' ' Contributor(s): ' Michael Jerris <mike@jerris.com> ' David A. Horner http://dave.thehorners.com '---------------------------------------------- 'On Error Resume Next ' ************** ' Initialization ' ************** Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM") Set xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") Dim UseWgetEXE On Error Resume Next Set oStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") On Error Goto 0 If Not IsObject(oStream) Then wscript.echo("Failed to create Adodb.Stream, using alternative download method.") UseWgetEXE=true Else UseWgetEXE=false End If Randomize Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments quote=Chr(34) ScriptDir=Left(WScript.ScriptFullName,Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)-Len(WScript.ScriptName)) UtilsDir=Showpath(ScriptDir) ToolsBase="http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/win32/" If UseWgetEXE Then GetWgetEXE UtilsDir End If GetCompressionTools UtilsDir If objArgs.Count >=3 Then Select Case objArgs(0) Case "Get" Wget objArgs(1), Showpath(objArgs(2)) Case "GetUnzip" WgetUnCompress objArgs(1), Showpath(objArgs(2)) Case "GetUnzipSounds" WgetSounds objArgs(1), objArgs(2), Showpath(objArgs(3)), objArgs(4) Case "Version" 'CreateVersion(tmpFolder, VersionDir, includebase, includedest) CreateVersion Showpath(objArgs(1)), Showpath(objArgs(2)), objArgs(3), objArgs(4) End Select End If ' ******************* ' Utility Subroutines ' ******************* Sub WgetSounds(PrimaryName, Freq, DestFolder, VersionFile) BaseURL = "http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-sounds" Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(VersionFile,1) Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream strLine = objTextFile.Readline if Len(strLine) > 2 then versionPos = InstrRev(strLine, " ", -1, 1) name = Left(strLine, versionPos-1) if name = PrimaryName Then version = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - versionPos) Wscript.Echo "Sound name: " & name & " Version " & version URL = BaseURL & "-" & name & "-" & Freq &"-" & version & ".tar.gz" Wscript.Echo "URL: " & URL WgetUnCompress URL, Showpath(DestFolder) End If End if Loop End Sub Sub WgetUnCompress(URL, DestFolder) If Right(DestFolder, 1) <> "\" Then DestFolder = DestFolder & "\" End If StartPos = InstrRev(URL, "/", -1, 1) strlength = Len(URL) filename=Right(URL,strlength-StartPos) NameEnd = InstrRev(filename, ".",-1, 1) filestrlength = Len(filename) filebase = Left(filename,NameEnd) fileext = Right(filename, Len(filename) - NameEnd) Wget URL, DestFolder If fileext = "zip" Then UnCompress Destfolder & filename, DestFolder & filebase Else UnCompress Destfolder & filename, DestFolder End If End Sub Sub GetCompressionTools(DestFolder) Dim oExec If Right(DestFolder, 1) <> "\" Then DestFolder = DestFolder & "\" End If If Not FSO.FileExists(DestFolder & "7za.exe") Then If Not FSO.FileExists(DestFolder & "7za.tag") Then Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(DestFolder & "7za.tag", True) MyFile.WriteLine("This file marks a pending download for 7za.exe so we don't download it twice at the same time") MyFile.Close Wget ToolsBase & "7za.exe", DestFolder FSO.DeleteFile DestFolder & "7za.tag" ,true Else WScript.Sleep(5000) End If End If End Sub Sub GetWgetEXE(DestFolder) Dim oExec If Right(DestFolder, 1) <> "\" Then DestFolder = DestFolder & "\" End If If Not FSO.FileExists(DestFolder & "wget.exe") Then Slow_Wget ToolsBase & "wget.exe", DestFolder End If End Sub Sub UnCompress(Archive, DestFolder) batname = "tmp" & CStr(Int(10000*Rnd)) & ".bat" wscript.echo("Extracting: " & Archive) Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(UtilsDir & batname, True) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & quote & UtilsDir & "7za.exe" & quote & " x " & quote & Archive & quote & " -y -o" & quote & DestFolder & quote ) MyFile.Close Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(UtilsDir & batname) Do WScript.Echo OExec.StdOut.ReadLine() Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream If FSO.FileExists(Left(Archive, Len(Archive)-3))Then WScript.Sleep(100) FSO.DeleteFile UtilsDir & batname, True Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(UtilsDir & batname, True) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & quote & UtilsDir & "7za.exe" & quote & " x " & quote & Left(Archive, Len(Archive)-3) & quote & " -y -o" & quote & DestFolder & quote ) MyFile.Close Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(UtilsDir & batname) Do WScript.Echo OExec.StdOut.ReadLine() Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream WScript.Sleep(500) FSO.DeleteFile Left(Archive, Len(Archive)-3) ,true End If If FSO.FileExists(Left(Archive, Len(Archive)-3) & "tar")Then WScript.Sleep(100) FSO.DeleteFile UtilsDir & batname, True Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(UtilsDir & batname, True) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & quote & UtilsDir & "7za.exe" & quote & " x " & quote & Left(Archive, Len(Archive)-3) & "tar" & quote & " -y -o" & quote & DestFolder & quote ) MyFile.Close Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(UtilsDir & batname) Do WScript.Echo OExec.StdOut.ReadLine() Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream WScript.Sleep(500) FSO.DeleteFile Left(Archive, Len(Archive)-3) & "tar",true End If WScript.Sleep(500) If FSO.FileExists(UtilsDir & batname)Then FSO.DeleteFile UtilsDir & batname, True End If End Sub Sub Wget(URL, DestFolder) StartPos = InstrRev(URL, "/", -1, 1) strlength = Len(URL) filename=Right(URL,strlength-StartPos) If Right(DestFolder, 1) <> "\" Then DestFolder = DestFolder & "\" End If Wscript.echo("Downloading: " & URL) If UseWgetEXE Then batname = "tmp" & CStr(Int(10000*Rnd)) & ".bat" Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(UtilsDir & batname, True) MyFile.WriteLine("@cd " & quote & DestFolder & quote) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & quote & UtilsDir & "wget.exe" & quote & " " & URL) MyFile.Close Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(UtilsDir & batname) Do WScript.Echo OExec.StdOut.ReadLine() Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream Else xml.Open "GET", URL, False xml.Send Const adTypeBinary = 1 Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2 Const adSaveCreateNotExist = 1 oStream.type = adTypeBinary oStream.open oStream.write xml.responseBody oStream.savetofile DestFolder & filename, adSaveCreateOverWrite oStream.close End If End Sub Sub Slow_Wget(URL, DestFolder) StartPos = InstrRev(URL, "/", -1, 1) strlength = Len(URL) filename=Right(URL,strlength-StartPos) If Right(DestFolder, 1) <> "\" Then DestFolder = DestFolder & "\" End If Wscript.echo("Downloading: " & URL) xml.Open "GET", URL, False xml.Send const ForReading = 1 , ForWriting = 2 , ForAppending = 8 Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile(DestFolder & filename ,ForWriting, True) For i = 1 to lenb(xml.responseBody) MyFile.write Chr(Ascb(midb(xml.responseBody,i,1))) Next MyFile.Close() End Sub Function Showpath(folderspec) Set f = FSO.GetFolder(folderspec) showpath = f.path & "\" End Function Function FindVersionStringInConfigure(strConfigFile, strVersionString) Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") objRegEx.Pattern = "[^#]AC_SUBST\(" & strVersionString & ".*\[([^\[]*)\]" Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strConfigFile, 1) strSearchString = objFile.ReadAll objFile.Close Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strSearchString) strResult = "" If colMatches.Count > 0 Then For Each strMatch in colMatches strResult = objRegEx.Replace(strMatch.Value, "$1") Next End If FindVersionStringInConfigure = strResult End Function Sub FindReplaceInFile(FileName, sFind, sReplace) Const OpenAsASCII = 0 ' Opens the file as ASCII (TristateFalse) Const OpenAsUnicode = -1 ' Opens the file as Unicode (TristateTrue) Const OpenAsDefault = -2 ' Opens the file using the system default Const OverwriteIfExist = -1 Const FailIfNotExist = 0 Const ForReading = 1 Set fOrgFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading, FailIfNotExist, OpenAsASCII) sText = fOrgFile.ReadAll fOrgFile.Close sText = Replace(sText, sFind, sReplace) Set fNewFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(FileName, OverwriteIfExist, OpenAsASCII) fNewFile.WriteLine sText fNewFile.Close End Sub Function ExecAndGetResult(tmpFolder, VersionDir, execStr) Set MyFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(tmpFolder & "tmpExec.Bat", True) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & "cd " & quote & VersionDir & quote) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & execStr) MyFile.Close Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("cmd /C " & quote & tmpFolder & "tmpExec.Bat" & quote) ExecAndGetResult = Trim(OExec.StdOut.ReadLine()) Do Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream FSO.DeleteFile(tmpFolder & "tmpExec.Bat") End Function Function ExecAndGetExitCode(tmpFolder, VersionDir, execStr) Set MyFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(tmpFolder & "tmpExec.Bat", True) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & "cd " & quote & VersionDir & quote) MyFile.WriteLine("@" & execStr) MyFile.WriteLine("@exit %ERRORLEVEL%") MyFile.Close ExecAndGetExitCode = WshShell.Run("cmd /C " & quote & tmpFolder & "tmpExec.Bat" & quote, 0, True) FSO.DeleteFile(tmpFolder & "tmpExec.Bat") End Function Function pd(n, totalDigits) If totalDigits > len(n) then pd = String(totalDigits-len(n),"0") & n Else pd = n End If End Function Function GetTimeUTC() iOffset = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias") If IsNumeric(iOffset) Then GetTimeUTC = DateAdd("n", iOffset, Now()) Else GetTimeUTC = Now() End If End Function Sub CreateVersion(tmpFolder, VersionDir, includebase, includedest) Dim oExec strVerMajor = FindVersionStringInConfigure(VersionDir & "configure.in", "SWITCH_VERSION_MAJOR") strVerMinor = FindVersionStringInConfigure(VersionDir & "configure.in", "SWITCH_VERSION_MINOR") strVerMicro = FindVersionStringInConfigure(VersionDir & "configure.in", "SWITCH_VERSION_MICRO") strVerRev = FindVersionStringInConfigure(VersionDir & "configure.in", "SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION") strVerHuman = FindVersionStringInConfigure(VersionDir & "configure.in", "SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION_HUMAN") 'Set version to the one reported by configure.in If strVerRev <> "" Then VERSION = strVerRev End If Dim sLastFile Const ForReading = 1 Const ShowUnclean = False 'Don't show unclean state for now 'Try To read revision from git If FSO.FolderExists(VersionDir & ".git") Then 'Get timestamp for last commit strFromProc = ExecAndGetResult(tmpFolder, VersionDir, "git log -n1 --format=" & quote & "%%ct" & quote & " HEAD") If IsNumeric(strFromProc) Then lastChangedDateTime = DateAdd("s", strFromProc, "01/01/1970 00:00:00") strLastCommit = YEAR(lastChangedDateTime) & Pd(Month(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & Pd(DAY(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "T" & Pd(Hour(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & Pd(Minute(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & Pd(Second(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "Z" strLastCommitHuman = YEAR(lastChangedDateTime) & "-" & Pd(Month(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "-" & Pd(DAY(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & " " & Pd(Hour(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & ":" & Pd(Minute(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & ":" & Pd(Second(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "Z" Else strLastCommit = "" strLastCommitHuman = "" End If 'Get revision hash strRevision = ExecAndGetResult(tmpFolder, VersionDir, "git rev-list -n1 --abbrev=10 --abbrev-commit HEAD") strRevisionHuman = ExecAndGetResult(tmpFolder, VersionDir, "git rev-list -n1 --abbrev=7 --abbrev-commit HEAD") If strLastCommit <> "" And strLastCommitHuman <> "" And strRevision <> "" And strRevisionHuman <> "" Then 'Bild version string strGitVer = "+git~" & strLastCommit & "~" & strRevision strVerHuman = "git " & strRevisionHuman & " " & strLastCommitHuman 'Check for local changes, if found, append to git revision string If ShowUnclean Then If ExecAndGetExitCode(tmpFolder, VersionDir, "git diff-index --quiet HEAD") <> 0 Then lastChangedDateTime = GetTimeUTC() strGitVer = strGitVer & "+unclean~" & YEAR(lastChangedDateTime) & Pd(Month(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & Pd(DAY(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "T" & Pd(Hour(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & Pd(Minute(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & Pd(Second(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "Z" strVerHuman = strVerHuman & " unclean " & YEAR(lastChangedDateTime) & "-" & Pd(Month(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "-" & Pd(DAY(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & " " & Pd(Hour(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & ":" & Pd(Minute(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & ":" & Pd(Second(lastChangedDateTime), 2) & "Z" End If End If Else strGitVer = "" strVerHuman = "" End If VERSION=VERSION & strGitVer sLastVersion = "" Set sLastFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(tmpFolder & "lastversion", ForReading, True, OpenAsASCII) If Not sLastFile.atEndOfStream Then sLastVersion = sLastFile.ReadLine() End If sLastFile.Close End If If VERSION & " " & strVerHuman <> sLastVersion Then Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(tmpFolder & "lastversion", True) MyFile.WriteLine(VERSION & " " & strVerHuman) MyFile.Close FSO.CopyFile includebase, includedest, true FindReplaceInFile includedest, "@SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION@", VERSION FindReplaceInFile includedest, "@SWITCH_VERSION_MAJOR@", strVerMajor FindReplaceInFile includedest, "@SWITCH_VERSION_MINOR@", strVerMinor FindReplaceInFile includedest, "@SWITCH_VERSION_MICRO@", strVerMicro FindReplaceInFile includedest, "@SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION_HUMAN@", strVerHuman End If End Sub