/** @mainpage UniMRCP API Reference <br> @section Introduction UniMRCP is an open source project compliant with the IETF RFC6787 (MRCPv2) and RFC4463 (MRCPv1) specifications. The project encapsulates SIP, RTSP, SDP, MRCPv2, and RTP/RTCP stacks and provides integrators with a protocol version consistent interface. - Compliance: MRCPv1, MRCPv2 (client and server) - Resources: Synthesizer (TTS), Recognizer (ASR), Verifier (SVI), Recorder - License: Apache 2.0 - OS: Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, ...) - Language: C, C++ <br> <br> @section _ Source Tree Structure <br> @subsection Libraries - apr-toolkit - Set of utilities built on top of the APR and APR-util libraries (task abstraction, logging, etc). - mpf - Media processing framework. - mrcp - Implementation of MRCP basics (message, parser, resources). - mrcpv2-transport - Implementation of the MRCPv2 transport layer. - mrcp-signaling - Abstract MRCP signaling (session management) interface. - mrcp-engine - Abstract resource engine interface. - mrcp-client - Implementation of an MRCP client stack based on the abstract signaling interface. - mrcp-server - Implementation of an MRCP server stack based on the abstract signaling and engine interfaces. - uni-rtsp - Implementation of a minimal RTSP stack required for MRCPv1. <br> @subsection Modules - mrcp-sofiasip - Implementation of the abstract signaling interface using the SofiaSIP library. - mrcp-unirtsp - Implementation of the abstract signaling interface using the UniRTSP library. <br> @subsection Plugins - demo-synth - Implementation of a TTS plugin which simulates synthesis. - demo-recog - Implementation of an ASR plugin which simulates recognition. - demo-verif - Implementation of an SVI plugin which simulates speaker verification. - mrcp-recorder - Implementation of a recorder plugin. <br> @subsection Platforms - libunimrcpclient - The UniMRCP client stack built on top of the underlying mrcp-client library using the mrcp-sofiasip and mrcp-unirtsp modules. - libunimrcpserver - The UniMRCP server stack based on top of the underlying mrcp-server library using the mrcp-sofiasip and mrcp-unirtsp modules. - unimrcpclient - Sample C application based on the UniMRCP client stack. - umc - Sample C++ application based on the UniMRCP client stack. - unimrcpserver - The UniMRCP server application. <br> @section Dependencies - <a href="http://apr.apache.org"> APR - Apache Portable Runtime Library </a> - <a href="http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net"> Sofia-SIP - SIP User Agent Library </a> <br> @section Project Links - <a href="http://www.unimrcp.org"> Website </a> - <a href="http://www.unimrcp.org/downloads"> Downloads </a> - <a href="http://www.unimrcp.org/documentation"> Documentation </a> - <a href="http://code.google.com/p/unimrcp/issues/list"> Issue Tracker </a> - <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/unimrcp"> Discussion Group </a> <br> */