#!/bin/bash ##### -*- mode:shell-script; indent-tabs-mode:nil; sh-basic-offset:2 -*- src_repo="$(pwd)" if [ ! -d .git ]; then echo "error: must be run from within the top level of a FreeSWITCH git tree." 1>&2 exit 1; fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "usage: ./scripts/dailys.sh MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO[.REVISION] BUILD_NUMBER" 1>&2 exit 1; fi ver="$1" major=$(echo "$ver" | cut -d. -f1) minor=$(echo "$ver" | cut -d. -f2) micro=$(echo "$ver" | cut -d. -f3) rev=$(echo "$ver" | cut -d. -f4) build="$2" dst_name="freeswitch-$major.$minor.$micro" dst_parent="/tmp/" dst_dir="/tmp/$dst_name" if [ -d "$dst_dir" ]; then echo "error: destination directory $dst_dir already exists." 1>&2 exit 1; fi # save local changes #ret=$(git stash save "Save uncommitted changes before tagging.") #if echo $ret | grep "^Saved"; then #stash_saved=1 #fi sed -e "s|\(AC_SUBST(SWITCH_VERSION_MAJOR, \[\).*\(\])\)|\1$major\2|" \ -e "s|\(AC_SUBST(SWITCH_VERSION_MINOR, \[\).*\(\])\)|\1$minor\2|" \ -e "s|\(AC_SUBST(SWITCH_VERSION_MICRO, \[\).*\(\])\)|\1$micro\2|" \ -e "s|\(AC_INIT(\[freeswitch\], \[\).*\(\], BUG-REPORT-ADDRESS)\)|\1$major.$minor.$micro\2|" \ -i configure.in if [ -n "$rev" ]; then sed -e "s|\(AC_SUBST(SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION, \[\).*\(\])\)|\1$rev\2|" \ -e "s|\(AC_SUBST(SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION_HUMAN, \[\).*\(\])\)|\1$rev\2|" \ -e "s|#\(AC_SUBST(SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION\)|\1|" \ -e "s|#\(AC_SUBST(SWITCH_VERSION_REVISION_HUMAN\)|\1|" \ -i configure.in fi #git add configure.in #git commit -m "Release freeswitch-$ver" #git tag -a -m "freeswitch-$ver release" v$ver #git clone $src_repo $dst_dir #if [ -n "$stash_saved" ]; then # git stash pop #fi cp -r . $dst_dir cd $dst_dir ./bootstrap.sh mv bootstrap.sh rebootstrap.sh rm -f docs/AUTHORS rm -f docs/COPYING rm -f docs/ChangeLog rm -rf .git cd .. cd $dst_parent tar -cvf $dst_name.tar $dst_name # gzip -9 -c $dst_name.tar > $dst_name.tar.gz || echo "gzip not available" bzip2 -z -k $dst_name.tar || echo "bzip2 not available" # xz -z -9 -k $dst_name.tar || echo "xz / xz-utils not available" rm -rf $dst_name.tar $dst_dir mkdir -p $src_repo/rpmbuild/{SOURCES,BUILD,BUILDROOT,i386,x86_64,SOURCES,SPECS} mv -f $dst_name.tar.* $src_repo/rpmbuild/SOURCES/. cd $src_repo/rpmbuild/SOURCES for i in `grep 'Source..\?:' $src_repo/freeswitch.spec|grep -v Source0 |awk '{print $2}'`; do wget $i; done cd $src_repo rpmbuild --define "VERSION_NUMBER $ver" \ --define "BUILD_NUMBER $build" \ --define "_topdir %(pwd)/rpmbuild" \ --define "_rpmdir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}" \ -ba freeswitch.spec # --define '_rpmfilename %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm' \ # --define "_sourcedir %{_topdir}" \ # --define "_builddir %{_topdir}" \ mkdir $src_repo/RPMS mv $src_repo/rpmbuild/*/*.rpm $src_repo/RPMS/. cat 1>&2 <<EOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The v$ver-$build tarballs and RPMs have been rolled, now we just need to roll packages with them ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF