/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Anthony Minessale II * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the original author; nor the names of any contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define WANPIPE_TDM_API 1 #include "openzap.h" #include "zap_wanpipe.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif static struct { unsigned codec_ms; } wp_globals; static zap_software_interface_t wanpipe_interface; static zap_status_t wp_tdm_cmd_exec(zap_channel_t *zchan, wanpipe_tdm_api_t *tdm_api) { int err; err = tdmv_api_ioctl(zchan->sockfd, &tdm_api->wp_tdm_cmd); if (err) { snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "%s", strerror(errno)); return ZAP_FAIL; } return ZAP_SUCCESS; } static unsigned wp_open_range(zap_span_t *span, unsigned spanno, unsigned start, unsigned end, zap_chan_type_t type) { unsigned configured = 0, x; for(x = start; x < end; x++) { zap_channel_t *chan; zap_socket_t sockfd = WP_INVALID_SOCKET; sockfd = tdmv_api_open_span_chan(spanno, x); if (sockfd != WP_INVALID_SOCKET && zap_span_add_channel(span, sockfd, type, &chan) == ZAP_SUCCESS) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_INFO, "configuring device s%dc%d as OpenZAP device %d:%d fd:%d\n", spanno, x, chan->span_id, chan->chan_id, sockfd); configured++; } else { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_ERROR, "failure configuring device s%dc%d\n", spanno, x); } } return configured; } static unsigned wp_configure_channel(zap_config_t *cfg, const char *str, zap_span_t *span, zap_chan_type_t type) { int items, i; char *mydata, *item_list[10]; char *sp, *ch, *mx; int channo; int spanno; int top = 0; unsigned configured = 0; assert(str != NULL); mydata = strdup(str); assert(mydata != NULL); items = zap_separate_string(mydata, ',', item_list, (sizeof(item_list) / sizeof(item_list[0]))); for(i = 0; i < items; i++) { sp = item_list[i]; if ((ch = strchr(sp, ':'))) { *ch++ = '\0'; } if (!(sp && ch)) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid input on line %d\n", cfg->lineno); continue; } channo = atoi(ch); spanno = atoi(sp); if (channo < 0) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid channel number %d\n", channo); continue; } if (spanno < 0) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid span number %d\n", channo); continue; } if ((mx = strchr(ch, '-'))) { mx++; top = atoi(mx) + 1; } else { top = channo + 1; } if (top < 0) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid range number %d\n", top); continue; } configured += wp_open_range(span, spanno, channo, top, type); } free(mydata); return configured; } static ZINT_CONFIGURE_FUNCTION(wanpipe_configure) { zap_config_t cfg; char *var, *val; int catno = -1; zap_span_t *span = NULL; int new_span = 0; unsigned configured = 0, d = 0; ZINT_CONFIGURE_MUZZLE; zap_log(ZAP_LOG_DEBUG, "configuring wanpipe\n"); if (!zap_config_open_file(&cfg, "wanpipe.conf")) { return ZAP_FAIL; } while (zap_config_next_pair(&cfg, &var, &val)) { if (!strcasecmp(cfg.category, "defaults")) { if (!strcasecmp(var, "codec_ms")) { unsigned codec_ms = atoi(val); if (codec_ms < 10 || codec_ms > 60) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_WARNING, "invalid codec ms at line %d\n", cfg.lineno); } else { wp_globals.codec_ms = codec_ms; } } } else if (!strcasecmp(cfg.category, "span")) { if (cfg.catno != catno) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_DEBUG, "found config for span\n"); catno = cfg.catno; new_span = 1; span = NULL; } if (new_span) { if (!strcasecmp(var, "enabled") && ! zap_true(val)) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_DEBUG, "span (disabled)\n"); } else { if (zap_span_create(&wanpipe_interface, &span) == ZAP_SUCCESS) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_DEBUG, "created span %d\n", span->span_id); } else { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_CRIT, "failure creating span\n"); span = NULL; } } new_span = 0; continue; } if (!span) { continue; } zap_log(ZAP_LOG_DEBUG, "span %d [%s]=[%s]\n", span->span_id, var, val); if (!strcasecmp(var, "enabled")) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_WARNING, "'enabled' command ignored when it's not the first command in a [span]\n"); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "b-channel")) { configured += wp_configure_channel(&cfg, val, span, ZAP_CHAN_TYPE_B); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "d-channel")) { if (d) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_WARNING, "ignoring extra d-channel\n"); } else { zap_chan_type_t qtype; if (!strncasecmp(val, "lapd:", 5)) { qtype = ZAP_CHAN_TYPE_DQ931; val += 5; } else { qtype = ZAP_CHAN_TYPE_DQ921; } configured += wp_configure_channel(&cfg, val, span, qtype); d++; } } } } zap_config_close_file(&cfg); zap_log(ZAP_LOG_INFO, "wanpipe configured %u channel(s)\n", configured); return configured ? ZAP_SUCCESS : ZAP_FAIL; } static ZINT_OPEN_FUNCTION(wanpipe_open) { wanpipe_tdm_api_t tdm_api; if (zchan->type == ZAP_CHAN_TYPE_DQ921 || zchan->type == ZAP_CHAN_TYPE_DQ931) { zchan->native_codec = zchan->effective_codec = ZAP_CODEC_NONE; } else { tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.cmd = SIOC_WP_TDM_SET_CODEC; tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.tdm_codec = WP_NONE; wp_tdm_cmd_exec(zchan, &tdm_api); tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.cmd = SIOC_WP_TDM_SET_USR_PERIOD; tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.usr_period = wp_globals.codec_ms; wp_tdm_cmd_exec(zchan, &tdm_api); zap_channel_set_feature(zchan, ZAP_CHANNEL_FEATURE_INTERVAL); zchan->effective_interval = zchan->native_interval = wp_globals.codec_ms; zchan->packet_len = zchan->native_interval * 8; tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.cmd = SIOC_WP_TDM_GET_HW_CODING; if (tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.hw_tdm_coding) { zchan->native_codec = zchan->effective_codec = ZAP_CODEC_ULAW; } else { zchan->native_codec = zchan->effective_codec = ZAP_CODEC_ALAW; } } return ZAP_SUCCESS; } static ZINT_CLOSE_FUNCTION(wanpipe_close) { ZINT_CLOSE_MUZZLE; return ZAP_SUCCESS; } static ZINT_COMMAND_FUNCTION(wanpipe_command) { wanpipe_tdm_api_t tdm_api; int err = 0; ZINT_COMMAND_MUZZLE; memset(&tdm_api, 0, sizeof(tdm_api)); switch(command) { case ZAP_COMMAND_GET_INTERVAL: { tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.cmd = SIOC_WP_TDM_GET_USR_PERIOD; if (!(err = wp_tdm_cmd_exec(zchan, &tdm_api))) { ZAP_COMMAND_OBJ_INT = tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.usr_period; } } break; case ZAP_COMMAND_SET_INTERVAL: { tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.cmd = SIOC_WP_TDM_SET_USR_PERIOD; tdm_api.wp_tdm_cmd.usr_period = ZAP_COMMAND_OBJ_INT; err = wp_tdm_cmd_exec(zchan, &tdm_api); zchan->packet_len = zchan->native_interval * (zchan->effective_codec == ZAP_CODEC_SLIN ? 16 : 8); } break; default: break; }; if (err) { snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "%s", strerror(errno)); return ZAP_FAIL; } return ZAP_SUCCESS; } #ifdef __WINDOWS__ static ZINT_READ_FUNCTION(wanpipe_read_windows) { zap_size_t rx_len = 0; zap_status_t status = ZAP_FAIL; /* should we just pass in abuffer big enough in the first place instead of having to use rx_data and memcpy here? */ static RX_DATA_STRUCT rx_data; if(DoReadCommand(zchan->sockfd, &rx_data)) { snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Error: DoReadCommand() failed! Check messages log.\n"); goto done; } switch(rx_data.api_header.operation_status) { case SANG_STATUS_RX_DATA_AVAILABLE: if(rx_data.api_header.data_length > *datalen){ snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Buffer overrun.\n"); break; } memcpy(data, rx_data.data, rx_data.api_header.data_length); rx_len = rx_data.api_header.data_length; status = ZAP_SUCCESS; break; case SANG_STATUS_TDM_EVENT_AVAILABLE: memcpy(data, rx_data.data, rx_data.api_header.data_length); rx_len = rx_data.api_header.data_length; status = ZAP_SUCCESS; break; case SANG_STATUS_RX_DATA_TIMEOUT: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Error: Timeout on read.\n"); break; case SANG_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Error: Received data longer than buffer passed to API.\n"); break; case SANG_STATUS_LINE_DISCONNECTED: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Error: Line disconnected.\n"); break; default: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Rx:Unknown Operation Status: %d\n", rx_data.api_header.operation_status); break; } done: *datalen = rx_len; return status; } static ZINT_WRITE_FUNCTION(wanpipe_write_windows) { static TX_DATA_STRUCT local_tx_data; /* why don't we just provide the big enough buffer to start with so we can avoid the memcpy ? */ memcpy(local_tx_data.data, data, *datalen); /* queue data for transmission */ if(DoWriteCommand(zchan->sockfd, &local_tx_data)) { snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Error: DoWriteCommand() failed!! Check messages log.\n"); *datalen = 0; return ZAP_FAIL; } if (local_tx_data.api_header.operation_status == SANG_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return ZAP_SUCCESS; } *datalen = 0; switch(local_tx_data.api_header.operation_status) { case SANG_STATUS_TX_TIMEOUT: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "****** Error: SANG_STATUS_TX_TIMEOUT ******\n"); break; case SANG_STATUS_TX_DATA_TOO_LONG: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "****** SANG_STATUS_TX_DATA_TOO_LONG ******\n"); break; case SANG_STATUS_TX_DATA_TOO_SHORT: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "****** SANG_STATUS_TX_DATA_TOO_SHORT ******\n"); break; case SANG_STATUS_LINE_DISCONNECTED: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "****** SANG_STATUS_LINE_DISCONNECTED ******\n"); break; default: snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Unknown return code (0x%X) on transmission!\n", local_tx_data.api_header.operation_status); break; } return ZAP_FAIL; } #else static ZINT_READ_FUNCTION(wanpipe_read_unix) { int rx_len = 0; struct msghdr msg; struct iovec iov[2]; wp_tdm_api_rx_hdr_t hdrframe; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); memset(&hdrframe, 0, sizeof(hdrframe)); memset(iov, 0, sizeof(iov[0])*2); iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(hdrframe); iov[0].iov_base = &hdrframe; iov[1].iov_len = *datalen; iov[1].iov_base = data; msg.msg_iovlen = 2; msg.msg_iov = iov; rx_len = read(zchan->sockfd, &msg, iov[1].iov_len + iov[0].iov_len); if (rx_len > 0) { rx_len -= sizeof(hdrframe); } *datalen = rx_len; if (rx_len <= 0) { snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "%s", strerror(errno)); return ZAP_FAIL; } return ZAP_SUCCESS; } static ZINT_WRITE_FUNCTION(wanpipe_write_unix) { int bsent; struct msghdr msg; struct iovec iov[2]; wp_tdm_api_tx_hdr_t hdrframe; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); memset(&hdrframe, 0, sizeof(hdrframe)); memset(iov, 0, sizeof(iov[0])*2); iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(hdrframe); iov[0].iov_base = &hdrframe; iov[1].iov_len = *datalen; iov[1].iov_base = data; msg.msg_iovlen = 2; msg.msg_iov = iov; bsent = write(zchan->sockfd, &msg, iov[1].iov_len + iov[0].iov_len); if (bsent > 0){ bsent -= sizeof(wp_tdm_api_tx_hdr_t); } *datalen = bsent; return ZAP_SUCCESS; } #endif static ZINT_WAIT_FUNCTION(wanpipe_wait) { zap_wait_flag_t inflags = *flags; int result; result = tdmv_api_wait_socket(zchan->sockfd, to, inflags); *flags = ZAP_NO_FLAGS; if(result < 0){ snprintf(zchan->last_error, sizeof(zchan->last_error), "Poll failed"); return ZAP_FAIL; } if (result == 0) { return ZAP_TIMEOUT; } if (result & POLLIN) { *flags |= ZAP_READ; } if (result & POLLOUT) { *flags |= ZAP_WRITE; } if (result & POLLPRI) { *flags |= ZAP_ERROR; } return ZAP_SUCCESS; } zap_status_t wanpipe_init(zap_software_interface_t **zint) { assert(zint != NULL); memset(&wanpipe_interface, 0, sizeof(wanpipe_interface)); wp_globals.codec_ms = 20; wanpipe_interface.name = "wanpipe"; wanpipe_interface.configure = wanpipe_configure; wanpipe_interface.open = wanpipe_open; wanpipe_interface.close = wanpipe_close; wanpipe_interface.command = wanpipe_command; wanpipe_interface.wait = wanpipe_wait; #ifdef __WINDOWS__ wanpipe_interface.read = wanpipe_read_windows; wanpipe_interface.write = wanpipe_write_windows; #else wanpipe_interface.read = wanpipe_read_unix; wanpipe_interface.write = wanpipe_write_unix; #endif *zint = &wanpipe_interface; return ZAP_SUCCESS; } zap_status_t wanpipe_destroy(void) { unsigned int i,j; for(i = 1; i <= wanpipe_interface.span_index; i++) { zap_span_t *cur_span = &wanpipe_interface.spans[i]; if (zap_test_flag(cur_span, ZAP_SPAN_CONFIGURED)) { for(j = 1; j <= cur_span->chan_count; j++) { zap_channel_t *cur_chan = &cur_span->channels[j]; if (zap_test_flag(cur_chan, ZAP_CHANNEL_CONFIGURED)) { zap_log(ZAP_LOG_INFO, "Closing channel %u:%u fd:%d\n", cur_chan->span_id, cur_chan->chan_id, cur_chan->sockfd); tdmv_api_close_socket(&cur_chan->sockfd); } } } } memset(&wanpipe_interface, 0, sizeof(wanpipe_interface)); return ZAP_SUCCESS; }