
The UniMRCP project depends on a number of third party tools and libraries which must be installed first.

All the required dependencies are available to download prepackaged for the UniMRCP use from the 
following location:

Alternatively, original versions of the libraries as well as patches on them can be downloaded
separately from the following location:


1. Apache Portable Runtime [>=1.2.x] (
In order to build any part of the UniMRCP project, the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and 
the APR Utility (APR-util) libraries are required. The libraries provide a consistent interface to
underlying platform-specific implementations.

2. Sofia-SIP [>=1.12.6] (
Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification.
The library is utilized for implementation of SIP signaling for MRCPv2. The SDP message parser is
also used for both MRCPv2 (SIP/SDP) and MRCPv1 (RTSP/SDP).



	autoconf 2.59 or newer
	libtool 1.4 or newer


If the UniMRCP source is checked out from the repository, the "bootstrap" script must be run first
in order to generate the "configure" script and other required files.


The usual "configure", "make", "make install" sequence of commands should follow in order to build 
and install the project from source.

	make install

As a result, the project will be installed in the directory "/usr/local/unimrcp" with the following

	bin       binaries (unimrcpserver, unimrcpclient, ...)
	conf      configuration files (unimrcpserver.xml, unimrcpclient.xml, ...)
	data      data files
	include   header files
	lib       shared (convenience) libraries
	log       log files
	plugin    run-time loadable modules

There are a couple of options which can additionally be configured.
In order to specify where to look for the APR and APR-util libraries, use the "--with-apr=" and 
"--with-apr-util=" options respectively. For example:

	./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr

In order to specify where to look for the Sofia-SIP library, use the "--with-sofia-sip=" option.
For example:

	./configure --with-sofia-sip=/usr/local/sofia-sip

In order to generate executables and shared libraries for x86-64 architecture, use the "-m64" 
option as follows:

	CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 LDFLAGS=-m64 ./configure

In order to generate executables and shared libraries for i386 architecture, use the "-m32" option
as follows:

	CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 ./configure

In order to install the default configuration, use the following commands:

	cd conf
	make def-conf

In order to install the default data files, use the following commands:

	cd data
	make def-data

In order to build a Doxygen generated documentation, use the following command:

	make dox



	Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2010.

One-time pre-build setup: [optional]

This step can be skipped if the dependencies are installed in their default locations. Otherwise,
the paths in the corresponding property sheets must be modified accordingly. Below is the content
of property sheets for Visual Studio 2005, which are located in the directory "build/vsprops".
Similarly, property sheets for Visual Studio 2010 can be found in the directory "build/props".



1. Open one of the available solution files:
	* for Visual Studio 2005, use unimrcp.sln,
	* for Visual Studio 2010, use unimrcp-2010.sln.
2. Choose a platform (Build -> Configuration Manager):
	* win32 
	* x64.
3. Choose a configuration (Build -> Configuration Manager):
	* Debug
	* Release.
4. Build the solution (Build -> Build Solution).

One-time output directory setup:

Build the "prepare.vcproj" utility project by right clicking on the project icon from the Solution
Explorer (tools->prepare) and selecting the Build command from the context menu. This routine will
setup the output directory and copy all the required APR, APR-Util, and Sofia-SIP libraries as well 
as the default configuration and data files. As a result, the output directory layout will look 
like the following:

	bin      binaries (unimrcpserver, unimrcpclient, ...) and all the required dlls
	conf     configuration files (unimrcpserver.xml, unimrcpclient.xml, ...)
	data     data files
	lib      libraries
	log      log files
	plugin   run-time loadable modules