/* * sieve.h - Trial division for prime finding. * * This is generally not intended for direct use by a user of the library; * the prime.c and dhprime.c functions. are more likely to be used. * However, a special application may need these. */ struct BigNum; /* Remove multiples of a single number from the sieve */ void sieveSingle(unsigned char *array, unsigned size, unsigned start, unsigned step); /* Build a sieve starting at the number and incrementing by "step". */ int sieveBuild(unsigned char *array, unsigned size, struct BigNum const *bn, unsigned step, unsigned dbl); /* Similar, but uses a >16-bit step size */ int sieveBuildBig(unsigned char *array, unsigned size, struct BigNum const *bn, struct BigNum const *step, unsigned dbl); /* Return the next bit set in the sieve (or 0 on failure) */ unsigned sieveSearch(unsigned char const *array, unsigned size, unsigned start);