/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Shane Bryldt * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the original author; nor the names of any contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "blade.h" struct blade_session_s { blade_handle_t *handle; volatile blade_session_state_t state; const char *id; ks_rwl_t *lock; ks_cond_t *cond; const char *connection; ks_time_t ttl; ks_q_t *sending; ks_q_t *receiving; ks_hash_t *routes; cJSON *properties; ks_rwl_t *properties_lock; }; void *blade_session_state_thread(ks_thread_t *thread, void *data); ks_status_t blade_session_onstate_startup(blade_session_t *bs); ks_status_t blade_session_onstate_shutdown(blade_session_t *bs); ks_status_t blade_session_onstate_run(blade_session_t *bs); ks_status_t blade_session_process(blade_session_t *bs, cJSON *json); static void blade_session_cleanup(void *ptr, void *arg, ks_pool_cleanup_action_t action, ks_pool_cleanup_type_t type) { blade_session_t *bs = (blade_session_t *)ptr; ks_assert(bs); switch (action) { case KS_MPCL_ANNOUNCE: break; case KS_MPCL_TEARDOWN: blade_session_shutdown(bs); break; case KS_MPCL_DESTROY: // @todo consider looking at supporting externally allocated memory entries that can have cleanup callbacks associated, but the memory is not freed from the pool, only linked as an external allocation for auto cleanup // which would allow calling something like ks_pool_set_cleanup(bs->properties, ...) and when the pool is destroyed, it can call a callback which handles calling cJSON_Delete, which is allocated externally cJSON_Delete(bs->properties); break; } } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_create(blade_session_t **bsP, blade_handle_t *bh, const char *id) { blade_session_t *bs = NULL; ks_pool_t *pool = NULL; ks_assert(bsP); ks_assert(bh); ks_pool_open(&pool); ks_assert(pool); bs = ks_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(blade_session_t)); bs->handle = bh; if (id) bs->id = ks_pstrdup(pool, id); else { uuid_t id; ks_uuid(&id); bs->id = ks_uuid_str(pool, &id); } ks_rwl_create(&bs->lock, pool); ks_assert(bs->lock); ks_cond_create(&bs->cond, pool); ks_assert(bs->cond); ks_q_create(&bs->sending, pool, 0); ks_assert(bs->sending); ks_q_create(&bs->receiving, pool, 0); ks_assert(bs->receiving); ks_hash_create(&bs->routes, KS_HASH_MODE_CASE_INSENSITIVE, KS_HASH_FLAG_RWLOCK | KS_HASH_FLAG_DUP_CHECK | KS_HASH_FLAG_FREE_KEY, pool); ks_assert(bs->routes); bs->properties = cJSON_CreateObject(); ks_assert(bs->properties); ks_rwl_create(&bs->properties_lock, pool); ks_assert(bs->properties_lock); ks_pool_set_cleanup(bs, NULL, blade_session_cleanup); ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Created\n"); *bsP = bs; return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_destroy(blade_session_t **bsP) { blade_session_t *bs = NULL; ks_pool_t *pool = NULL; ks_assert(bsP); ks_assert(*bsP); bs = *bsP; *bsP = NULL; pool = ks_pool_get(bs); ks_pool_close(&pool); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_startup(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_thread_pool_t *tpool = NULL; ks_assert(bs); tpool = blade_handle_tpool_get(bs->handle); ks_assert(tpool); blade_session_state_set(bs, BLADE_SESSION_STATE_NONE); if (ks_thread_pool_add_job(tpool, blade_session_state_thread, bs) != KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // @todo error logging return KS_STATUS_FAIL; } ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Started\n"); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_shutdown(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_hash_iterator_t *it = NULL; cJSON *json = NULL; ks_assert(bs); // if this is an upstream session there will be no routes, so this is harmless to always run regardless ks_hash_read_lock(bs->routes); for (it = ks_hash_first(bs->routes, KS_UNLOCKED); it; it = ks_hash_next(&it)) { void *key = NULL; void *value = NULL; ks_hash_this(it, (const void **)&key, NULL, &value); blade_routemgr_route_remove(blade_handle_routemgr_get(bs->handle), (const char *)key); } ks_hash_read_unlock(bs->routes); // this will also clear the local id, and master id in the handle if this is the upstream session blade_sessionmgr_session_remove(blade_handle_sessionmgr_get(bs->handle), bs); while (ks_q_trypop(bs->sending, (void **)&json) == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS && json) cJSON_Delete(json); while (ks_q_trypop(bs->receiving, (void **)&json) == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS && json) cJSON_Delete(json); ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Stopped\n"); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(blade_handle_t *) blade_session_handle_get(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return bs->handle; } KS_DECLARE(const char *) blade_session_id_get(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return bs->id; } KS_DECLARE(blade_session_state_t) blade_session_state_get(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return bs->state; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_route_add(blade_session_t *bs, const char *nodeid) { char *key = NULL; ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(nodeid); key = ks_pstrdup(ks_pool_get(bs), nodeid); ks_hash_insert(bs->routes, (void *)key, (void *)KS_TRUE); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_route_remove(blade_session_t *bs, const char *nodeid) { ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(nodeid); ks_hash_remove(bs->routes, (void *)nodeid); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(cJSON *) blade_session_properties_get(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return bs->properties; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_read_lock(blade_session_t *bs, ks_bool_t block) { ks_status_t ret = KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; ks_assert(bs); if (block) ret = ks_rwl_read_lock(bs->lock); else ret = ks_rwl_try_read_lock(bs->lock); return ret; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_read_unlock(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return ks_rwl_read_unlock(bs->lock); } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_write_lock(blade_session_t *bs, ks_bool_t block) { ks_status_t ret = KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; ks_assert(bs); if (block) ret = ks_rwl_write_lock(bs->lock); else ret = ks_rwl_try_write_lock(bs->lock); return ret; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_write_unlock(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return ks_rwl_write_unlock(bs->lock); } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_properties_read_lock(blade_session_t *bs, ks_bool_t block) { ks_status_t ret = KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; ks_assert(bs); if (block) ret = ks_rwl_read_lock(bs->properties_lock); else ret = ks_rwl_try_read_lock(bs->properties_lock); return ret; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_properties_read_unlock(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return ks_rwl_read_unlock(bs->properties_lock); } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_properties_write_lock(blade_session_t *bs, ks_bool_t block) { ks_status_t ret = KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; ks_assert(bs); if (block) ret = ks_rwl_write_lock(bs->properties_lock); else ret = ks_rwl_try_write_lock(bs->properties_lock); return ret; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_properties_write_unlock(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return ks_rwl_write_unlock(bs->properties_lock); } KS_DECLARE(void) blade_session_state_set(blade_session_t *bs, blade_session_state_t state) { ks_assert(bs); ks_cond_lock(bs->cond); bs->state = state; blade_sessionmgr_callback_execute(blade_handle_sessionmgr_get(bs->handle), bs, BLADE_SESSION_STATE_CONDITION_PRE); ks_cond_unlock(bs->cond); ks_cond_try_signal(bs->cond); } KS_DECLARE(void) blade_session_hangup(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); if (!blade_session_terminating(bs)) { ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) hanging up\n", bs->id); blade_session_state_set(bs, BLADE_SESSION_STATE_SHUTDOWN); } } KS_DECLARE(ks_bool_t) blade_session_terminating(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return bs->state == BLADE_SESSION_STATE_SHUTDOWN || bs->state == BLADE_SESSION_STATE_CLEANUP; } KS_DECLARE(const char *) blade_session_connection_get(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); return bs->connection; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_connection_set(blade_session_t *bs, const char *id) { ks_assert(bs); if (id) { if (bs->connection) { // @todo best that can be done in this situation is see if the connection is still available, and if so then disconnect it... this really shouldn't happen ks_pool_free(&bs->connection); } bs->connection = ks_pstrdup(ks_pool_get(bs), id); ks_assert(bs->connection); bs->ttl = 0; ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) associated to connection (%s)\n", bs->id, id); // @todo signal the wait condition for the state machine to see a reconnect immediately } else if (bs->connection) { ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) cleared connection (%s)\n", bs->id, bs->connection); ks_pool_free(&bs->connection); bs->ttl = ks_time_now() + (5 * KS_USEC_PER_SEC); } return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_sending_push(blade_session_t *bs, cJSON *json) { ks_status_t ret = KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; cJSON *json_copy = NULL; ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(json); json_copy = cJSON_Duplicate(json, 1); if ((ret = ks_q_push(bs->sending, json_copy)) == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) ks_cond_try_signal(bs->cond); return ret; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_sending_pop(blade_session_t *bs, cJSON **json) { ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(json); return ks_q_trypop(bs->sending, (void **)json); } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_receiving_push(blade_session_t *bs, cJSON *json) { ks_status_t ret = KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; cJSON *json_copy = NULL; ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(json); json_copy = cJSON_Duplicate(json, 1); if ((ret = ks_q_push(bs->receiving, json_copy)) == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) ks_cond_try_signal(bs->cond); return ret; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_receiving_pop(blade_session_t *bs, cJSON **json) { ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(json); return ks_q_trypop(bs->receiving, (void **)json); } void *blade_session_state_thread(ks_thread_t *thread, void *data) { blade_session_t *bs = NULL; blade_session_state_t state; cJSON *json = NULL; ks_bool_t shutdown = KS_FALSE; ks_assert(thread); ks_assert(data); bs = (blade_session_t *)data; ks_cond_lock(bs->cond); while (!shutdown) { // Entering the call below, the mutex is expected to be locked and will be unlocked by the call ks_cond_timedwait(bs->cond, 100); // Leaving the call above, the mutex will be locked after being signalled, timing out, or woken up for any reason state = bs->state; if (bs->connection) { blade_connection_t *bc = blade_connectionmgr_connection_lookup(blade_handle_connectionmgr_get(bs->handle), bs->connection); if (bc) { // @note in order for this to work on session reconnecting, the assumption is that as soon as a session has a connection set, // we can start stuffing any messages queued for output on the session straight to the connection right away, may need to only // do this when in session ready state but there may be implications of other states sending messages through the session while (blade_session_sending_pop(bs, &json) == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS && json) { // @todo short-circuit with blade_session_receiving_push on the same session if the message has responder-nodeid == requester-nodeid == local_nodeid // which would allow a system to send messages to itself, such as calling a protocolrpc immediately without bouncing upstream first blade_connection_sending_push(bc, json); cJSON_Delete(json); } blade_connection_read_unlock(bc); } } // @todo evolve this system, it's probably not the best way to handle receiving session state updates externally blade_sessionmgr_callback_execute(blade_handle_sessionmgr_get(bs->handle), bs, BLADE_SESSION_STATE_CONDITION_POST); switch (state) { case BLADE_SESSION_STATE_STARTUP: blade_session_onstate_startup(bs); break; case BLADE_SESSION_STATE_SHUTDOWN: blade_session_onstate_shutdown(bs); shutdown = KS_TRUE; break; case BLADE_SESSION_STATE_RUN: blade_session_onstate_run(bs); break; default: break; } if (!bs->connection && bs->ttl > 0 && !blade_session_terminating(bs) && ks_time_now() >= bs->ttl) { ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) TTL timeout\n", bs->id); blade_session_hangup(bs); } } ks_cond_unlock(bs->cond); blade_session_destroy(&bs); return NULL; } ks_status_t blade_session_onstate_startup(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) state startup\n", bs->id); blade_session_state_set(bs, BLADE_SESSION_STATE_RUN); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ks_status_t blade_session_onstate_shutdown(blade_session_t *bs) { ks_assert(bs); ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) state shutdown\n", bs->id); blade_session_state_set(bs, BLADE_SESSION_STATE_CLEANUP); if (bs->connection) { blade_connection_t *bc = blade_connectionmgr_connection_lookup(blade_handle_connectionmgr_get(bs->handle), bs->connection); if (bc) { blade_connection_disconnect(bc); blade_connection_read_unlock(bc); } } // wait for the connection to disconnect before we resume session cleanup while (bs->connection) ks_sleep(100); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ks_status_t blade_session_onstate_run(blade_session_t *bs) { cJSON *json = NULL; ks_assert(bs); while (bs->connection && blade_session_receiving_pop(bs, &json) == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS && json) { blade_session_process(bs, json); cJSON_Delete(json); } return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_session_send(blade_session_t *bs, cJSON *json, blade_rpc_response_callback_t callback, void *data) { blade_rpc_request_t *brpcreq = NULL; const char *method = NULL; const char *id = NULL; ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(json); method = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(json, "method"); id = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(json, "id"); ks_assert(id); if (method) { // @note This is scenario 1 // 1) Sending a request (client: method caller or consumer) ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) sending request (%s) for %s\n", bs->id, id, method); blade_rpc_request_create(&brpcreq, bs->handle, ks_pool_get(bs->handle), bs->id, json, callback, data); ks_assert(brpcreq); // @todo set request TTL and figure out when requests are checked for expiration (separate thread in the handle?) blade_rpcmgr_request_add(blade_handle_rpcmgr_get(bs->handle), brpcreq); } else { // @note This is scenario 3 // 3) Sending a response or error (server: method callee or provider) ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) sending response (%s)\n", bs->id, id); } //blade_session_sending_push(bs, json); if (!bs->connection) { blade_session_sending_push(bs, json); } else { blade_connection_t *bc = blade_connectionmgr_connection_lookup(blade_handle_connectionmgr_get(bs->handle), bs->connection); if (!bc) { blade_session_sending_push(bs, json); return KS_STATUS_FAIL; } blade_connection_sending_push(bc, json); blade_connection_read_unlock(bc); } return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ks_status_t blade_session_process(blade_session_t *bs, cJSON *json) { blade_handle_t *bh = NULL; blade_rpc_request_t *brpcreq = NULL; blade_rpc_response_t *brpcres = NULL; const char *jsonrpc = NULL; const char *id = NULL; const char *method = NULL; ks_bool_t disconnect = KS_FALSE; ks_assert(bs); ks_assert(json); ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) processing\n", bs->id); bh = blade_session_handle_get(bs); ks_assert(bh); jsonrpc = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(json, "jsonrpc"); if (!jsonrpc || strcmp(jsonrpc, "2.0")) { ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Received message is not the expected protocol\n"); // @todo send error response, code = -32600 (invalid request) // @todo hangup session entirely? return KS_STATUS_FAIL; } id = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(json, "id"); if (!id) { ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Received message is missing 'id'\n"); // @todo send error response, code = -32600 (invalid request) // @todo hangup session entirely? return KS_STATUS_FAIL; } method = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(json, "method"); if (method) { // @note This is scenario 2 // 2) Receiving a request (server: method callee or provider) blade_rpc_t *brpc = NULL; blade_rpc_request_callback_t callback = NULL; cJSON *params = NULL; ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) receiving request (%s) for %s\n", bs->id, id, method); params = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "params"); if (params) { const char *params_requester_nodeid = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(params, "requester-nodeid"); const char *params_responder_nodeid = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(params, "responder-nodeid"); if (params_requester_nodeid && params_responder_nodeid && !blade_routemgr_local_check(blade_handle_routemgr_get(bh), params_responder_nodeid)) { // not meant for local processing, continue with standard unicast routing for requests blade_session_t *bs_router = blade_routemgr_route_lookup(blade_handle_routemgr_get(bh), params_responder_nodeid); if (!bs_router) { bs_router = blade_routemgr_upstream_lookup(blade_handle_routemgr_get(bh)); if (!bs_router) { cJSON *res = NULL; cJSON *res_error = NULL; // @todo adjust error when this is master to be route unavailable ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) request (%s => %s) but upstream session unavailable\n", blade_session_id_get(bs), params_requester_nodeid, params_responder_nodeid); blade_rpc_error_raw_create(&res, &res_error, id, -32603, "Upstream session unavailable"); // needed in case this error must propagate further than the session which sent it cJSON_AddStringToObject(res_error, "requester-nodeid", params_requester_nodeid); cJSON_AddStringToObject(res_error, "responder-nodeid", params_responder_nodeid); // @todo responder-nodeid should become the local_nodeid to inform of which node actually responded blade_session_send(bs, res, NULL, NULL); return KS_STATUS_DISCONNECTED; } } if (bs_router == bs) { // @todo avoid circular by sending back an error instead, really should not happen but check for posterity in case a node is misbehaving for some reason } ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) request (%s => %s) routing (%s)\n", blade_session_id_get(bs), params_requester_nodeid, params_responder_nodeid, blade_session_id_get(bs_router)); blade_session_send(bs_router, json, NULL, NULL); blade_session_read_unlock(bs_router); // @todo if this is a subscribe request to remove subscriptions, it must carry a field unsubscribed-channels for which // subscriptions should be removed along the request path, regardless of whether it's the consumer requesting or the // master due to a deauthorization, without respect to waiting for the response as it should be a gaurenteed operation // even when requested by the subscriber. This unsubscribed-channels field is simply treated as a special field, regardless // of the actual method of the request. return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } // reach here if the request was not captured for routing, this SHOULD always mean the message is to be processed by local handlers brpc = blade_rpcmgr_corerpc_lookup(blade_handle_rpcmgr_get(bs->handle), method); if (!brpc) { ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Received unknown rpc method %s\n", method); // @todo send error response, code = -32601 (method not found) return KS_STATUS_FAIL; } callback = blade_rpc_callback_get(brpc); ks_assert(callback); blade_rpc_request_create(&brpcreq, bs->handle, ks_pool_get(bs->handle), bs->id, json, NULL, NULL); ks_assert(brpcreq); disconnect = callback(brpcreq, blade_rpc_data_get(brpc)); blade_rpc_request_destroy(&brpcreq); } else { // @note This is scenario 4 // 4) Receiving a response or error (client: method caller or consumer) blade_rpc_response_callback_t callback = NULL; cJSON *error = NULL; cJSON *result = NULL; cJSON *object = NULL; ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) receiving response (%s)\n", bs->id, id); error = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "error"); result = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "result"); object = error ? error : result; if (object) { const char *object_requester_nodeid = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(object, "requester-nodeid"); const char *object_responder_nodeid = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(object, "responder-nodeid"); if (object_requester_nodeid && object_responder_nodeid && !blade_routemgr_local_check(blade_handle_routemgr_get(bh), object_requester_nodeid)) { // not meant for local processing, continue with standard unicast routing for responses blade_session_t *bs_router = blade_routemgr_route_lookup(blade_handle_routemgr_get(bh), object_requester_nodeid); if (!bs_router) { bs_router = blade_routemgr_upstream_lookup(blade_handle_routemgr_get(bh)); if (!bs_router) { ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) response (%s <= %s) but upstream session unavailable\n", blade_session_id_get(bs), object_requester_nodeid, object_responder_nodeid); return KS_STATUS_DISCONNECTED; } } if (bs_router == bs) { // @todo avoid circular, really should not happen but check for posterity in case a node is misbehaving for some reason } ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session (%s) response (%s <= %s) routing (%s)\n", blade_session_id_get(bs), object_requester_nodeid, object_responder_nodeid, blade_session_id_get(bs_router)); blade_session_send(bs_router, json, NULL, NULL); blade_session_read_unlock(bs_router); // @todo if this is a subscribe response to add a subscriber with the master as the responder-nodeid, it must have a // subscribed-channels field which should be added for the requester-nodeid, this will ensure the subscriptions are // added with respect to the master response and not immediately upon request. This subscribed-channels field is // simply treated as a special field, regardless of the actual method of the request which is unavailable here. return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } brpcreq = blade_rpcmgr_request_lookup(blade_handle_rpcmgr_get(bs->handle), id); if (!brpcreq) { // @todo hangup session entirely? return KS_STATUS_FAIL; } blade_rpcmgr_request_remove(blade_handle_rpcmgr_get(bs->handle), brpcreq); callback = blade_rpc_request_callback_get(brpcreq); blade_rpc_response_create(&brpcres, bs->handle, ks_pool_get(bs), bs->id, brpcreq, json); ks_assert(brpcres); if (callback) disconnect = callback(brpcres, blade_rpc_request_data_get(brpcreq)); blade_rpc_response_destroy(&brpcres); } if (disconnect) { // @todo hangup session entirely? return KS_STATUS_FAIL; } return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet: */