#!/usr/bin/perl #use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use Term::ReadKey; use JIRA::REST; use Data::Dumper; my $editor = $ENV{"EDITOR"} || $ENV{"VISUAL"} || `which emacs` || `which vi`; my $default_versions = "1.9 1.8"; my $default_components = "freeswitch-core"; my $desc_head = "; Enter the description lines beginning with a ; will be ignored.\n"; chomp($editor); sub getpass { ReadMode( "noecho"); print "Password: "; chomp (my $pwd = <STDIN>); ReadMode ("original"); return $pwd; } sub getfield { my $prompt = shift; my $default = shift; print $prompt . ($default ? "[$default]: " : ""); chomp (my $data = <STDIN>); if (!$data) { $data = $default; } return $data; } sub get_text { my $text = shift; my $notes = shift; my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z"); my $string; $string .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..8; if ($text || $notes) { open O, ">/tmp/TEXT.$string"; if ($notes) { print O $notes; } if ($text) { print O $text; } close O; } system("$editor /tmp/TEXT.$string"); my $newtext = `cat /tmp/TEXT.$string | grep -v "^\\;"`; unlink("/tmp/TEXT.$string"); return $newtext; } my %opts; my $hashtxt = `git log -1 --oneline 2>/dev/null`; my ($hash) = split(" ", $hashtxt); GetOptions( 'bug=s' => \$opts{bug}, 'attach' => \$opts{attach}, 'comment=s' => \$opts{comment}, 'project=s' => \$opts{project}, 'summary=s' => \$opts{summary}, 'desc=s' => \$opts{desc}, 'components=s' => \$opts{components}, 'hash=s' => \$opts{hash}, 'user=s' => \$opts{user}, 'pass=s' => \$opts{pass}, 'type=s' => \$opts{type}, 'versions=s' => \$opts{versions}, 'noedit' => \$opts{noedit}, 'terse' => \$opts{terse}, 'debug' => \$opts{debug}, ) or die "Usage: $0 -summary <summary> -desc <desc> [-debug] ....\n"; $opts{project} or $opts{project} = "FS"; if ($opts{versions}) { $opts{versions_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{versions})]; } else { $opts{versions_array} = [map {{name => $_}} ($default_versions)]; $opts{versions} = $default_versions;; } if ($opts{components}) { if ($opts{components} =~ /,/) { $opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{components})]; } else { $opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{components})]; } } else { $opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} ($default_components)]; $opts{components} = $default_components; } if (!$opts{user}) { $opts{user} = getfield("User: "); } if (!$opts{pass} && !$opts{debug}) { $opts{pass} = getpass(); print "\n"; } my $jira; my $issue; if (!$opts{debug}) { $jira = JIRA::REST->new('https://freeswitch.org/jira', $opts{user}, $opts{pass}) or die "login incorrect:"; $issue = $jira->GET("/issue/FS-7985") or die "login incorrect:"; } if ($opts{bug}) { if ($opts{comment}) { if ($opts{comment} eq "edit") { $opts{comment} = get_text(); } my $input = { update => { comment => [{ add => { body => $opts{comment} } } ] } }; $jira->PUT("/issue/" . $opts{bug}, undef, $input); print "Comment Posted.\n"; } if ($opts{attach}) { $jira->attach_files($opts{bug}, @ARGV); printf "%d file%s attached.\n", scalar @ARGV, scalar @ARGV == 1 ? "" : "s"; } exit; } #print $issue->{key}; #exit; if (!$opts{type}) { $opts{type} = "Bug"; } if (!$opts{hash}) { $opts{hash} = $hash; if (!$opts{hash}) { $opts{hash} = "N/A"; } } if (!$opts{terse}) { $opts{project} = getfield("Project: ", $opts{project}); $opts{type} = getfield("Type: ", $opts{type}); $opts{versions} = getfield("Versions: ", $opts{versions}); $opts{versions_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{versions})]; $opts{summary} = getfield("Summary: ", $opts{summary}); $opts{components} = getfield("Components: ", $opts{components}); if ($opts{components} =~ /,/) { $opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(",", $opts{components})]; } else { $opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{components})]; } $opts{hash} = getfield("GIT Hash: ", $opts{hash}); if ($opts{noedit}) { $opts{desc} = getfield("Description: ", $opts{desc}, $desc_head); } else { $opts{desc} = get_text($opts{desc}, $desc_head); } } if (!$opts{desc}) { if ($opts{noedit}) { $opts{desc} = getfield("Description: ", $opts{desc}); } else { $opts{desc} = get_text($opts{desc}, $desc_head); } if (!$opts{desc}) { die "missing desc:"; } } if (!$opts{summary}) { $opts{summary} = getfield("Summary: ", $opts{summary}); if (!$opts{summary}) { die "Summary is mandatory."; } } my $input = { fields => { project => { key => $opts{project} }, issuetype => { name => $opts{type} }, summary => $opts{summary}, description => $opts{desc}, customfield_10024 => $opts{hash}, customfield_10025 => $opts{hash}, components => $opts{components_array}, versions => $opts{versions_array} }, }; if ($opts{debug}) { print Dumper \%opts; print Dumper $input; } else { $issue = $jira->POST('/issue', undef, $input) or die "Issue was not created:"; print "Issue Posted: " . $issue->{key}; if ($opts{attach}) { $jira->attach_files($issue->{key}, @ARGV); printf "%d file%s attached.\n", scalar @ARGV, scalar @ARGV == 1 ? "" : "s"; } }