The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
Anthony Minessale II <>
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.

The PRIMARY AUTHORS are (and/or have been):

 Anthony Minessale II <> - Primary developer of all core components
 	and many of the included modules.  Much of freeswitch is based on his work.
 Michael Jerris <> - Windows porter and responsible for the 
  windows\msvc build system.

And here is an inevitably incomplete list of MUCH-APPRECIATED CONTRIBUTORS --
people who have submitted patches, reported bugs, and generally made Freeswitch
that much better:

 Joshua Colp - For his help making mod_exosip possible, and for just being a swell guy!
 Brian K. West - For countless hours of work on BSD and Mac support, finding countless bugs, 
  and moral support.
 Michal "cypromis" Bielicki (michal.bielicki  AT - Solaris porting, and autotools enhancements.
 James Martelletti <> - All around cool guy (mod_syslog)
 Johny Kadarisman <>
 Yossi Neiman of Cartis Solutions, Inc. <freeswitch AT>  -  implementation of mod_cdr (perldd, mysql, csv)
A big THANK YOU goes to:

Justin Cassidy - Build related cleanups and automatic build setup.
Bret McDanel - Javascript Documentation, constant feedback and input, many other things I am sure I am forgetting.