/* * Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * jquery.FSRTC.js - WebRTC Glue code * */ (function($) { // Find the line in sdpLines that starts with |prefix|, and, if specified, // contains |substr| (case-insensitive search). function findLine(sdpLines, prefix, substr) { return findLineInRange(sdpLines, 0, -1, prefix, substr); } // Find the line in sdpLines[startLine...endLine - 1] that starts with |prefix| // and, if specified, contains |substr| (case-insensitive search). function findLineInRange(sdpLines, startLine, endLine, prefix, substr) { var realEndLine = (endLine != -1) ? endLine : sdpLines.length; for (var i = startLine; i < realEndLine; ++i) { if (sdpLines[i].indexOf(prefix) === 0) { if (!substr || sdpLines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(substr.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return i; } } } return null; } // Gets the codec payload type from an a=rtpmap:X line. function getCodecPayloadType(sdpLine) { var pattern = new RegExp('a=rtpmap:(\\d+) \\w+\\/\\d+'); var result = sdpLine.match(pattern); return (result && result.length == 2) ? result[1] : null; } // Returns a new m= line with the specified codec as the first one. function setDefaultCodec(mLine, payload) { var elements = mLine.split(' '); var newLine = []; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (index === 3) // Format of media starts from the fourth. newLine[index++] = payload; // Put target payload to the first. if (elements[i] !== payload) newLine[index++] = elements[i]; } return newLine.join(' '); } $.FSRTC = function(options) { this.options = $.extend({ useVideo: null, useStereo: false, userData: null, iceServers: false, videoParams: {}, callbacks: { onICEComplete: function() {}, onICE: function() {}, onOfferSDP: function() {} } }, options); this.mediaData = { SDP: null, profile: {}, candidateList: [] }; this.constraints = { optional: [{ 'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement': 'true' }], mandatory: { OfferToReceiveAudio: true, OfferToReceiveVideo: this.options.useVideo ? true : false, } }; if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'none'; } setCompat(); checkCompat(); }; $.FSRTC.prototype.useVideo = function(obj) { var self = this; if (obj) { self.options.useVideo = obj; self.constraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo = true; } else { self.options.useVideo = null; self.constraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo = false; } if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'none'; } }; $.FSRTC.prototype.useStereo = function(on) { var self = this; self.options.useStereo = on; }; // Sets Opus in stereo if stereo is enabled, by adding the stereo=1 fmtp param. $.FSRTC.prototype.stereoHack = function(sdp) { var self = this; if (!self.options.useStereo) { return sdp; } var sdpLines = sdp.split('\r\n'); // Find opus payload. var opusIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=rtpmap', 'opus/48000'), opusPayload; if (opusIndex) { opusPayload = getCodecPayloadType(sdpLines[opusIndex]); } // Find the payload in fmtp line. var fmtpLineIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=fmtp:' + opusPayload.toString()); if (fmtpLineIndex === null) return sdp; // Append stereo=1 to fmtp line. sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex] = sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex].concat('; stereo=1'); sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n'); return sdp; }; function setCompat() { $.FSRTC.moz = !!navigator.mozGetUserMedia; //navigator.getUserMedia || (navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia); if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia; } } function checkCompat() { if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { alert('This application cannot function in this browser.'); return false; } return true; } function onStreamError(self) { console.log('There has been a problem retrieving the streams - did you allow access?'); } function onStreamSuccess(self) { console.log("Stream Success"); } function onICE(self, candidate) { self.mediaData.candidate = candidate; self.mediaData.candidateList.push(self.mediaData.candidate); doCallback(self, "onICE"); } function doCallback(self, func, arg) { if (func in self.options.callbacks) { self.options.callbacks[func](self, arg); } } function onICEComplete(self, candidate) { console.log("ICE Complete"); doCallback(self, "onICEComplete"); } function onChannelError(self, e) { console.error("Channel Error", e); doCallback(self, "onError", e); } function onICESDP(self, sdp) { self.mediaData.SDP = self.stereoHack(sdp.sdp); console.log("ICE SDP"); doCallback(self, "onICESDP"); } function onAnswerSDP(self, sdp) { self.answer.SDP = self.stereoHack(sdp.sdp); console.log("ICE ANSWER SDP"); doCallback(self, "onAnswerSDP", self.answer.SDP); } function onMessage(self, msg) { console.log("Message"); doCallback(self, "onICESDP", msg); } function onRemoteStream(self, stream) { if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'block'; } var element = self.options.useAudio; console.log("REMOTE STREAM", stream, element); if (typeof element.srcObject !== 'undefined') { element.srcObject = stream; } else if (typeof element.mozSrcObject !== 'undefined') { element.mozSrcObject = stream; } else if (typeof element.src !== 'undefined') { element.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); } else { console.error('Error attaching stream to element.'); } self.options.useAudio.play(); self.remoteStream = stream; } function onOfferSDP(self, sdp) { self.mediaData.SDP = self.stereoHack(sdp.sdp); console.log("Offer SDP"); doCallback(self, "onOfferSDP"); } $.FSRTC.prototype.answer = function(sdp, onSuccess, onError) { this.peer.addAnswerSDP({ type: "answer", sdp: sdp }, onSuccess, onError); }; $.FSRTC.prototype.stop = function() { var self = this; if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'none'; } if (self.localStream) { self.localStream.stop(); self.localStream = null; } if (self.peer) { console.log("stopping peer"); self.peer.stop(); } }; $.FSRTC.prototype.createAnswer = function(sdp) { var self = this; self.type = "answer"; self.remoteSDP = sdp; console.debug("inbound sdp: ", sdp); function onSuccess(stream) { self.localStream = stream; self.peer = RTCPeerConnection({ type: self.type, attachStream: self.localStream, onICE: function(candidate) { return onICE(self, candidate); }, onICEComplete: function() { return onICEComplete(self); }, onRemoteStream: function(stream) { return onRemoteStream(self, stream); }, onICESDP: function(sdp) { return onICESDP(self, sdp); }, onChannelError: function(e) { return onChannelError(self, e); }, constraints: self.constraints, iceServers: self.options.iceServers, offerSDP: { type: "offer", sdp: self.remoteSDP } }); onStreamSuccess(self); } function onError() { onStreamError(self); } getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: true, video: this.options.useVideo ? { mandatory: this.options.videoParams, optional: [] } : null }, video: this.options.useVideo ? true : false, onsuccess: onSuccess, onerror: onError }); }; $.FSRTC.prototype.call = function(profile) { checkCompat(); var self = this; self.type = "offer"; function onSuccess(stream) { self.localStream = stream; self.peer = RTCPeerConnection({ type: self.type, attachStream: self.localStream, onICE: function(candidate) { return onICE(self, candidate); }, onICEComplete: function() { return onICEComplete(self); }, onRemoteStream: function(stream) { return onRemoteStream(self, stream); }, onOfferSDP: function(sdp) { return onOfferSDP(self, sdp); }, onICESDP: function(sdp) { return onICESDP(self, sdp); }, onChannelError: function(e) { return onChannelError(self, e); }, constraints: self.constraints, iceServers: self.options.iceServers, }); onStreamSuccess(self); } function onError() { onStreamError(self); } getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: true, video: this.options.useVideo ? { mandatory: this.options.videoParams, optional: [] } : null }, video: this.options.useVideo ? true : false, onsuccess: onSuccess, onerror: onError }); /* navigator.getUserMedia({ video: this.options.useVideo, audio: true }, onSuccess, onError); */ }; // DERIVED from RTCPeerConnection-v1.5 // 2013, @muazkh - github.com/muaz-khan // MIT License - https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/licence/ // Documentation - https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment/tree/master/RTCPeerConnection window.moz = !!navigator.mozGetUserMedia; function RTCPeerConnection(options) { var w = window, PeerConnection = w.mozRTCPeerConnection || w.webkitRTCPeerConnection, SessionDescription = w.mozRTCSessionDescription || w.RTCSessionDescription, IceCandidate = w.mozRTCIceCandidate || w.RTCIceCandidate; var STUN = { url: !moz ? 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' : 'stun:' }; var TURN = { url: 'turn:homeo@turn.bistri.com:80', credential: 'homeo' }; var iceServers = null; if (options.iceServers) { var tmp = options.iceServers;; if (typeof(tmp) === "boolean") { tmp = null; } if (tmp && typeof(tmp) !== "array") { console.warn("iceServers must be an array, reverting to default ice servers"); tmp = null; } iceServers = { iceServers: tmp || [STUN] }; if (!moz && !tmp) { if (parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./)[2]) >= 28) TURN = { url: 'turn:turn.bistri.com:80', credential: 'homeo', username: 'homeo' }; iceServers.iceServers = [STUN]; } } var optional = { optional: [] }; if (!moz) { optional.optional = [{ DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true }, { RtpDataChannels: options.onChannelMessage ? true : false }]; } var peer = new PeerConnection(iceServers, optional); openOffererChannel(); var x = 0; peer.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (event.candidate) { options.onICE(event.candidate); } else { if (options.onICEComplete) { options.onICEComplete(); } if (options.type == "offer") { if (!moz && !x && options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(peer.localDescription); //x = 1; /* x = 1; peer.createOffer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); if (options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(sessionDescription); } }, onSdpError, constraints); */ } } else { if (!x && options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(peer.localDescription); //x = 1; /* x = 1; peer.createAnswer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); if (options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(sessionDescription); } }, onSdpError, constraints); */ } } } }; // attachStream = MediaStream; if (options.attachStream) peer.addStream(options.attachStream); // attachStreams[0] = audio-stream; // attachStreams[1] = video-stream; // attachStreams[2] = screen-capturing-stream; if (options.attachStreams && options.attachStream.length) { var streams = options.attachStreams; for (var i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { peer.addStream(streams[i]); } } peer.onaddstream = function(event) { var remoteMediaStream = event.stream; // onRemoteStreamEnded(MediaStream) remoteMediaStream.onended = function() { if (options.onRemoteStreamEnded) options.onRemoteStreamEnded(remoteMediaStream); }; // onRemoteStream(MediaStream) if (options.onRemoteStream) options.onRemoteStream(remoteMediaStream); //console.debug('on:add:stream', remoteMediaStream); }; var constraints = options.constraints || { optional: [], mandatory: { OfferToReceiveAudio: true, OfferToReceiveVideo: true } }; // onOfferSDP(RTCSessionDescription) function createOffer() { if (!options.onOfferSDP) return; peer.createOffer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); options.onOfferSDP(sessionDescription); if (moz && options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(sessionDescription); } }, onSdpError, constraints); } // onAnswerSDP(RTCSessionDescription) function createAnswer() { if (options.type != "answer") return; //options.offerSDP.sdp = addStereo(options.offerSDP.sdp); peer.setRemoteDescription(new SessionDescription(options.offerSDP), onSdpSuccess, onSdpError); peer.createAnswer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); if (options.onAnswerSDP) { options.onAnswerSDP(sessionDescription); } }, onSdpError, constraints); } // if Mozilla Firefox & DataChannel; offer/answer will be created later if ((options.onChannelMessage && !moz) || !options.onChannelMessage) { createOffer(); createAnswer(); } // DataChannel Bandwidth function setBandwidth(sdp) { // remove existing bandwidth lines sdp = sdp.replace(/b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g, ''); sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:data\r\n/g, 'a=mid:data\r\nb=AS:1638400\r\n'); return sdp; } // old: FF<>Chrome interoperability management function getInteropSDP(sdp) { var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split(''), extractedChars = ''; function getChars() { extractedChars += chars[parseInt(Math.random() * 40)] || ''; if (extractedChars.length < 40) getChars(); return extractedChars; } // usually audio-only streaming failure occurs out of audio-specific crypto line // a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 --------- kAttributeCryptoVoice if (options.onAnswerSDP) sdp = sdp.replace(/(a=crypto:0 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32)(.*?)(\r\n)/g, ''); // video-specific crypto line i.e. SHA1_80 // a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 --------- kAttributeCryptoVideo var inline = getChars() + '\r\n' + (extractedChars = ''); sdp = sdp.indexOf('a=crypto') == -1 ? sdp.replace(/c=IN/g, 'a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:' + inline + 'c=IN') : sdp; return sdp; } function serializeSdp(sdp) { //if (!moz) sdp = setBandwidth(sdp); //sdp = getInteropSDP(sdp); //console.debug(sdp); return sdp; } // DataChannel management var channel; function openOffererChannel() { if (!options.onChannelMessage || (moz && !options.onOfferSDP)) return; _openOffererChannel(); if (!moz) return; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({ audio: true, fake: true }, function(stream) { peer.addStream(stream); createOffer(); }, useless); } function _openOffererChannel() { channel = peer.createDataChannel(options.channel || 'RTCDataChannel', moz ? {} : { reliable: false }); if (moz) channel.binaryType = 'blob'; setChannelEvents(); } function setChannelEvents() { channel.onmessage = function(event) { if (options.onChannelMessage) options.onChannelMessage(event); }; channel.onopen = function() { if (options.onChannelOpened) options.onChannelOpened(channel); }; channel.onclose = function(event) { if (options.onChannelClosed) options.onChannelClosed(event); console.warn('WebRTC DataChannel closed', event); }; channel.onerror = function(event) { if (options.onChannelError) options.onChannelError(event); console.error('WebRTC DataChannel error', event); }; } if (options.onAnswerSDP && moz && options.onChannelMessage) openAnswererChannel(); function openAnswererChannel() { peer.ondatachannel = function(event) { channel = event.channel; channel.binaryType = 'blob'; setChannelEvents(); }; if (!moz) return; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({ audio: true, fake: true }, function(stream) { peer.addStream(stream); createAnswer(); }, useless); } // fake:true is also available on chrome under a flag! function useless() { log('Error in fake:true'); } function onSdpSuccess() {} function onSdpError(e) { if (options.onChannelError) { options.onChannelError(e); } console.error('sdp error:', e); } return { addAnswerSDP: function(sdp, cbSuccess, cbError) { peer.setRemoteDescription(new SessionDescription(sdp), cbSuccess ? cbSuccess : onSdpSuccess, cbError ? cbError : onSdpError); }, addICE: function(candidate) { peer.addIceCandidate(new IceCandidate({ sdpMLineIndex: candidate.sdpMLineIndex, candidate: candidate.candidate })); }, peer: peer, channel: channel, sendData: function(message) { if (channel) { channel.send(message); } }, stop: function() { peer.close(); if (options.attachStream) { options.attachStream.stop(); } } }; } // getUserMedia var video_constraints = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] }; function getUserMedia(options) { var n = navigator, media; n.getMedia = n.webkitGetUserMedia || n.mozGetUserMedia; n.getMedia(options.constraints || { audio: true, video: video_constraints }, streaming, options.onerror || function(e) { console.error(e); }); function streaming(stream) { var video = options.video; if (video) { video[moz ? 'mozSrcObject' : 'src'] = moz ? stream : window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream); //video.play(); } if (options.onsuccess) { options.onsuccess(stream); } media = stream; } return media; } })(jQuery); /* * Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is jquery.jsonrpclient.js modified for Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Textalk AB http://textalk.se/ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * jquery.jsonrpclient.js - JSON RPC client code * */ /** * This plugin requires jquery.json.js to be available, or at least the methods $.toJSON and * $.parseJSON. * * The plan is to make use of websockets if they are available, but work just as well with only * http if not. * * Usage example: * * var foo = new $.JsonRpcClient({ ajaxUrl: '/backend/jsonrpc' }); * foo.call( * 'bar', [ 'A parameter', 'B parameter' ], * function(result) { alert('Foo bar answered: ' + result.my_answer); }, * function(error) { console.log('There was an error', error); } * ); * * More examples are available in README.md */ (function($) { /** * @fn new * @memberof $.JsonRpcClient * * @param options An object stating the backends: * ajaxUrl A url (relative or absolute) to a http(s) backend. * socketUrl A url (relative of absolute) to a ws(s) backend. * onmessage A socket message handler for other messages (non-responses). * getSocket A function returning a WebSocket or null. * It must take an onmessage_cb and bind it to the onmessage event * (or chain it before/after some other onmessage handler). * Or, it could return null if no socket is available. * The returned instance must have readyState <= 1, and if less than 1, * react to onopen binding. */ $.JsonRpcClient = function(options) { var self = this; this.options = $.extend({ ajaxUrl : null, socketUrl : null, ///< The ws-url for default getSocket. onmessage : null, ///< Other onmessage-handler. login : null, /// auth login passwd : null, /// auth passwd sessid : null, getSocket : function(onmessage_cb) { return self._getSocket(onmessage_cb); } }, options); self.ws_cnt = 0; // Declare an instance version of the onmessage callback to wrap 'this'. this.wsOnMessage = function(event) { self._wsOnMessage(event); }; }; /// Holding the WebSocket on default getsocket. $.JsonRpcClient.prototype._ws_socket = null; /// Object : { success_cb: cb, error_cb: cb } $.JsonRpcClient.prototype._ws_callbacks = {}; /// The next JSON-RPC request id. $.JsonRpcClient.prototype._current_id = 1; /** * @fn call * @memberof $.JsonRpcClient * * @param method The method to run on JSON-RPC server. * @param params The params; an array or object. * @param success_cb A callback for successful request. * @param error_cb A callback for error. */ $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.call = function(method, params, success_cb, error_cb) { // Construct the JSON-RPC 2.0 request. if (!params) { params = {}; } if (this.options.sessid) { params.sessid = this.options.sessid; } var request = { jsonrpc : '2.0', method : method, params : params, id : this._current_id++ // Increase the id counter to match request/response }; if (!success_cb) { success_cb = function(e){console.log("Success: ", e);}; } if (!error_cb) { error_cb = function(e){console.log("Error: ", e);}; } // Try making a WebSocket call. var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage); if (socket !== null) { this._wsCall(socket, request, success_cb, error_cb); return; } // No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work. if (this.options.ajaxUrl === null) { throw "$.JsonRpcClient.call used with no websocket and no http endpoint."; } $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : this.options.ajaxUrl, data : $.toJSON(request), dataType : 'json', cache : false, success : function(data) { if ('error' in data) error_cb(data.error, this); success_cb(data.result, this); }, // JSON-RPC Server could return non-200 on error error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { try { var response = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText); if ('console' in window) console.log(response); error_cb(response.error, this); } catch (err) { // Perhaps the responseText wasn't really a jsonrpc-error. error_cb({ error: jqXHR.responseText }, this); } } }); }; /** * Notify sends a command to the server that won't need a response. In http, there is probably * an empty response - that will be dropped, but in ws there should be no response at all. * * This is very similar to call, but has no id and no handling of callbacks. * * @fn notify * @memberof $.JsonRpcClient * * @param method The method to run on JSON-RPC server. * @param params The params; an array or object. */ $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.notify = function(method, params) { // Construct the JSON-RPC 2.0 request. if (this.options.sessid) { params.sessid = this.options.sessid; } var request = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: method, params: params }; // Try making a WebSocket call. var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage); if (socket !== null) { this._wsCall(socket, request); return; } // No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work. if (this.options.ajaxUrl === null) { throw "$.JsonRpcClient.notify used with no websocket and no http endpoint."; } $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : this.options.ajaxUrl, data : $.toJSON(request), dataType : 'json', cache : false }); }; /** * Make a batch-call by using a callback. * * The callback will get an object "batch" as only argument. On batch, you can call the methods * "call" and "notify" just as if it was a normal $.JsonRpcClient object, and all calls will be * sent as a batch call then the callback is done. * * @fn batch * @memberof $.JsonRpcClient * * @param callback The main function which will get a batch handler to run call and notify on. * @param all_done_cb A callback function to call after all results have been handled. * @param error_cb A callback function to call if there is an error from the server. * Note, that batch calls should always get an overall success, and the * only error */ $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.batch = function(callback, all_done_cb, error_cb) { var batch = new $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject(this, all_done_cb, error_cb); callback(batch); batch._execute(); }; /** * The default getSocket handler. * * @param onmessage_cb The callback to be bound to onmessage events on the socket. * * @fn _getSocket * @memberof $.JsonRpcClient */ $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.socketReady = function() { if (this._ws_socket === null || this._ws_socket.readyState > 1) { return false; } return true; } $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.closeSocket = function() { if (self.socketReady()) { this._ws_socket.onclose = function (w) {console.log("Closing Socket")} this._ws_socket.close(); } } $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.loginData = function(params) { self.options.login = params.login; self.options.passwd = params.passwd; } $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.connectSocket = function(onmessage_cb) { var self = this; if (self.to) { clearTimeout(self.to); } if (!self.socketReady()) { self.authing = false; if (self._ws_socket) { delete self._ws_socket; } // No socket, or dying socket, let's get a new one. self._ws_socket = new WebSocket(self.options.socketUrl); if (self._ws_socket) { // Set up onmessage handler. self._ws_socket.onmessage = onmessage_cb; self._ws_socket.onclose = function (w) { if (!self.ws_sleep) { self.ws_sleep = 1000; } if (self.options.onWSClose) { self.options.onWSClose(self); } console.error("Websocket Lost " + self.ws_cnt + " sleep: " + self.ws_sleep + "msec"); self.to = setTimeout(function() { console.log("Attempting Reconnection...."); self.connectSocket(onmessage_cb); }, self.ws_sleep); self.ws_cnt++; if (self.ws_sleep < 3000 && (self.ws_cnt % 10) == 0) { self.ws_sleep += 1000; } } // Set up sending of message for when the socket is open. self._ws_socket.onopen = function() { if (self.to) { clearTimeout(self.to); } self.ws_sleep = 1000; self.ws_cnt = 0; if (self.options.onWSConnect) { self.options.onWSConnect(self); } var req; // Send the requests. while (req = $.JsonRpcClient.q.pop()) { self._ws_socket.send(req); } } } } return self._ws_socket ? true : false; } $.JsonRpcClient.prototype._getSocket = function(onmessage_cb) { // If there is no ws url set, we don't have a socket. // Likewise, if there is no window.WebSocket. if (this.options.socketUrl === null || !("WebSocket" in window)) return null; this.connectSocket(onmessage_cb); return this._ws_socket; }; /** * Queue to save messages delivered when websocket is not ready */ $.JsonRpcClient.q = []; /** * Internal handler to dispatch a JRON-RPC request through a websocket. * * @fn _wsCall * @memberof $.JsonRpcClient */ $.JsonRpcClient.prototype._wsCall = function(socket, request, success_cb, error_cb) { var request_json = $.toJSON(request); if (socket.readyState < 1) { // The websocket is not open yet; we have to set sending of the message in onopen. self = this; // In closure below, this is set to the WebSocket. Use self instead. $.JsonRpcClient.q.push(request_json); } else { // We have a socket and it should be ready to send on. socket.send(request_json); } // Setup callbacks. If there is an id, this is a call and not a notify. if ('id' in request && typeof success_cb !== 'undefined') { this._ws_callbacks[request.id] = { request: request_json, request_obj: request, success_cb: success_cb, error_cb: error_cb }; } }; /** * Internal handler for the websocket messages. It determines if the message is a JSON-RPC * response, and if so, tries to couple it with a given callback. Otherwise, it falls back to * given external onmessage-handler, if any. * * @param event The websocket onmessage-event. */ $.JsonRpcClient.prototype._wsOnMessage = function(event) { // Check if this could be a JSON RPC message. var response; try { response = $.parseJSON(event.data); /// @todo Make using the jsonrcp 2.0 check optional, to use this on JSON-RPC 1 backends. if (typeof response === 'object' && 'jsonrpc' in response && response.jsonrpc === '2.0') { /// @todo Handle bad response (without id). // If this is an object with result, it is a response. if ('result' in response && this._ws_callbacks[response.id]) { // Get the success callback. var success_cb = this._ws_callbacks[response.id].success_cb; /* // set the sessid if present if ('sessid' in response.result && !this.options.sessid || (this.options.sessid != response.result.sessid)) { this.options.sessid = response.result.sessid; if (this.options.sessid) { console.log("setting session UUID to: " + this.options.sessid); } } */ // Delete the callback from the storage. delete this._ws_callbacks[response.id]; // Run callback with result as parameter. success_cb(response.result, this); return; } // If this is an object with error, it is an error response. else if ('error' in response && this._ws_callbacks[response.id]) { // Get the error callback. var error_cb = this._ws_callbacks[response.id].error_cb; var orig_req = this._ws_callbacks[response.id].request; // if this is an auth request, send the credentials and resend the failed request if (!self.authing && response.error.code == -32000 && self.options.login && self.options.passwd) { self.authing = true; this.call("login", { login: self.options.login, passwd: self.options.passwd}, this._ws_callbacks[response.id].request_obj.method == "login" ? function(e) { self.authing = false; console.log("logged in"); delete self._ws_callbacks[response.id]; if (self.options.onWSLogin) { self.options.onWSLogin(true, self); } } : function(e) { self.authing = false; console.log("logged in, resending request id: " + response.id); var socket = self.options.getSocket(self.wsOnMessage); if (socket !== null) { socket.send(orig_req); } if (self.options.onWSLogin) { self.options.onWSLogin(true, self); } }, function(e) { console.log("error logging in, request id:", response.id); delete self._ws_callbacks[response.id]; error_cb(response.error, this); if (self.options.onWSLogin) { self.options.onWSLogin(false, self); } } ); return; } // Delete the callback from the storage. delete this._ws_callbacks[response.id]; // Run callback with the error object as parameter. error_cb(response.error, this); return; } } } catch (err) { // Probably an error while parsing a non json-string as json. All real JSON-RPC cases are // handled above, and the fallback method is called below. console.log("ERROR: "+ err); return; } // This is not a JSON-RPC response. Call the fallback message handler, if given. if (typeof this.options.onmessage === 'function') { event.eventData = response; if (!event.eventData) { event.eventData = {}; } var reply = this.options.onmessage(event); if (reply && typeof reply === "object" && event.eventData.id) { var msg = { jsonrpc: "2.0", id: event.eventData.id, result: reply }; var socket = self.options.getSocket(self.wsOnMessage); if (socket !== null) { socket.send($.toJSON(msg)); } } } }; /************************************************************************************************ * Batch object with methods ************************************************************************************************/ /** * Handling object for batch calls. */ $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject = function(jsonrpcclient, all_done_cb, error_cb) { // Array of objects to hold the call and notify requests. Each objects will have the request // object, and unless it is a notify, success_cb and error_cb. this._requests = []; this.jsonrpcclient = jsonrpcclient; this.all_done_cb = all_done_cb; this.error_cb = typeof error_cb === 'function' ? error_cb : function() {}; }; /** * @sa $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.call */ $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype.call = function(method, params, success_cb, error_cb) { if (!params) { params = {}; } if (this.options.sessid) { params.sessid = this.options.sessid; } if (!success_cb) { success_cb = function(e){console.log("Success: ", e);}; } if (!error_cb) { error_cb = function(e){console.log("Error: ", e);}; } this._requests.push({ request : { jsonrpc : '2.0', method : method, params : params, id : this.jsonrpcclient._current_id++ // Use the client's id series. }, success_cb : success_cb, error_cb : error_cb }); }; /** * @sa $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.notify */ $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype.notify = function(method, params) { if (this.options.sessid) { params.sessid = this.options.sessid; } this._requests.push({ request : { jsonrpc : '2.0', method : method, params : params } }); }; /** * Executes the batched up calls. */ $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype._execute = function() { var self = this; if (this._requests.length === 0) return; // All done :P // Collect all request data and sort handlers by request id. var batch_request = []; var handlers = {}; // If we have a WebSocket, just send the requests individually like normal calls. var socket = self.jsonrpcclient.options.getSocket(self.jsonrpcclient.wsOnMessage); if (socket !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < this._requests.length; i++) { var call = this._requests[i]; var success_cb = ('success_cb' in call) ? call.success_cb : undefined; var error_cb = ('error_cb' in call) ? call.error_cb : undefined; self.jsonrpcclient._wsCall(socket, call.request, success_cb, error_cb); } if (typeof all_done_cb === 'function') all_done_cb(result); return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._requests.length; i++) { var call = this._requests[i]; batch_request.push(call.request); // If the request has an id, it should handle returns (otherwise it's a notify). if ('id' in call.request) { handlers[call.request.id] = { success_cb : call.success_cb, error_cb : call.error_cb }; } } var success_cb = function(data) { self._batchCb(data, handlers, self.all_done_cb); }; // No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work. if (self.jsonrpcclient.options.ajaxUrl === null) { throw "$.JsonRpcClient.batch used with no websocket and no http endpoint."; } // Send request $.ajax({ url : self.jsonrpcclient.options.ajaxUrl, data : $.toJSON(batch_request), dataType : 'json', cache : false, type : 'POST', // Batch-requests should always return 200 error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { self.error_cb(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); }, success : success_cb }); }; /** * Internal helper to match the result array from a batch call to their respective callbacks. * * @fn _batchCb * @memberof $.JsonRpcClient */ $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype._batchCb = function(result, handlers, all_done_cb) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var response = result[i]; // Handle error if ('error' in response) { if (response.id === null || !(response.id in handlers)) { // An error on a notify? Just log it to the console. if ('console' in window) console.log(response); } else handlers[response.id].error_cb(response.error, this); } else { // Here we should always have a correct id and no error. if (!(response.id in handlers) && 'console' in window) console.log(response); else handlers[response.id].success_cb(response.result, this); } } if (typeof all_done_cb === 'function') all_done_cb(result); }; })(jQuery); /* * Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * jquery.verto.js - Main interface * */ (function($) { var generateGUID = (typeof(window.crypto) !== 'undefined' && typeof(window.crypto.getRandomValues) !== 'undefined') ? function() { // If we have a cryptographically secure PRNG, use that // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6906916/collisions-when-generating-uuids-in-javascript var buf = new Uint16Array(8); window.crypto.getRandomValues(buf); var S4 = function(num) { var ret = num.toString(16); while (ret.length < 4) { ret = "0" + ret; } return ret; }; return (S4(buf[0]) + S4(buf[1]) + "-" + S4(buf[2]) + "-" + S4(buf[3]) + "-" + S4(buf[4]) + "-" + S4(buf[5]) + S4(buf[6]) + S4(buf[7])); } : function() { // Otherwise, just use Math.random // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript/2117523#2117523 return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); }; /// MASTER OBJ $.verto = function(options, callbacks) { var verto = this; $.verto.saved.push(verto); verto.options = $.extend({ login: null, passwd: null, socketUrl: null, tag: null, videoParams: {}, iceServers: false, ringSleep: 6000 }, options); verto.sessid = $.cookie('verto_session_uuid') || generateGUID(); $.cookie('verto_session_uuid', verto.sessid, { expires: 1 }); verto.dialogs = {}; verto.callbacks = callbacks || {}; verto.eventSUBS = {}; verto.rpcClient = new $.JsonRpcClient({ login: verto.options.login, passwd: verto.options.passwd, socketUrl: verto.options.socketUrl, sessid: verto.sessid, onmessage: function(e) { return verto.handleMessage(e.eventData); }, onWSConnect: function(o) { o.call('login', {}); }, onWSLogin: function(success) { if (verto.callbacks.onWSLogin) { verto.callbacks.onWSLogin(verto, success); } }, onWSClose: function(success) { if (verto.callbacks.onWSClose) { verto.callbacks.onWSClose(verto, success); } verto.purge(); } }); if (verto.options.ringFile && verto.options.tag) { verto.ringer = $("#" + verto.options.tag); } verto.rpcClient.call('login', {}); }; $.verto.prototype.iceServers = function(on) { var verto = this; verto.options.iceServers = on; }; $.verto.prototype.loginData = function(params) { verto.options.login = params.login; verto.options.passwd = params.passwd; verto.rpcClient.loginData(params); }; $.verto.prototype.logout = function(msg) { var verto = this; verto.rpcClient.closeSocket(); verto.purge(); }; $.verto.prototype.login = function(msg) { var verto = this; verto.logout(); verto.rpcClient.call('login', {}); }; $.verto.prototype.message = function(msg) { var verto = this; var err = 0; if (!msg.to) { console.error("Missing To"); err++; } if (!msg.body) { console.error("Missing Body"); err++; } if (err) { return false; } verto.sendMethod("verto.info", { msg: msg }); return true; }; $.verto.prototype.processReply = function(method, success, e) { var verto = this; var i; //console.log("Response: " + method, success, e); switch (method) { case "verto.subscribe": for (i in e.unauthorizedChannels) { drop_bad(verto, e.unauthorizedChannels[i]); } for (i in e.subscribedChannels) { mark_ready(verto, e.subscribedChannels[i]); } break; case "verto.unsubscribe": //console.error(e); break; } }; $.verto.prototype.sendMethod = function(method, params) { var verto = this; verto.rpcClient.call(method, params, function(e) { /* Success */ verto.processReply(method, true, e); }, function(e) { /* Error */ verto.processReply(method, false, e); }); }; function do_sub(verto, channel, obj) { } function drop_bad(verto, channel) { console.error("drop unauthorized channel: " + channel); delete verto.eventSUBS[channel]; } function mark_ready(verto, channel) { for (var j in verto.eventSUBS[channel]) { verto.eventSUBS[channel][j].ready = true; console.log("subscribed to channel: " + channel); if (verto.eventSUBS[channel][j].readyHandler) { verto.eventSUBS[channel][j].readyHandler(verto, channel); } } } var SERNO = 1; function do_subscribe(verto, channel, subChannels, sparams) { var params = sparams || {}; var local = params.local; var obj = { eventChannel: channel, userData: params.userData, handler: params.handler, ready: false, readyHandler: params.readyHandler, serno: SERNO++ }; var isnew = false; if (!verto.eventSUBS[channel]) { verto.eventSUBS[channel] = []; subChannels.push(channel); isnew = true; } verto.eventSUBS[channel].push(obj); if (local) { obj.ready = true; obj.local = true; } if (!isnew && verto.eventSUBS[channel][0].ready) { obj.ready = true; if (obj.readyHandler) { obj.readyHandler(verto, channel); } } return { serno: obj.serno, eventChannel: channel }; } $.verto.prototype.subscribe = function(channel, sparams) { var verto = this; var r = []; var subChannels = []; var params = sparams || {}; if (typeof(channel) === "string") { r.push(do_subscribe(verto, channel, subChannels, params)); } else { for (var i in channel) { r.push(do_subscribe(verto, channel, subChannels, params)); } } if (subChannels.length) { verto.sendMethod("verto.subscribe", { eventChannel: subChannels.length == 1 ? subChannels[0] : subChannels, subParams: params.subParams }); } return r; }; $.verto.prototype.unsubscribe = function(handle) { var verto = this; var i; if (!handle) { for (i in verto.eventSUBS) { if (verto.eventSUBS[i]) { verto.unsubscribe(verto.eventSUBS[i]); } } } else { var unsubChannels = {}; var sendChannels = []; var channel; if (typeof(handle) == "string") { delete verto.eventSUBS[handle]; unsubChannels[handle]++; } else { for (i in handle) { if (typeof(handle[i]) == "string") { channel = handle[i]; delete verto.eventSUBS[channel]; unsubChannels[channel]++; } else { var repl = []; channel = handle[i].eventChannel; for (var j in verto.eventSUBS[channel]) { if (verto.eventSUBS[channel][j].serno == handle[i].serno) {} else { repl.push(verto.eventSUBS[channel][j]); } } verto.eventSUBS[channel] = repl; if (verto.eventSUBS[channel].length === 0) { delete verto.eventSUBS[channel]; unsubChannels[channel]++; } } } } for (var u in unsubChannels) { console.log("Sending Unsubscribe for: ", u); sendChannels.push(u); } if (sendChannels.length) { verto.sendMethod("verto.unsubscribe", { eventChannel: sendChannels.length == 1 ? sendChannels[0] : sendChannels }); } } }; $.verto.prototype.broadcast = function(channel, params) { var verto = this; var msg = { eventChannel: channel, data: {} }; for (var i in params) { msg.data[i] = params[i]; } verto.sendMethod("verto.broadcast", msg); }; $.verto.prototype.purge = function(callID) { var verto = this; var x = 0; var i; for (i in verto.dialogs) { if (!x) { console.log("purging dialogs"); } x++; verto.dialogs[i].setState($.verto.enum.state.purge); } for (i in verto.eventSUBS) { if (verto.eventSUBS[i]) { console.log("purging subscription: " + i); delete verto.eventSUBS[i]; } } }; $.verto.prototype.hangup = function(callID) { var verto = this; if (callID) { var dialog = verto.dialogs[callID]; if (dialog) { dialog.hangup(); } } else { for (var i in verto.dialogs) { verto.dialogs[i].hangup(); } } }; $.verto.prototype.newCall = function(args, callbacks) { var verto = this; if (!verto.rpcClient.socketReady()) { console.error("Not Connected..."); return; } var dialog = new $.verto.dialog($.verto.enum.direction.outbound, this, args); dialog.invite(); if (callbacks) { dialog.callbacks = callbacks; } return dialog; }; $.verto.prototype.handleMessage = function(data) { var verto = this; if (!(data && data.method)) { console.error("Invalid Data", data); return; } if (data.params.callID) { var dialog = verto.dialogs[data.params.callID]; if (dialog) { switch (data.method) { case 'verto.bye': dialog.hangup(data.params); break; case 'verto.answer': dialog.handleAnswer(data.params); break; case 'verto.media': dialog.handleMedia(data.params); break; case 'verto.display': dialog.handleDisplay(data.params); break; case 'verto.info': dialog.handleInfo(data.params); break; default: console.debug("INVALID METHOD OR NON-EXISTANT CALL REFERENCE IGNORED", dialog, data.method); break; } } else { switch (data.method) { case 'verto.attach': data.params.attach = true; if (data.params.sdp && data.params.sdp.indexOf("m=video") > 0) { data.params.useVideo = true; } if (data.params.sdp && data.params.sdp.indexOf("stereo=1") > 0) { data.params.useStereo = true; } dialog = new $.verto.dialog($.verto.enum.direction.inbound, verto, data.params); dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.recovering); break; case 'verto.invite': if (data.params.sdp && data.params.sdp.indexOf("m=video") > 0) { data.params.wantVideo = true; } if (data.params.sdp && data.params.sdp.indexOf("stereo=1") > 0) { data.params.useStereo = true; } dialog = new $.verto.dialog($.verto.enum.direction.inbound, verto, data.params); break; default: console.debug("INVALID METHOD OR NON-EXISTANT CALL REFERENCE IGNORED"); break; } } return { method: data.method }; } else { switch (data.method) { case 'verto.event': var list = null; var key = null; if (data.params) { key = data.params.eventChannel; } if (key) { list = verto.eventSUBS[key]; if (!list) { list = verto.eventSUBS[key.split(".")[0]]; } } if (!list && key && key === verto.sessid) { if (verto.callbacks.onMessage) { verto.callbacks.onMessage(verto, null, $.verto.enum.message.pvtEvent, data.params); } } else if (!list && key && verto.dialogs[key]) { verto.dialogs[key].sendMessage($.verto.enum.message.pvtEvent, data.params); } else if (!list) { if (!key) { key = "UNDEFINED"; } console.error("UNSUBBED or invalid EVENT " + key + " IGNORED"); } else { for (var i in list) { var sub = list[i]; if (!sub || !sub.ready) { console.error("invalid EVENT for " + key + " IGNORED"); } else if (sub.handler) { sub.handler(verto, data.params, sub.userData); } else if (verto.callbacks.onEvent) { verto.callbacks.onEvent(verto, data.params, sub.userData); } else { console.log("EVENT:", data.params); } } } break; case "verto.info": if (verto.callbacks.onMessage) { verto.callbacks.onMessage(verto, null, $.verto.enum.message.info, data.params.msg); } //console.error(data); console.debug("MESSAGE from: " + data.params.msg.from, data.params.msg.body); break; default: console.error("INVALID METHOD OR NON-EXISTANT CALL REFERENCE IGNORED", data.method); break; } } }; var del_array = function(array, name) { var r = []; var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (array[i] != name) { r.push(array[i]); } } return r; }; var hashArray = function() { var vha = this; var hash = {}; var array = []; vha.reorder = function(a) { array = a; var h = hash; hash = {}; var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var key = array[i]; if (h[key]) { hash[key] = h[key]; delete h[key]; } } h = undefined; }; vha.clear = function() { hash = undefined; array = undefined; hash = {}; array = []; }; vha.add = function(name, val, insertAt) { var redraw = false; if (!hash[name]) { if (insertAt === undefined || insertAt < 0 || insertAt >= array.length) { array.push(name); } else { var x = 0; var n = []; var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (x++==insertAt) { n.push(name); } n.push(array[i]); } array = undefined; array = n; n = undefined; redraw = true; } } hash[name] = val; return redraw; }; vha.del = function(name) { var r = false; if (hash[name]) { array = del_array(array, name); delete hash[name]; r = true; } else { console.error("can't del nonexistant key " + name); } return r; }; vha.get = function(name) { return hash[name]; }; vha.order = function() { return array; }; vha.hash = function() { return hash; }; vha.indexOf = function(name) { var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (array[i] == name) { return i; } } }; vha.arrayLen = function() { return array.length; }; vha.asArray = function() { var r = []; var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var key = array[i]; r.push(hash[key]); } return r; }; vha.each = function(cb) { var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { cb(array[i], hash[array[i]]); } }; vha.dump = function(html) { var str = ""; vha.each(function(name, val) { str += "name: " + name + " val: " + JSON.stringify(val) + (html ? "
" : "\n"); }); return str; }; }; $.verto.liveArray = function(verto, context, name, config) { var la = this; var lastSerno = 0; var binding = null; var user_obj = config.userObj; var local = false; // Inherit methods of hashArray hashArray.call(la); // Save the hashArray add, del, reorder, clear methods so we can make our own. la._add = la.add; la._del = la.del; la._reorder = la.reorder; la._clear = la.clear; la.context = context; la.name = name; la.user_obj = user_obj; la.verto = verto; la.broadcast = function(channel, obj) { verto.broadcast(channel, obj); }; la.errs = 0; la.clear = function() { la._clear(); lastSerno = 0; if (la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { action: "clear" }); } }; la.checkSerno = function(serno) { if (serno < 0) { return true; } if (lastSerno > 0 && serno != (lastSerno + 1)) { if (la.onErr) { la.onErr(la, { lastSerno: lastSerno, serno: serno }); } la.errs++; console.debug(la.errs); if (la.errs < 3) { la.bootstrap(la.user_obj); } return false; } else { lastSerno = serno; return true; } }; la.reorder = function(serno, a) { if (la.checkSerno(serno)) { la._reorder(a); if (la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { serno: serno, action: "reorder" }); } } }; la.init = function(serno, val, key, index) { if (key === null || key === undefined) { key = serno; } if (la.checkSerno(serno)) { if (la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { serno: serno, action: "init", index: index, key: key, data: val }); } } }; la.bootObj = function(serno, val) { if (la.checkSerno(serno)) { //la.clear(); for (var i in val) { la._add(val[i][0], val[i][1]); } if (la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { serno: serno, action: "bootObj", data: val, redraw: true }); } } }; // @param serno La is the serial number for la particular request. // @param key If looking at it as a hash table, la represents the key in the hashArray object where you want to store the val object. // @param index If looking at it as an array, la represents the position in the array where you want to store the val object. // @param val La is the object you want to store at the key or index location in the hash table / array. la.add = function(serno, val, key, index) { if (key === null || key === undefined) { key = serno; } if (la.checkSerno(serno)) { var redraw = la._add(key, val, index); if (la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { serno: serno, action: "add", index: index, key: key, data: val, redraw: redraw }); } } }; la.modify = function(serno, val, key, index) { if (key === null || key === undefined) { key = serno; } if (la.checkSerno(serno)) { la._add(key, val, index); if (la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { serno: serno, action: "modify", key: key, data: val, index: index }); } } }; la.del = function(serno, key, index) { if (key === null || key === undefined) { key = serno; } if (la.checkSerno(serno)) { if (index === null || index < 0 || index === undefined) { index = la.indexOf(key); } var ok = la._del(key); if (ok && la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { serno: serno, action: "del", key: key, index: index }); } } }; var eventHandler = function(v, e, la) { var packet = e.data; //console.error("READ:", packet); if (packet.name != la.name) { return; } switch (packet.action) { case "init": la.init(packet.wireSerno, packet.data, packet.hashKey, packet.arrIndex); break; case "bootObj": la.bootObj(packet.wireSerno, packet.data); break; case "add": la.add(packet.wireSerno, packet.data, packet.hashKey, packet.arrIndex); break; case "modify": if (! (packet.arrIndex || packet.hashKey)) { console.error("Invalid Packet", packet); } else { la.modify(packet.wireSerno, packet.data, packet.hashKey, packet.arrIndex); } break; case "del": if (! (packet.arrIndex || packet.hashKey)) { console.error("Invalid Packet", packet); } else { la.del(packet.wireSerno, packet.hashKey, packet.arrIndex); } break; case "clear": la.clear(); break; case "reorder": la.reorder(packet.wireSerno, packet.order); break; default: if (la.checkSerno(packet.wireSerno)) { if (la.onChange) { la.onChange(la, { serno: packet.wireSerno, action: packet.action, data: packet.data }); } } break; } }; if (la.context) { binding = la.verto.subscribe(la.context, { handler: eventHandler, userData: la, subParams: config.subParams }); } la.destroy = function() { la._clear(); la.verto.unsubscribe(binding); }; la.sendCommand = function(cmd, obj) { var self = la; self.broadcast(self.context, { liveArray: { command: cmd, context: self.context, name: self.name, obj: obj } }); }; la.bootstrap = function(obj) { var self = la; la.sendCommand("bootstrap", obj); //self.heartbeat(); }; la.changepage = function(obj) { var self = la; self.clear(); self.broadcast(self.context, { liveArray: { command: "changepage", context: la.context, name: la.name, obj: obj } }); }; la.heartbeat = function(obj) { var self = la; var callback = function() { self.heartbeat.call(self, obj); }; self.broadcast(self.context, { liveArray: { command: "heartbeat", context: self.context, name: self.name, obj: obj } }); self.hb_pid = setTimeout(callback, 30000); }; la.bootstrap(la.user_obj); }; $.verto.liveTable = function(verto, context, name, jq, config) { var dt; var la = new $.verto.liveArray(verto, context, name, { subParams: config.subParams }); var lt = this; lt.liveArray = la; lt.dataTable = dt; lt.verto = verto; lt.destroy = function() { if (dt) { dt.fnDestroy(); } if (la) { la.destroy(); } dt = null; la = null; }; la.onErr = function(obj, args) { console.error("Error: ", obj, args); }; la.onChange = function(obj, args) { var index = 0; var iserr = 0; if (!dt) { if (!config.aoColumns) { if (args.action != "init") { return; } config.aoColumns = []; for (var i in args.data) { config.aoColumns.push({ "sTitle": args.data[i] }); } } dt = jq.dataTable(config); } if (dt && (args.action == "del" || args.action == "modify")) { index = args.index; if (index === undefined && args.key) { index = la.indexOf(args.key); } if (index === undefined) { console.error("INVALID PACKET Missing INDEX\n", args); return; } } if (config.onChange) { config.onChange(obj, args); } try { switch (args.action) { case "bootObj": if (!args.data) { console.error("missing data"); return; } dt.fnClearTable(); dt.fnAddData(obj.asArray()); dt.fnAdjustColumnSizing(); break; case "add": if (!args.data) { console.error("missing data"); return; } if (args.redraw > -1) { // specific position, more costly dt.fnClearTable(); dt.fnAddData(obj.asArray()); } else { dt.fnAddData(args.data); } dt.fnAdjustColumnSizing(); break; case "modify": if (!args.data) { return; } //console.debug(args, index); dt.fnUpdate(args.data, index); dt.fnAdjustColumnSizing(); break; case "del": dt.fnDeleteRow(index); dt.fnAdjustColumnSizing(); break; case "clear": dt.fnClearTable(); break; case "reorder": // specific position, more costly dt.fnClearTable(); dt.fnAddData(obj.asArray()); break; case "hide": jq.hide(); break; case "show": jq.show(); break; } } catch(err) { console.error("ERROR: " + err); iserr++; } if (iserr) { obj.errs++; if (obj.errs < 3) { obj.bootstrap(obj.user_obj); } } else { obj.errs = 0; } }; la.onChange(la, { action: "init" }); }; var CONFMAN_SERNO = 1; $.verto.confMan = function(verto, params) { var confMan = this; conf confMan.params = $.extend({ tableID: null, statusID: null, mainModID: null, dialog: null, hasVid: false, laData: null, onBroadcast: null, onLaChange: null, onLaRow: null }, params); confMan.verto = verto; confMan.serno = CONFMAN_SERNO++; function genMainMod(jq) { var play_id = "play_" + confMan.serno; var stop_id = "stop_" + confMan.serno; var recording_id = "recording_" + confMan.serno; var rec_stop_id = "recording_stop" + confMan.serno; var div_id = "confman_" + confMan.serno; var html = "

" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "

"; jq.html(html); $("#" + play_id).click(function() { var file = prompt("Please enter file name", ""); confMan.modCommand("play", null, file); }); $("#" + stop_id).click(function() { confMan.modCommand("stop", null, "all"); }); $("#" + recording_id).click(function() { var file = prompt("Please enter file name", ""); confMan.modCommand("recording", null, ["start", file]); }); $("#" + rec_stop_id).click(function() { confMan.modCommand("recording", null, ["stop", "all"]); }); } function genControls(jq, rowid) { var x = parseInt(rowid); var kick_id = "kick_" + x; var tmute_id = "tmute_" + x; var box_id = "box_" + x; var volup_id = "volume_in_up" + x; var voldn_id = "volume_in_dn" + x; var transfer_id = "transfer" + x; var html = "
" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
" ; jq.html(html); if (!jq.data("mouse")) { $("#" + box_id).hide(); } jq.mouseover(function(e) { jq.data({"mouse": true}); $("#" + box_id).show(); }); jq.mouseout(function(e) { jq.data({"mouse": false}); $("#" + box_id).hide(); }); $("#" + transfer_id).click(function() { var xten = prompt("Enter Extension"); confMan.modCommand("transfer", x, xten); }); $("#" + kick_id).click(function() { confMan.modCommand("kick", x); }); $("#" + tmute_id).click(function() { confMan.modCommand("tmute", x); }); $("#" + volup_id).click(function() { confMan.modCommand("volume_in", x, "up"); }); $("#" + voldn_id).click(function() { confMan.modCommand("volume_in", x, "down"); }); return html; } var atitle = ""; var awidth = 0; //$(".jsDataTable").width(confMan.params.hasVid ? "900px" : "800px"); if (confMan.params.laData.role === "moderator") { atitle = "Action"; awidth = 200; if (confMan.params.mainModID) { genMainMod($(confMan.params.mainModID)); $(confMan.params.displayID).html("Moderator Controls Ready

") } else { $(confMan.params.mainModID).html(""); } verto.subscribe(confMan.params.laData.modChannel, { handler: function(v, e) { console.error("MODDATA:", e.data); if (confMan.params.onBroadcast) { confMan.params.onBroadcast(verto, confMan, e.data); } if (!confMan.destroyed && confMan.params.displayID) { $(confMan.params.displayID).html(e.data.response + "

"); if (confMan.lastTimeout) { clearTimeout(confMan.lastTimeout); confMan.lastTimeout = 0; } confMan.lastTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $(confMan.params.displayID).html(confMan.destroyed ? "" : "Moderator Controls Ready

")}, 4000); } } }); } var row_callback = null; if (confMan.params.laData.role === "moderator") { row_callback = function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) { if (!aData[5]) { var $row = $('td:eq(5)', nRow); genControls($row, aData); if (confMan.params.onLaRow) { confMan.params.onLaRow(verto, confMan, $row, aData); } } }; } confMan.lt = new $.verto.liveTable(verto, confMan.params.laData.laChannel, confMan.params.laData.laName, $(confMan.params.tableID), { subParams: { callID: confMan.params.dialog ? confMan.params.dialog.callID : null }, "onChange": function(obj, args) { $(confMan.params.statusID).text("Conference Members: " + " (" + obj.arrayLen() + " Total)"); if (confMan.params.onLaChange) { confMan.params.onLaChange(verto, confMan, $.verto.enum.confEvent.laChange, obj, args); } }, "aaData": [], "aoColumns": [{ "sTitle": "ID" }, { "sTitle": "Number" }, { "sTitle": "Name" }, { "sTitle": "Codec" }, { "sTitle": "Status", "sWidth": confMan.params.hasVid ? "300px" : "150px" }, { "sTitle": atitle, "sWidth": awidth, }], "bAutoWidth": true, "bDestroy": true, "bSort": false, "bInfo": false, "bFilter": false, "bLengthChange": false, "bPaginate": false, "iDisplayLength": 1000, "oLanguage": { "sEmptyTable": "The Conference is Empty....." }, "fnRowCallback": row_callback }); } $.verto.confMan.prototype.modCommand = function(cmd, id, value) { var confMan = this; confMan.verto.sendMethod("verto.broadcast", { "eventChannel": confMan.params.laData.modChannel, "data": { "application": "conf-control", "command": cmd, "id": id, "value": value } }); } $.verto.confMan.prototype.destroy = function() { var confMan = this; confMan.destroyed = true; if (confMan.lt) { confMan.lt.destroy(); } if (confMan.params.laData.modChannel) { confMan.verto.unsubscribe(confMan.params.laData.modChannel); } if (confMan.params.mainModID) { $(confMan.params.mainModID).html(""); } } $.verto.dialog = function(direction, verto, params) { var dialog = this; dialog.params = $.extend({ useVideo: verto.options.useVideo, useStereo: verto.options.useStereo, tag: verto.options.tag, login: verto.options.login }, params); dialog.verto = verto; dialog.direction = direction; dialog.lastState = null; dialog.state = dialog.lastState = $.verto.enum.state.new; dialog.callbacks = verto.callbacks; dialog.answered = false; dialog.attach = params.attach || false; if (dialog.params.callID) { dialog.callID = dialog.params.callID; } else { dialog.callID = dialog.params.callID = generateGUID(); } if (dialog.params.tag) { dialog.audioStream = document.getElementById(dialog.params.tag); if (dialog.params.useVideo) { dialog.videoStream = dialog.audioStream; } } //else conjure one TBD dialog.verto.dialogs[dialog.callID] = dialog; var RTCcallbacks = {}; if (dialog.direction == $.verto.enum.direction.inbound) { dialog.params.remote_caller_id_name = dialog.params.caller_id_name; dialog.params.remote_caller_id_number = dialog.params.caller_id_number; if (!dialog.params.remote_caller_id_name) { dialog.params.remote_caller_id_name = "Nobody"; } if (!dialog.params.remote_caller_id_number) { dialog.params.remote_caller_id_number = "UNKNOWN"; } RTCcallbacks.onMessage = function(rtc, msg) { console.debug(msg); }; RTCcallbacks.onAnswerSDP = function(rtc, sdp) { console.error("answer sdp", sdp); }; } else { dialog.params.remote_caller_id_name = "Outbound Call"; dialog.params.remote_caller_id_number = dialog.params.destination_number; } RTCcallbacks.onICESDP = function(rtc) { if (rtc.type == "offer") { console.log("offer", rtc.mediaData.SDP); dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.requesting); dialog.sendMethod("verto.invite", { sdp: rtc.mediaData.SDP }); } else { //answer dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.answering); dialog.sendMethod(dialog.attach ? "verto.attach" : "verto.answer", { sdp: dialog.rtc.mediaData.SDP }); } }; RTCcallbacks.onICE = function(rtc) { //console.log("cand", rtc.mediaData.candidate); if (rtc.type == "offer") { console.log("offer", rtc.mediaData.candidate); return; } }; RTCcallbacks.onError = function(e) { console.error("ERROR:", e); dialog.hangup(); }; dialog.rtc = new $.FSRTC({ callbacks: RTCcallbacks, useVideo: dialog.videoStream, useAudio: dialog.audioStream, useStereo: dialog.params.useStereo, videoParams: verto.options.videoParams, iceServers: verto.options.iceServers }); dialog.rtc.verto = dialog.verto; if (dialog.direction == $.verto.enum.direction.inbound) { if (dialog.attach) { dialog.answer(); } else { dialog.ring(); } } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.invite = function() { var dialog = this; dialog.rtc.call(); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.sendMethod = function(method, obj) { var dialog = this; obj.dialogParams = {}; for (var i in dialog.params) { if (i == "sdp" && method != "verto.invite" && method != "verto.attach") { continue; } obj.dialogParams[i] = dialog.params[i]; } dialog.verto.rpcClient.call(method, obj, function(e) { /* Success */ dialog.processReply(method, true, e); }, function(e) { /* Error */ dialog.processReply(method, false, e); }); }; function checkStateChange(oldS, newS) { if (newS == $.verto.enum.state.purge || $.verto.enum.states[oldS.name][newS.name]) { return true; } return false; } $.verto.dialog.prototype.setState = function(state) { var dialog = this; if (dialog.state == $.verto.enum.state.ringing) { dialog.stopRinging(); } if (dialog.state == state || !checkStateChange(dialog.state, state)) { console.error("Dialog " + dialog.callID + ": INVALID state change from " + dialog.state.name + " to " + state.name); dialog.hangup(); return false; } console.info("Dialog " + dialog.callID + ": state change from " + dialog.state.name + " to " + state.name); dialog.lastState = dialog.state; dialog.state = state; if (!dialog.causeCode) { dialog.causeCode = 16; } if (!dialog.cause) { dialog.cause = "NORMAL CLEARING"; } if (dialog.callbacks.onDialogState) { dialog.callbacks.onDialogState(this); } switch (dialog.state) { case $.verto.enum.state.trying: setTimeout(function() { if (dialog.state == $.verto.enum.state.trying) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.hangup); } }, 30000); break; case $.verto.enum.state.purge: dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.destroy); break; case $.verto.enum.state.hangup: if (dialog.lastState.val > $.verto.enum.state.requesting.val && dialog.lastState.val < $.verto.enum.state.hangup.val) { dialog.sendMethod("verto.bye", {}); } dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.destroy); break; case $.verto.enum.state.destroy: delete verto.dialogs[dialog.callID]; dialog.rtc.stop(); break; } return true; }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.processReply = function(method, success, e) { var dialog = this; //console.log("Response: " + method + " State:" + dialog.state.name, success, e); switch (method) { case "verto.answer": case "verto.attach": if (success) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.active); } else { dialog.hangup(); } break; case "verto.invite": if (success) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.trying); } else { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.destroy); } break; case "verto.bye": dialog.hangup(); break; case "verto.modify": if (e.holdState) { if (e.holdState == "held") { if (dialog.state != $.verto.enum.state.held) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.held); } } else if (e.holdState == "active") { if (dialog.state != $.verto.enum.state.active) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.active); } } } if (success) {} break; default: break; } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.hangup = function(params) { var dialog = this; if (params) { if (params.causeCode) { dialog.causeCode = params.causeCode; } if (params.cause) { dialog.cause = params.cause; } } if (dialog.state.val > $.verto.enum.state.new.val && dialog.state.val < $.verto.enum.state.hangup.val) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.hangup); } else if (dialog.state.val < $.verto.enum.state.destroy) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.destroy); } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.stopRinging = function() { var dialog = this; if (dialog.verto.ringer) { dialog.verto.ringer.stop(); } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.indicateRing = function() { var dialog = this; if (dialog.verto.ringer) { dialog.verto.ringer.attr("src", dialog.verto.options.ringFile)[0].play(); setTimeout(function() { dialog.stopRinging(); if (dialog.state == $.verto.enum.state.ringing) { dialog.indicateRing(); } }, dialog.verto.options.ringSleep); } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.ring = function() { var dialog = this; dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.ringing); dialog.indicateRing(); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.useVideo = function(on) { var dialog = this; dialog.params.useVideo = on; if (on) { dialog.videoStream = dialog.audioStream; } else { dialog.videoStream = null; } dialog.rtc.useVideo(dialog.videoStream); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.useStereo = function(on) { var dialog = this; dialog.params.useStereo = on; dialog.rtc.useStereo(on); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.dtmf = function(digits) { var dialog = this; if (digits) { dialog.sendMethod("verto.info", { dtmf: digits }); } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.transfer = function(dest, params) { var dialog = this; if (dest) { cur_call.sendMethod("verto.modify", { action: "transfer", destination: dest, params: params }); } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.hold = function(params) { var dialog = this; cur_call.sendMethod("verto.modify", { action: "hold", params: params }); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.unhold = function(params) { var dialog = this; cur_call.sendMethod("verto.modify", { action: "unhold", params: params }); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.toggleHold = function(params) { var dialog = this; cur_call.sendMethod("verto.modify", { action: "toggleHold", params: params }); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.message = function(msg) { var dialog = this; var err = 0; msg.from = dialog.params.login; if (!msg.to) { console.error("Missing To"); err++; } if (!msg.body) { console.error("Missing Body"); err++; } if (err) { return false; } dialog.sendMethod("verto.info", { msg: msg }); return true; }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.answer = function(params) { var dialog = this; if (!dialog.answered) { if (params) { if (params.useVideo) { dialog.useVideo(true); } dialog.params.callee_id_name = params.callee_id_name; dialog.params.callee_id_number = params.callee_id_number; } dialog.rtc.createAnswer(dialog.params.sdp); dialog.answered = true; } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.handleAnswer = function(params) { var dialog = this; dialog.gotAnswer = true; if (dialog.state.val >= $.verto.enum.state.active.val) { return; } if (dialog.state.val >= $.verto.enum.state.early.val) { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.active); } else { if (dialog.gotEarly) { console.log("Dialog " + dialog.callID + "Got answer while still establishing early media, delaying..."); } else { console.log("Dialog " + dialog.callID + "Answering Channel"); dialog.rtc.answer(params.sdp, function() { dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.active); }, function(e) { console.error(e); dialog.hangup(); }); console.log("Dialog " + dialog.callID + "ANSWER SDP", params.sdp); } } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.cidString = function(enc) { var dialog = this; var party = dialog.params.remote_caller_id_name + (enc ? " <" : " <") + dialog.params.remote_caller_id_number + (enc ? ">" : ">"); return party; }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.sendMessage = function(msg, params) { var dialog = this; if (dialog.callbacks.onMessage) { dialog.callbacks.onMessage(dialog.verto, dialog, msg, params); } }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.handleInfo = function(params) { var dialog = this; dialog.sendMessage($.verto.enum.message.info, params.msg); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.handleDisplay = function(params) { var dialog = this; if (params.display_name) { dialog.params.remote_caller_id_name = params.display_name; } if (params.display_number) { dialog.params.remote_caller_id_number = params.display_number; } dialog.sendMessage($.verto.enum.message.display, {}); }; $.verto.dialog.prototype.handleMedia = function(params) { var dialog = this; if (dialog.state.val >= $.verto.enum.state.early.val) { return; } dialog.gotEarly = true; dialog.rtc.answer(params.sdp, function() { console.log("Dialog " + dialog.callID + "Establishing early media"); dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.early); if (dialog.gotAnswer) { console.log("Dialog " + dialog.callID + "Answering Channel"); dialog.setState($.verto.enum.state.active); } }, function(e) { console.error(e); dialog.hangup(); }); console.log("Dialog " + dialog.callID + "EARLY SDP", params.sdp); }; $.verto.ENUM = function(s) { var i = 0, o = {}; s.split(" ").map(function(x) { o[x] = { name: x, val: i++ }; }); return Object.freeze(o); }; $.verto.enum = {}; $.verto.enum.states = Object.freeze({ new: { requesting: 1, recovering: 1, ringing: 1, destroy: 1, answering: 1 }, requesting: { trying: 1, hangup: 1 }, recovering: { answering: 1, hangup: 1 }, trying: { active: 1, early: 1, hangup: 1 }, ringing: { answering: 1, hangup: 1 }, answering: { active: 1, hangup: 1 }, active: { hangup: 1, held: 1 }, held: { hangup: 1, active: 1 }, early: { hangup: 1, active: 1 }, hangup: { destroy: 1 }, destroy: {}, purge: { destroy: 1 } }); $.verto.enum.state = $.verto.ENUM("new requesting trying recovering ringing answering early active held hangup destroy purge"); $.verto.enum.direction = $.verto.ENUM("inbound outbound"); $.verto.enum.message = $.verto.ENUM("display info pvtEvent"); $.verto.enum = Object.freeze($.verto.enum); $.verto.saved = []; $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() { for (var i in $.verto.saved) { var verto = $.verto.saved[i]; if (verto) { verto.logout(); verto.purge(); } } return $.verto.warnOnUnload; }); })(jQuery);