/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <anthmct@yahoo.com> * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II <anthmct@yahoo.com> * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II <anthmct@yahoo.com> * Neal Horman <neal at wanlink dot com> * * switch_ivr_menu.c -- IVR Library (menu code) * */ #include <switch.h> struct switch_ivr_menu_action; struct switch_ivr_menu { char *name; char *greeting_sound; char *short_greeting_sound; char *invalid_sound; char *exit_sound; char *tts_engine; char *tts_voice; char *phrase_lang; char *buf; char *ptr; int max_failures; int timeout; switch_size_t inlen; uint32_t flags; struct switch_ivr_menu_action *actions; struct switch_ivr_menu *next; switch_memory_pool_t *pool; }; struct switch_ivr_menu_action { switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *function; switch_ivr_action_t ivr_action; char *arg; char *bind; struct switch_ivr_menu_action *next; }; static switch_ivr_menu_t *switch_ivr_menu_find(switch_ivr_menu_t * stack, const char *name) { switch_ivr_menu_t *ret; for (ret = stack; ret; ret = ret->next) { if (!name || !strcmp(ret->name, name)) break; } return ret; } static void switch_ivr_menu_stack_add(switch_ivr_menu_t ** top, switch_ivr_menu_t * bottom) { switch_ivr_menu_t *ptr; for (ptr = *top; ptr && ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next); if (ptr) { ptr->next = bottom; } else { *top = bottom; } } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_init(switch_ivr_menu_t ** new_menu, switch_ivr_menu_t * main, const char *name, const char *greeting_sound, const char *short_greeting_sound, const char *invalid_sound, const char *exit_sound, const char *tts_engine, const char *tts_voice, const char *phrase_lang, int timeout, int max_failures, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { switch_ivr_menu_t *menu; uint8_t newpool = 0; if (!pool) { if (switch_core_new_memory_pool(&pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "OH OH no pool\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR; } newpool = 1; } if (!(menu = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*menu)))) { if (newpool) { switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&pool); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Memory Error!\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR; } } menu->pool = pool; if (!switch_strlen_zero(name)) { menu->name = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, name); } if (!switch_strlen_zero(greeting_sound)) { menu->greeting_sound = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, greeting_sound); } if (!switch_strlen_zero(short_greeting_sound)) { menu->short_greeting_sound = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, short_greeting_sound); } if (!switch_strlen_zero(invalid_sound)) { menu->invalid_sound = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, invalid_sound); } if (!switch_strlen_zero(exit_sound)) { menu->exit_sound = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, exit_sound); } if (!switch_strlen_zero(tts_engine)) { menu->tts_engine = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, tts_engine); } if (!switch_strlen_zero(tts_voice)) { menu->tts_voice = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, tts_voice); } if (!switch_strlen_zero(phrase_lang)) { menu->phrase_lang = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, phrase_lang); } menu->max_failures = max_failures; menu->timeout = timeout; menu->actions = NULL; if (newpool) { menu->flags |= SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_FREEPOOL; } if (menu->timeout <= 0) { menu->timeout = 10000; } if (main) { switch_ivr_menu_stack_add(&main, menu); } else { menu->flags |= SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_STACK; } *new_menu = menu; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_bind_action(switch_ivr_menu_t * menu, switch_ivr_action_t ivr_action, const char *arg, const char *bind) { switch_ivr_menu_action_t *action; uint32_t len; if ((action = switch_core_alloc(menu->pool, sizeof(*action)))) { action->bind = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, bind); action->next = menu->actions; action->arg = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, arg); len = (uint32_t) strlen(action->bind) + 1; if (len > menu->inlen) { menu->inlen = len; } action->ivr_action = ivr_action; menu->actions = action; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_bind_function(switch_ivr_menu_t * menu, switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t * function, const char *arg, const char *bind) { switch_ivr_menu_action_t *action; uint32_t len; if ((action = switch_core_alloc(menu->pool, sizeof(*action)))) { action->bind = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, bind); action->next = menu->actions; action->arg = switch_core_strdup(menu->pool, arg); len = (uint32_t) strlen(action->bind) + 1; if (len > menu->inlen) { menu->inlen = len; } action->function = function; menu->actions = action; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_stack_free(switch_ivr_menu_t * stack) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; if (stack != NULL && stack->pool != NULL) { if (switch_test_flag(stack, SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_STACK) && switch_test_flag(stack, SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_FREEPOOL)) { switch_memory_pool_t *pool = stack->pool; status = switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&pool); } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } return status; } static switch_status_t play_or_say(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_ivr_menu_t * menu, char *sound, switch_size_t need) { char terminator; uint32_t len; char *ptr; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; switch_input_args_t args = { 0 }; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "play_or_say sound=[%s]\n", sound); if (session != NULL && menu != NULL && !switch_strlen_zero(sound)) { memset(menu->buf, 0, menu->inlen); menu->ptr = menu->buf; if (!need) { len = 1; ptr = NULL; } else { len = (uint32_t) menu->inlen; ptr = menu->ptr; } args.buf = ptr; args.buflen = len; if (strlen(sound) > 4 && strncasecmp(sound, "say:", 4) == 0) { if (menu->tts_engine && menu->tts_voice) { status = switch_ivr_speak_text(session, menu->tts_engine, menu->tts_voice, sound + 4, &args); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "No TTS engine to play sound\n"); } } else if (strlen(sound) > 7 && strncasecmp(sound, "phrase:", 7) == 0) { status = switch_ivr_phrase_macro(session, sound + 7, "", menu->phrase_lang, &args); } else { status = switch_ivr_play_file(session, NULL, sound, &args); } if (need) { menu->ptr += strlen(menu->buf); if (strlen(menu->buf) < need) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "waiting for %u digits\n", (uint32_t)need); status = switch_ivr_collect_digits_count(session, menu->ptr, menu->inlen - strlen(menu->buf), need, "#", &terminator, menu->timeout, 0, 0); } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "digits '%s'\n", menu->buf); } } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "play_or_say returning [%d]\n", status); return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_execute(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_ivr_menu_t * stack, char *name, void *obj) { int reps = 0, errs = 0, match = 0, running = 1; char *greeting_sound = NULL, *aptr = NULL; char arg[512]; switch_ivr_action_t todo = SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_DIE; switch_ivr_menu_action_t *ap; switch_ivr_menu_t *menu; switch_channel_t *channel; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (session == NULL || stack == NULL || switch_strlen_zero(name)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid menu context\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); if (!(menu = switch_ivr_menu_find(stack, name))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid Menu!\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (!(menu->buf = malloc(menu->inlen))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "No Memory!\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Executing IVR menu %s\n", menu->name); for (reps = 0; (running && status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && errs < menu->max_failures); reps++) { if (!switch_channel_ready(channel)) { break; } if (reps > 0 && menu->short_greeting_sound) { greeting_sound = menu->short_greeting_sound; } else { greeting_sound = menu->greeting_sound; } match = 0; aptr = NULL; memset(arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); memset(menu->buf, 0, menu->inlen); status = play_or_say(session, menu, greeting_sound, menu->inlen - 1); if (!switch_strlen_zero(menu->buf)) { for (ap = menu->actions; ap; ap = ap->next) { if (!strcmp(menu->buf, ap->bind)) { match++; errs = 0; if (ap->function) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "IVR function on menu '%s' matched '%s' param '%s'\n", menu->name, menu->buf, ap->arg); todo = ap->function(menu, ap->arg, arg, sizeof(arg), obj); aptr = arg; } else { todo = ap->ivr_action; aptr = ap->arg; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "IVR action on menu '%s' matched '%s' param '%s'\n", menu->name, menu->buf, aptr); } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "switch_ivr_menu_execute todo=[%d]\n", todo); switch (todo) { case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_DIE: status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_PLAYSOUND: status = switch_ivr_play_file(session, NULL, aptr, NULL); break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_SAYTEXT: status = switch_ivr_speak_text(session, menu->tts_engine, menu->tts_voice, aptr, NULL); break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_SAYPHRASE: status = switch_ivr_phrase_macro(session, aptr, "", menu->phrase_lang, NULL); break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_TRANSFER: switch_ivr_session_transfer(session, aptr, NULL, NULL); running = 0; break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_EXECMENU: reps = -1; status = switch_ivr_menu_execute(session, stack, aptr, obj); break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_EXECAPP: { const switch_application_interface_t *application_interface; char *app_name; char *app_arg = NULL; status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; if (!switch_strlen_zero(aptr)) { app_name = switch_core_session_strdup(session, aptr); if ((app_arg = strchr(app_name, ' '))) { *app_arg++ = '\0'; } if ((application_interface = switch_loadable_module_get_application_interface(app_name))) { switch_core_session_exec(session, application_interface, app_arg); status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_BACK: running = 0; status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_TOMAIN: switch_set_flag(stack, SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_FALLTOMAIN); status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK; break; case SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_NOOP: status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; break; default: switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid TODO!\n"); break; } } } if (switch_test_flag(menu, SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_STACK)) { // top level if (switch_test_flag(stack, SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_FALLTOMAIN)) { // catch the fallback and recover switch_clear_flag(stack, SWITCH_IVR_MENU_FLAG_FALLTOMAIN); status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; running = 1; continue; } } } if (!match) { if (*menu->buf) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "IVR menu '%s' caught invalid input '%s'\n", menu->name, menu->buf); if (menu->invalid_sound) { play_or_say(session, menu, menu->invalid_sound, 0); } } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "IVR menu '%s' no input detected\n", menu->name); } errs++; if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { status = switch_ivr_sleep(session, 1000); } /* breaks are ok too */ if (SWITCH_STATUS_IS_BREAK(status)) { status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "exit-sound '%s'\n", menu->exit_sound); if (!switch_strlen_zero(menu->exit_sound)) { play_or_say(session, menu, menu->exit_sound, 0); } switch_safe_free(menu->buf); return status; } /******************************************************************************************************/ typedef struct switch_ivr_menu_xml_map { char *name; switch_ivr_action_t action; switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *function; struct switch_ivr_menu_xml_map *next; } switch_ivr_menu_xml_map_t; struct switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx { switch_memory_pool_t *pool; struct switch_ivr_menu_xml_map *map; int autocreated; }; static switch_ivr_menu_xml_map_t *switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_find(switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t * xml_ctx, const char *name) { switch_ivr_menu_xml_map_t *map = (xml_ctx != NULL ? xml_ctx->map : NULL); int rc = -1; while (map != NULL && (rc = strcasecmp(map->name, name)) != 0) { map = map->next; } return (rc == 0 ? map : NULL); } static switch_status_t switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_add(switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t * xml_ctx, const char *name, int action, switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t * function) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; // if this action/function does not exist yet if (xml_ctx != NULL && name != NULL && xml_ctx->pool != NULL && switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_find(xml_ctx, name) == NULL) { switch_ivr_menu_xml_map_t *map = switch_core_alloc(xml_ctx->pool, sizeof(switch_ivr_menu_xml_map_t)); if (map != NULL) { map->name = switch_core_strdup(xml_ctx->pool, name); map->action = action; map->function = function; if (map->name != NULL) { // insert map item at top of list map->next = xml_ctx->map; xml_ctx->map = map; status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR; } } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_add binding '%s'\n", name); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to add binding %s\n", name); } return status; } static struct iam_s { const char *name; switch_ivr_action_t action; } iam[] = { { "menu-exit", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_DIE }, { "menu-sub", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_EXECMENU}, { "menu-exec-app", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_EXECAPP}, { "menu-play-sound", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_PLAYSOUND}, { "menu-say-text", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_SAYTEXT}, { "menu-say-phrase", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_SAYPHRASE}, { "menu-back", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_BACK}, { "menu-top", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_TOMAIN}, { "menu-call-transfer", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_TRANSFER}, { NULL, 0} }; static switch_bool_t is_valid_action(const char *action) { int i; if (!switch_strlen_zero(action)) { for(i = 0;;i++) { if (!iam[i].name) { break; } if (!strcmp(iam[i].name, action)) { return SWITCH_TRUE; } } } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid Action [%s]\n", switch_str_nil(action)); return SWITCH_FALSE; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_init(switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t ** xml_menu_ctx, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; int autocreated = 0; // build a memory pool ? if (pool == NULL) { status = switch_core_new_memory_pool(&pool); autocreated = 1; } // allocate the xml context if (xml_menu_ctx != NULL && pool != NULL) { *xml_menu_ctx = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t)); if (*xml_menu_ctx != NULL) { (*xml_menu_ctx)->pool = pool; (*xml_menu_ctx)->autocreated = autocreated; (*xml_menu_ctx)->map = NULL; status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to alloc xml_ctx\n"); status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } } // build the standard/default xml menu handler mappings if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && xml_menu_ctx != NULL && *xml_menu_ctx != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; iam[i].name && status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; i++) { status = switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_add(*xml_menu_ctx, iam[i].name, iam[i].action, NULL); } } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_add_custom(switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t * xml_menu_ctx, const char *name, switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t * function) { return switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_add(xml_menu_ctx, name, -1, function); } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_build(switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t * xml_menu_ctx, switch_ivr_menu_t ** menu_stack, switch_xml_t xml_menus, switch_xml_t xml_menu) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; if (xml_menu_ctx != NULL && menu_stack != NULL && xml_menu != NULL) { const char *menu_name = switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_menu, "name"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return "" const char *greet_long = switch_xml_attr(xml_menu, "greet-long"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return NULL const char *greet_short = switch_xml_attr(xml_menu, "greet-short"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return NULL const char *invalid_sound = switch_xml_attr(xml_menu, "invalid-sound"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return NULL const char *exit_sound = switch_xml_attr(xml_menu, "exit-sound"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return NULL const char *tts_engine = switch_xml_attr(xml_menu, "tts-engine"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return NULL const char *tts_voice = switch_xml_attr(xml_menu, "tts-voice"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return NULL const char *phrase_lang = switch_xml_attr(xml_menu, "phrase-lang"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return NULL const char *timeout = switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_menu, "timeout"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return "" const char *max_failures = switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_menu, "max-failures"); // if the attr doesn't exist, return "" switch_ivr_menu_t *menu = NULL; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "building menu '%s'\n", menu_name); status = switch_ivr_menu_init(&menu, *menu_stack, menu_name, greet_long, greet_short, invalid_sound, exit_sound, tts_engine, tts_voice, phrase_lang, atoi(timeout) * 1000, atoi(max_failures), xml_menu_ctx->pool); // set the menu_stack for the caller if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && *menu_stack == NULL) { *menu_stack = menu; } if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && menu != NULL) { switch_xml_t xml_kvp; // build menu entries for (xml_kvp = switch_xml_child(xml_menu, "entry"); xml_kvp != NULL && status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; xml_kvp = xml_kvp->next) { const char *action = switch_xml_attr(xml_kvp, "action"); const char *digits = switch_xml_attr(xml_kvp, "digits"); const char *param = switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_kvp, "param"); if (is_valid_action(action) && !switch_strlen_zero(digits)) { switch_ivr_menu_xml_map_t *xml_map = xml_menu_ctx->map; int found = 0; // find and appropriate xml handler while (xml_map != NULL && !found) { if (!(found = (strcasecmp(xml_map->name, action) == 0))) { xml_map = xml_map->next; } } if (found && xml_map != NULL) { // do we need to build a new sub-menu ? if (xml_map->action == SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_EXECMENU && switch_ivr_menu_find(*menu_stack, param) == NULL) { if ((xml_menu = switch_xml_find_child(xml_menus, "menu", "name", param)) != NULL) { status = switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_build(xml_menu_ctx, menu_stack, xml_menus, xml_menu); } } // finally bind the menu entry if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (xml_map->function != NULL) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "binding menu caller control '%s'/'%s' to '%s'\n", xml_map->name, param, digits); status = switch_ivr_menu_bind_function(menu, xml_map->function, param, digits); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "binding menu action '%s' to '%s'\n", xml_map->name, digits); status = switch_ivr_menu_bind_action(menu, xml_map->action, param, digits); } } } } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } } } } if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to build xml menu\n"); } return status; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: */