#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 1 }; sub Term::Visual::DEBUG () { 1 } sub Term::Visual::DEBUG_FILE () { 'test.log' } use IO::Socket; use POE qw/Filter::FSSocket Component::Client::TCP/; use Data::Dumper; use Term::Visual; local *D; if (Term::Visual::DEBUG) { *D = *Term::Visual::ERRS; } #local *ERROR = *STDERR; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { if (Term::Visual::DEBUG) { print Term::Visual::ERRS "Died: @_\n"; } }; ############################################################################### ## BEGIN Globals ############################################################## ############################################################################### our $server_address = ""; our $server_port = "8021"; our $server_secret = "ClueCon"; #this is where you can customize the color scheme our %Pallet = ( 'warn_bullet' => 'bold yellow', 'err_bullet' => 'bold red', 'out_bullet' => 'bold green', 'access' => 'bright red on blue', 'current' => 'bright yellow on blue', ); our $terminal; my %sockets; my %windows; my %unread_count; my %commands = ( 'window' => 1, 'w' => 1, 'win' => 1, ); ############################################################################### ## END Globals ############################################################## ############################################################################### #setup our session POE::Session->create( 'inline_states' => { '_start' => \&handle_start, #session start '_stop' => \&handle_stop, #session stop 'curses_input' => \&handle_curses_input, #input from the keyboard 'update_time' => \&handle_update_time, #update the status line clock 'quit' => \&handle_quit, #handler to do any cleanup 'server_input' => \&handle_server_input, '_default' => \&handle_default, }, 'heap' => { 'terminal' => undef, 'freeswitch' => undef, }, ); #start the kernel a chugging along $poe_kernel->run; ############################################################################### ## BEGIN Handlers ############################################################# ############################################################################### #handles any startup functions for our session sub handle_default { } sub handle_start { my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP]; #setup our terminal $heap->{'terminal'} = Term::Visual->new( 'Alias' => 'terminal', #poe alias for this 'History_Size' => 300, #number of things to keep in history 'Common_Input' => 1, #all windows share input and history 'Tab_Complete' => \&tab_complete, ); $terminal = $heap->{'terminal'}; #setup the color palette $terminal->set_palette(%Pallet); #create a base window my $window_id = $terminal->create_window( 'Window_Name' => 'console', 'Buffer_Size' => 3000, 'Title' => 'FreeSWITCH Console', 'Status' => { '0' => { 'format' => '%s', 'fields' => ['time'], }, '1' => { 'format' => '%s', 'fields' => ['window_status'], }, }, ); $windows{'console'} = $window_id; $window_id = $terminal->create_window( 'Window_Name' => 'log', 'Buffer_Size' => 3000, 'Title' => 'FreeSWITCH Logs', 'Status' => { '0' => { 'format' => '%s', 'fields' => ['time'], }, '1' => { 'format' => '%s', 'fields' => ['window_status'], }, }, ); $windows{'log'} = $window_id; $window_id = $terminal->create_window( 'Window_Name' => 'event', 'Buffer_Size' => 3000, 'Title' => 'FreeSWITCH Event', 'Status' => { '0' => { 'format' => '%s', 'fields' => ['time'], }, '1' => { 'format' => '%s', 'fields' => ['window_status'], }, }, ); $windows{'event'} = $window_id; #tell the terminal what to call when there is input from the keyboard $kernel->post('terminal' => 'send_me_input' => 'curses_input'); $terminal->change_window(0); $kernel->delay_set('update_time' => 1); $terminal->set_status_field(0, 'time' => scalar(localtime)); new_message('destination_window' => 0, 'message' => " Welcome to the FreeSWITCH POE Curses Console! The console is split into three windows: - 'console' for api response messages - 'log' for freeswitch log output (simply send the log level you want to start seeing events eg: 'log all') - 'event' for freeswitch event output (must subscribe in plain format eg: 'event plain all') To switch between windows type 'w set_status_field($terminal->current_window, 'window_status' => format_window_status()); #connect to freeswitch $heap->{'freeswitch'} = POE::Component::Client::TCP->new( 'RemoteAddress' => $server_address, 'RemotePort' => $server_port, 'ServerInput' => \&handle_server_input, 'Connected' => \&handle_fs_connected, 'ServerError' => \&handle_server_error, 'Disconnected' => \&handle_server_disconnect, 'Domain' => AF_INET, 'Filter' => POE::Filter::FSSocket->new(), ); } #called when users enter commands in a window sub handle_curses_input { my ($kernel, $heap, $input, $context) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; #get the id of the window that is responsible for the input my $window = $heap->{'terminal'}->current_window; open(ERROR, ">>error.log"); if($input eq "quit") { $kernel->yield('quit'); } elsif ($input =~ /^w\ (.*)$/) { #get the id of the requested window eval { my $window_id = $windows{$1}; #see if it's real if(defined($window_id)) { $unread_count{$window_id} = 0; $terminal->change_window($window_id); $terminal->set_status_field($window_id, 'window_status' => &format_window_status()); } }; if($@) { print ERROR "put error: $@\n"; } } else { #see if we got connected at some point if(defined($sockets{'localhost'})) { #send the command $sockets{'localhost'}->put($input); } } } sub handle_fs_connected { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; eval { $sockets{'localhost'} = $heap->{'server'}; } } #this is responsible for doing any cleanup and returning the terminal to the previous #state before we mucked with it sub handle_quit { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; #tell curses to clean up it's crap $kernel->post('terminal' => 'shutdown'); #there is probably a more elegant way, but this works for now exit; } #data from freeswitch sub handle_server_input { my ($kernel,$heap,$input) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0]; eval { #terminal HATES null if(defined($input->{'__DATA__'})) { $input->{'__DATA__'} =~ s/[\x00]//g; } #handle the login if($input->{'Content-Type'} eq "auth/request") { $heap->{'server'}->put("auth $server_secret"); } elsif ($input->{'Content-Type'} eq "api/response") { new_message('destination_window' => 0, 'message' => 'Response: '); new_message('destination_window' => 0, 'message' => $input->{'__DATA__'}); } elsif ($input->{'Content-Type'} eq "log/data") { new_message('destination_window' => 1, 'message' => $input->{'__DATA__'}); } elsif ($input->{'Content-Type'} eq "text/event-plain") { new_message('destination_window' => 2, 'message' => Dumper $input); } }; if($@) { open(ERROR, ">>error.log"); print ERROR "died: $@\n"; print ERROR Dumper $heap; close(ERROR); } } sub handle_server_error { } sub handle_server_disconnect { } sub tab_complete { my $left = shift; my @return; if(defined($commands{$left})) { return [$left . " "]; #} elsif () { } } sub handle_update_time { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $terminal->set_status_field($terminal->current_window, 'time' => scalar(localtime)); $kernel->delay_set('update_time' => 1); } ############################################################################### ## END Handlers ############################################################# ############################################################################### sub new_message { my %args = @_; my $message = $args{'message'}; my $destination_window = $args{'destination_window'}; my $status_field; #see if we are on the window being updated if($terminal->current_window != $destination_window) { #increment the unread count for the window #FIXME, should we count messages or lines? $unread_count{$destination_window}++; #update the status bar eval { $terminal->set_status_field($terminal->current_window, 'window_status' => &format_window_status()); }; if($@) { print $@; } } #deliver the message $terminal->print($destination_window, $message); } sub format_window_status { my $status_field; #put all the windows in the bar with their current unread count foreach my $window (sort {$windows{$a} <=> $windows{$b}} keys %windows) { #see if we are printing the current window if($terminal->current_window == $windows{$window}) { $status_field .= "[\0(current)$window\0(st_frames)"; } else { $status_field .= "[$window"; } if($unread_count{$windows{$window}}) { $status_field .= " (" . $unread_count{$windows{$window}} . ")"; } $status_field .= "] "; } return $status_field; }