<configuration name="graylog2.conf" description="Graylog2 Logger">
  <!-- emerg   - system is unusable  -->
  <!-- alert   - action must be taken immediately  -->
  <!-- crit    - critical conditions  -->
  <!-- err     - error conditions  -->
  <!-- warning - warning conditions  -->
  <!-- notice  - normal, but significant, condition  -->
  <!-- info    - informational message  -->
  <!-- debug   - debug-level message -->
    <param name="server-host" value=""/>
    <param name="server-port" value="12201"/>
    <param name="loglevel" value="warning"/>
    <!-- Uncomment if using logstash w/ gelf.rb -->
    <!--param name="send-uncompressed-header" value="true"/-->

    <!-- fields to add to every log associated w/ a session -->
      <!-- for example: channel variable "customer_account_number" will be the data source for the customer field in graylog2 -->
      <!--field name="customer" variable="customer_account_number"/-->