/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@page sip-options Query SIP OPTIONS * * @section synopsis Synopsis * <tt>sip-options [--bind=url] [--from=url] [-a|--all] to </tt> * * @section description Description * The @em sip-options utility sends a SIP OPTIONS request (or any other SIP * request) to a SIP server. * * The @em sip-options tool will print out status line and interesting headers * from the response, excluding From, Via, Call-ID, and CSeq. The message * body is also printed. * * @section options Command Line Options * The @e options utility accepts following command line options: * <dl> * <dt>-m url | --contact=url | --bind=url</dt> * <dd>Specifies the SIP URL to which the @em options utility binds. * </dd> * <dt>--1XX | -1</dt> * <dd>Print also preliminary responses. If this option is not present, * preliminary responses are silently discarded. * </dd> * <dt>--all | -a</dt> * <dd>All SIP headers will be printed. If the --all option is given, * the @em options utility also prints @b From, @b Via, @b Call-ID or * @b CSeq headers. * </dd> * <dt>--from=url</dt> * <dd>Specifies the @b From header. Unless this option is used or the * environment variable @c SIPADDRESS is set, local Contact URL is used * as @b From header as well. * </dd> * <dt>--mf=n</dt> * <dd>Specify the initial Max-Forwards count (defaults to 70, stack default). * </dd> * <dt>--method=s</dt> * <dd>Specify the request method (defaults to OPTIONS). * </dd> * </dl> * * @section return Return Codes * <table> * <tr><td>0<td>when successful (a 2XX-series response is received) * <tr><td>1<td>when unsuccessful (a 3XX..6XX-series response is received) * <tr><td>2<td>initialization failure * </table> * * @section examples Examples * You want to query supported features of sip:essip00net.nokia.com: * @code * $ options sip:essip00net.nokia.com * @endcode * * @section environment Environment * #SIPADDRESS, #sip_proxy, #NTA_DEBUG, #TPORT_DEBUG, #TPORT_LOG. * * @section bugs Reporting Bugs * Report bugs to <sofia-sip-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>. * * @section author Author * Written by Pekka Pessi <pekka -dot pessi -at- nokia -dot- com> * * @section copyright Copyright * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * This program is free software; see the source for copying conditions. * There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include "config.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> typedef struct context_s context_t; #define NTA_OUTGOING_MAGIC_T context_t #include <sofia-sip/nta.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_header.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_tag.h> #include <sofia-sip/sl_utils.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_util.h> #include <sofia-sip/auth_client.h> #include <sofia-sip/tport_tag.h> struct context_s { su_home_t c_home[1]; su_root_t *c_root; nta_agent_t *c_agent; url_t *c_proxy; char const *c_username; char const *c_password; nta_leg_t *c_leg; nta_outgoing_t *c_orq; auth_client_t *c_proxy_auth; auth_client_t *c_auth; unsigned c_proxy_auth_retries; unsigned c_auth_retries; int c_all; int c_pre; int c_retval; }; char const name[] = "sip-options"; static void usage(int rc) { fprintf(rc ? stderr : stdout, "usage: %s OPTIONS url [extra-file]\n" "where OPTIONS are\n" " --mf=count | --max-forwards=count\n" " --contact=url | --bind=url | -m=url\n" " --from=url\n" " --ua=user-agent\n" " --all | -a\n" " --1XX | -1\n" " --x | --extra \n", name); exit(rc); } #include "apps_utils.h" static int response_to_options(context_t *context, nta_outgoing_t *oreq, sip_t const *sip); static char *readfile(FILE *f); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { su_home_t *home; context_t context[1] = {{{SU_HOME_INIT(context)}}}; char *extra = NULL, *o_bind = "sip:*:*", *o_from = getenv("SIPADDRESS"), *o_http_proxy = NULL, *o_max_forwards = NULL, *o_method = NULL, *o_to = NULL; char *s, *v; sip_method_t method = sip_method_options; #define MATCH(s, o) \ ((strncmp(s, o, strlen(o)) == 0)) #define MATCH1(s, o) \ ((strncmp(s, o, strlen(o)) == 0) && \ (v = (s[strlen(o)] ? s + strlen(o) : argv++[1]))) #define MATCH2(s, o) \ ((strncmp(s, o, strlen(o)) == 0) && \ (s[strlen(o)] == '=' || s[strlen(o)] == '\0') && \ (v = s[strlen(o)] ? s + strlen(o) + 1 : argv++[1])) while ((s = argv++[1])) { if (!MATCH(s, "-")) { o_to = s; break; } else if (strcmp(s, "") == 0) { o_to = argv++[1]; break; } else if (MATCH(s, "-a") || MATCH(s, "--all")) { context->c_all = 1; } else if (MATCH(s, "-x") || MATCH(s, "--extra")) { extra = "-"; } else if (MATCH(s, "-1") || MATCH(s, "--1XX")) { context->c_pre = 1; } else if (MATCH2(s, "--mf")) { o_max_forwards = v; } else if (MATCH2(s, "--http-proxy")) { o_http_proxy = v; } else if (MATCH2(s, "--max-forwards")) { o_max_forwards = v; } else if (MATCH2(s, "--bind")) { o_bind = v; } else if (MATCH1(s, "-m")) { o_bind = v; } else if (MATCH2(s, "--contact")){ o_bind = v; } else if (MATCH2(s, "--from")) { o_from = v; } else if (MATCH2(s, "--method")) { o_method = v; } else if (MATCH(s, "--help")) { usage(0); } else usage(2); } if (!o_to) usage(2); if (argv[1]) extra = argv++[1]; su_init(); su_home_init(home = context->c_home); context->c_root = su_root_create(context); context->c_retval = 2; if (context->c_root) { url_string_t *r_uri; context->c_agent = nta_agent_create(context->c_root, URL_STRING_MAKE(o_bind), NULL, NULL, /* Ignore incoming messages */ TPTAG_HTTP_CONNECT(o_http_proxy), TAG_END()); if (context->c_agent) { sip_addr_t *from, *to; sip_contact_t const *m = nta_agent_contact(context->c_agent); to = sip_to_create(home, (url_string_t *)o_to); if (o_from) from = sip_from_make(home, o_from); else from = sip_from_create(home, (url_string_t const *)m->m_url); if (!from) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no valid From address\n", name); exit(2); } tag_from_header(context->c_agent, context->c_home, from); if (o_method) { method = sip_method_code(o_method); } else { isize_t len; char const *params = to->a_url->url_params; len = url_param(params, "method", NULL, 0); if (len > 0) { o_method = su_alloc(home, len + 1); if (o_method == 0 || url_param(params, "method", o_method, len + 1) != len) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", name, o_method ? "internal error" : strerror(errno)); exit(2); } method = sip_method_code(o_method); } } r_uri = (url_string_t *)url_hdup(home, to->a_url); sip_aor_strip(to->a_url); sip_aor_strip(from->a_url); context->c_username = from->a_url->url_user; context->c_password = from->a_url->url_password; from->a_url->url_password = NULL; if (extra) { FILE *hf; if (strcmp(extra, "-")) hf = fopen(extra, "rb"); else hf = stdin; extra = readfile(hf); } context->c_proxy = url_hdup(context->c_home, (url_t *)getenv("sip_proxy")); nta_agent_set_params(context->c_agent, NTATAG_SIPFLAGS(MSG_FLG_EXTRACT_COPY), NTATAG_DEFAULT_PROXY(context->c_proxy), TAG_END()); context->c_leg = nta_leg_tcreate(context->c_agent, NULL, NULL, /* ignore incoming requests */ SIPTAG_FROM(from), /* who is sending OPTIONS? */ SIPTAG_TO(to), /* whom we are sending OPTIONS? */ TAG_END()); if (context->c_leg) { context->c_orq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(context->c_leg, response_to_options, context, NULL, method, o_method, r_uri, SIPTAG_USER_AGENT_STR("options"), SIPTAG_MAX_FORWARDS_STR(o_max_forwards), SIPTAG_HEADER_STR(extra), TAG_END()); if (context->c_orq) { su_root_run(context->c_root); nta_outgoing_destroy(context->c_orq), context->c_orq = NULL; } nta_leg_destroy(context->c_leg), context->c_leg = NULL; } nta_agent_destroy(context->c_agent), context->c_agent = NULL; } su_root_destroy(context->c_root); } su_deinit(); return context->c_retval; } /** Handle responses to registration request */ static int response_to_options(context_t *context, nta_outgoing_t *oreq, sip_t const *sip) { if (proxy_authenticate(context, oreq, sip, response_to_options)) return 0; if (server_authenticate(context, oreq, sip, response_to_options)) return 0; if (sip->sip_status->st_status >= 200 || context->c_pre) { sip_header_t *h = (sip_header_t *)sip->sip_status; char hname[64]; for (; h; h = (sip_header_t *)h->sh_succ) { if (!context->c_all) { if (sip_is_from(h) || sip_is_via(h) || sip_is_call_id(h) || sip_is_cseq(h) || sip_is_content_length(h)) continue; } if (h->sh_class->hc_name) { snprintf(hname, sizeof hname, "%s: %%s\n", h->sh_class->hc_name); sl_header_print(stdout, hname, h); } else { sl_header_print(stdout, NULL, h); } } } if (sip->sip_status->st_status >= 200) { context->c_retval = sip->sip_status->st_status >= 300; su_root_break(context->c_root); } return 0; } /* Read in whole (binary!) file */ char *readfile(FILE *f) { char *buffer = NULL; long size; size_t len; if (f == NULL) return NULL; for (size = 8192, buffer = NULL, len = 0; !feof(f); size += 8192) { buffer = realloc(buffer, size + 1); if (!buffer) exit(2); len += fread(buffer + len, 1, 8192, f); } buffer[len] = '\0'; return buffer; }