/***************************************************************************** * sangoma_pri.c libpri Sangoma integration * * Author(s): Anthony Minessale II <anthmct@yahoo.com> * Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> * * Copyright: (c) 2005 Anthony Minessale II * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * ============================================================================ */ #include "openzap.h" #include <sangoma_pri.h> #ifndef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY #ifdef WIN32 #include <mmsystem.h> static __inline int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *nothing) { #ifdef WITHOUT_MM_LIB SYSTEMTIME st; time_t tt; struct tm tmtm; /* mktime converts local to UTC */ GetLocalTime (&st); tmtm.tm_sec = st.wSecond; tmtm.tm_min = st.wMinute; tmtm.tm_hour = st.wHour; tmtm.tm_mday = st.wDay; tmtm.tm_mon = st.wMonth - 1; tmtm.tm_year = st.wYear - 1900; tmtm.tm_isdst = -1; tt = mktime (&tmtm); tp->tv_sec = tt; tp->tv_usec = st.wMilliseconds * 1000; #else /** ** The earlier time calculations using GetLocalTime ** had a time resolution of 10ms.The timeGetTime, part ** of multimedia apis offer a better time resolution ** of 1ms.Need to link against winmm.lib for this **/ unsigned long Ticks = 0; unsigned long Sec =0; unsigned long Usec = 0; Ticks = timeGetTime(); Sec = Ticks/1000; Usec = (Ticks - (Sec*1000))*1000; tp->tv_sec = Sec; tp->tv_usec = Usec; #endif /* WITHOUT_MM_LIB */ (void)nothing; return 0; } #endif /* WIN32 */ #endif /* HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY */ static struct sangoma_pri_event_list SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_LIST[] = { {0, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_ANY, "ANY"}, {1, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_DCHAN_UP, "DCHAN_UP"}, {2, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_DCHAN_DOWN, "DCHAN_DOWN"}, {3, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_RESTART, "RESTART"}, {4, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_CONFIG_ERR, "CONFIG_ERR"}, {5, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_RING, "RING"}, {6, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_HANGUP, "HANGUP"}, {7, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_RINGING, "RINGING"}, {8, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_ANSWER, "ANSWER"}, {9, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_HANGUP_ACK, "HANGUP_ACK"}, {10, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_RESTART_ACK, "RESTART_ACK"}, {11, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_FACNAME, "FACNAME"}, {12, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_INFO_RECEIVED, "INFO_RECEIVED"}, {13, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_PROCEEDING, "PROCEEDING"}, {14, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_SETUP_ACK, "SETUP_ACK"}, {15, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_HANGUP_REQ, "HANGUP_REQ"}, {16, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_NOTIFY, "NOTIFY"}, {17, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_PROGRESS, "PROGRESS"}, {18, SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_KEYPAD_DIGIT, "KEYPAD_DIGIT"} }; #define LINE "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" char *sangoma_pri_event_str(sangoma_pri_event_t event_id) { return SANGOMA_PRI_EVENT_LIST[event_id].name; } static int __pri_sangoma_read(struct pri *pri, void *buf, int buflen) { struct sangoma_pri *spri = (struct sangoma_pri *) pri->userdata; zap_size_t len = buflen; int res; char bb[4096] = ""; if (zap_channel_read(spri->zdchan, buf, &len) != ZAP_SUCCESS) { printf("D-READ FAIL! [%s]\n", spri->zdchan->last_error); return 0; } res = (int)len; memset(&((unsigned char*)buf)[res],0,2); res+=2; //print_bits(buf, res-2, bb, sizeof(bb), 1, 0); //zap_log(ZAP_LOG_DEBUG, "READ %d\n%s\n%s\n\n", res-2, LINE, bb); return res; } static int __pri_sangoma_write(struct pri *pri, void *buf, int buflen) { struct sangoma_pri *spri = (struct sangoma_pri *) pri->userdata; int res; zap_size_t len = buflen -2; char bb[4096] = ""; if (zap_channel_write(spri->zdchan, buf, buflen, &len) != ZAP_SUCCESS) { printf("D-WRITE FAIL! [%s]\n", spri->zdchan->last_error); return 0; } //print_bits(buf, (int)buflen-2, bb, sizeof(bb), 1, 0); //zap_log(ZAP_LOG_DEBUG, "WRITE %d\n%s\n%s\n\n", (int)buflen-2, LINE, bb); return (int) buflen; } int sangoma_init_pri(struct sangoma_pri *spri, int span, int dchan, int swtype, int node, int debug) { int ret = -1; zap_socket_t dfd = 0; memset(spri, 0, sizeof(struct sangoma_pri)); if (zap_channel_open(span, dchan, &spri->zdchan) != ZAP_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open DCHAN %d for span %d (%s)\n", dchan, span, strerror(errno)); } else { if ((spri->pri = pri_new_cb(spri->zdchan->sockfd, node, swtype, __pri_sangoma_read, __pri_sangoma_write, spri))){ spri->span = span; pri_set_debug(spri->pri, debug); ret = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create PRI\n"); } } return ret; } int sangoma_one_loop(struct sangoma_pri *spri) { fd_set rfds, efds; struct timeval now = {0,0}, *next; pri_event *event; int sel; if (spri->on_loop) { spri->on_loop(spri); } FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&efds); #ifdef _MSC_VER //Windows macro for FD_SET includes a warning C4127: conditional expression is constant #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4127) #endif FD_SET(spri->pri->fd, &rfds); FD_SET(spri->pri->fd, &efds); #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif if ((next = pri_schedule_next(spri->pri))) { gettimeofday(&now, NULL); now.tv_sec = next->tv_sec - now.tv_sec; now.tv_usec = next->tv_usec - now.tv_usec; if (now.tv_usec < 0) { now.tv_usec += 1000000; now.tv_sec -= 1; } if (now.tv_sec < 0) { now.tv_sec = 0; now.tv_usec = 0; } } sel = select(spri->pri->fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, &efds, next ? &now : NULL); event = NULL; if (!sel) { event = pri_schedule_run(spri->pri); } else if (sel > 0) { event = pri_check_event(spri->pri); } if (event) { event_handler handler; /* 0 is catchall event handler */ if ((handler = spri->eventmap[event->e] ? spri->eventmap[event->e] : spri->eventmap[0] ? spri->eventmap[0] : NULL)) { handler(spri, event->e, event); } else { fprintf(stderr,"No event handler found for event %d.\n", event->e); } } return sel; } int sangoma_run_pri(struct sangoma_pri *spri) { int ret = 0; for (;;){ ret=sangoma_one_loop(spri); if (ret < 0){ #ifndef WIN32 //This needs to be adressed fror WIN32 still if (errno == EINTR){ /* Igonore an interrupted system call */ continue; } #endif printf("Error = %i\n",ret); perror("Sangoma Run Pri: "); break; } } return ret; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: */