<configuration name="osp.conf" description="OSP Module Configuration"> <settings> <!-- Debug info flag --> <param name="debug-info" value="disabled"/> <!-- Log level for debug info --> <param name="log-level" value="info"/> <!-- Crypto hareware accelerate is disabled by default --> <param name="crypto-hardware" value="disabled"/> <!-- SIP settings --> <param name="sip" module="sofia" profile="external"/> <!-- H.323 settings --> <!-- <param name="h323" module="h323" profile="external"/> --> <!-- IAX settings --> <!-- <param name="iax" module="iax" profile="external"/> --> <!-- Skype settings --> <!-- <param name="skype" module="skypopen" profile="external"/> --> <!-- Default destination protocol --> <param name="default-protocol" value="sip"/> </settings> <profiles> <!-- Default OSP profile --> <profile name="default"> <!-- Service point URLs, up to 8 allowed --> <!-- <param name="service-point-url" value="http://osptestserver.transnexus.com:5045/osp"/> --> <!-- <param name="service-point-url" value=""/> --> <param name="service-point-url" value=""/> <!-- FreeSWITCH IP address for OSP --> <param name="device-ip" value=""/> <!-- SSL lifetime in seconds --> <param name="ssl-lifetime" value="300"/> <!-- HTTP max connections, 1~1000 --> <param name="http-max-connections" value="20"/> <!-- HTTP persistence in seconds --> <param name="http-persistence" value="60"/> <!-- HTTP retry delay in seconds, 0~10 --> <param name="http-retry-delay" value="0"/> <!-- HTTP retry limit, 0~100 --> <param name="http-retry-limit" value="2"/> <!-- HTTP timeout in milliseconds, 200~60000 --> <param name="http-timeout" value="10000"/> <!-- OSP work mode, direct or indirect --> <param name="work-mode" value="direct"/> <!-- OSP service type, voice or npquery --> <param name="service-type" value="voice"/> <!-- Max number of destinations --> <param name="max-destinations" value="12"/> </profile> </profiles> </configuration>