/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE test_cancel_bye.c * @brief Test CANCEL, weird BYE and handle destroy * * @author Pekka Pessi * @author Martti Mela * * @date Created: Wed Aug 17 12:12:12 EEST 2005 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include "test_nua.h" #include #if HAVE_FUNC #elif HAVE_FUNCTION #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #else #define __func__ "test_cancel_bye" #endif /* ======================================================================== */ /* Cancel cases: A B |-------INVITE------>| |<----100 Trying-----| | | |------CANCEL------->| |<------200 OK-------| | | |<-------487---------| |--------ACK-------->| | | | | Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING -(C6a)-> TERMINATED Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED -(S6a)-> TERMINATED A B |-------INVITE------>| |<----100 Trying-----| | | |<----180 Ringing----| | | |------CANCEL------->| |<------200 OK-------| | | |<-------487---------| |--------ACK-------->| | | | | Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING -(C2)-> PROCEEDING -(C6b)-> TERMINATED Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED -(S2a)-> EARLY -(S6b)-> TERMINATED */ int cancel_when_calling(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_calling: CANCEL(ep, call, nh, TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_terminated: return 1; default: return 0; } } int cancel_when_ringing(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_proceeding: CANCEL(ep, call, nh, TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_terminated: return 1; default: return 0; } } int alert_call(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_received: RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_180_RINGING, TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_terminated: return 1; default: return 0; } } int test_call_cancel(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call; struct event *e; a_call->sdp = "m=audio 5008 RTP/AVP 8"; b_call->sdp = "m=audio 5010 RTP/AVP 0 8"; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.1: cancel call\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); INVITE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_IF(!ctx->proxy_tests, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url)), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(a_call->sdp), TAG_END()); run_ab_until(ctx, -1, cancel_when_calling, -1, until_terminated); /* Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING: nua_invite(), nua_i_state, nua_cancel() CALLING -(C6a)-> TERMINATED: nua_r_invite(487), nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_calling); /* CALLING */ TEST_1(is_offer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_cancel); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 487); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); /* Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED: nua_i_invite, nua_i_state RECEIVED -(S6a)--> TERMINATED: nua_i_cancel, nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 100); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_received); /* RECEIVED */ TEST_1(is_offer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_cancel); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events); nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.1: PASSED\n"); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.2: cancel call when ringing\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); INVITE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_IF(!ctx->proxy_tests, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url)), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(a_call->sdp), /*SIPTAG_REJECT_CONTACT_STR("*;audio=FALSE"),*/ TAG_END()); run_ab_until(ctx, -1, cancel_when_ringing, -1, alert_call); /* Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING: nua_invite(), nua_i_state CALLING -(C2)-> PROCEEDING: nua_r_invite(180, nua_i_state, nua_cancel() PROCEEDING -(C6b)-> TERMINATED: nua_r_invite(487), nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_calling); /* CALLING */ TEST_1(is_offer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 180); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_proceeding); /* PROCEEDING */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_cancel); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 487); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); /* Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED: nua_i_invite, nua_i_state RECEIVED -(S2a)-> EARLY: nua_respond(180), nua_i_state EARLY -(S6b)--> TERMINATED: nua_i_cancel, nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 100); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_received); /* RECEIVED */ TEST_1(is_offer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_early); /* EARLY */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_cancel); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); /* Check for bug #1326727 */ TEST_1(e->data->e_msg); #if 0 TEST_1(sip_object(e->data->e_msg)->sip_reject_contact); TEST_1(sip_object(e->data->e_msg)->sip_reject_contact->cp_params && sip_object(e->data->e_msg)->sip_reject_contact->cp_params[0]); TEST_S(sip_object(e->data->e_msg)->sip_reject_contact->cp_params[0], "audio=FALSE"); #endif TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events); nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.2: PASSED\n"); END(); } /* ======================================================================== */ /* Destroy call handle */ int destroy_when_calling(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_calling: DESTROY(ep, call, nh); return 1; default: return 0; } } int destroy_when_completing(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_completing: DESTROY(ep, call, nh); return 1; case nua_callstate_ready: return 1; case nua_callstate_terminated: if (call) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; return 1; default: return 0; } } int test_call_destroy_1(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call; struct event *e; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.3: destroy when calling\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); INVITE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_IF(!ctx->proxy_tests, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url)), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(a_call->sdp), TAG_END()); run_ab_until(ctx, -1, destroy_when_calling, -1, until_terminated); /* Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING: nua_invite(), ... */ TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_calling); /* CALLING */ TEST_1(is_offer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; /* Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED: nua_i_invite, nua_i_state RECEIVED -(S6a)--> TERMINATED: nua_i_cancel, nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 100); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_received); /* RECEIVED */ TEST_1(is_offer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_cancel); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events); nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.3: PASSED\n"); END(); } int accept_until_terminated(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_received: RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_180_RINGING, TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_early: RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_200_OK, TAG_IF(call->sdp, SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(call->sdp)), TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_completed: case nua_callstate_ready: return 0; case nua_callstate_terminated: if (call) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; return 1; default: return 0; } } int test_call_destroy_2(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call; struct event *e; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.4: destroy when completing\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); INVITE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_IF(!ctx->proxy_tests, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url)), NUTAG_AUTOACK(0), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(a_call->sdp), TAG_END()); run_ab_until(ctx, -1, destroy_when_completing, -1, accept_until_terminated); /* Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING: nua_invite(), ... */ TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_calling); /* CALLING */ TEST_1(is_offer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 180); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_proceeding); /* PROCEEDING */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_completing); /* COMPLETING */ TEST_1(is_answer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; /* Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED: nua_i_invite, nua_i_state RECEIVED -(S2a)-> EARLY: nua_respond(), nua_i_state EARLY -(S3b)-> COMPLETED: nua_respond(), nua_i_state COMPLETED -(S4)-> READY: nua_i_ack, nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 100); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_received); /* RECEIVED */ TEST_1(is_offer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_early); /* EARLY */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_completed); /* COMPLETED */ TEST_1(is_answer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_ack); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_ready); /* READY */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_bye); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events); nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.4: PASSED\n"); END(); } int destroy_when_early(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_received: RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_180_RINGING, TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_early: if (call) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; return 1; case nua_callstate_completed: case nua_callstate_ready: case nua_callstate_terminated: if (call) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; return 1; default: return 0; } } int test_call_destroy_3(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call; struct event *e; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.5: destroy when early\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); INVITE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_IF(!ctx->proxy_tests, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url)), NUTAG_AUTOACK(0), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(a_call->sdp), TAG_END()); run_ab_until(ctx, -1, until_terminated, -1, destroy_when_early); /* Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING: nua_invite(), ... */ TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_calling); /* CALLING */ TEST_1(is_offer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 180); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_proceeding); /* PROCEEDING */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 480); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; /* Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED: nua_i_invite, nua_i_state RECEIVED -(S2a)-> EARLY: nua_respond(), nua_i_state EARLY -(S3b)-> COMPLETED: nua_respond(), nua_i_state ... DESTROY */ TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 100); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_received); /* RECEIVED */ TEST_1(is_offer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_early); /* EARLY */ TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events); nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.5: PASSED\n"); END(); } int destroy_when_completed(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_received: RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_180_RINGING, TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_early: RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_200_OK, TAG_IF(call->sdp, SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(call->sdp)), TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_completed: case nua_callstate_ready: case nua_callstate_terminated: if (call) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; return 1; default: return 0; } } int test_call_destroy_4(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call; struct event *e; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.6: destroy when completed\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); INVITE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_IF(!ctx->proxy_tests, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url)), NUTAG_AUTOACK(0), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(a_call->sdp), TAG_END()); run_ab_until(ctx, -1, until_terminated, -1, destroy_when_completed); /* Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING: nua_invite(), ... */ TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_calling); /* CALLING */ TEST_1(is_offer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 180); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_proceeding); /* PROCEEDING */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_completing); /* COMPLETING */ TEST_1(is_answer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_bye); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; /* Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED: nua_i_invite, nua_i_state RECEIVED -(S2a)-> EARLY: nua_respond(), nua_i_state EARLY -(S3b)-> COMPLETED: nua_respond(), nua_i_state ... DESTROY */ TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 100); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_received); /* RECEIVED */ TEST_1(is_offer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_early); /* EARLY */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_completed); /* COMPLETED */ TEST_1(is_answer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events); nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-5.6: PASSED\n"); END(); } int test_call_destroy(struct context *ctx) { struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call; a_call->sdp = "m=audio 5008 RTP/AVP 8"; b_call->sdp = "m=audio 5010 RTP/AVP 0 8"; return test_call_destroy_1(ctx) || test_call_destroy_2(ctx) || test_call_destroy_3(ctx) || test_call_destroy_4(ctx); } /* ======================================================================== */ /* Early BYE A B |-------INVITE------>| |<----100 Trying-----| | | |<----180 Ringing----| | | |--------BYE-------->| |<------200 OK-------| | | |<-------487---------| |--------ACK-------->| | | | | Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING -(C2)-> PROCEEDING -(8)-> TERMINATING -> TERMINATED Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED -(S2a)-> EARLY -(S8)-> TERMINATED */ int bye_when_ringing(CONDITION_PARAMS) { if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))) return 0; save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); switch (callstate(tags)) { case nua_callstate_proceeding: BYE(ep, call, nh, TAG_END()); return 0; case nua_callstate_terminated: return 1; default: return 0; } } int test_early_bye(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call; struct event *e; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-6.1: BYE call when ringing\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); INVITE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_IF(!ctx->proxy_tests, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url)), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(a_call->sdp), TAG_END()); run_ab_until(ctx, -1, bye_when_ringing, -1, alert_call); /* Client transitions: INIT -(C1)-> CALLING: nua_invite(), nua_i_state CALLING -(C2)-> PROCEEDING: nua_r_invite(180, nua_i_state, nua_cancel() PROCEEDING -(C6b)-> TERMINATED: nua_r_invite(487), nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_calling); /* CALLING */ TEST_1(is_offer_sent(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 180); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_proceeding); /* PROCEEDING */ TEST_1(e = e->next); if (e->data->e_event == nua_r_bye) { /* We might receive this before or after response to INVITE */ /* If afterwards, it will come after nua_i_state and we just ignore it */ TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_bye); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e->data->e_msg); /* Forking has not been enabled, so this should be actually a CANCEL */ TEST(sip_object(e->data->e_msg)->sip_cseq->cs_method, sip_method_cancel); TEST_1(e = e->next); } TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 487); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); /* Server transitions: INIT -(S1)-> RECEIVED: nua_i_invite, nua_i_state RECEIVED -(S2a)-> EARLY: nua_respond(180), nua_i_state EARLY -(S6b)--> TERMINATED: nua_i_cancel, nua_i_state */ TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_invite); TEST(e->data->e_status, 100); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_received); /* RECEIVED */ TEST_1(is_offer_recv(e->data->e_tags)); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_early); /* EARLY */ /* Forking has not been enabled, so this should be actually a CANCEL */ TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_cancel); TEST(e->data->e_status, 200); TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_state); TEST(callstate(e->data->e_tags), nua_callstate_terminated); /* TERMINATED */ TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events); nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-6.1: PASSED\n"); END(); }