEHDULER*/