<configuration name="easyroute.conf" description="EasyRoute Module">
    <!-- These are kind Obvious -->
    <param name="db-username" value="root"/>
    <param name="db-password" value="password"/>
    <param name="db-dsn" value="easyroute"/>

    <!-- Default Technology and profile -->
    <param name="default-techprofile" value="sofia/default"/>
    <!-- IP or Hostname of Default Route -->
    <param name="default-gateway" value=""/>

    <!-- Customer Query. Use this with Care!!! We are not responsible if you mess
         This up!!! Query *MUST* return columns in the following order!
	 gateway varchar(128) - contains destination gateway host:port pair (ex: )
	 group varchar(128) - contains optional group name
	 call_limit varchar(16) - contains optional call limit
	 tech_prefix varchar(128) - tech prefix used to build dial string (ex: sofia/default )
	 acctcode varchar(128) - used to set channel variable acctcode for logging into the CDRs
	 destination_number varchar(16) - Number returning for the query for building the dial string. (ex: 18005551212) 
	 See Documentation on the Wiki for further information -->
    <!-- <param name="custom-query" value="call  FS_GET_SIP_LOCATION(%s);"/> -->