/* * Copyright (c) 1995 Colin Plumb. All rights reserved. * For licensing and other legal details, see the file legal.c. * * dsatest.c - DSA key generator and test driver. * * This generates DSA primes using a (hopefully) clearly * defined algorithm, based on David Kravitz's "kosherizer". * It is not, however, identical. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "bn.h" #include "prime.h" #include "cputime.h" #include "sha.h" #define BNDEBUG 1 #if BNDEBUG #include "bnprint.h" #define bndPut(prompt, bn) bnPrint(stdout, prompt, bn, "\n") #define bndPrintf printf #else #define bndPut(prompt, bn) ((void)(prompt),(void)(bn)) #define bndPrintf (void) #endif /* * Generate a bignum of a specified length, with the given * high and low 8 bits. "High" is merged into the high 8 bits of the * number. For example, set it to 0x80 to ensure that the number is * exactly "bits" bits long (i.e. 2^(bits-1) <= bn < 2^bits). * "Low" is merged into the low 8 bits. For example, set it to * 1 to ensure that you generate an odd number. * * Then XOR the result into the input bignum. This is to * accomodate the kosherizer in all its generality. * * The bignum is generated using the given seed string. The * technique is from David Kravitz (of the NSA)'s "kosherizer". * The string is hashed, and that (with the low bit forced to 1) * is used for the low 160 bits of the number. Then the string, * considered as a big-endian array of bytes, is incremented * and the incremented value is hashed to produce the next most * significant 160 bits, and so on. The increment is performed * modulo the size of the seed string. * * The seed is returned incremented so that it may be used to generate * subsequent numbers. * * The most and least significant 8 bits of the returned number are forced * to the values passed in "high" and "low", respectively. Typically, * high would be set to 0x80 to force the most significant bit to 1. */ static int genRandBn(struct BigNum *bn, unsigned bits, unsigned char high, unsigned char low, unsigned char *seed, unsigned len) { unsigned char buf1[SHA_DIGESTSIZE]; unsigned char buf2[SHA_DIGESTSIZE]; unsigned bytes = (bits+7)/8; unsigned l = 0; /* Current position */ unsigned i; struct SHAContext sha; if (!bits) return 0; /* Generate the first bunch of hashed data */ shaInit(&sha); shaUpdate(&sha, seed, len); shaFinal(&sha, buf1); /* Increment the seed, ignoring carry out. */ i = len; while (i-- && (++seed[i] & 255) == 0) ; /* XOR in the existing bytes */ bnExtractBigBytes(bn, buf2, l, SHA_DIGESTSIZE); for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGESTSIZE; i++) buf1[i] ^= buf2[i]; buf1[SHA_DIGESTSIZE-1] |= low; while (bytes > SHA_DIGESTSIZE) { bytes -= SHA_DIGESTSIZE; /* Merge in low half of high bits, if necessary */ if (bytes == 1 && (bits & 7)) buf1[0] |= high << (bits & 7); if (bnInsertBigBytes(bn, buf1, l, SHA_DIGESTSIZE) < 0) return -1; l += SHA_DIGESTSIZE; /* Compute the next hash we need */ shaInit(&sha); shaUpdate(&sha, seed, len); shaFinal(&sha, buf1); /* Increment the seed, ignoring carry out. */ i = len; while (i-- && (++seed[i] & 255) == 0) ; /* XOR in the existing bytes */ bnExtractBigBytes(bn, buf2, l, SHA_DIGESTSIZE); for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGESTSIZE; i++) buf1[i] ^= buf2[i]; } /* Do the final "bytes"-long section, using the tail bytes in buf1 */ /* Mask off excess high bits */ buf1[SHA_DIGESTSIZE-bytes] &= 255 >> (-bits & 7); /* Merge in specified high bits */ buf1[SHA_DIGESTSIZE-bytes] |= high >> (-bits & 7); if (bytes > 1 && (bits & 7)) buf1[SHA_DIGESTSIZE-bytes+1] |= high << (bits & 7); /* Merge in the appropriate bytes of the buffer */ if (bnInsertBigBytes(bn, buf1+SHA_DIGESTSIZE-bytes, l, bytes) < 0) return -1; return 0; } struct Progress { FILE *f; unsigned column; unsigned wrap; }; static int genProgress(void *arg, int c) { struct Progress *p = arg; if (++p->column > p->wrap) { putc('\n', p->f); p->column = 1; } putc(c, p->f); fflush(p->f); return 0; } static int dsaGen(struct BigNum *p, unsigned pbits, struct BigNum *q, unsigned qbits, struct BigNum *g, struct BigNum *x, struct BigNum *y, unsigned char *seed, unsigned len, FILE *f) { struct BigNum h, e; int i; #if CLOCK_AVAIL timetype start, stop; unsigned long s; #endif struct Progress progress; if (f) fprintf(f, "Generating a DSA key pair with %u-bit p and %u-bit q,\n" "seed = \"%.*s\"\n", pbits, qbits, (int)len, (char *)seed); progress.f = f; progress.column = 0; progress.wrap = 78; #if CLOCK_AVAIL gettime(&start); #endif /* * Choose a random starting place for q * Starting place is SHA(seed) XOR SHA(seed+1), * With the high *8* bits set to 1. */ (void)bnSetQ(q, 0); if (genRandBn(q, qbits, 0xFF, 0, seed, len) < 0) return -1; bndPut("q1 = ", q); if (genRandBn(q, qbits, 0xFF, 1, seed, len) < 0) return -1; bndPut("q2 = ", q); /* And search for a prime */ i = primeGen(q, (unsigned (*)(unsigned))0, f ? genProgress : 0, (void *)&progress, 0); bndPut("q = ", q); if (i < 0) return -1; /* ...and for p */ (void)bnSetQ(p, 0); if (genRandBn(p, pbits, 0xC0, 1, seed, len) < 0) return -1; bndPut("p1 = ", p); /* Temporarily double q */ if (bnLShift(q, 1) < 0) return -1; bnBegin(&h); bnBegin(&e); /* Set p = p - (p mod q) + 1, i.e. congruent to 1 mod 2*q */ if (bnMod(&e, p, q) < 0) goto failed; if (bnSub(p, &e) < 0 || bnAddQ(p, 1) < 0) goto failed; bndPut("p2 = ", p); if (f) genProgress(&progress, ' '); /* And search for a prime */ i = primeGenStrong(p, q, f ? genProgress : 0, (void *)&progress); if (i < 0) return -1; bndPut("p = ", p); /* Reduce q again */ bnRShift(q, 1); /* Now hunt for a suitable g - first, find (p-1)/q */ if (bnDivMod(&e, &h, p, q) < 0) goto failed; /* e is now the exponent (p-1)/q, and h is the remainder (one!) */ if (bnBits(&h) != 1) { bndPut("Huh? p % q = ", &h); goto failed; } if (f) genProgress(&progress, ' '); /* Search for a suitable h */ if (bnSetQ(&h, 2) < 0 || bnTwoExpMod(g, &e, p) < 0) goto failed; i++; while (bnBits(g) < 2) { if (f) genProgress(&progress, '.'); if (bnAddQ(&h, 1) < 0 || bnExpMod(g, &h, &e, p) < 0) goto failed; i++; } if (f) genProgress(&progress, '*'); #if CLOCK_AVAIL gettime(&stop); #endif /* * Now pick the secret, x. Choose it a bit larger than q and do * modular reduction to make it uniformly distributed. */ bnSetQ(x, 0); /* XXX SECURITY ALERT Replace with a real RNG! SECURITY ALERT XXX */ if (genRandBn(x, qbits+8, 0, 0, seed, len) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMod(x, x, q) < 0 || bnExpMod(y, g, x, p) < 0) goto failed; i++; if (f) putc('\n', f); printf("%d modular exponentiations performed.\n", i); #if CLOCK_AVAIL subtime(stop, start); s = sec(stop); bndPrintf("%u/%u-bit time = %lu.%03u sec.", pbits, qbits, s, msec(stop)); if (s > 60) { putchar(' '); putchar('('); if (s > 3600) printf("%u:%02u", (unsigned)(s/3600), (unsigned)(s/60%60)); else printf("%u", (unsigned)(s/60)); printf(":%02u)", (unsigned)(s%60)); } putchar('\n'); #endif bndPut("q = ", q); bndPut("p = ", p); bndPut("h = ", &h); bndPut("g = ", g); bndPut("x = ", x); bndPut("y = ", y); bnEnd(&h); bnEnd(&e); return 0; failed: bnEnd(&h); bnEnd(&e); return -1; } static int dsaSign(struct BigNum const *p, struct BigNum const *q, struct BigNum const *g, struct BigNum const *x, struct BigNum const *y, struct BigNum const *hash, struct BigNum const *k, struct BigNum *r, struct BigNum *s) { int retval = -1; struct BigNum t; (void)y; bnBegin(&t); /* Make the signature... first the precomputation */ /* Compute r = (g^k mod p) mod q */ if (bnExpMod(r, g, k, p) < 0 || bnMod(r, r, q) < 0) goto failed; /* Compute s = k^-1 * (hash + x*r) mod q */ if (bnInv(&t, k, q) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMul(s, x, r) < 0 || bnMod(s, s, q) < 0) goto failed; /* End of precomputation. Steps after this require the hash. */ if (bnAdd(s, hash) < 0) goto failed; if (bnCmp(s, q) > 0 && bnSub(s, q) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMul(s, s, &t) < 0 || bnMod(s, s, q) < 0) goto failed; /* Okay, r and s are the signature! */ retval = 0; failed: bnEnd(&t); return retval; } /* Faster version, using precomputed tables */ static int dsaSignFast(struct BigNum const *p, struct BigNum const *q, struct BnBasePrecomp const *pre, struct BigNum const *x, struct BigNum const *y, struct BigNum const *hash, struct BigNum const *k, struct BigNum *r, struct BigNum *s) { int retval = -1; struct BigNum t; (void)y; bnBegin(&t); /* Make the signature... first the precomputation */ /* Compute r = (g^k mod p) mod q */ if (bnBasePrecompExpMod(r, pre, k, p) < 0 || bnMod(r, r, q) < 0) goto failed; /* Compute s = k^-1 * (hash + x*r) mod q */ if (bnInv(&t, k, q) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMul(s, x, r) < 0 || bnMod(s, s, q) < 0) goto failed; /* End of precomputation. Steps after this require the hash. */ if (bnAdd(s, hash) < 0) goto failed; if (bnCmp(s, q) > 0 && bnSub(s, q) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMul(s, s, &t) < 0 || bnMod(s, s, q) < 0) goto failed; /* Okay, r and s are the signature! */ retval = 0; failed: bnEnd(&t); return retval; } /* * Returns 1 for a good signature, 0 for bad, and -1 on error. */ static int dsaVerify(struct BigNum const *p, struct BigNum const *q, struct BigNum const *g, struct BigNum const *y, struct BigNum const *r, struct BigNum const *s, struct BigNum const *hash) { struct BigNum w, u1, u2; int retval = -1; bnBegin(&w); bnBegin(&u1); bnBegin(&u2); if (bnInv(&w, s, q) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMul(&u1, hash, &w) < 0 || bnMod(&u1, &u1, q) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMul(&u2, r, &w) < 0 || bnMod(&u2, &u2, q) < 0) goto failed; /* Now for the expensive part... */ if (bnDoubleExpMod(&w, g, &u1, y, &u2, p) < 0) goto failed; if (bnMod(&w, &w, q) < 0) goto failed; retval = (bnCmp(r, &w) == 0); failed: bnEnd(&u2); bnEnd(&u1); bnEnd(&w); return retval; } #define divide_by_n(sec, msec, n) \ ( msec += 1000 * (sec % n), \ sec /= n, msec /= n, \ sec += msec / 1000, \ msec %= 1000 ) static int dsaTest(struct BigNum const *p, struct BigNum const *q, struct BigNum const *g, struct BigNum const *x, struct BigNum const *y) { struct BigNum hash, r, s, k; struct BigNum r1, s1; struct BnBasePrecomp pre; unsigned bits; unsigned i; int verified; int retval = -1; unsigned char foo[4], bar[4]; #if CLOCK_AVAIL timetype start, stop; unsigned long cursec, sigsec = 0, sig1sec = 0, versec = 0; unsigned curms, sigms = 0, sig1ms = 0, verms = 0; unsigned j, n, m = 0; #endif bnBegin(&hash); bnBegin(&r); bnBegin(&r1); bnBegin(&s); bnBegin(&s1); bnBegin(&k); bits = bnBits(q); strcpy((char *)foo, "foo"); strcpy((char *)bar, "bar"); /* Precompute powers of g */ if (bnBasePrecompBegin(&pre, g, p, bits) < 0) goto failed; bndPrintf(" N\tSigning \tSigning1\tVerifying\tStatus\n"); for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { /* Pick a random hash, the right length. */ (void)bnSetQ(&k, 0); if (genRandBn(&hash, bits, 0, 0, foo, 4) < 0) goto failed; /* Make the signature... */ /* * XXX SECURITY ALERT XXX * XXX Replace with a real RNG! XXX * XXX SECURITY ALERT XXX */ (void)bnSetQ(&k, 0); if (genRandBn(&k, bnBits(q)+8, 0, 0, bar, 4) < 0) goto failed; /* Reduce k to the correct range */ if (bnMod(&k, &k, q) < 0) goto failed; #if CLOCK_AVAIL /* Decide on a number of iterations to perform... */ m += n = i+1; /* This goes from 1 to 325 */ bndPrintf("%3d", n); gettime(&start); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) #endif if (dsaSign(p, q, g, x, y, &hash, &k, &r, &s) < 0) goto failed; #if CLOCK_AVAIL gettime(&stop); subtime(stop, start); sigsec += cursec = sec(stop); sigms += curms = msec(stop); divide_by_n(cursec, curms, n); bndPrintf("\t%lu.%03u\t\t", cursec, curms); #else bndPrintf("\t*\t\t"); #endif fflush(stdout); #if CLOCK_AVAIL gettime(&start); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) #endif if (dsaSignFast(p, q, &pre, x, y, &hash, &k, &r1, &s1) < 0) goto failed; #if CLOCK_AVAIL gettime(&stop); subtime(stop, start); sig1sec += cursec = sec(stop); sig1ms += curms = msec(stop); divide_by_n(cursec, curms, n); bndPrintf("%lu.%03u\t\t", cursec, curms); #else bndPrintf("*\t\t"); #endif fflush(stdout); if (bnCmp(&r, &r1) != 0) { printf("\a** Error r != r1"); bndPut("g = ", g); bndPut("k = ", &k); bndPut("r = ", &r); bndPut("r1= ", &r1); } if (bnCmp(&s, &s1) != 0) { printf("\a** Error r != r1"); bndPut("g = ", g); bndPut("k = ", &k); bndPut("s = ", &s); bndPut("s1= ", &s1); } /* Okay, r and s are the signature! Now, verify it. */ #if CLOCK_AVAIL gettime(&start); verified = 0; /* To silence warning */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { #endif verified = dsaVerify(p, q, g, y, &r, &s, &hash); if (verified <= 0) break; } #if CLOCK_AVAIL gettime(&stop); subtime(stop, start); versec += cursec = sec(stop); verms += curms = msec(stop); divide_by_n(cursec, curms, j); bndPrintf("%lu.%03u\t\t", cursec, curms); #else bndPrintf("*\t\t"); #endif if (verified > 0) { printf("Test successful.\n"); } else if (verified == 0) { printf("\aSignature did NOT check!.\n"); bndPut("hash = ", &hash); bndPut("k = ", &k); bndPut("r = ", &r); bndPut("s = ", &s); getchar(); } else { printf("\a** Error while verifying"); bndPut("hash = ", &hash); bndPut("k = ", &k); bndPut("r = ", &r); bndPut("s = ", &s); getchar(); goto failed; } } #if CLOCK_AVAIL divide_by_n(sigsec, sigms, m); divide_by_n(sig1sec, sig1ms, m); divide_by_n(versec, verms, m); bndPrintf("%3u\t%lu.%03u\t\t%lu.%03u\t\t%lu.%03u\t\tAVERAGE %u/%u\n", m, sigsec, sigms, sig1sec, sig1ms, versec, verms, bnBits(p), bnBits(q)); #endif /* Success */ retval = 0; failed: bnBasePrecompEnd(&pre); bnEnd(&k); bnEnd(&s1); bnEnd(&s); bnEnd(&r1); bnEnd(&r); bnEnd(&hash); return retval; } /* Copy the command line to the buffer. */ static unsigned copy(unsigned char *buf, int argc, char **argv) { unsigned pos, len; pos = 0; while (--argc) { len = strlen(*++argv); memcpy(buf, *argv, len); buf += len; pos += len; if (argc > 1) { *buf++ = ' '; pos++; } } return pos; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned len; struct BigNum p, q, g, x, y; unsigned char buf[1024]; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <seed>\n", argv[0]); fputs("\ <seed> should be a a string of bytes to be hashed to seed the prime\n\ generator. Note that unquoted whitespace between words will be counted\n\ as a single space. To include multiple spaces, quote them.\n", stderr); return 1; } bnInit(); bnBegin(&p); bnBegin(&q); bnBegin(&g); bnBegin(&x); bnBegin(&y); len = copy(buf, argc, argv); dsaGen(&p, 512, &q, 160, &g, &x, &y, buf, len, stdout); dsaTest(&p, &q, &g, &x, &y); len = copy(buf, argc, argv); dsaGen(&p, 768, &q, 160, &g, &x, &y, buf, len, stdout); dsaTest(&p, &q, &g, &x, &y); len = copy(buf, argc, argv); dsaGen(&p, 1024, &q, 160, &g, &x, &y, buf, len, stdout); dsaTest(&p, &q, &g, &x, &y); len = copy(buf, argc, argv); dsaGen(&p, 1536, &q, 192, &g, &x, &y, buf, len, stdout); dsaTest(&p, &q, &g, &x, &y); len = copy(buf, argc, argv); dsaGen(&p, 2048, &q, 224, &g, &x, &y, buf, len, stdout); dsaTest(&p, &q, &g, &x, &y); len = copy(buf, argc, argv); dsaGen(&p, 3072, &q, 256, &g, &x, &y, buf, len, stdout); dsaTest(&p, &q, &g, &x, &y); len = copy(buf, argc, argv); dsaGen(&p, 4096, &q, 288, &g, &x, &y, buf, len, stdout); dsaTest(&p, &q, &g, &x, &y); bnEnd(&y); bnEnd(&x); bnEnd(&g); bnEnd(&q); bnEnd(&p); return 0; }