// MANUALLY GENERATED typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef unsigned long uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; typedef signed char int8_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef long long int64_t; typedef unsigned long in_addr_t; // TODO: C# chars are 2 bytes, C is one. The marshalling copies two bytes (Value+whatever) into the C# char // causing corruption. We should figure this out. It's as simple as ((char)(byte)) whever // we define char as byte. // TODO: Possible? It'd be nice to do the whole char*->IntPtr->Marshal/Free thing here instead of swigStringFix %typemap(imtype, out="string") char ** "ref string" %typemap(cstype, out="string") char ** "ref string" %typemap(csin) char ** "ref $csinput" %typemap(csvarin) char ** %{ set { $imcall; } %} %typemap(csvarout) char ** %{ get { return $imcall; } %} #define SWITCH_DECLARE(type) type #define SWITCH_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) type #define SWITCH_MOD_DECLARE(type) type #define SWITCH_MOD_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) type #define SWITCH_DECLARE_DATA #define SWITCH_MOD_DECLARE_DATA #define SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC #define SWITCH_DECLARE_CONSTRUCTOR SWITCH_DECLARE_DATA #define _In_ #define _In_z_ #define _In_opt_z_ #define _In_opt_ #define _Printf_format_string_ #define _Ret_opt_z_ #define _Ret_z_ #define _Out_opt_ #define _Out_ #define _Check_return_ #define _Inout_ #define _Inout_opt_ #define _In_bytecount_(x) #define _Out_opt_bytecapcount_(x) #define _Out_bytecapcount_(x) #define _Ret_ #define _Post_z_ #define _Out_cap_(x) #define _Out_z_cap_(x) #define _Out_ptrdiff_cap_(x) #define _Out_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(x)