autogen definitions floating_point_test.tpl;

endian_type = {
	end_name		= little ;
	end_type		= SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE ;
	} ;

endian_type = {
	end_name		= big ;
	end_type		= SF_ENDIAN_BIG ;
	} ;

float_type = {
	float_name		= float ;
	minor_type		= SF_FORMAT_FLOAT ;
	} ;

float_type = {
	float_name		= double ;
	minor_type		= SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE ;
	} ;

int_type = {
	int_name		= short ;
	int_max			= 0x7FFF ;
	} ;

int_type = {
	int_name		= int ;
	int_max			= 0x7FFFFFFF ;
	} ;

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