/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@ingroup su_root_ex * @CFILE su_source_test.c * * @brief Test program for glib and su root event loop integration. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Thu Mar 18 19:40:51 1999 pessi */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <assert.h> struct pinger; #define SU_ROOT_MAGIC_T struct pinger #define SU_INTERNAL_P su_root_t * #define SU_MSG_ARG_T su_sockaddr_t #include "sofia-sip/su.h" #include "sofia-sip/su_wait.h" #include "sofia-sip/su_log.h" #include <glib/gthread.h> #include "sofia-sip/su_glib.h" struct pinger { enum { PINGER = 1, PONGER = 2 } const sort; char const * name; unsigned running : 1; unsigned : 0; su_root_t *root; su_socket_t s; su_timer_t *t; int id; int rindex; su_time_t when; su_sockaddr_t addr; double rtt_total; int rtt_n; }; short opt_family = AF_INET; short opt_verbatim = 0; short opt_singlethread = 0; GMainLoop *global_gmainloop = NULL; static su_socket_t udpsocket(void) { su_socket_t s; su_sockaddr_t su = { 0 }; socklen_t sulen = sizeof(su); char nbuf[64]; su.su_family = opt_family; su_getlocalip(&su); s = su_socket(su.su_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { su_perror("udpsocket: socket"); exit(1); } if (bind(s, &su.su_sa, su_sockaddr_size(&su)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { su_perror("udpsocket: bind"); exit(1); } if (getsockname(s, &su.su_sa, &sulen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { su_perror("udpsocket: getsockname"); exit(1); } if (opt_verbatim) printf("udpsocket: using address [%s]:%u\n", inet_ntop(su.su_family, SU_ADDR(&su), nbuf, sizeof(nbuf)), ntohs(su.su_sin.sin_port)); return s; } static char *snow(su_time_t now) { static char buf[24]; su_time_print(buf, sizeof(buf), &now); return buf; } void do_ping(struct pinger *p, su_timer_t *t, void *p0) { char buf[1024]; assert(p == su_root_magic(su_timer_root(t))); assert(p->sort == PINGER); p->when = su_now(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Ping %d at %s", p->id++, snow(p->when)); if (sendto(p->s, buf, strlen(buf), 0, &p->addr.su_sa, su_sockaddr_size(&p->addr)) == -1) { su_perror("do_ping: send"); } if (opt_verbatim) { puts(buf); fflush(stdout); } } int do_rtt(struct pinger *p, su_wait_t *w, void *p0) { su_sockaddr_t su; struct sockaddr * const susa = &su.su_sa; socklen_t susize[] = { sizeof(su)}; char buf[1024]; char nbuf[1024]; int n; su_time_t now = su_now(); double rtt; assert(p0 == p); assert(p->sort == PINGER); rtt = su_time_diff(now, p->when); p->rtt_total += rtt, p->rtt_n++; su_wait_events(w, p->s); n = recvfrom(p->s, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0, susa, susize); if (n < 0) { su_perror("do_rtt: recvfrom"); return 0; } buf[n] = 0; if (opt_verbatim) printf("do_rtt: %d bytes from [%s]:%u: \"%s\", rtt = %lg ms\n", n, inet_ntop(su.su_family, SU_ADDR(&su), nbuf, sizeof(nbuf)), ntohs(su.su_sin.sin_port), buf, rtt / 1000); do_ping(p, p->t, NULL); return 0; } void do_pong(struct pinger *p, su_timer_t *t, void *p0) { char buf[1024]; assert(p == su_root_magic(su_timer_root(t))); assert(p->sort == PONGER); p->id = 0; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Pong at %s", snow(su_now())); if (sendto(p->s, buf, strlen(buf), 0, &p->addr.su_sa, su_sockaddr_size(&p->addr)) == -1) { su_perror("do_pong: send"); } if (opt_verbatim) { puts(buf); fflush(stdout); } } int do_recv(struct pinger *p, su_wait_t *w, void *p0) { su_sockaddr_t su; socklen_t susize[] = { sizeof(su)}; char buf[1024]; char nbuf[1024]; int n; su_time_t now = su_now(); assert(p0 == p); assert(p->sort == PONGER); su_wait_events(w, p->s); n = recvfrom(p->s, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0, &su.su_sa, susize); if (n < 0) { su_perror("do_recv: recvfrom"); return 0; } buf[n] = 0; if (opt_verbatim) printf("do_recv: %d bytes from [%s]:%u: \"%s\" at %s\n", n, inet_ntop(su.su_family, SU_ADDR(&su), nbuf, sizeof(nbuf)), ntohs(su.su_sin.sin_port), buf, snow(now)); fflush(stdout); #if 0 if (p->id) puts("do_recv: already a pending reply"); if (su_timer_set(p->t, do_pong, p) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "do_recv: su_timer_set() error\n"); return 0; } p->id = 1; #else do_pong(p, p->t, NULL); #endif return 0; } void do_exit(struct pinger *x, su_timer_t *t, void *x0) { g_assert(global_gmainloop); if (opt_verbatim) printf("do_exit at %s\n", snow(su_now())); g_main_loop_quit(global_gmainloop); } int do_init(su_root_t *root, struct pinger *p) { su_wait_t w; su_socket_t s; long interval; su_timer_t *t; su_wakeup_f f; int index, index0; switch (p->sort) { case PINGER: f = do_rtt; interval = 200; break; case PONGER: f = do_recv; interval = 40; break; default: return SU_FAILURE; } /* Create a sockets, */ s = udpsocket(); if (su_wait_create(&w, s, SU_WAIT_IN) == SOCKET_ERROR) su_perror("su_wait_create"), exit(1); p->s = s; p->t = t = su_timer_create(su_root_task(root), interval); if (t == NULL) { su_perror("su_timer_create"); return SU_FAILURE; } index0 = su_root_register(root, &w, f, p, 0); if (index0 == SOCKET_ERROR) { su_perror("su_root_register"); return SU_FAILURE; } index = su_root_register(root, &w, f, p, 0); if (index == SOCKET_ERROR) { su_perror("su_root_register"); return SU_FAILURE; } su_root_deregister(root, index0); p->rindex = index; return 0; } void do_destroy(su_root_t *root, struct pinger *p) { if (opt_verbatim) printf("do_destroy %s at %s\n", p->name, snow(su_now())); su_root_deregister(root, p->rindex); su_timer_destroy(p->t), p->t = NULL; p->running = 0; } void start_ping(struct pinger *p, su_msg_r msg, su_sockaddr_t *arg) { if (!p->running) return; if (opt_verbatim) printf("start_ping: %s\n", p->name); p->addr = *arg; p->id = 1; su_timer_set_at(p->t, do_ping, p, su_now()); } void start_pong(struct pinger *p, su_msg_r msg, su_sockaddr_t *arg) { su_msg_r reply; if (!p->running) return; if (opt_verbatim) printf("start_pong: %s\n", p->name); p->addr = *arg; if (su_msg_reply(reply, msg, start_ping, sizeof(p->addr)) == 0) { socklen_t sinsize[1] = { sizeof(p->addr) }; if (getsockname(p->s, (struct sockaddr*)su_msg_data(reply), sinsize) == SOCKET_ERROR) su_perror("start_pong: getsockname()"), exit(1); su_msg_send(reply); } else { fprintf(stderr, "su_msg_create failed!\n"); } } void init_ping(struct pinger *p, su_msg_r msg, su_sockaddr_t *arg) { su_msg_r reply; if (opt_verbatim) printf("init_ping: %s\n", p->name); if (su_msg_reply(reply, msg, start_pong, sizeof(p->addr)) == 0) { socklen_t sinsize[1] = { sizeof(p->addr) }; if (getsockname(p->s, (struct sockaddr*)su_msg_data(reply), sinsize) == SOCKET_ERROR) su_perror("start_pong: getsockname()"), exit(1); su_msg_send(reply); } else { fprintf(stderr, "su_msg_reply failed!\n"); } } #if HAVE_SIGNAL static RETSIGTYPE term(int n) { exit(1); } #endif void time_test(void) { su_time_t now = su_now(), then = now; su_duration_t t1, t2; su_duration_t us; for (us = 0; us < 1000000; us += 300) { then.tv_sec = now.tv_sec; if ((then.tv_usec = now.tv_usec + us) >= 1000000) then.tv_usec -= 1000000, then.tv_sec++; t1 = su_duration(now, then); t2 = su_duration(then, now); assert(t1 == -t2); } if (opt_verbatim) printf("time_test: passed\n"); } char const name[] = "su_test"; void usage(int exitcode) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-6vs] [pid]\n", name); exit(exitcode); } /* * test su_wait functionality: * * Create a ponger, waking up do_recv() when data arrives, * then scheduling do_pong() by timer * * Create a pinger, executed from timer, scheduling do_ping(), * waking up do_rtt() when data arrives * * Create a timer, executing do_exit() after 10 seconds */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { su_root_t *root; su_clone_r ping = SU_CLONE_R_INIT, pong = SU_CLONE_R_INIT; su_msg_r start_msg = SU_MSG_R_INIT; su_timer_t *t; unsigned long sleeppid = 0; struct pinger pinger = { PINGER, "ping", 1 }, ponger = { PONGER, "pong", 1 }; char *argv0 = argv[0]; #if HAVE_OPEN_C dup2(1, 2); #endif while (argv[1]) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) { opt_verbatim = 1; argv++; } #if SU_HAVE_IN6 else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-6") == 0) { opt_family = AF_INET6; argv++; } #endif else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) { opt_singlethread = 1; argv++; } else if (strlen(argv[1]) == strspn(argv[1], "0123456789")) { sleeppid = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10); argv++; } else { usage(1); } } #if HAVE_OPEN_C opt_verbatim = 1; opt_singlethread = 1; su_log_soft_set_level(su_log_default, 9); #endif #if HAVE_SIGNAL signal(SIGTERM, term); #endif su_init(); atexit(su_deinit); time_test(); global_gmainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_assert(global_gmainloop); root = su_glib_root_create(NULL); if (!root) perror("su_root_glib_create"), exit(1); if (!g_source_attach(su_glib_root_gsource(root), g_main_loop_get_context(global_gmainloop))) perror("g_source_attach"), exit(1); su_root_threading(root, 0 && !opt_singlethread); if (su_clone_start(root, ping, &pinger, do_init, do_destroy) != 0) perror("su_clone_start"), exit(1); if (su_clone_start(root, pong, &ponger, do_init, do_destroy) != 0) perror("su_clone_start"), exit(1); /* Test timer, exiting after 200 milliseconds */ t = su_timer_create(su_root_task(root), 200L); if (t == NULL) su_perror("su_timer_create"), exit(1); su_timer_set(t, (su_timer_f)do_exit, NULL); su_msg_create(start_msg, su_clone_task(ping), su_clone_task(pong), init_ping, 0); su_msg_send(start_msg); g_main_loop_run(global_gmainloop); su_clone_wait(root, ping); su_clone_wait(root, pong); su_timer_destroy(t); if (pinger.rtt_n) { printf("%s executed %u pings in %g, mean rtt=%g sec\n", name, pinger.rtt_n, pinger.rtt_total, pinger.rtt_total / pinger.rtt_n); } su_root_destroy(root); g_main_loop_unref(global_gmainloop), global_gmainloop = NULL; if (opt_verbatim) printf("%s exiting\n", argv0); #ifndef HAVE_WIN32 #if HAVE_SIGNAL if (sleeppid) kill(sleeppid, SIGTERM); #endif #endif #if HAVE_OPEN_C sleep(7); #endif return 0; }