/* * Copyright 2008-2010 Arsen Chaloyan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id: demo_synth_engine.c 1706 2010-05-23 14:11:11Z achaloyan $ */ /* * Mandatory rules concerning plugin implementation. * 1. Each plugin MUST implement a plugin/engine creator function * with the exact signature and name (the main entry point) * MRCP_PLUGIN_DECLARE(mrcp_engine_t*) mrcp_plugin_create(apr_pool_t *pool) * 2. Each plugin MUST declare its version number * MRCP_PLUGIN_VERSION_DECLARE * 3. One and only one response MUST be sent back to the received request. * 4. Methods (callbacks) of the MRCP engine channel MUST not block. * (asynchronous response can be sent from the context of other thread) * 5. Methods (callbacks) of the MPF engine stream MUST not block. */ #include "mrcp_synth_engine.h" #include "apt_consumer_task.h" #include "apt_log.h" #define SYNTH_ENGINE_TASK_NAME "Demo Synth Engine" typedef struct demo_synth_engine_t demo_synth_engine_t; typedef struct demo_synth_channel_t demo_synth_channel_t; typedef struct demo_synth_msg_t demo_synth_msg_t; /** Declaration of synthesizer engine methods */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_engine_destroy(mrcp_engine_t *engine); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_engine_open(mrcp_engine_t *engine); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_engine_close(mrcp_engine_t *engine); static mrcp_engine_channel_t* demo_synth_engine_channel_create(mrcp_engine_t *engine, apr_pool_t *pool); static const struct mrcp_engine_method_vtable_t engine_vtable = { demo_synth_engine_destroy, demo_synth_engine_open, demo_synth_engine_close, demo_synth_engine_channel_create }; /** Declaration of synthesizer channel methods */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_destroy(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_open(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_close(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_request_process(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request); static const struct mrcp_engine_channel_method_vtable_t channel_vtable = { demo_synth_channel_destroy, demo_synth_channel_open, demo_synth_channel_close, demo_synth_channel_request_process }; /** Declaration of synthesizer audio stream methods */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_destroy(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_open(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_codec_t *codec); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_close(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_read(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_frame_t *frame); static const mpf_audio_stream_vtable_t audio_stream_vtable = { demo_synth_stream_destroy, demo_synth_stream_open, demo_synth_stream_close, demo_synth_stream_read, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /** Declaration of demo synthesizer engine */ struct demo_synth_engine_t { apt_consumer_task_t *task; }; /** Declaration of demo synthesizer channel */ struct demo_synth_channel_t { /** Back pointer to engine */ demo_synth_engine_t *demo_engine; /** Engine channel base */ mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel; /** Active (in-progress) speak request */ mrcp_message_t *speak_request; /** Pending stop response */ mrcp_message_t *stop_response; /** Estimated time to complete */ apr_size_t time_to_complete; /** Is paused */ apt_bool_t paused; /** Speech source (used instead of actual synthesizing) */ FILE *audio_file; }; typedef enum { DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL, DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_CLOSE_CHANNEL, DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_REQUEST_PROCESS } demo_synth_msg_type_e; /** Declaration of demo synthesizer task message */ struct demo_synth_msg_t { demo_synth_msg_type_e type; mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel; mrcp_message_t *request; }; static apt_bool_t demo_synth_msg_signal(demo_synth_msg_type_e type, mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request); static apt_bool_t demo_synth_msg_process(apt_task_t *task, apt_task_msg_t *msg); /** Declare this macro to set plugin version */ MRCP_PLUGIN_VERSION_DECLARE /** Declare this macro to use log routine of the server, plugin is loaded from */ MRCP_PLUGIN_LOGGER_IMPLEMENT /** Create demo synthesizer engine */ MRCP_PLUGIN_DECLARE(mrcp_engine_t*) mrcp_plugin_create(apr_pool_t *pool) { /* create demo engine */ demo_synth_engine_t *demo_engine = apr_palloc(pool,sizeof(demo_synth_engine_t)); apt_task_t *task; apt_task_vtable_t *vtable; apt_task_msg_pool_t *msg_pool; /* create task/thread to run demo engine in the context of this task */ msg_pool = apt_task_msg_pool_create_dynamic(sizeof(demo_synth_msg_t),pool); demo_engine->task = apt_consumer_task_create(demo_engine,msg_pool,pool); if(!demo_engine->task) { return NULL; } task = apt_consumer_task_base_get(demo_engine->task); apt_task_name_set(task,SYNTH_ENGINE_TASK_NAME); vtable = apt_task_vtable_get(task); if(vtable) { vtable->process_msg = demo_synth_msg_process; } /* create engine base */ return mrcp_engine_create( MRCP_SYNTHESIZER_RESOURCE, /* MRCP resource identifier */ demo_engine, /* object to associate */ &engine_vtable, /* virtual methods table of engine */ pool); /* pool to allocate memory from */ } /** Destroy synthesizer engine */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_engine_destroy(mrcp_engine_t *engine) { demo_synth_engine_t *demo_engine = engine->obj; if(demo_engine->task) { apt_task_t *task = apt_consumer_task_base_get(demo_engine->task); apt_task_destroy(task); demo_engine->task = NULL; } return TRUE; } /** Open synthesizer engine */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_engine_open(mrcp_engine_t *engine) { demo_synth_engine_t *demo_engine = engine->obj; if(demo_engine->task) { apt_task_t *task = apt_consumer_task_base_get(demo_engine->task); apt_task_start(task); } return mrcp_engine_open_respond(engine,TRUE); } /** Close synthesizer engine */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_engine_close(mrcp_engine_t *engine) { demo_synth_engine_t *demo_engine = engine->obj; if(demo_engine->task) { apt_task_t *task = apt_consumer_task_base_get(demo_engine->task); apt_task_terminate(task,TRUE); } return mrcp_engine_close_respond(engine); } /** Create demo synthesizer channel derived from engine channel base */ static mrcp_engine_channel_t* demo_synth_engine_channel_create(mrcp_engine_t *engine, apr_pool_t *pool) { mpf_stream_capabilities_t *capabilities; mpf_termination_t *termination; /* create demo synth channel */ demo_synth_channel_t *synth_channel = apr_palloc(pool,sizeof(demo_synth_channel_t)); synth_channel->demo_engine = engine->obj; synth_channel->speak_request = NULL; synth_channel->stop_response = NULL; synth_channel->time_to_complete = 0; synth_channel->paused = FALSE; synth_channel->audio_file = NULL; capabilities = mpf_source_stream_capabilities_create(pool); mpf_codec_capabilities_add( &capabilities->codecs, MPF_SAMPLE_RATE_8000 | MPF_SAMPLE_RATE_16000, "LPCM"); /* create media termination */ termination = mrcp_engine_audio_termination_create( synth_channel, /* object to associate */ &audio_stream_vtable, /* virtual methods table of audio stream */ capabilities, /* stream capabilities */ pool); /* pool to allocate memory from */ /* create engine channel base */ synth_channel->channel = mrcp_engine_channel_create( engine, /* engine */ &channel_vtable, /* virtual methods table of engine channel */ synth_channel, /* object to associate */ termination, /* associated media termination */ pool); /* pool to allocate memory from */ return synth_channel->channel; } /** Destroy engine channel */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_destroy(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel) { /* nothing to destroy */ return TRUE; } /** Open engine channel (asynchronous response MUST be sent)*/ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_open(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel) { return demo_synth_msg_signal(DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL,channel,NULL); } /** Close engine channel (asynchronous response MUST be sent)*/ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_close(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel) { return demo_synth_msg_signal(DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_CLOSE_CHANNEL,channel,NULL); } /** Process MRCP channel request (asynchronous response MUST be sent)*/ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_request_process(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request) { return demo_synth_msg_signal(DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_REQUEST_PROCESS,channel,request); } /** Process SPEAK request */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_speak(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request, mrcp_message_t *response) { char *file_path = NULL; demo_synth_channel_t *synth_channel = channel->method_obj; synth_channel->time_to_complete = 0; if(channel->engine) { const mpf_codec_descriptor_t *descriptor = mrcp_engine_source_stream_codec_get(channel); char *file_name = apr_psprintf(channel->pool,"demo-%dkHz.pcm", descriptor ? descriptor->sampling_rate/1000 : 8); file_path = apt_datadir_filepath_get(channel->engine->dir_layout,file_name,channel->pool); } if(file_path) { synth_channel->audio_file = fopen(file_path,"rb"); if(synth_channel->audio_file) { apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"Set [%s] as Speech Source "APT_SIDRES_FMT, file_path, MRCP_MESSAGE_SIDRES(request)); } else { apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"No Speech Source [%s] Found "APT_SIDRES_FMT, file_path, MRCP_MESSAGE_SIDRES(request)); /* calculate estimated time to complete */ if(mrcp_generic_header_property_check(request,GENERIC_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH) == TRUE) { mrcp_generic_header_t *generic_header = mrcp_generic_header_get(request); if(generic_header) { synth_channel->time_to_complete = generic_header->content_length * 10; /* 10 msec per character */ } } } } response->start_line.request_state = MRCP_REQUEST_STATE_INPROGRESS; /* send asynchronous response */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(channel,response); synth_channel->speak_request = request; return TRUE; } /** Process STOP request */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_stop(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request, mrcp_message_t *response) { demo_synth_channel_t *synth_channel = channel->method_obj; /* store the request, make sure there is no more activity and only then send the response */ synth_channel->stop_response = response; return TRUE; } /** Process PAUSE request */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_pause(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request, mrcp_message_t *response) { demo_synth_channel_t *synth_channel = channel->method_obj; synth_channel->paused = TRUE; /* send asynchronous response */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(channel,response); return TRUE; } /** Process RESUME request */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_resume(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request, mrcp_message_t *response) { demo_synth_channel_t *synth_channel = channel->method_obj; synth_channel->paused = FALSE; /* send asynchronous response */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(channel,response); return TRUE; } /** Process SET-PARAMS request */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_set_params(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request, mrcp_message_t *response) { mrcp_synth_header_t *req_synth_header; /* get synthesizer header */ req_synth_header = mrcp_resource_header_get(request); if(req_synth_header) { /* check voice age header */ if(mrcp_resource_header_property_check(request,SYNTHESIZER_HEADER_VOICE_AGE) == TRUE) { apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"Set Voice Age [%"APR_SIZE_T_FMT"]", req_synth_header->voice_param.age); } /* check voice name header */ if(mrcp_resource_header_property_check(request,SYNTHESIZER_HEADER_VOICE_NAME) == TRUE) { apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"Set Voice Name [%s]", req_synth_header->voice_param.name); } } /* send asynchronous response */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(channel,response); return TRUE; } /** Process GET-PARAMS request */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_get_params(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request, mrcp_message_t *response) { mrcp_synth_header_t *req_synth_header; /* get synthesizer header */ req_synth_header = mrcp_resource_header_get(request); if(req_synth_header) { mrcp_synth_header_t *res_synth_header = mrcp_resource_header_prepare(response); /* check voice age header */ if(mrcp_resource_header_property_check(request,SYNTHESIZER_HEADER_VOICE_AGE) == TRUE) { res_synth_header->voice_param.age = 25; mrcp_resource_header_property_add(response,SYNTHESIZER_HEADER_VOICE_AGE); } /* check voice name header */ if(mrcp_resource_header_property_check(request,SYNTHESIZER_HEADER_VOICE_NAME) == TRUE) { apt_string_set(&res_synth_header->voice_param.name,"David"); mrcp_resource_header_property_add(response,SYNTHESIZER_HEADER_VOICE_NAME); } } /* send asynchronous response */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(channel,response); return TRUE; } /** Dispatch MRCP request */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_channel_request_dispatch(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request) { apt_bool_t processed = FALSE; mrcp_message_t *response = mrcp_response_create(request,request->pool); switch(request->start_line.method_id) { case SYNTHESIZER_SET_PARAMS: processed = demo_synth_channel_set_params(channel,request,response); break; case SYNTHESIZER_GET_PARAMS: processed = demo_synth_channel_get_params(channel,request,response); break; case SYNTHESIZER_SPEAK: processed = demo_synth_channel_speak(channel,request,response); break; case SYNTHESIZER_STOP: processed = demo_synth_channel_stop(channel,request,response); break; case SYNTHESIZER_PAUSE: processed = demo_synth_channel_pause(channel,request,response); break; case SYNTHESIZER_RESUME: processed = demo_synth_channel_resume(channel,request,response); break; case SYNTHESIZER_BARGE_IN_OCCURRED: processed = demo_synth_channel_stop(channel,request,response); break; case SYNTHESIZER_CONTROL: break; case SYNTHESIZER_DEFINE_LEXICON: break; default: break; } if(processed == FALSE) { /* send asynchronous response for not handled request */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(channel,response); } return TRUE; } /** Callback is called from MPF engine context to destroy any additional data associated with audio stream */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_destroy(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream) { return TRUE; } /** Callback is called from MPF engine context to perform any action before open */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_open(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_codec_t *codec) { return TRUE; } /** Callback is called from MPF engine context to perform any action after close */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_close(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream) { return TRUE; } /** Callback is called from MPF engine context to read/get new frame */ static apt_bool_t demo_synth_stream_read(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_frame_t *frame) { demo_synth_channel_t *synth_channel = stream->obj; /* check if STOP was requested */ if(synth_channel->stop_response) { /* send asynchronous response to STOP request */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(synth_channel->channel,synth_channel->stop_response); synth_channel->stop_response = NULL; synth_channel->speak_request = NULL; synth_channel->paused = FALSE; if(synth_channel->audio_file) { fclose(synth_channel->audio_file); synth_channel->audio_file = NULL; } return TRUE; } /* check if there is active SPEAK request and it isn't in paused state */ if(synth_channel->speak_request && synth_channel->paused == FALSE) { /* normal processing */ apt_bool_t completed = FALSE; if(synth_channel->audio_file) { /* read speech from file */ apr_size_t size = frame->codec_frame.size; if(fread(frame->codec_frame.buffer,1,size,synth_channel->audio_file) == size) { frame->type |= MEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO; } else { completed = TRUE; } } else { /* fill with silence in case no file available */ if(synth_channel->time_to_complete >= CODEC_FRAME_TIME_BASE) { memset(frame->codec_frame.buffer,0,frame->codec_frame.size); frame->type |= MEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO; synth_channel->time_to_complete -= CODEC_FRAME_TIME_BASE; } else { completed = TRUE; } } if(completed) { /* raise SPEAK-COMPLETE event */ mrcp_message_t *message = mrcp_event_create( synth_channel->speak_request, SYNTHESIZER_SPEAK_COMPLETE, synth_channel->speak_request->pool); if(message) { /* get/allocate synthesizer header */ mrcp_synth_header_t *synth_header = mrcp_resource_header_prepare(message); if(synth_header) { /* set completion cause */ synth_header->completion_cause = SYNTHESIZER_COMPLETION_CAUSE_NORMAL; mrcp_resource_header_property_add(message,SYNTHESIZER_HEADER_COMPLETION_CAUSE); } /* set request state */ message->start_line.request_state = MRCP_REQUEST_STATE_COMPLETE; synth_channel->speak_request = NULL; if(synth_channel->audio_file) { fclose(synth_channel->audio_file); synth_channel->audio_file = NULL; } /* send asynch event */ mrcp_engine_channel_message_send(synth_channel->channel,message); } } } return TRUE; } static apt_bool_t demo_synth_msg_signal(demo_synth_msg_type_e type, mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request) { apt_bool_t status = FALSE; demo_synth_channel_t *demo_channel = channel->method_obj; demo_synth_engine_t *demo_engine = demo_channel->demo_engine; apt_task_t *task = apt_consumer_task_base_get(demo_engine->task); apt_task_msg_t *msg = apt_task_msg_get(task); if(msg) { demo_synth_msg_t *demo_msg; msg->type = TASK_MSG_USER; demo_msg = (demo_synth_msg_t*) msg->data; demo_msg->type = type; demo_msg->channel = channel; demo_msg->request = request; status = apt_task_msg_signal(task,msg); } return status; } static apt_bool_t demo_synth_msg_process(apt_task_t *task, apt_task_msg_t *msg) { demo_synth_msg_t *demo_msg = (demo_synth_msg_t*)msg->data; switch(demo_msg->type) { case DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL: /* open channel and send asynch response */ mrcp_engine_channel_open_respond(demo_msg->channel,TRUE); break; case DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_CLOSE_CHANNEL: /* close channel, make sure there is no activity and send asynch response */ mrcp_engine_channel_close_respond(demo_msg->channel); break; case DEMO_SYNTH_MSG_REQUEST_PROCESS: demo_synth_channel_request_dispatch(demo_msg->channel,demo_msg->request); break; default: break; } return TRUE; }