/*! @file SimpleGlob.h @version 2.8 @brief A cross-platform file globbing library providing the ability to expand wildcards in command-line arguments to a list of all matching files. It is designed explicitly to be portable to any platform and has been tested on Windows and Linux. See CSimpleGlobTempl for the class definition. @section features FEATURES - MIT Licence allows free use in all software (including GPL and commercial) - multi-platform (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP, Linux, Unix) - supports most of the standard linux glob() options - recognition of a forward paths as equivalent to a backward slash on Windows. e.g. "c:/path/foo*" is equivalent to "c:\path\foo*". - implemented with only a single C++ header file - char, wchar_t and Windows TCHAR in the same program - complete working examples included - compiles cleanly at warning level 4 (Windows/VC.NET 2003), warning level 3 (Windows/VC6) and -Wall (Linux/gcc) @section usage USAGE The SimpleGlob class is used by following these steps: <ol> <li> Include the SimpleGlob.h header file <pre> \#include "SimpleGlob.h" </pre> <li> Instantiate a CSimpleGlob object supplying the appropriate flags. <pre> @link CSimpleGlobTempl CSimpleGlob @endlink glob(FLAGS); </pre> <li> Add all file specifications to the glob class. <pre> glob.Add("file*"); glob.Add(argc, argv); </pre> <li> Process all files with File(), Files() and FileCount() <pre> for (int n = 0; n < glob.FileCount(); ++n) { ProcessFile(glob.File(n)); } </pre> </ol> @section licence MIT LICENCE The licence text below is the boilerplate "MIT Licence" used from: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Brodie Thiesfield Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SimpleGlob #define INCLUDED_SimpleGlob /*! @brief The operation of SimpleGlob is fine-tuned via the use of a combination of the following flags. The flags may be passed at initialization of the class and used for every filespec added, or alternatively they may optionally be specified in the call to Add() and be different for each filespec. @param SG_GLOB_ERR Return upon read error (e.g. directory does not have read permission) @param SG_GLOB_MARK Append a slash (backslash in Windows) to every path which corresponds to a directory @param SG_GLOB_NOSORT By default, files are returned in sorted into string order. With this flag, no sorting is done. This is not compatible with SG_GLOB_FULLSORT. @param SG_GLOB_FULLSORT By default, files are sorted in groups belonging to each filespec that was added. For example if the filespec "b*" was added before the filespec "a*" then the argv array will contain all b* files sorted in order, followed by all a* files sorted in order. If this flag is specified, the entire array will be sorted ignoring the filespec groups. @param SG_GLOB_NOCHECK If the pattern doesn't match anything, return the original pattern. @param SG_GLOB_TILDE Tilde expansion is carried out (on Unix platforms) @param SG_GLOB_ONLYDIR Return only directories which match (not compatible with SG_GLOB_ONLYFILE) @param SG_GLOB_ONLYFILE Return only files which match (not compatible with SG_GLOB_ONLYDIR) @param SG_GLOB_NODOT Do not return the "." or ".." special directories. */ enum SG_Flags { SG_GLOB_ERR = 1 << 0, SG_GLOB_MARK = 1 << 1, SG_GLOB_NOSORT = 1 << 2, SG_GLOB_NOCHECK = 1 << 3, SG_GLOB_TILDE = 1 << 4, SG_GLOB_ONLYDIR = 1 << 5, SG_GLOB_ONLYFILE = 1 << 6, SG_GLOB_NODOT = 1 << 7, SG_GLOB_FULLSORT = 1 << 8 }; /*! @brief Error return codes */ enum SG_Error { SG_SUCCESS = 0, SG_ERR_NOMATCH = 1, SG_ERR_MEMORY = -1, SG_ERR_FAILURE = -2 }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Platform dependent implementations // don't include this in documentation as it isn't relevant #ifndef DOXYGEN // on Windows we want to use MBCS aware string functions and mimic the // Unix glob functionality. On Unix we just use glob. #ifdef _WIN32 # include <mbstring.h> # define sg_strchr ::_mbschr # define sg_strrchr ::_mbsrchr # define sg_strlen ::_mbslen # if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ # define sg_strcpy_s(a,n,b) ::_mbscpy_s(a,n,b) # else # define sg_strcpy_s(a,n,b) ::_mbscpy(a,b) # endif # define sg_strcmp ::_mbscmp # define sg_strcasecmp ::_mbsicmp # define SOCHAR_T unsigned char #else # include <sys/types.h> # include <sys/stat.h> # include <glob.h> # include <limits.h> # define MAX_PATH PATH_MAX # define sg_strchr ::strchr # define sg_strrchr ::strrchr # define sg_strlen ::strlen # define sg_strcpy_s(a,n,b) ::strcpy(a,b) # define sg_strcmp ::strcmp # define sg_strcasecmp ::strcasecmp # define SOCHAR_T char #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <wchar.h> // use assertions to test the input data #ifdef _DEBUG # ifdef _WIN32 # include <crtdbg.h> # define SG_ASSERT(b) _ASSERTE(b) # else # include <assert.h> # define SG_ASSERT(b) assert(b) # endif #else # define SG_ASSERT(b) #endif /*! @brief String manipulation functions. */ class SimpleGlobUtil { public: static const char * strchr(const char *s, char c) { return (char *) sg_strchr((const SOCHAR_T *)s, c); } static const wchar_t * strchr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c) { return ::wcschr(s, c); } static const char * strrchr(const char *s, char c) { return (char *) sg_strrchr((const SOCHAR_T *)s, c); } static const wchar_t * strrchr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c) { return ::wcsrchr(s, c); } // Note: char strlen returns number of bytes, not characters static size_t strlen(const char *s) { return ::strlen(s); } static size_t strlen(const wchar_t *s) { return ::wcslen(s); } static void strcpy_s(char *dst, size_t n, const char *src) { (void) n; sg_strcpy_s((SOCHAR_T *)dst, n, (const SOCHAR_T *)src); } static void strcpy_s(wchar_t *dst, size_t n, const wchar_t *src) { # if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ ::wcscpy_s(dst, n, src); #else (void) n; ::wcscpy(dst, src); #endif } static int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { return sg_strcmp((const SOCHAR_T *)s1, (const SOCHAR_T *)s2); } static int strcmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) { return ::wcscmp(s1, s2); } static int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { return sg_strcasecmp((const SOCHAR_T *)s1, (const SOCHAR_T *)s2); } #if _WIN32 static int strcasecmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) { return ::_wcsicmp(s1, s2); } #endif // _WIN32 }; enum SG_FileType { SG_FILETYPE_INVALID, SG_FILETYPE_FILE, SG_FILETYPE_DIR }; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES # define INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ((DWORD)-1) #endif #define SG_PATH_CHAR '\\' /*! @brief Windows glob implementation. */ template<class SOCHAR> struct SimpleGlobBase { SimpleGlobBase() : m_hFind(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { } int FindFirstFileS(const char * a_pszFileSpec, unsigned int) { m_hFind = FindFirstFileA(a_pszFileSpec, &m_oFindDataA); if (m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return SG_SUCCESS; } DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { return SG_ERR_NOMATCH; } return SG_ERR_FAILURE; } int FindFirstFileS(const wchar_t * a_pszFileSpec, unsigned int) { m_hFind = FindFirstFileW(a_pszFileSpec, &m_oFindDataW); if (m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return SG_SUCCESS; } DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { return SG_ERR_NOMATCH; } return SG_ERR_FAILURE; } bool FindNextFileS(char) { return FindNextFileA(m_hFind, &m_oFindDataA) != FALSE; } bool FindNextFileS(wchar_t) { return FindNextFileW(m_hFind, &m_oFindDataW) != FALSE; } void FindDone() { FindClose(m_hFind); } const char * GetFileNameS(char) const { return m_oFindDataA.cFileName; } const wchar_t * GetFileNameS(wchar_t) const { return m_oFindDataW.cFileName; } bool IsDirS(char) const { return GetFileTypeS(m_oFindDataA.dwFileAttributes) == SG_FILETYPE_DIR; } bool IsDirS(wchar_t) const { return GetFileTypeS(m_oFindDataW.dwFileAttributes) == SG_FILETYPE_DIR; } SG_FileType GetFileTypeS(const char * a_pszPath) { return GetFileTypeS(GetFileAttributesA(a_pszPath)); } SG_FileType GetFileTypeS(const wchar_t * a_pszPath) { return GetFileTypeS(GetFileAttributesW(a_pszPath)); } SG_FileType GetFileTypeS(DWORD a_dwAttribs) const { if (a_dwAttribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return SG_FILETYPE_INVALID; } if (a_dwAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { return SG_FILETYPE_DIR; } return SG_FILETYPE_FILE; } private: HANDLE m_hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATAA m_oFindDataA; WIN32_FIND_DATAW m_oFindDataW; }; #else // !_WIN32 #define SG_PATH_CHAR '/' /*! @brief Unix glob implementation. */ template<class SOCHAR> struct SimpleGlobBase { SimpleGlobBase() { memset(&m_glob, 0, sizeof(m_glob)); m_uiCurr = (size_t)-1; } ~SimpleGlobBase() { globfree(&m_glob); } void FilePrep() { m_bIsDir = false; size_t len = strlen(m_glob.gl_pathv[m_uiCurr]); if (m_glob.gl_pathv[m_uiCurr][len-1] == '/') { m_bIsDir = true; m_glob.gl_pathv[m_uiCurr][len-1] = 0; } } int FindFirstFileS(const char * a_pszFileSpec, unsigned int a_uiFlags) { int nFlags = GLOB_MARK | GLOB_NOSORT; if (a_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_ERR) nFlags |= GLOB_ERR; #ifdef GLOB_TILDE if (a_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_TILDE) nFlags |= GLOB_TILDE; #endif int rc = glob(a_pszFileSpec, nFlags, NULL, &m_glob); if (rc == GLOB_NOSPACE) return SG_ERR_MEMORY; if (rc == GLOB_ABORTED) return SG_ERR_FAILURE; if (rc == GLOB_NOMATCH) return SG_ERR_NOMATCH; m_uiCurr = 0; FilePrep(); return SG_SUCCESS; } bool FindNextFileS(char) { SG_ASSERT(m_uiCurr != (size_t)-1); if (++m_uiCurr >= m_glob.gl_pathc) { return false; } FilePrep(); return true; } void FindDone() { globfree(&m_glob); memset(&m_glob, 0, sizeof(m_glob)); m_uiCurr = (size_t)-1; } const char * GetFileNameS(char) const { SG_ASSERT(m_uiCurr != (size_t)-1); return m_glob.gl_pathv[m_uiCurr]; } bool IsDirS(char) const { SG_ASSERT(m_uiCurr != (size_t)-1); return m_bIsDir; } SG_FileType GetFileTypeS(const char * a_pszPath) const { struct stat sb; if (0 != stat(a_pszPath, &sb)) { return SG_FILETYPE_INVALID; } if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { return SG_FILETYPE_DIR; } if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) { return SG_FILETYPE_FILE; } return SG_FILETYPE_INVALID; } private: glob_t m_glob; size_t m_uiCurr; bool m_bIsDir; }; #endif // _WIN32 #endif // DOXYGEN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MAIN TEMPLATE CLASS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! @brief Implementation of the SimpleGlob class */ template<class SOCHAR> class CSimpleGlobTempl : private SimpleGlobBase<SOCHAR> { public: /*! @brief Initialize the class. @param a_uiFlags Combination of SG_GLOB flags. @param a_nReservedSlots Number of slots in the argv array that should be reserved. In the returned array these slots argv[0] ... argv[a_nReservedSlots-1] will be left empty for the caller to fill in. */ CSimpleGlobTempl(unsigned int a_uiFlags = 0, int a_nReservedSlots = 0); /*! @brief Deallocate all memory buffers. */ ~CSimpleGlobTempl(); /*! @brief Initialize (or re-initialize) the class in preparation for adding new filespecs. All existing files are cleared. Note that allocated memory is only deallocated at object destruction. @param a_uiFlags Combination of SG_GLOB flags. @param a_nReservedSlots Number of slots in the argv array that should be reserved. In the returned array these slots argv[0] ... argv[a_nReservedSlots-1] will be left empty for the caller to fill in. */ int Init(unsigned int a_uiFlags = 0, int a_nReservedSlots = 0); /*! @brief Add a new filespec to the glob. The filesystem will be immediately scanned for all matching files and directories and they will be added to the glob. @param a_pszFileSpec Filespec to add to the glob. @return SG_SUCCESS Matching files were added to the glob. @return SG_ERR_NOMATCH Nothing matched the pattern. To ignore this error compare the return value to >= SG_SUCCESS. @return SG_ERR_MEMORY Out of memory failure. @return SG_ERR_FAILURE General failure. */ int Add(const SOCHAR *a_pszFileSpec); /*! @brief Add an array of filespec to the glob. The filesystem will be immediately scanned for all matching files and directories in each filespec and they will be added to the glob. @param a_nCount Number of filespec in the array. @param a_rgpszFileSpec Array of filespec to add to the glob. @return SG_SUCCESS Matching files were added to the glob. @return SG_ERR_NOMATCH Nothing matched the pattern. To ignore this error compare the return value to >= SG_SUCCESS. @return SG_ERR_MEMORY Out of memory failure. @return SG_ERR_FAILURE General failure. */ int Add(int a_nCount, const SOCHAR * const * a_rgpszFileSpec); /*! @brief Return the number of files in the argv array. */ inline int FileCount() const { return m_nArgsLen; } /*! @brief Return the full argv array. */ inline SOCHAR ** Files() { SetArgvArrayType(POINTERS); return m_rgpArgs; } /*! @brief Return the a single file. */ inline SOCHAR * File(int n) { SG_ASSERT(n >= 0 && n < m_nArgsLen); return Files()[n]; } private: /*! @brief The argv array has it's members stored as either an offset into the string buffer, or as pointers to their string in the buffer. The offsets are used because if the string buffer is dynamically resized, all pointers into that buffer would become invalid. */ enum ARG_ARRAY_TYPE { OFFSETS, POINTERS }; /*! @brief Change the type of data stored in the argv array. */ void SetArgvArrayType(ARG_ARRAY_TYPE a_nNewType); /*! @brief Add a filename to the array if it passes all requirements. */ int AppendName(const SOCHAR *a_pszFileName, bool a_bIsDir); /*! @brief Grow the argv array to the required size. */ bool GrowArgvArray(int a_nNewLen); /*! @brief Grow the string buffer to the required size. */ bool GrowStringBuffer(size_t a_uiMinSize); /*! @brief Compare two (possible NULL) strings */ static int fileSortCompare(const void *a1, const void *a2); private: unsigned int m_uiFlags; ARG_ARRAY_TYPE m_nArgArrayType; //!< is the argv array storing indexes or pointers SOCHAR ** m_rgpArgs; //!< argv array int m_nReservedSlots; //!< number of client reserved slots in the argv array int m_nArgsSize; //!< allocated size of array int m_nArgsLen; //!< used length SOCHAR * m_pBuffer; //!< argv string buffer size_t m_uiBufferSize; //!< allocated size of buffer size_t m_uiBufferLen; //!< used length of buffer SOCHAR m_szPathPrefix[MAX_PATH]; //!< path prefix of any wildcard filenames }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IMPLEMENTATION // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<class SOCHAR> CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::CSimpleGlobTempl( unsigned int a_uiFlags, int a_nReservedSlots ) { m_rgpArgs = NULL; m_nArgsSize = 0; m_pBuffer = NULL; m_uiBufferSize = 0; Init(a_uiFlags, a_nReservedSlots); } template<class SOCHAR> CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::~CSimpleGlobTempl() { if (m_rgpArgs) free(m_rgpArgs); if (m_pBuffer) free(m_pBuffer); } template<class SOCHAR> int CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::Init( unsigned int a_uiFlags, int a_nReservedSlots ) { m_nArgArrayType = POINTERS; m_uiFlags = a_uiFlags; m_nArgsLen = a_nReservedSlots; m_nReservedSlots = a_nReservedSlots; m_uiBufferLen = 0; if (m_nReservedSlots > 0) { if (!GrowArgvArray(m_nReservedSlots)) { return SG_ERR_MEMORY; } for (int n = 0; n < m_nReservedSlots; ++n) { m_rgpArgs[n] = NULL; } } return SG_SUCCESS; } template<class SOCHAR> int CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::Add( const SOCHAR *a_pszFileSpec ) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows FindFirst/FindNext recognizes forward slash as the same as backward slash // and follows the directories. We need to do the same when calculating the prefix // and when we have no wildcards. SOCHAR szFileSpec[MAX_PATH]; SimpleGlobUtil::strcpy_s(szFileSpec, MAX_PATH, a_pszFileSpec); const SOCHAR * pszPath = SimpleGlobUtil::strchr(szFileSpec, '/'); while (pszPath) { szFileSpec[pszPath - szFileSpec] = SG_PATH_CHAR; pszPath = SimpleGlobUtil::strchr(pszPath + 1, '/'); } a_pszFileSpec = szFileSpec; #endif // if this doesn't contain wildcards then we can just add it directly m_szPathPrefix[0] = 0; if (!SimpleGlobUtil::strchr(a_pszFileSpec, '*') && !SimpleGlobUtil::strchr(a_pszFileSpec, '?')) { SG_FileType nType = GetFileTypeS(a_pszFileSpec); if (nType == SG_FILETYPE_INVALID) { if (m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_NOCHECK) { return AppendName(a_pszFileSpec, false); } return SG_ERR_NOMATCH; } return AppendName(a_pszFileSpec, nType == SG_FILETYPE_DIR); } #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows doesn't return the directory with the filename, so we need to extract the // path from the search string ourselves and prefix it to the filename we get back. const SOCHAR * pszFilename = SimpleGlobUtil::strrchr(a_pszFileSpec, SG_PATH_CHAR); if (pszFilename) { SimpleGlobUtil::strcpy_s(m_szPathPrefix, MAX_PATH, a_pszFileSpec); m_szPathPrefix[pszFilename - a_pszFileSpec + 1] = 0; } #endif // search for the first match on the file int rc = FindFirstFileS(a_pszFileSpec, m_uiFlags); if (rc != SG_SUCCESS) { if (rc == SG_ERR_NOMATCH && (m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_NOCHECK)) { int ok = AppendName(a_pszFileSpec, false); if (ok != SG_SUCCESS) rc = ok; } return rc; } // add it and find all subsequent matches int nError, nStartLen = m_nArgsLen; bool bSuccess; do { nError = AppendName(GetFileNameS((SOCHAR)0), IsDirS((SOCHAR)0)); bSuccess = FindNextFileS((SOCHAR)0); } while (nError == SG_SUCCESS && bSuccess); SimpleGlobBase<SOCHAR>::FindDone(); // sort these files if required if (m_nArgsLen > nStartLen && !(m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_NOSORT)) { if (m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_FULLSORT) { nStartLen = m_nReservedSlots; } SetArgvArrayType(POINTERS); qsort( m_rgpArgs + nStartLen, m_nArgsLen - nStartLen, sizeof(m_rgpArgs[0]), fileSortCompare); } return nError; } template<class SOCHAR> int CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::Add( int a_nCount, const SOCHAR * const * a_rgpszFileSpec ) { int nResult; for (int n = 0; n < a_nCount; ++n) { nResult = Add(a_rgpszFileSpec[n]); if (nResult != SG_SUCCESS) { return nResult; } } return SG_SUCCESS; } template<class SOCHAR> int CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::AppendName( const SOCHAR * a_pszFileName, bool a_bIsDir ) { // we need the argv array as offsets in case we resize it SetArgvArrayType(OFFSETS); // check for special cases which cause us to ignore this entry if ((m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_ONLYDIR) && !a_bIsDir) { return SG_SUCCESS; } if ((m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_ONLYFILE) && a_bIsDir) { return SG_SUCCESS; } if ((m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_NODOT) && a_bIsDir) { if (a_pszFileName[0] == '.') { if (a_pszFileName[1] == '\0') { return SG_SUCCESS; } if (a_pszFileName[1] == '.' && a_pszFileName[2] == '\0') { return SG_SUCCESS; } } } // ensure that we have enough room in the argv array if (!GrowArgvArray(m_nArgsLen + 1)) { return SG_ERR_MEMORY; } // ensure that we have enough room in the string buffer size_t uiPrefixLen = SimpleGlobUtil::strlen(m_szPathPrefix); size_t uiLen = uiPrefixLen + SimpleGlobUtil::strlen(a_pszFileName) + 1; // + null character if (a_bIsDir && (m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_MARK) == SG_GLOB_MARK) { ++uiLen; // need space for the backslash } if (!GrowStringBuffer(m_uiBufferLen + uiLen)) { return SG_ERR_MEMORY; } // add this entry m_rgpArgs[m_nArgsLen++] = (SOCHAR*)m_uiBufferLen; // offset from beginning of buffer SimpleGlobUtil::strcpy_s(m_pBuffer + m_uiBufferLen, m_uiBufferSize - m_uiBufferLen, m_szPathPrefix); SimpleGlobUtil::strcpy_s(m_pBuffer + m_uiBufferLen + uiPrefixLen, m_uiBufferSize - m_uiBufferLen - uiPrefixLen, a_pszFileName); m_uiBufferLen += uiLen; // add the directory slash if desired if (a_bIsDir && (m_uiFlags & SG_GLOB_MARK) == SG_GLOB_MARK) { const static SOCHAR szDirSlash[] = { SG_PATH_CHAR, 0 }; SimpleGlobUtil::strcpy_s(m_pBuffer + m_uiBufferLen - 2, m_uiBufferSize - (m_uiBufferLen - 2), szDirSlash); } return SG_SUCCESS; } template<class SOCHAR> void CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::SetArgvArrayType( ARG_ARRAY_TYPE a_nNewType ) { if (m_nArgArrayType == a_nNewType) return; if (a_nNewType == POINTERS) { SG_ASSERT(m_nArgArrayType == OFFSETS); for (int n = 0; n < m_nArgsLen; ++n) { m_rgpArgs[n] = (m_rgpArgs[n] == (SOCHAR*)-1) ? NULL : m_pBuffer + (size_t) m_rgpArgs[n]; } } else { SG_ASSERT(a_nNewType == OFFSETS); SG_ASSERT(m_nArgArrayType == POINTERS); for (int n = 0; n < m_nArgsLen; ++n) { m_rgpArgs[n] = (m_rgpArgs[n] == NULL) ? (SOCHAR*) -1 : (SOCHAR*) (m_rgpArgs[n] - m_pBuffer); } } m_nArgArrayType = a_nNewType; } template<class SOCHAR> bool CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::GrowArgvArray( int a_nNewLen ) { if (a_nNewLen >= m_nArgsSize) { static const int SG_ARGV_INITIAL_SIZE = 32; int nNewSize = (m_nArgsSize > 0) ? m_nArgsSize * 2 : SG_ARGV_INITIAL_SIZE; while (a_nNewLen >= nNewSize) { nNewSize *= 2; } void * pNewBuffer = realloc(m_rgpArgs, nNewSize * sizeof(SOCHAR*)); if (!pNewBuffer) return false; m_nArgsSize = nNewSize; m_rgpArgs = (SOCHAR**) pNewBuffer; } return true; } template<class SOCHAR> bool CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::GrowStringBuffer( size_t a_uiMinSize ) { if (a_uiMinSize >= m_uiBufferSize) { static const int SG_BUFFER_INITIAL_SIZE = 1024; size_t uiNewSize = (m_uiBufferSize > 0) ? m_uiBufferSize * 2 : SG_BUFFER_INITIAL_SIZE; while (a_uiMinSize >= uiNewSize) { uiNewSize *= 2; } void * pNewBuffer = realloc(m_pBuffer, uiNewSize * sizeof(SOCHAR)); if (!pNewBuffer) return false; m_uiBufferSize = uiNewSize; m_pBuffer = (SOCHAR*) pNewBuffer; } return true; } template<class SOCHAR> int CSimpleGlobTempl<SOCHAR>::fileSortCompare( const void *a1, const void *a2 ) { const SOCHAR * s1 = *(const SOCHAR **)a1; const SOCHAR * s2 = *(const SOCHAR **)a2; if (s1 && s2) { return SimpleGlobUtil::strcasecmp(s1, s2); } // NULL sorts first return s1 == s2 ? 0 : (s1 ? 1 : -1); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TYPE DEFINITIONS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef CSimpleGlobTempl<char> CSimpleGlobA; /*!< @brief ASCII/MBCS version of CSimpleGlob */ typedef CSimpleGlobTempl<wchar_t> CSimpleGlobW; /*!< @brief wchar_t version of CSimpleGlob */ #if defined(_UNICODE) # define CSimpleGlob CSimpleGlobW /*!< @brief TCHAR version dependent on if _UNICODE is defined */ #else # define CSimpleGlob CSimpleGlobA /*!< @brief TCHAR version dependent on if _UNICODE is defined */ #endif #endif // INCLUDED_SimpleGlob