/* -*- text -*- */ /**@MODULEPAGE "nua" - High-Level User Agent Module @section nua_meta Module Meta Information The @b nua module contains the user-agent library taking care of basic SIP User Agent functions. Its functionality includes call management, messaging and event retrieval. @CONTACT Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> @STATUS @SofiaSIP Core library @LICENSE LGPL @par Contributor(s): - Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> - Pasi Rinne-Rahkola <Pasi.Rinne-Rahkola@nokia.com> - Kai Vehmanen <Kai.Vehmanen@nokia.com> - Martti Mela <Martti.Mela@nokia.com> @section nua_overview Overview The NUA API gives the high-level application programmer transparent and full control to the SIP protocol engine below it. NUA provides the call semantics on top of existing transaction semantics found in <a href="../nta/index.html"><b>nta</b></a> module. With NUA it is possible to create different kind of SIP User Agents, like terminals, gateways or MCUs. The @b nua engine hides many low-level signaling and media management aspects from the application programmer. It is possible to use different kind of media interfaces - even remote ones - in a fully transparent way. The application and the protocol engine within User Agent library can be run in separate threads. The protocol engine communicates with the application using @ref nua_event_e "events", delivered to the application with a a callback function. The callback function is called within the thread context of the application, represented with a #su_root_t object. @section nua_concepts_user Sofia Concepts for NUA User @subsection nua_intro Introduction The Sofia software suite is based on certain basic ideas and concepts that are used in all levels of Sofia software. Many of those are implemented in Sofia utility library (<a href="../su/index.html"><b>su</b></a>) providing unified interface to the most important OS services and utilities . The following sections contain descriptions of the concepts that a user of NUA library must understand to create a working application. The other utilities (in the SU library and other libraries of Sofia software suite) might also be useful for an application developer but one must be careful when using them because they might change the behavior of the Sofia software suite in a way that causes NUA library to work incorrectly. See [<a href="../su/index.html"><b>su</b></a>] for more detailed description of the SU services. @subsection nua_root Event loop - root object The NUA uses the reactor pattern (also known as dispatcher pattern and notifier pattern) for event driven systems (see [Using Design Patterns to Develop Reusable Object-oriented Communication Software, D.C. Schmidt, CACM October '95, 38(10): 65-74]). Sofia uses a task as basic execution unit for the programming model. According to the model, the program can ask that the event loop invokes a callback function when a certain event occurs. Such events include I/O activity, timers or a asynchronously delivered messages from other task. The root object is a handle representing the task in the application. Another way of seeing the same thing is that the root object represents the main event loop of the task. Through the root object the task code can access its context information (magic) and thread-synchronization features like wait objects, timers, and messages. An application using NUA services must create a root object and the callback routine to handle @ref nua_event_e "NUA events". The root object is created with su_root_create() function and the callback routine is registered with nua_create() function. Root object has type #su_root_t. See documentation of <sofia-sip/su_wait.h> and <su_root.c> for more information of root object. See section #nua_event_e for more information of the callback function. @subsection nua_magic Magic The magic is a term used for the context pointer that can be bound to various objects in Sofia stack (for example root object and operation handle) by the application code. This context pointer is passed back to the application code when a registered callback function is called by the main event loop. The Sofia stack retains the context information between calls to the callback function. An application can use the context information to store any information it needs for processing the events. @subsection nua_memmgmt Memory Handling The home-based memory management is useful when a lot of memory blocks are allocated for given task. The allocations are done via the memory home, which keeps a reference to each allocated memory block. When the memory home is then freed, it will free all memory blocks to which it has reference. This simplifies application logic because application code does not need to keep track of the allocated memory and free every allocated block separately. An application using NUA services can use the memory management services provided by the SU library but it is not mandatory. See documentation of <sofia-sip/su_alloc.h> for more information of memory management services. @subsection nua_tags Tags Tagging is the mechanism used in Sofia software for packing parameters to functions. It enables passing a variable number of parameters having non-fixed types. For an application programmer the tagging is visible as macros that are used to encapsulate the passed parameters. When evaluated a tagging macro creates a structure that contains a tag (telling what is the type of a parameter) and a value (pointer to opaque data). By checking the tag the layers of Sofia software check whether they can handle the parameter or should it just be passed to lower layers for processing. There are some tags with special meaning: - TAG_NULL() (synonymous to TAG_END()) end of tag list - TAG_SKIP() empty tag item - TAG_NEXT() tag item pointing to another tag list, ends the current tag list - TAG_ANY() filter tag accepting any tag - TAG_IF() conditional inclusion of tag item The NUA functions can be called with a list of tagged values if they have following parameters at the end of parameter list: @code tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...); @endcode The last tagged value on the parameter list must be TAG_NULL() (or TAG_END(), synonym for TAG_NULL()). Every tag has two versions: \n NUTAG_<tagname> \n which takes a value parameter and \n NUTAG_<tagname>_REF \n which takes a reference parameter. The latter is used with tl_gets() function to retrieve tag values from tag list. For SIP headers there exists also additional version of tags: \n SIPTAG_<tagname>_STR \n This tag version takes a C-language character string as parameter. The corresponding tag without _STR suffix takes a parsed value structure as parameter. The following is an example of call to NUA function containing tagged values: @code nua_unregister(op->op_handle, TAG_IF(use_registrar, NUTAG_REGISTRAR(registrar)), SIPTAG_CONTACT_STR("*"), SIPTAG_EXPIRES_STR("0"), TAG_NULL()); @endcode An application using NUA services must use tagged arguments for passing the parameters to functions. See nua_invite() for discussion on how a SIP message is constructed from the tags. See documentation of <sofia-sip/su_tag.h> for more information of tags and the module-specific documentation of each Sofia module for information of tags specific for that module. @subsection nua_debugandlogging Debugging and Logging The modules of Sofia stack contain configurable debugging and logging functionality based on the services defined in <sofia-sip/su_log.h>. The debugging and logging details (for example level of details on output and output file name) can be configured by environment variables, directives in configuration files and compilation directives in the source files. Examples of useful directives/ environment variables are: - #SOFIA_DEBUG Default debug level (0..9) - #NUA_DEBUG NUA debug level (0..9) - #NTA_DEBUG Transaction engine debug level (0..9) - #TPORT_DEBUG Transport event debug level (0..9) - #TPORT_LOG If set, print out all parsed SIP messages on transport layer - #TPORT_DUMP Filename for dumping unparsed messages from transport The defined debug output levels are: - 0 fatal errors, panic - 1 critical errors, minimal progress at subsystem level - 2 non-critical errors - 3 warnings, progress messages - 5 signaling protocol actions (incoming packets, ...) - 7 media protocol actions (incoming packets, ...) - 9 entering/exiting functions, very verbatim progress An application using NUA services can also use the debugging and logging services provided by the Sofia stack but it is not mandatory. See documentation of <sofia-sip/su_log.h> for more information of debugging and logging services. @section nua_concepts NUA Concepts @subsection nua_stackobject NUA Stack Object Stack object represents an instance of SIP stack and media engine. It contains reference to root object of that stack, user-agent-specific settings, and reference to the SIP transaction engine, for example. A NUA stack object is created by nua_create() function and deleted by nua_destroy() function. The nua_shutdown() function is used to gracefully release active the sessions by @b nua engine. NUA stack object has type nua_t. @subsection nua_operationhandle NUA Operation Handle Operation handle represents an abstract SIP call/session. It contains information of SIP dialog and media session, and state machine that takes care of the call, high-level SDP offer-answer protocol, registration, subscriptions, publications and simple SIP transactions. An operation handle may contain list of tags used when SIP messages are created by NUA (e.g. From and To headers). An operation handle is created explicitly by the application using NUA for sending messages (function nua_handle()) and by stack for incoming calls/sessions (starting with INVITE or MESSAGE). The handle is destroyed by the application using NUA (function nua_handle_destroy()). Indication and response events are associated with an operation handle. NUA operation handle has type nua_handle_t. @subsection nua_stacktread Stack Thread and Message Passing Concepts The stack thread is a separate thread from application that provides the real-time protocol stack operations so that application thread can for example block or redraw UI as it likes. The communication between stack thread and application thread is asynchronous. Most of the NUA API functions cause a send of a message to the stack thread for processing and similarly when something happens in the stack thread it sends a message to the application thread. The messages to the application thread are delivered as invokes of the application callback function when the application calls su_root_run() or su_root_step() function. @subsection nua_sip_message SIP Message and Header Manipulation SIP messages are manipulated with typesafe SIPTAG_ tags. There are three versions of each SIP tag: - SIPTAG_<tagname>() takes a parsed value as parameter. - SIPTAG_<tagname>_STR() takes an unparsed string as parameter. - SIPTAG_<tagname>_REF() takes a reference as parameter, is used with tl_gets() function to retrieve tag values from tag list. - SIPTAG_<tagname>__STR_REF() takes a reference as parameter, is used with tl_gets() function to retrieve string tag values from tag list. For example a header named "Example" would have tags names SIPTAG_EXAMPLE(), SIPTAG_EXAMPLE_STR(), and SIPTAG_EXAMPLE_REF(). When tags are used in NUA calls the corresponding headers are added to the message. In case the header can be present only once in a message and there already exists a value for the header the value given by tag replaces the existing header value. Passing tag value NULL has no effect on headers. Passing tag value (void *)-1 removes corresponding headers from the message. For example: - sending a SUBSCRIBE with @b Event: header and two @b Accept: headers: @code nua_subscribe(nh, SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("presence"), SIPTAG_ACCEPT(accept1), SIPTAG_ACCEPT(accept2), TAG_END()); @endcode - fetching tag values when processing nua_r_subscribe event: @code sip_accept_t *ac = NULL; sip_event_t *o = NULL; tl_gets(tl, SIPTAG_EVENT_REF(o), /* _REF takes a reference! */ SIPTAG_ACCEPT_REF(ac), TAG_END()); @endcode @section nua_tutorial SIP/NUA tutorial This section describes basic usage scenarios of NUA/Sofia stack using message sequence charts. @subsection nua_outgoingcall Outgoing Call @image latex SIP_outgoing_call.eps @image html SIP_outgoing_call.gif @subsection nua_incomingcall Incoming Call @image latex SIP_incoming_call.eps @image html SIP_incoming_call.gif @subsection nua_basicoutgoingoperation Basic Outgoing Operation @image latex SIP_basic_outgoing_operation.eps @image html SIP_basic_outgoing_operation.gif @subsection nua_basicincomingoperation Basic Incoming Operation @image latex SIP_basic_incoming_operation.eps @image html SIP_basic_incoming_operation.gif @subsection nua_outgoingoperationwithauth Outgoing Operation with Authentication @image latex SIP_outgoing_operation_with_auth.eps @image html SIP_outgoing_operation_with_auth.gif @section nua_simpleapplication Simple Application The following sections will present code examples from a simple application that uses services of NUA. The example is not complete but should present all relevant details of the basic use of NUA. On sourceforge.net there is available an example application <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=143636&package_id=179933"> sofisip_cli.c</a> that can be studied for more complete example. @subsection nua_datastructures Data Structures & Defines An application using services of NUA normally defines data areas that are used to store context information (i.e., "magic"). The types of pointers to these context information areas are passed to NUA by defines. @code /* type for application context data */ typedef struct application application; #define NUA_MAGIC_T application /* type for operation context data */ typedef union oper_ctx_u oper_ctx_t; #define NUA_HMAGIC_T oper_ctx_t @endcode The information area contents themselves can be defined as C structures or unions: @code /* example of application context information structure */ typedef struct application { su_home_t home[1]; /* memory home */ su_root_t *root; /* root object */ nua_t *nua; /* NUA stack object */ /* other data as needed ... */ } application; /* Example of operation handle context information structure */ typedef union operation { nua_handle_t *handle; /* operation handle / struct { nua_handle_t *handle; /* operation handle / ... /* call-related information */ } call; struct { nua_handle_t *handle; /* operation handle / ... /* subscription-related information */ } subscription; /* other data as needed ... */ } operation; @endcode NUA stack object and handle are opaque to the application programmer. Likewise, the application context is completely opaque to the NUA stack module. NUA functions are passed a pointer, and that pointer is then given back to the application within the callback parameters. In this case the application context information structure is also used to store a root object and memory home for memory handling. The application context information also contains the NUA stack object information. @subsection nua_initanddeinit Initialization and deinitialization The following code is an example of application function that initializes the system, enters the main loop for processing the messages, and, after message processing is ended, deinitalizes the system. If the application is not just responding to incoming SIP messages there must also be means to send messages to NUA. This can be handled for example by having a separate thread that calls NUA functions to send messages or by having a socket connection to the application for sending commands to the application (see documentation of su_wait_create() and su_root_register()). @code /* Application context structure */ application appl[1] = {{{{(sizeof appl)}}}}; /* initialize system utilities */ su_init(); /* initialize memory handling */ su_home_init(appl->home); /* initialize root object */ appl->root = su_root_create(appl); if (appl->root != NULL) { /* create NUA stack */ appl->nua = nua_create(appl->root, app_callback, appl, /* tags as necessary ...*/ TAG_NULL()); if (appl->nua != NULL) { /* set necessary parameters */ nua_set_params(appl->nua, /* tags as necessary ... */ TAG_NULL()); /* enter main loop for processing of messages */ su_root_run(appl->root); /* destroy NUA stack */ nua_destroy(appl->nua); } /* deinit root object */ su_root_destroy(appl->root); appl->root = NULL; } /* deinitialize memory handling */ su_home_deinit(appl->home); /* deinitialize system utilities */ su_deinit(); @endcode @subsection nua_handlingevents Handling events Handling of the events coming from NUA stack is done in the callback function that is registered for NUA stack with the nua_create() function when the application is initialized. The content of callback function is in its simplest form just a switch/case statement that dispatches the incoming events for processing to separate functions. @code void app_callback(nua_event_t event, int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { switch (event) { case nua_i_invite: app_i_invite(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); break; case nua_r_invite: app_r_invite(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); break; /* and so on ... */ default: /* unknown event -> print out error message */ if (status > 100) { printf("unknown event %d: %03d %s\n", event, status, phrase); } else { printf("unknown event %d\n", event); } tl_print(stdout, "", tags); break; } } /* app_callback */ @endcode @subsection nua_placeacall Place a call The following three functions show an example of how a basic SIP call is created. The place_a_call() function creates an operation handle and invokes the SIP INVITE method. @code operation *place_a_call(char const *name, url_t const *url) { operation *op; sip_to_t *to; /* create operation context information */ op = su_zalloc(appl->home, (sizeof *op)); if (!op) return NULL; /* Destination address */ to = sip_to_create(NULL, url); if (!to) return NULL; to->a_display = name; /* create operation handle */ op->handle = nua_handle(appl->nua, op, SIPTAG_TO(to), TAG_END()); if (op->handle == NULL) { printf("cannot create operation handle\n"); return NULL; } nua_invite(op->handle, /* other tags as needed ... */ TAG_END()); } /* place_a_call */ @endcode The app_r_invite() function is called by callback function when response to INVITE message is received. Here it is assumed that automatic acknowledge is not enabled so ACK response must be sent explicitly. @code void app_r_invite(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { if (status == 200) { nua_ack(nh, TAG_END()); } else { printf("response to INVITE: %03d %s\n", status, phrase); } } /* app_r_invite */ @endcode The nua_i_state event is sent (and app_i_state() function called by callback function) when the call state changes (see @ref nua_uac_call_model "client-side call model"). @code void app_i_state(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { nua_callstate_t state = nua_callstate_init; tl_gets(tags, NUTAG_CALLSTATE_REF(state), NUTAG__REF(state), state = (nua_callstate_t)t->t_value; printf("call %s\n", nua_callstate_name(state)); } /* app_i_state */ @endcode @subsection nua_receiveacall Receive a call The app_i_invite() function is called by callback function when incoming INVITE message is received. This example assumes that autoanswer is not enabled so the response must be sent explicitly. @code void app_i_invite(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { printf("incoming call\n"); nua_respond(nh, 200, "OK", SOA_USER_SDP(magic->sdp), TAG_END()); } /* app_i_invite */ @endcode The app_i_state() function is called by the callback function when call has been successfully set up and the media has been activated. @code void app_i_active(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { printf("call active\n"); } /* app_i_active */ @endcode @subsection nua_terminatingcall Terminating a call The following three functions show an example of how a basic SIP call is terminated. The terminate_call() function sends the SIP BYE message. @code void terminate_call(void) { nua_bye(op->handle, TAG_END()); } /* terminate call */ @endcode The app_r_bye() function is called by the callback function when answer to the BYE message is received. The function destroys the call handle and releases the memory allocated to operation context information. @code void app_r_bye(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { if (status < 200) return; printf("call released\n"); /* release operation handle */ nua_handle_destroy(hmagic->handle); op->handle = NULL; /* release operation context information */ su_free(appl->home, hmagic); } /* app_r_bye */ @endcode The app_i_bye() function is called by the callback function when an incoming BYE message is received. The function destroys the call handle and releases the memory allocated to operation context information. @code void app_i_bye(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { printf("call released\n"); /* release operation handle */ nua_handle_destroy(hmagic->handle); op->handle = NULL; /* release operation context information */ su_free(appl->home, hmagic); } /* app_i_bye */ @endcode @subsection nua_sendamessage Sending a message The following functions show an example of how a SIP MESSAGE is sent. The send_message() function sends the SIP MESSAGE. @code void send_message(void) { op_t *op; /* create operation context information */ op = su_zalloc(appl->home, sizeof(op_t)); if (op = NULL) { printf("cannot create operation context information\n"); return; } /* how we create destination_address? */ /* create operation handle */ op->handle = nua_handle(appl->nua, op, NUTAG_URL(destination_address), TAG_END()); if (op->handle == NULL) { printf("cannot create operation handle\n"); return; } /* send MESSAGE */ nua_message(op->handle, SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("text/plain"), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Hello, world!"), /* other tags as needed ... */ TAG_END()); } /* send_message */ @endcode The app_r_message() function is called by the callback function when answer to the MESSAGE is received. @code void app_r_message(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { printf("response to MESSAGE: %03d %s\n", status, phrase); } /* app_r_message */ @endcode @subsection nua_receivemessage Receiving a message The following function shows an example of how a SIP MESSAGE is received. The app_i_message() function is called by the callback function when a SIP MESSAGE is received. @code void app_i_message(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { printf("received MESSAGE: %03d %s\n", status, phrase); printf("From: %s%s" URL_PRINT_FORMAT "\n", sip->sip_from->a_display ? sip->sip_from->a_display : "", sip->sip_from->a_display ? " " : "", URL_PRINT_ARGS(sip->sip_from->a_url)); if (sip->sip_subject) { printf("Subject: %s\n", sip->sip_subject->g_value); } if (sip->sip_payload) { fwrite(sip->sip_payload->pl_data, sip->sip_payload->pl_len, 1, stdout); fputs("\n", stdout); } } /* app_i_message */ @endcode @subsection nua_notifier Creating a Presence Server @code ... application_t *app; operation_t *oper; ... oper->app = app; app->nua = nua_create(ssip->s_root, app_callback, app, TAG_NULL()); ... oper->handle = nua_handle(app->nua, app, NUTAG_URL(to->a_url), SIPTAG_TO(to), ta_tags(ta)); ... nua_notifier(oper->handle, SIPTAG_EXPIRES_STR("3600"), SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("presence"), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/pidf-partial+xml"), NUTAG_SUBSTATE(nua_substate_pending), TAG_END()); @endcode After the nua_notifier object -- the presence server -- is created, an event nua_r_notifier is returned. Status and phrase values of the app_callback function indicate the success of the creation. Authorization of an incoming subscription (to the local presence server) can be handled in the callback function. @code void app_callback(nua_event_t event, int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, application_t *app, nua_handle_t *nh, oper_t *op, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { nea_sub_t *subscriber = NULL; switch (event) { case nua_i_subscription: tl_gets(tags, NEATAG_SUB_REF(subscriber), TAG_END()); nua_authorize(nua_substate_active); default: break; } @endcode @subsection nua_shutting_down Shutdown The following functions show an example of how application terminates the NUA stack. The shutdown() function starts the termination. @code void shutdown(void) { nua_shutdown(appl->nua); } /* shutdown */ @endcode The app_r_shutdown() function is called by the callback function when NUA stack termination is either finished or failed. @code void app_r_shutdown(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { printf("shutdown: %d %s\n", status, phrase); if (status < 200) { /* shutdown in progress -> return */ return; } /* end the event loop. su_root_run() will return */ su_root_break(magic->root); } /* app_r_shutdown */ @endcode */ /** @page nua_call_model NUA Call Model The NUA call follows a relatively simple state model presented below. The call model is used to present changes in call: when media starts to flow, when call is considered established, when call is terminated. In the figure below, a simplified state diagram for a SIP call is presented. After the call state has changes the application will receive an #nua_i_state event indicating the change. The states in NUA call model are represented by @e enum #nua_callstate, and the current value of state is included as the tag NUTAG_CALLSTATE() with the #nua_i_state event. The @RFC3264 SDP Offer/Answer negotiation status is also included in the #nua_i_state event. The negotiation status includes the local SDP (in SOATAG_LOCAL_SDP()) sent and flags indicating whether the local SDP was an offer or answer (NUTAG_OFFER_SENT(), NUTAG_ANSWER_SENT()). Likewise, the received remote SDP is included in tag SOATAG_REMOTE_SDP() and flags indicating whether the remote SDP was an offer or an answer in tags NUTAG_OFFER_RECV() or NUTAG_ANSWER_RECV(). SOATAG_ACTIVE_AUDIO() and SOATAG_ACTIVE_VIDEO() are informational tags used to indicate what is the status of these media. The #nua_i_state event is not sent, however, if the change is invoked by application calling API functions like nua_bye() and there is no change in SDP offer/answer status. @code +---------------+ +------| INIT |-----+ INVITE/- | +---------------+ | INVITE/100 V | +------------+ +------------+ +----| CALLING |--+ +---| RECEIVED |--+ | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | | | | | | | | 18X/- | | | -/18X | | V | | V | | +------------+ | | +------------+ | |<---| PROCEEDING | | | | EARLY |->| | +------------+ | | +------------+ | -/[3456]XX | | | | | | | | 2XX/- | 2XX/- | -/2XX | -/2XX | or | V | | V | | + - - - - - -+ | | +------------+ | CANCEL/200,487 | : COMPLETING :<-+ +-->| COMPLETE | | | + - - - - - -+ +------------+ | | | | | | | -/ACK ACK/- | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------+ | | | +----->| READY |<----+ | | +---------------+ | | | | | | BYE/200 | | -/BYE | | | | | | | V | | | +--------------+ | | [3456]XX/ACK | | TERMINATING | | | | +--------------+ | | | | | | | | [23456]XX/- | | V V | | +---------------+ | +---------------->| TERMINATED |<--------------+ +---------------+ @endcode The labels "input/output" along each transition indicates SIP messages received from and sent to network, for instance, state transition "INVITE/100" occurs when a SIP @b INVITE request is received, and it is immediately returned a 100 (<i>Trying</i>) response. Label "2XX" means any 200-series response, e.g., <i>200 OK</i> or <i>202 Accepted</i>). Notation "[3456]XX" means any final error response in 300, 400, 500, or 600 series. Label "18X" means any provisional response from 101 to 199, most typically 180 (<i>Ringing</i>) or 183 (<i>Session Progress</i>). @section nua_uac_call_model Detailed Client Call Model The detailed call model at client side is presented below. This model does not include the extensions like @b 100rel or @b UPDATE. @code +------------+ | INIT | +------------+ | (1) nua_invite/INVITE | V +------------+ | |-----------------------------(6a)-----+ | |----+ nua_cancel | +------| CALLING | (7a) /CANCEL | | | |<---+ | | | |----------------------+ | | +------------+ | | | | (8a) nua_bye | | (2) 18X/- | /CANCEL | | | | | | V | | | +------------+ | | | | |-----------------------------(6b)---->| | | |----+ nua_cancel | | | | PROCEEDING | (7b) /CANCEL | | | | |<---+ | | | | |----------------------+ | | +------------+ | | | | | | (3a) 2XX/- (3b) 2XX/- | (6) [3456]XX/ACK | | | | | V | | | + - - - - - -+ | | +----->: : | | : COMPLETING :-------+ | | + - - -: : | | | : + - - - - - -+ | | | : | | | | :<auto_ack> | | | | :or nua_ack | <auto_ack> | | | :and media | or nua_ack | nua_bye | | (5) error (4) /ACK (9) /ACK+BYE (8b) nua_bye/BYE | : /ACK+BYE | | | | : V | V | : +------------+ | +-------------+ | : | | | | | | : | READY | | | TERMINATING*| | : | | | | | | : +------------+ | +-------------+ | : | | | | : | (10) 2XX (11) 3XX 4XX | : +-------------+ | | /BYE | 5XX 6XX | : | | V V | /- | + - - >| TERMINATING |<-------------------------+ | | | | +-------------+ | | | (12) [23456]XX to BYE/- | | | V | +------------+ | | TERMINATED |<-------------------------------------+ +------------+ @endcode The detailed description of state transitions on the client side is as follows: <table> <tr><th>#</th> <th>Previous state</th> <th>Input</th> <th>Output</th> <th>Next state</th> <th>Offer/ Answer</th> <th align="left">Description</th> </tr> <tr><td>C1</td> <!-- transition --> <td>init</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>nua_invite()</td> <!-- input --> <td>INVITE</td> <!-- output --> <td>calling</td> <!-- next state --> <td>Generate offer</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> Client application starts call be invoking nua_invite(). By default, stack runs the initial offer/answer step and sends @b INVITE request with the SDP offer. </td></tr> <tr><td>C2</td> <td>calling</td><td>18X</td><td>-</td><td>proceeding</td> <td>(Save answer)</td> <td> Stack receives a 18X response (a provisional response between 101 and 199). It establishes an early dialog with server. If the provisional response contains an SDP answer, a session with early media is established. The caller can be listen to, for instance, ring tone or announcements about call progress using the early media session. </td></tr> <tr><td>C3a</td> <td>calling</td><td rowspan="2">2XX</td> <td rowspan="2">-</td><td rowspan="2">completing</td> <td rowspan="2">Save answer</td> <td rowspan="2"> Client receives a 2XX response (usually <i>200 OK</i>) indicating that call has been accepted by the server. If there is an SDP session description included with response, it is stored. Unless the @ref NUTAG_AUTOACK() "auto-ack" mode is explicitly turned off by application the client does not stay in @b completing state, but proceeds immediately to next state transition. </td></tr> <tr><td>C3b</td> <td>proceeding</td></tr> <tr><td>C4</td> <td>completing</td> <td>nua_ack() or<br>@ref NUTAG_AUTOACK() "auto-ack" </td> <td>ACK</td><td>ready</td> <td>Process answer</td> <td> Client sends an ACK request in this state transition. If the initial offer was sent with INVITE, the answer must have been received by this time, usually in the 2XX response. Client now completes the SDP offer-answer exchange and activates the media. </td></tr> <tr><td>C5</td> <td>completing</td> <td>nua_ack() or<br>@ref NUTAG_AUTOACK() "auto-ack" and<br> media error</td> <td>ACK<br>BYE</td> <td>terminating</td> <td>Process answer</td> <td> If there was a failure in SDP negotiation or other failure with media, the stack will automatically terminate the call. The BYE follows immediately after the ACK. </td></tr> <tr><td>C6a</td> <td>calling</td> <td rowspan=2>3XX 4XX <br> 5XX 6XX</td> <td rowspan=2>ACK*</td> <td rowspan=2>terminated</td> <td rowspan=2>-</td> <td rowspan=2> Call is terminated when client receives a final error response (from 300 to 699) to its INVITE request. In this case, the underlying transaction engine takes care of sending ACK even when application-driven-ack mode is requested by application. </td></tr> <tr><td>C6b</td> <td>proceeding</td> </tr> <tr><td>C7a</td> <td>calling</td> <td rowspan=2>nua_cancel()</td> <td rowspan=2>CANCEL</td> <td>calling</td> <td rowspan=2>-</td> <td rowspan=2> Client can ask server to cancel the call attempt while in @b calling or @b proceeding state. There is no direct call state transition caused by nua_cancel(). The call state changes when the server returns a response. After receiving a CANCEL request the server will usually return a <i>487 Request Terminated</i> response and call is terminated as in previous item. However, there is a race condition and the server can respond with a succesful 2XX response before receiving CANCEL. In that case, the call is established as usual. It is up to application to terminate the call with nua_bye(). </td></tr> <tr><td>C7b</td> <td>proceeding</td> <td>proceeding</td> </tr> <tr><td>C8a</td> <td>proceeding</td> <td>nua_bye()</td> <td>CANCEL</td> <td rowspan=2>terminating*</td> <td rowspan=2>-</td> <td> The call cannot be terminated with BYE before the dialog is established with a non-100 preliminary response. So, instead of a @b BYE, stack sends a @b CANCEL request, and enters terminating state. However, there is a race condition and the server can respond with a succesful 2XX response before receiving CANCEL. If the server responds with a 2XX response, the nua will automatically send a BYE request asking server to terminate the call. </td></tr> <tr><td>C8b</td> <td>proceeding</td> <td>nua_bye()</td> <td>BYE</td> <td> Even an early session can be terminated after entering @b proceeding state with nua_bye(). Stack sends a @b BYE request, and enters terminating state. Unlike @b CANCEL, @b BYE affects only one fork. However, there is a race condition and the server can respond with a succesful 2XX response before receiving BYE. If the server responds with a 2XX response, the nua will automatically send a BYE request asking server to terminate the call. </td></tr> <tr><td>C9</td> <td>completing</td><td>nua_bye()</td><td>ACK<br>BYE</td><td>terminating</td> <td>-</td> <td> If the stack is in @b completing state (it has already received 2XX response), it will have to @b ACK the final response, too. </td></tr> <tr><td>C10</td> <td>terminating*</td> <td>2XX<br>to INVITE</td> <td>BYE</td> <td>terminating</td> <td>-</td> <td> There is a race condition between @b BYE and @b INVITE. The call may have been re-established with @b INVITE after @b BYE was processed. @b BYE is re-sent and call state transitions to normal terminating state. </td></tr> <tr><td>C11</td> <td>terminating*</td> <td>3XX 4XX<br>5XX 6XX<br>to INVITE</td> <td>BYE</td> <td>terminating</td> <td>-</td> <td> The @b INVITE transaction is completed without a call being created. The call state transitions to normal terminating state. </td></tr> <tr><td>C12</td> <td>terminating</td> <td>3XX 4XX<br>5XX 6XX<br>to BYE</td> <td>-</td> <td>terminated</td> <td>-</td> <td> Call is terminated when the final response to the BYE is received. </td></tr> </table> @section nua_uas_call_model Detailed Server-Side Call Model The detailed call model at server side (UAS) is presented below. This model does not include the extensions like @b 100rel or @b UPDATE. @code +----------------------------------+ | INIT | +----------------------------------+ | : : | : : (1) INVITE/100 (2b) INVITE/18X (3c) INVITE/2XX | : : | : : V : : +------------+ : : +--------------------| | : : | | RECEIVED |--------------+ : | +---------------| | : | : | | +------------+ : | : | | | : | : | | nua_respond/18X (2a) : | : | | | : | : | | V V | : | | +------------+ | : |<------------------------------| | | : | |<-------------------------| EARLY | | : | | +----------| | | : | | | +------------+ | : | nua_respond/ | | | : (6) /[3456]XX | nua_respond/2XX (3b) (3a) : | | | | | : | | | V V V | | | +-------------+ | | | | | | | | +-----| COMPLETED |- - + | | | | | | : | | | | +-------------+ : | | | | | : | | | | (4) ACK/- : | | | | | : | | | | V : | | | | +-------------+ : | | | | | | : | | | | | READY | : | | | | | | : | | | | +-------------+ : | | | | : | (7) CANCEL/487 (8) BYE/487 (9) BYE/200 (5) timeout | | | | : /BYE | | | | +-------------+ : | | | | | TERMINATING |<- -+ | | | | +-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | [23456]XX/- | | | | | | | | | V | V V V +-------------+ +---------------------------------------->| TERMINATED | +-------------+ @endcode The detailed description of state transitions on the server side is as follows: <table> <tr><th>#</th> <th>Previous state</th> <th>Input</th> <th>Output</th> <th>Next state</th> <th>Offer/ Answer</th> <th align="left">Description</th> </tr> <tr><td>S1</td> <!-- transition --> <td>init</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>INVITE</td> <!-- input --> <td>100 Trying</td> <!-- output --> <td>received</td> <!-- next state --> <td>Save offer</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> When a @b INVITE request for a new call is received, the server creates a fresh call handle for it, responds to the client with <i>100 Trying</i> and enters in the @b received state by default. It saves the possible SDP offer included in @b INVITE and passes it to the application. </td></tr> <tr><td>S2a</td> <!-- transition --> <td>received</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>nua_respond()</td> <!-- input --> <td>18X</td> <!-- output --> <td rowspan=2>early</td> <!-- next state --> <td>(Generate early answer)</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> When server returns a preliminary response for the initial @b INVITE request, a early dialog is created. The server can also send an SDP answer with the preliminary answer and establish an early session, too. It can use the early session to send early media, e.g., ringing tone and announcements towards the client. </td></tr> <tr><td>S2b</td> <!-- transition --> <td>init</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>INVITE and <!-- input --> @ref NUTAG_AUTOALERT() "auto-alert"</td> <td>180 Ringing</td> <!-- output --> <td>Save offer (and generate early answer)</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> When @ref NUTAG_AUTOALERT() "auto-alert" option is enabled, stack sends 180 Ringing immediately after receiving INVITE and enters @b early state. </td></tr> <tr><td>S3a</td> <!-- transition --> <td>received</td> <!-- previous state --> <td rowspan=2>nua_respond()</td> <!-- input --> <td rowspan=2>2XX</td> <!-- output --> <td rowspan=3>completed</td> <!-- next state --> <td rowspan=2>Generate answer</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td rowspan=2> When the server sends a 2XX response towards the client, it accepts the call. The @b INVITE transaction is now considered complete but unconfirmed at the server side. If the offer was sent in @b INVITE request, the answer should be included in the 2XX response. </td></tr> <tr><td>S3b</td> <!-- transition --> <td>early</td> <!-- previous state --> </td></tr> <tr><td>S3c</td> <!-- transition --> <td>init</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>INVITE and @ref NUTAG_AUTOANSWER() "auto-answer" </td> <!-- input --> <td>200 OK</td> <!-- output --> <td>Save offer and <br>generate answer</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> When @ref NUTAG_AUTOANSWER() "auto-answer" option is enabled, stack send 200 OK immediately after receiving INVITE and enters @b completed state. </td></tr> </td></tr> <tr><td>S4</td> <!-- transition --> <td>completed</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>ACK</td> <!-- input --> <td>-</td> <!-- output --> <td>ready</td> <!-- next state --> <td>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> The ready state is entered at server side after receiving @b ACK request from client, indicating that the client have received server's 2XX response. The call is ready, the @b INVITE transaction is confirmed. </td></tr> <tr><td>S5td> <!-- transition --> <td>completed</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>timeout</td> <!-- input --> <td>BYE</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminating</td> <!-- next state --> <td>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> If the server does not receive an @b ACK request in timely fashion, it will terminate the call by sending a @b BYE request to client. </td></tr> <tr><td>S6a</td> <!-- transition --> <td>received</td> <!-- previous state --> <td rowspan=2>nua_respond()</td> <!-- input --> <td rowspan=2>3XX 4XX<br>5XX 6XX</td><!-- output --> <td rowspan=2>terminated</td> <!-- next state --> <td rowspan=2>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td rowspan=2> The server can reject the call by sending a 3XX, 4XX, 5XX, or 6XX response towards the client. The underlying transaction engine takes care of retransmitting the response when needed. It consumes the ACK response sent by the client, too. </td></tr> <tr><td>S6b</td> <!-- transition --> <td>early</td> <!-- previous state --> </td></tr> <tr><td>S7a</td> <!-- transition --> <td>received</td> <!-- previous state --> <td rowspan=2>CANCEL</td> <!-- input --> <td rowspan=2>487 Request terminated</td><!-- output --> <td rowspan=2>terminated</td> <!-- next state --> <td rowspan=2>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td rowspan=2> The client can cancel the call attempt before it is completed with a @b CANCEL request. Server returns a <i>200 OK</i> response to @b CANCEL and a <i>487 Request Terminated</i> response to the @b INVITE transaction and the call is terminated. </td></tr> <tr><td>S7b</td> <!-- transition --> <td>early</td> <!-- previous state --> </td></tr> <tr><td>S8</td> <!-- transition --> <td>early</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>BYE</td> <!-- input --> <td>487 to INVITE<br> 200 to BYE</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminated</td> <!-- next state --> <td>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> The client can terminate an early session with a @b BYE request, too. Like in the @b CANCEL case above, the server will terminate call immediately, return a <i>200 OK</i> response to @b BYE and a <i>487 Request Terminated</i> response to the @b INVITE transaction. </td></tr> <tr><td>S9</td> <!-- transition --> <td>completed</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>BYE</td> <!-- input --> <td>200 to BYE</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminated</td> <!-- next state --> <td>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> The client can terminate a completed dialog with a @b BYE request. Server terminates call immediately, returns a <i>200 OK</i> response to @b BYE and lets the underlying transaction engine to take care of consuming @b ACK. </td></tr> </table> @section nua_3pcc_call_model Third Party Call Control There is an alternative offer-answer model for third party call control (3pcc). The call setup involves a 3rd party, client C, which sends initial INVITE to server A without SDP. The call setup looks perfectly ordinary to server B, however. @code A C B | | | |<-------INVITE---------| | | | | | | | |------200 (offer)----->| | | |----INVITE (offer)---->| | | | | | | | |<-----200 (answer)-----| |<-----ACK (answer)-----| | | | | | |----------ACK--------->| | | | @endcode The modifications to the call model affect mainly offer-answer model. The detailed description of state transitions for 3pcc on the server side is as follows: <table> <tr><th>#</th> <th>Previous state</th> <th>Input</th> <th>Output</th> <th>Next state</th> <th>Offer/ Answer</th> <th align="left">Description</th> </tr> <tr><td>S1'</td> <!-- transition --> <td>init</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>INVITE</td> <!-- input --> <td>100 Trying</td> <!-- output --> <td>received</td> <!-- next state --> <td>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> There is no SDP to save. </td></tr> <tr><td>S2b'</td> <!-- transition --> <td>init</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>INVITE and <!-- input --> @ref NUTAG_AUTOALERT() "auto-alert"</td> <td>180 Ringing</td> <!-- output --> <td>early</td> <!-- next state --> <td>-</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> There is no SDP to save. </td></tr> <tr><td>S3a'</td> <!-- transition --> <td>early</td> <!-- previous state --> <td rowspan=2>nua_respond()</td> <!-- input --> <td rowspan=2>2XX</td> <!-- output --> <td rowspan=3>completed</td> <!-- next state --> <td rowspan=3>Generate offer</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td rowspan=3> The offer is sent in 200 OK. </td></tr> <tr><td>S3b'</td> <!-- transition --> <td>received</td> <!-- previous state --> </td></tr> <tr><td>S3c'</td> <!-- transition --> <td>init</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>INVITE and <!-- input --> @ref NUTAG_AUTOANSWER() "auto-answer"</td> <td>200 OK</td> <!-- output --> </td></tr> <tr><td>S4'</td> <!-- transition --> <td>completed</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>ACK</td> <!-- input --> <td>-</td> <!-- output --> <td>ready</td> <!-- next state --> <td>Save and process answer</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> The answer is processed and media activated after receiving @b ACK. </td></tr> <tr><td>S9b'</td> <!-- transition --> <td>completed</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>ACK and O/A error</td> <!-- input --> <td>BYE</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminating</td> <!-- next state --> <td>Save and process answer</td> <!-- offer/answer --> <td> If the offer/answer negotiation ends in error after the server receives answer in @b ACK request, the server will have to terminate call by sending a @b BYE request. </td></tr> </table> @section nua_terminate_call_model Model for Modifying and Terminating Call After the SIP session has been established, it can be further modified by @b INVITE transactions, initiated by either the original client or the original server. These so-called re-INVITE transactions can be used to upgrade session (add new media to it), put the session on hold or resume a held call. A session can be terminated with a @b BYE request at any time. If any in-dialog request (including re-INVITE) fails with certain response code, the session can be considered terminated, too. These response codes are documented with sip_response_terminates_dialog(). In some cases, the session should be terminated gracefully by sending a @b BYE request after the failed requests. @code +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | READY | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | (1) BYE/200 (2) nua_bye/BYE (4) graceful/BYE (5) fatal/- | | | | | V V | | +-----------------------------+ | | | TERMINATING | | | +-----------------------------+ | | | | | (3) [23456]XX/- | | | | V V V +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | TERMINATED | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ @endcode The detailed description of state transitions while call is terminated is as follows: <table> <tr><th>#</th> <th>Previous state</th> <th>Input</th> <th>Output</th> <th>Next state</th> <th align="left">Description</th> </tr> <tr><td>T1</td> <!-- transition --> <td>ready</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>BYE</td> <!-- input --> <td>200 OK</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminated</td> <!-- next state --> <td> When the @b BYE request is received, the recipient terminates the currently ongoing @b INVITE transaction, the session and its dialog usage (if there is another dialog usage active, e.g., a subscription creted by @b REFER.) </td></tr> <tr><td>T2</td> <!-- transition --> <td>ready</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>nua_bye</td> <!-- input --> <td>BYE</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminating</td> <!-- next state --> <td> The application terminates the session by calling nua_bye(). All the call-related requests on the dialog are rejected while in terminating state with <i>487 No Such Call</i> response. </td></tr> <tr><td>T3</td> <!-- transition --> <td>terminating</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>2XX 3XX 4XX 5XX 6XX</td> <!-- input --> <td>-</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminated</td> <!-- next state --> <td> The session is finally terminated when a final response to @b BYE is received. Note that nua stack does retry @b BYE requests. </td></tr> <tr><td>T4</td> <!-- transition --> <td>ready</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>"graceful" response</td> <!-- input --> <td>BYE</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminating</td> <!-- next state --> <td> A call-related request (@b re-INVITE, @b UPDATE, @b INFO, @b PRACK, @b REFER) fails with a response code indicating that the client should gracefully terminate the call. </td></tr> <tr><td>T5</td> <!-- transition --> <td>ready</td> <!-- previous state --> <td>"fatal" response</td> <!-- input --> <td>-</td> <!-- output --> <td>terminated</td> <!-- next state --> <td> A call-related request (@b re-INVITE, @b UPDATE, @b INFO, @b PRACK, @b REFER) fails with a response code indicating that the call has been terminated. </td></tr> </table> @sa http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-sparks-sipping-dialogusage-01.txt @sa sip_response_terminates_dialog() */ /* For reference: +---------------+ +-(1)--| INIT |-----+ INVITE/- | +---------------+ (A) INVITE/100 V | +------------+ +------------+ +----| CALLING | +---| RECEIVED |--+ | +------------+ | +------------+ | | | | | | | (2) 18X/- | (B) -/18X | | V | V | | +------------+ | +------------+ | |<---| PROCEEDING |--+ | | EARLY |->| | +------------+ | | +------------+ (F) -/[3456]XX | : | | | | | (4) 2XX/- | (E) -/2XX (C) -/2XX | or | V | | V | | + - - - - - -+ | | +------------+ (G) CANCEL/200,487 | : COMPLETING : | +-->| COMPLETE | | | + - - - - - -+ | +------------+ | | : | | : | | (5)-/ACK (3) 2XX/ACK ACK/-(D) : | | : | | : | | : V | : | | : +---------------+ | : | | + - - >| READY |<----+ : | | +---------------+ : | | | | : | | BYE/200 (i) (ii) -/BYE timeout/ : | | | | BYE (H) | | | V : | | | +--------------+ : | (6) [3456]XX/ACK | | TERMINATING |<- - + | | | +--------------+ | | | | | | | (iii) [23456]XX/- | | V V | | +---------------+ | +---------------->| TERMINATED |<--------------+ +---------------+ | V INIT */ /**@page nua_event_diagrams NUA Event Diagrams The example diagrams below try to present how to use NUA API with different SIP use cases. @section nua_event_diagram_call Basic Call The SIP following event diagram shows a pretty simple, succesful call case. The nua events and nua function calls are show in the diagram below as well as the SIP messages. The call setup above assumes parameters NUTAG_AUTOALERT(0), NUTAG_AUTOANSWER(0) on B side, NUTAG_AUTOACK(0) on A side. @code Alice Proxy Bob 0 | | | 1 nua_handle() | | | 2 nua_invite() -> |-----INVITE---->| | 3 nua_i_state <- | | | 4 | |-----INVITE---->| -> nua_i_invite 5 |<--100 Trying---| | -> nua_i_state 6 | | | 7 | | | 8 | | | 9 | |<--180 Ringing--| <- nua_respond(180) 10 nua_i_invite <- |<--180 Ringing--| | -> nua_i_state 11 nua_i_state <- | | | 12 | |<--200 OK-------| <- nua_respond(200) 13 nua_i_invite <- |<---200 OK------| | -> nua_i_state 14 nua_i_state <- | | | 15 nua_ack() -> |-----ACK------->| | 16 nua_i_state <- | |-----ACK------->| -> nua_i_ack 17 | | | -> nua_i_state 18 | | | 19 <<====== SIP Session Established =======>> 20 | | | 21 | | | 22 nua_bye() -> |-----BYE------->| | 23 | |-----BYE------->| -> nua_i_bye 24 | |<----200 OK-----| -> nua_i_state 25 nua_r_bye <- |<---200 OK------| | 26 nua_i_state <- | | | | | | @endcode @section nua_event_diagram_call_hold Holding Call The media (audio, video) can be put on hold. In SIP system this means that application can indicate to the remote end that it is engaged in other activity (another call, for instance) and does not wish to receive media from the remove end. The call hold is usully implemented using re-INVITE. Re-INVITE is an INVITE request sent on existing SIP session. Both original caller and callee can send re-INVITEs. The main use of re-INVITE is modifying sessions: adding media lines to the session, changing codecs on existing media, and, as you might expect, putting existing media on hold as well as resuming media from hold. A re-INVITE is sent by calling nua_invite() on handle with existing call. When putting call on hold, the application can include SOATAG_HOLD("audio") or SOATAG_HOLD("video") or SOATAG_HOLD("audio, video") or SOATAG_HOLD("*") as parameters to re-INVITE nua_invite(). (Note that last SOATAG_HOLD() in the tag list will override the SOATAG_HOLD() tags before it.) Another feature where nua tries to be helpful is autoanswer and auto-ACK on existing sessions: the re-INVITE is automatically responded with <i>200 OK</i> and ACK is automatically sent. (If the application wants to respond and ACK by itself, it should explicitly set NUTAG_AUTOANSWER(0) and/or NUTAG_AUTOACK(0) in the handle; either include them in nua_invite() or nua_respond() parameters or call nua_set_hparams() explicitly. @code Alice Proxy Bob 0 nua_handle() | | | 1 | | | 2 nua_invite() -> |-----INVITE---->| | 3 nua_i_state <- | | | 4 | |-----INVITE---->| -> nua_i_invite 5 |<--100 Trying---| | -> nua_i_state 6 | | | 7 | | | 8 | | | 9 | |<--180 Ringing--| <- nua_respond(180) 10 nua_i_invite <- |<--180 Ringing--| | -> nua_i_state 11 nua_i_state <- | | | 12 | |<--200 OK-------| <- nua_respond(200) 13 nua_i_invite <- |<---200 OK------| | -> nua_i_state 14 nua_i_state <- | | | 15 nua_ack() -> |-----ACK------->| | 16 nua_i_state <- | |-----ACK------->| -> nua_i_ack 17 | | | -> nua_i_state 18 | | | 19 <<== Bi-Directional RTP Established ==>> 20 | | | 21 | | | 22 | |<--INVITE(hold)-| <- nua_invite(.. 21 | | | NUTAG_HOLD("*")..) 23 nua_i_invite <- |<-INVITE(hold)--| | -> nua_i_state 25 nua_i_state <- |----200 OK----->| | 26 | |----200 OK----->| -> nua_i_invite 28 | |<-----ACK-------| -> nua_i_state 29 nua_i_ack <- |<----ACK--------| | 24 | | | 30 <<== Uni-Directional RTP Established ==>> 24 | | | 31 | | | 32 | |<--INVITE-------| <- nua_invite(.. 21 | | | NUTAG_HOLD(NULL)..) 33 nua_i_invite <- |<--INVITE-------| | -> nua_i_state 35 nua_i_state <- |---200 OK------>| | 36 | |---200 OK------>| -> nua_i_invite 38 | |<----ACK--------| -> nua_i_state 39 nua_i_ack <- |<----ACK--------| | 40 nua_i_state <- | | | 19 <<== Bi-Directional RTP Established ==>> 42 | | | 43 nua_bye() -> |-----BYE------->| | 44 nua_i_state <- | |-----BYE------->| -> nua_i_bye 46 | |<----200 OK-----| -> nua_i_state 47 |<---200 OK------| | | | | @endcode @section nua_event_diagram_call_transfer Call Transfer This is the unattended call transfer case. 1st MSC showing Alice's end: @code Alice Bob Carol 0 | | | 1 nua_i_invite <- |<-----INVITE--------| | 2 nua_i_state <- | | | 2 | | | 3 nua_respond(180) -> |----180 Ringing---->| | 2 nua_i_state <- | | | 4 | | | 5 nua_respond(200) -> |------200 OK------->| | 6 nua_i_state <- | | | 8 | | | 7 nua_i_ack <- |<-------ACK---------| | 8 nua_i_state <- | | | 9 |<========RTP=======>| | 10 | | | 11 << Alice performs unattended transfer >> | 12 | | | 13 | | | 14 nua_refer() -> |---REFER("r: C")--->| | 15 | | | 16 nua_r_refer <- |<---202 Accepted----| | 17 | | | 18 nua_i_notify <- |<-----NOTIFY--------| | 19 | | | 20 |------200 OK------->| | 21 | |---INVITE("b: A")-->| 23 | | | 22 nua_bye() -> |-------BYE--------->| | 23 | | | 24 nua_r_bye <- |<----200 OK---------| | 25 nua_i_state <- | No RTP Session | | 28 | |<----180 Ringing----| 26 nua_i_notify <- |<- - -NOTIFY - - - -| | 27 | | | 20 |- - - 200 OK- - - ->| | 29 | | | 30 | |<------200 OK-------| 31 | | | 32 | |---------ACK------->| 33 | | RTP | 34 | |<==================>| 35 | | | 36 |<-----NOTIFY--------| | 37 | | | 38 |------200 OK------->| | | | | @endcode 2nd MSC showing Bobs's end: @code Alice Bob (nh1) Bob (nh2) Carol 0 | | | | 1 |<-----INVITE--------| | | 2 | | | | 3 |---180 Ringing----->| | | 4 | | | | 5 |------200 OK------->| | | 6 | | | | 7 |<-------ACK---------| | | 8 | RTP | | | 9 |<==================>| | | 10 | | | | 11<< Alice performs unattended transfer >> | | 12 | | | | 13 | Refer-To:C F5| | | 14 |-REFER------------->| -> nua_i_refer | | 15 | | | | 16 |<-202 Accepted------| | | 17 | | | | 18 |<-----NOTIFY--------| | | 19 | | | | 20 |------200 OK------->| -> nua_r_notify | | 21 | | | | 22 |-------BYE--------->| -> nua_i_bye | | 23 | | -> nua_i_state | | 24 |<----200 OK---------| nua_handle() -> | | 25 | No RTP Session | nua_invite() -> | | 26 | | |--INVITE("b: A")--->| 27 | | | | 28 | | nua_i_invite <- |<--180 Ringing------| 29 | | nua_i_state <- | | 30 | | nua_i_invite <- |<----200 OK---------| 31 | | nua_i_state <- | | 32 | | nua_ack -> |-------ACK--------->| 33 | | | | 34 | | |<=======RTP========>| 35 | | | | 36 |<-----NOTIFY--------| | | 37 | | 38 |------200 OK------->| -> nua_r_notify 39 | | <- nua_handle_destroy | | @endcode Bob includes nh1 in nua_invite()/25 as NUTAG_NOTIFY_REFER() parameter. Open Issue 1: - how Bob know when to destroy nh1? @section nua_event_diagram_3gpp_call 3GPP Call Model The 3GPP call model is defined in 3GPP TS 24.229. In order to select only a single codec and ensure that the QoS reservationa are made before the call is alerting, the 3GPP call model employs multiple offer/answer exchanges. It uses 100rel and PRACK (@RFC3262), UPDATE (@RFC3311) and preconditions (@RFC3312) extensions specified by IETF. The call setup below assumes parameters NUTAG_AUTOALERT(0), NUTAG_AUTOANSWER(0) on B side, NUTAG_AUTOACK(0) on A side. @code A B 0 nua_handle() | | 1 nua_invite() -> | | 2 nua_i_state <- |----INVITE (offer)---->| 3 | | -> nua_i_invite 4 | | -> nua_i_state 5 | | 6 | | <- nua_respond(183) 7 nua_i_invite <- |<----183 (answer)------| -> nua_i_state 8 nua_i_state <- | | 9 << single codec is selected now >> 10 |-----PRACK(offer2)---->| -> nua_i_prack 11 | | -> nua_i_state 12 nua_r_prack <- |<--200/PRACK(answer2)--| 13 | | 14 | | 15 << resource reservations are done now >> 16 | | 17 nua_update() -> |----UPDATE (offer3)--->| 18 nua_i_state <- | | 19 nua_i_state <- |<-200/UPDATE (answer3)-| -> nua_i_update 20 | | -> nua_i_state 21 | | 22 | | << B rings >> 23 | | 24 | | <- nua_respond(180) 25 nua_i_invite <- |<---------180----------| 26 nua_i_state <- | | 27 |--------PRACK--------->| -> nua_i_prack 28 nua_r_prack <- |<-----200/PRACK------->| -> nua_i_state 29 | | 30 | | <- nua_respond(200) 31 nua_i_invite <- |<---------200----------| -> nua_i_state 32 nua_i_state <- | | 33 nua_ack() -> | | 34 nua_i_state <- |----------ACK--------->| -> nua_i_ack 35 | | -> nua_i_state | | @endcode */ /**@var nua_event_e * * @brief Events * * The NUA event loop calls an event callback function when an application * needs to act on something that happened in the Sofia stack. The callback * function is registered when nua_create() function call is used to create * the NUA stack object. * * The prototype of the event callback function is: * @code * void nua_callback_f(nua_event_t event, * int status, * char const *phrase, * nua_t *nua, * nua_magic_t *magic, * nua_handle_t *nh, * nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, * sip_t const *sip, * tagi_t tags[]); * @endcode * * @param event Callback event identification. \n * Always present * @param status Protocol status code. \n * Always present * @param phrase Text corresponding to status code. \n * Always present * @param nua Pointer to NUA stack object. \n * Always present * @param magic Pointer to callback context from nua_create(). \n * Always present * @param nh Pointer to operation handle. * @param hmagic Pointer to callback context from nua_handle(). * @param sip Headers in parsed incoming message. May be NULL. * See also nua_current_request(). * @param tags Tag list containing more information about the state of NUA. * May be empty. * * Note that the contents of the last four parameters vary depending on * the event. The descriptions can be found from the description of the * individual event. * * The events can be divided into the following categories: \n * @par Status or Error Indications: * #nua_i_active \n * #nua_i_error \n * #nua_i_fork \n * #nua_i_media_error \n * #nua_i_subscription \n * #nua_i_state \n * #nua_i_terminated * * @par SIP requests: * #nua_i_ack \n * #nua_i_bye \n * #nua_i_cancel \n * #nua_i_chat \n * #nua_i_info \n * #nua_i_invite \n * #nua_i_message \n * #nua_i_method \n * #nua_i_notify \n * #nua_i_options \n * #nua_i_prack \n * #nua_i_publish \n * #nua_i_refer \n * #nua_i_register \n * #nua_i_subscribe \n * #nua_i_update * * @par Responses: * #nua_r_get_params \n * #nua_r_notifier \n * #nua_r_shutdown \n * #nua_r_terminate * * @par SIP responses: * #nua_r_bye \n * #nua_r_cancel \n * #nua_r_info \n * #nua_r_invite \n * #nua_r_message \n * #nua_r_notify \n * #nua_r_options \n * #nua_r_prack \n * #nua_r_publish \n * #nua_r_refer \n * #nua_r_register \n * #nua_r_subscribe \n * #nua_r_unpublish \n * #nua_r_unregister \n * #nua_r_unsubscribe \n * #nua_r_update * * @sa nua_event_is_incoming_request(), nua_event_name() */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_i_chat * * Incoming chat message. * * @param nh operation handle associated with the message * @param hmagic operation magic associated with the handle * @param sip incoming chat message * @param tags empty * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_i_error * * Error indication. * * Will be sent when an internal error happened or * an error occurred while responding a request. * * @param status SIP status code or NUA status code (>= 900) * describing the problem * @param phrase a short textual description of @a status code * @param nh NULL or operation handle associated with the call * @param hmagic NULL or operation magic associated with the call * @param sip NULL * @param tags empty or error specific information * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_i_fork * * Outgoing call has been forked. * * This is sent when an INVITE request is answered with multiple 2XX series * responses. * * @param status response status code * @param phrase a short textual description of @a status code * @param nh operation handle associated with the original call * @param hmagic operation magic associated with the original call * @param sip preliminary or 2XX response to INVITE * @param tags NUTAG_HANDLE() of the new forked call * * @sa #nua_r_invite, #nua_i_state, @ref nua_call_model * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_i_media_error * * Media error indication. * * This may be sent after an SOA operation has failed while processing * incoming or outgoing call. * * @param status SIP status code or NUA status code (>= 900) * describing the problem * @param phrase a short textual description of @a status code * @param nh operation handle associated with the call * @param hmagic operation magic associated with this handle * (maybe NULL if call handle was created for this call) * @param sip NULL * @param tags empty * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /* nua_i_message is documented with nua_stack_process_message() */ /* nua_i_method is documented with nua_stack_process_method() */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_i_network_changed * * Local IP(v6) address has changed. * * @param nh default operation handle * @param hmagic operation magic associated with the default operation handle * @param sip NULL * @param tags empty * * @since Experimental in @VERSION_1_12_2. * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /* nua_i_notify is documented with nua_stack_process_notify() */ /* nua_i_options is documented with nua_stack_process_options() */ /* nua_i_publish is documented with nua_stack_process_publish() */ /* nua_i_refer is documented with nua_stack_process_refer() */ /* nua_i_subscribe is documented with nua_stack_process_subscribe() */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_i_subscription * * Incoming subscription to be authorized. * * This event is launched by nua_notifier() to inform application of the * current state of the subscriber. The subscriber state is included in the * NUTAG_SUBSTATE() tag. If the state is #nua_substate_pending or * #nua_substate_embryonic, application should to authorize the subscriber * with nua_authorize(). * * @param nh operation handle associated with the notifier * @param hmagic operation magic * @param status statuscode of response sent automatically by stack * @param sip incoming SUBSCRIBE request * @param tags NEATAG_SUB(), * NUTAG_SUBSTATE() * * @sa nua_notifier(), #nua_i_subscribe, nua_authorize(), nua_terminate() * @RFC3265 * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /* nua_i_update is documented with nua_stack_process_update() */ /* nua_r_bye is documented with process_response_to_bye() */ /* nua_r_cancel is documented with process_response_to_cancel() */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_r_chat * * Answer to outgoing chat message. * * @param nh operation handle associated with the notifier * @param hmagic operation magic associated with the notifier * @param sip response to MESSAGE request or NULL upon an error * (error code and message are in status and phrase parameters) * @param tags empty * * @sa nua_chat(), #nua_r_message * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /* nua_r_info is documented with process_response_to_info() */ /* nua_r_invite is documented with process_response_to_invite() */ /* nua_r_message is documented with process_response_to_message() */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_r_notifier * * Answer to nua_notitier() * * @param nh operation handle associated with the call * @param hmagic operation magic associated with the call * @param sip NULL * @param tags SIPTAG_EVENT() \n * SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE() * * @sa nua_notitier(), #nua_i_subscription, @RFC3265 * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /* nua_r_notify is documented with process_response_to_notify() */ /* nua_r_options is documented with process_response_to_options() */ /* nua_r_prack is documented with process_response_to_prack() */ /* nua_r_publish is documented with process_response_to_publish() */ /* nua_r_refer is documented with process_response_to_refer() */ /* nua_r_shutdown is documented with nua_stack_shutdown() */ /* nua_r_subscribe is documented with process_response_to_subscribe() */ /** @NUA_EVENT nua_r_terminate * * Answer to nua_terminate(). * * @param nh operation handle associated with the notifier * @param hmagic operation magic associated with the notifier * @param sip NULL * @param tags empty * * @sa nua_terminate(), nua_handle_destroy() * * @END_NUA_EVENT */ /* nua_r_unsubscribe is documented with process_response_to_subscribe() */