; Unified Config file ; each section denoted with a + could also be in it's own file ;---- MODULES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+modules.conf] [modules] ; If this option is the first one the rest of them will be ignored ; If it is not the first one, _it_ will be ignored ;load => all ; Event Handlers ;load => mod_event_multicast ;load => mod_event_test ;load => mod_zeroconf ;load => mod_xmpp_event ; Directory Interfaces load => mod_ldap ; Endpoints load => mod_exosip load => mod_iax ;load => mod_portaudio ;load => mod_woomera ; Applications load => mod_bridgecall load => mod_ivrtest load => mod_playback ; Dialplan Interfaces load => mod_dialplan_demo load => mod_dialplan_directory load => mod_pcre ; Codec Interfaces load => mod_g711 load => mod_gsm load => mod_l16 load => mod_speex ; File Format Interfaces load => mod_sndfile ; Timers load => mod_softtimer load => mod_wanpipe ;---- IAX PROTOCOL ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+iax.conf] [settings] debug => 0 port => 4569 dialplan => demo codec_prefs => PCMU,PCMA,speex,L16 codec_master => us codec_rates=8 ;---- SIP PROTOCOL ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+exosip.conf] [settings] debug => 10 port => 5060 dialplan => demo codec_prefs => PCMU ;---- WOOMERA PROTOCOL ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+woomera.conf] [settings] debug=0 ;---- WANPIPE PRI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+wanpipe.conf] [settings] debug => 0 dialplan => demo bpf => 320 [span] span => 1 node => cpe switch => ni2 dp = national l1 = ulaw bchan => 1-23 dchan => 24 dialplan => demo ;---- SOUND CARD CHANNEL ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+portaudio.conf] [settings] debug => 2 dialplan => demo ; partial string match on something in the name or the device # indev => USB outdev => USB cid_name => FreeSwitch cid_num => 5555551212 ;--- ZEROCONF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+zeroconf.conf] [settings] publish => yes browse => _sip._udp ;---- XMPP EVENT ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+xmpp_event.conf] [settings] #debug => 1 jid => freeswitch@my.jabber.com/me passwd => mypass target_jid => freeswitch@reader.org/him ;---- LDAP DIALPLAN ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+dialplan_directory.conf] [settings] directory_name => ldap host => ldap.freeswitch.org dn => cn=Manager,dc=freeswitch,dc=org pass => test base => dc=freeswitch,dc=org ;----REGULAR EXPRESSION DIALPLAN ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+regextensions.conf] ; any extension starting with a '4' ; strip the '4' and consider the rest a numeric filename [playfile] regex => ^4(\d+) match => playback /var/sounds/$1.raw ; send everything to wanpipe isdn [gateway] regex => (.*) match => bridge wanpipe/a/a/$1 ; ordniary extension [plain_old_extension] regex => 9999 match => playback /var/sounds/beep.gsm ;---- BASIC EXTENSIONS ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+extensions.conf] [extensions] 1000 => playback /var/sounds/beep.raw ; to time from a timer instead of from the input stream use ; 1000 => playback /var/sounds/beep.raw soft ; call the freeswitch conference 888 => bridge iax/guest@