# Sofia SIP UA Library Summary: Sofia SIP User-Agent library Name: sofia-sip Version: @VERSION@ Release: 1%{?dist} License: LGPL Group: System Environment/Libraries URL: http://sf.net/projects/sofia-sip Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root BuildRequires: pkgconfig %{!?bcond_with:%define bcond_with() %{expand:%%{?_with_%{1}:%%global with_%{1} 1}}} %{!?bcond_without:%define bcond_without() %{expand:%%{!?_without_%{1}:%%global with_%{1} 1}}} # Options: %bcond_with doxygen - Generate documents using doxygen and dot %bcond_with check - Run tests %bcond_with openssl - Always use OpenSSL (TLS) %bcond_with glib - Always use glib-2.0 (>= 2.2) %bcond_with sctp - Include SCTP transport %define have_doxygen %{?_with_doxygen:1}%{!?_with_doxygen:0} %define have_openssl %(%{?!_with_openssl:pkg-config 'openssl >= 0.9.7'&&}echo 1||echo 0) %define have_glib %(%{?!_with_glib:pkg-config 'glib-2.0 >= 2.2'&&}echo 1||echo 0) %if %{have_doxygen} BuildRequires: doxygen >= 1.3, graphviz %endif %if %{have_openssl} BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.7 %endif %if %{have_glib} BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= 2.2 %endif %description Sofia SIP is a RFC-3261-compliant library for SIP user agents and other network elements. %prep %setup -q %build options="--disable-dependency-tracking" options="$options --with-pic --enable-shared --disable-static" %if !%{have_glib} options="$options --without-glib" %endif %if %{with sctp} options="$options --enable-sctp" %endif %configure $options make %{_smp_mflags} %if %{have_doxygen} make doxygen %endif # XXX comment next line to build with non-check aware rpmbuild. %check %if %{with check} make check %endif %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT # Remove extra files find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name *.la -print0 | xargs -0 rm %if %{have_doxygen} # Manually install development docs into manual cp -p -r libsofia-sip-ua/docs/html manual %endif %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/libsofia-sip-ua.so.* %doc AUTHORS COPYING COPYRIGHTS README %if %{have_glib} # note: soname in pkgname allows install of multiple library versions # The glib interface is still a bit unstable %package glib@LIBVER_SOFIA_SIP_UA_GLIB_SOVER@ Summary: GLIB bindings for Sofia-SIP Group: System Environment/Libraries Requires: sofia-sip Obsoletes: sofia-sip-glib < %{version}-%{release} Provides: sofia-sip-glib = %{version}-%{release} %description glib@LIBVER_SOFIA_SIP_UA_GLIB_SOVER@ GLib interface to Sofia SIP User Agent library. %files glib@LIBVER_SOFIA_SIP_UA_GLIB_SOVER@ %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/libsofia-sip-ua-glib.so.* %doc AUTHORS COPYING COPYRIGHTS README libsofia-sip-ua-glib/ChangeLog %post glib@LIBVER_SOFIA_SIP_UA_GLIB_SOVER@ -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun glib@LIBVER_SOFIA_SIP_UA_GLIB_SOVER@ -p /sbin/ldconfig %endif %package devel Summary: Sofia-SIP Development Package Group: Development/Libraries Requires: sofia-sip = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: sofia-devel < %{version}-%{release} Provides: sofia-devel = %{version}-%{release} Requires: pkgconfig %description devel Development package for Sofia SIP UA library. This package includes static libraries and include files. %if %{without doxygen} The reference documentation for Sofia SIP UA library is available at <http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/development.html> %endif %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %dir %{_includedir}/sofia-sip* %dir %{_includedir}/sofia-sip*/sofia-sip %{_includedir}/sofia-sip*/sofia-sip/*.h %{_includedir}/sofia-sip*/sofia-sip/*.h.in %dir %{_includedir}/sofia-sip*/sofia-resolv %{_includedir}/sofia-sip*/sofia-resolv/*.h %dir %{_datadir}/sofia-sip %{_datadir}/sofia-sip/tag_dll.awk %{_datadir}/sofia-sip/msg_parser.awk %{_libdir}/libsofia-sip-ua.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/sofia-sip-ua.pc %doc TODO README.developers %if %{have_glib} # note: no soname here as no multiple glib-devel packages can co-exist in peace %package glib-devel Summary: GLIB bindings for Sofia SIP development files Group: Development/Libraries Requires: sofia-sip-glib@LIBVER_SOFIA_SIP_UA_GLIB_SOVER@ = %{version}-%{release} Requires: sofia-sip-devel >= 1.12 BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= 2.2 %description glib-devel Development package for Sofia SIP UA Glib library. This package includes static libraries and include files for developing glib programs using Sofia SIP. %files glib-devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_includedir}/sofia-sip*/sofia-sip/su_source.h %{_libdir}/libsofia-sip-ua-glib.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/sofia-sip-ua-glib.pc %endif %package docs Summary: Sofia-SIP Development Manual Package Group: Documentation %description docs HTML reference documentation for Sofia SIP UA library. %if %{have_doxygen} %files docs %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc manual %endif %package utils Summary: Sofia-SIP Command Line Utilities Group: Applications/Internet Requires: sofia-sip = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: sofia-utils < %{version}-%{release} Provides: sofia-utils = %{version}-%{release} %description utils Command line utilities for Sofia SIP UA library. %files utils %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/localinfo %{_bindir}/addrinfo %{_bindir}/sip-options %{_bindir}/sip-date %{_bindir}/sip-dig %{_bindir}/stunc %{_mandir}/man?/* %changelog * Thu Dec 7 2006 Pekka Pessi <ppessi at gmail.com> - 1.12.4-1 - Silenced all rpmlint warnings on FC6. * Wed Dec 6 2006 Pekka Pessi <ppessi at gmail.com> - 1.12.4-0 - Fixing optional values on Fedora. rpmlinted. No doxygen docs. * Tue Dec 5 2006 Pekka Pessi <ppessi at gmail.com> - 1.12.4 - Bumped version. rpmlinted. * Tue Dec 5 2006 Kai Vehmanen <first.lastname at nokia.com> - The 'nua-glib' module, and the related dependency to gobject, has been removed from the sofia-sip package * Fri Oct 6 2006 Pekka Pessi <ppessi at gmail.com> - 1.12.3 - Autodetecting openssl, glib and gobject support with pkg-config (use --with openssl --with glib and --with gobject to force them) * Mon Sep 18 2006 Kai Vehmanen <first.lastname at nokia.com> - Removed *.m4 files from the distribution package. * Fri Aug 11 2006 Kai Vehmanen <first.lastname at nokia.com> - Modified the install location of the awk scripts. * Thu Jun 15 2006 Kai Vehmanen <first.lastname at nokia.com> - Added library soname to sofia-sip-glib package name. - Modified dependencies - the glib subpackages do not depend on a specific version of sofia-sip anymore. * Wed Mar 08 2006 Kai Vehmanen <first.lastname at nokia.com> - Added libsofia-sip-ua-glib to the package. * Tue Nov 15 2005 Kai Vehmanen <first.lastname at nokia.com> - Removed the --includedir parameter. The public headers are now installed under includedir/sofia-sip-MAJOR.MINOR/ * Thu Oct 20 2005 Pekka Pessi <first.lastname at nokia.com> - Using %%{_lib} instead of lib * Thu Oct 6 2005 Pekka Pessi <first.lastname at nokia.com> - Added sub-package utils * Thu Oct 6 2005 Pekka Pessi <first.lastname at nokia.com> - 1.11.0 - Added %%{?dist} to release * Sat Jul 23 2005 Pekka Pessi <first.lastname at nokia.com> - 1.10.1 - Initial build.