<!-- NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE FreeSWITCH works off the concept of users and domains just like email. You have users that are in domains for example 1000@domain.com. When freeswitch gets a register packet it looks for the user in the directory based on the from or to domain in the packet depending on how your sofia profile is configured. Out of the box the default domain will be the IP address of the machine running FreeSWITCH. This IP can be found by typing "sofia status" at the CLI. You will register your phones to the IP and not the hostname by default. If you wish to register using the domain please open vars.xml in the root conf directory and set the default domain to the hostname you desire. Then you would use the domain name in the client instead of the IP address to register with FreeSWITCH. NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE --> <include> <!--the domain or ip (the right hand side of the @ in the addr--> <domain name="$${domain}"> <params> <param name="dial-string" value="{presence_id=${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain})}"/> </params> <variables> <variable name="record_stereo" value="true"/> <variable name="default_gateway" value="$${default_provider}"/> <variable name="default_areacode" value="$${default_areacode}"/> <variable name="transfer_fallback_extension" value="operator"/> <variable name="use_profile" value="external"/> </variables> <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="default/*.xml"/> </domain> </include>