[modules] ; If this option is the first one the rest of them will be ignored ;load => all ; Extension will be chosen automaticly if not specified (.dll for windows, .so for UNIX) ; Full paths will be taken "as is" (eg /some/dir/mymod.so) ; Event Handlers load => mod_zeroconf load => mod_xmpp_event ; Directory Interfaces load => mod_ldap ; Endpoints load => mod_exosip load => mod_iax load => mod_woomera ; Applications load => mod_bridgecall load => mod_ivrtest load => mod_playback ; Dialplan Interfaces load => mod_dialplan_demo load => mod_dialplan_directory load => mod_pcre ; Codec Interfaces load => mod_g711 load => mod_gsm load => mod_l16 load => mod_speex ; File Format Interfaces load => mod_sndfile ; Timers load => mod_softtimer