dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(include/xmlrpc-c/base.h) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(xmlrpc_amconfig.h) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Define PACKAGE, VERSION, @PACKAGE@, @VERSION@ dnl ======================================================================= dnl Increment the package version for each release. AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(xmlrpc-c, 1.03.13) dnl This version number needs to be changed in several *different* tricky dnl ways for each release. Please read the libtool documentation very dnl closely before touching this or making a release! VERSION_INFO="-version-info 7:0:4" AC_SUBST(VERSION_INFO) dnl Get our host type. AC_CANONICAL_HOST XMLRPC_HOST_TYPE=$host AC_SUBST(XMLRPC_HOST_TYPE) dnl We need this to compensate for an incompatibility between autoconf dnl and our libtool. autoconf generates an invalid ltconfig command dnl otherwise. test -z "$target" && target=NONE dnl ======================================================================= dnl Decide What To Build dnl ======================================================================= FEATURE_LIST= AC_ARG_ENABLE(wininet-client, [ --disable-wininet-client Don't build the Wininet client transport], , enable_wininet_client=maybe) if test $enable_wininet_client = maybe; then AC_CHECK_PROG(have_wininet_config, wininet-config, yes, no) if test $have_wininet_config = no; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([You don't appear to have Wininet installed (no working wininet-config in your command search path), so we will not build the Wininet client XML transport]) MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT=no else MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT=yes fi else MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT=$enable_wininet_client fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build Wininet client XML transport module) AC_MSG_RESULT($MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT) AC_SUBST(MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT) AC_ARG_ENABLE(curl-client, [ --disable-curl-client Don't build the Curl client transport], , enable_curl_client=maybe) if test $enable_curl_client = maybe; then AC_CHECK_PROG(have_curl_config, curl-config, yes, no) if test $have_curl_config = no; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([You don't appear to have Curl installed (no working curl-config in your command search path), so we will not build the Curl client XML transport]) MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT=no else MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT=yes fi else MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT=$enable_curl_client fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build Curl client XML transport module) AC_MSG_RESULT($MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT) AC_SUBST(MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT) AC_ARG_ENABLE(libwww-client, [ --disable-libwww-client Don't build the Libwww client transport], , enable_libwww_client=maybe) if test $enable_libwww_client = maybe; then AC_CHECK_PROG(have_libwww_config, libwww-config, yes, no) if test $have_libwww_config = no; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([You don't appear to have Libwww installed (no working libwww-config in your command search path), so we will not build the Libwww client XML transport]) MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT=no else MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT=yes fi else MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT=$enable_libwww_client fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build Libwww client XML transport module) AC_MSG_RESULT($MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT) AC_SUBST(MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT) if test "$MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT $MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT $MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT" = "no no no"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([We are not building any client XML transport, therefore we will not build the client library at all.]) fi dnl Set up the appropriate Makefile substitutions. LIBXMLRPC_CLIENT_LA=libxmlrpc_client.la AC_SUBST(LIBXMLRPC_CLIENT_LA) CLIENTTEST=clienttest AC_SUBST(CLIENTTEST) XMLRPC_CLIENT_H=xmlrpc_client.h AC_SUBST(XMLRPC_CLIENT_H) XMLRPC_TRANSPORT_H=xmlrpc_transport.h AC_SUBST(XMLRPC_TRANSPORT_H) SYNCH_CLIENT=synch_client AC_SUBST(SYNCH_CLIENT) ASYNCH_CLIENT=asynch_client AC_SUBST(ASYNCH_CLIENT) AUTH_CLIENT=auth_client AC_SUBST(AUTH_CLIENT) QUERY_MEERKAT=query-meerkat AC_SUBST(QUERY_MEERKAT) if test $MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT = yes; then FEATURE_LIST="wininet-client $FEATURE_LIST" fi if test $MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT = yes; then FEATURE_LIST="curl-client $FEATURE_LIST" fi if test $MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT = yes; then FEATURE_LIST="libwww-client $FEATURE_LIST" fi dnl Check to see if we should build our Abyss server module. AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build Abyss server module) AC_ARG_ENABLE(abyss-server, [ --disable-abyss-server Don't build the Abyss server module], , enable_abyss_server=yes) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_abyss_server) ENABLE_ABYSS_SERVER=$enable_abyss_server AC_SUBST(ENABLE_ABYSS_SERVER) dnl Set up the appropriate Makefile substitutions. ABYSS_SUBDIR= LIBXMLRPC_ABYSS_SERVER_LA= SERVERTEST= VALIDATEE= XMLRPC_ABYSS_H= SERVER= if test x"$enable_abyss_server" != xno; then FEATURE_LIST="abyss-server $FEATURE_LIST" ABYSS_SUBDIR=abyss LIBXMLRPC_ABYSS_SERVER_LA=libxmlrpc_abyss_server.la SERVERTEST=servertest VALIDATEE=validatee XMLRPC_ABYSS_H=xmlrpc_abyss.h SERVER=server fi AC_SUBST(ABYSS_SUBDIR) AC_SUBST(LIBXMLRPC_ABYSS_SERVER_LA) AC_SUBST(SERVERTEST) AC_SUBST(VALIDATEE) AC_SUBST(XMLRPC_ABYSS_H) AC_SUBST(SERVER) dnl Check to see if we should build our CGI server module. AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build CGI server module) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cgi-server, [ --disable-cgi-server Don't build the CGI server module], , enable_cgi_server=yes) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_cgi_server) ENABLE_CGI_SERVER=$enable_cgi_server AC_SUBST(ENABLE_CGI_SERVER) dnl Check to see if we should build our C++ stuff. AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build C++ wrappers and tools) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cplusplus, [ --disable-cplusplus Don't build the C++ wrapper classes or tools], , enable_cplusplus=yes) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_cplusplus) ENABLE_CPLUSPLUS=$enable_cplusplus AC_SUBST(ENABLE_CPLUSPLUS) dnl Set up the appropriate Makefile substitutions. LIBXMLRPC_CPP_A= CPPTEST= XMLRPCCPP_H= XML_RPC_API2CPP_SUBDIR= MEERKAT_APP_LIST= INTEROP_CLIENT_SUBDIR= if test x"$enable_cplusplus" != xno; then FEATURE_LIST="c++ $FEATURE_LIST" LIBXMLRPC_CPP_A=libxmlrpc_cpp.a CPPTEST=cpptest XMLRPCCPP_H=XmlRpcCpp.h if test $MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT = yes; then XML_RPC_API2CPP_SUBDIR=xml-rpc-api2cpp elif test $MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT = yes; then XML_RPC_API2CPP_SUBDIR=xml-rpc-api2cpp fi fi AC_SUBST(LIBXMLRPC_CPP_A) AC_SUBST(CPPTEST) AC_SUBST(XMLRPCCPP_H) AC_SUBST(XML_RPC_API2CPP_SUBDIR) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Decide what to do about Unicode. dnl ======================================================================= dnl Check to see if we should build our Unicode stuff. AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build Unicode support) AC_ARG_ENABLE(unicode, [ --disable-unicode Don't build Unicode and wchar_t capability], , enable_unicode=yes) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_unicode) dnl Do all the work... if test x"$enable_unicode" != xno; then FEATURE_LIST="unicode $FEATURE_LIST" HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR_DEFINE=1 dnl Unicode function needed by test suites. AC_CHECK_FUNCS(wcsncmp) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(wchar.h, , [ AC_MSG_ERROR(wchar.h is required to build this library) ]) else HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR_DEFINE=0 fi AC_SUBST(HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR_DEFINE) AC_SUBST(FEATURE_LIST) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Checks for programs. dnl ======================================================================= AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_INSTALL dnl ======================================================================= dnl Checks for libraries. dnl ======================================================================= # Code by albert chin <china@thewrittenword.com> to check for various # oddball networking libraries. Solaris and some other operating systems # hide their networking code in various places. (Yes, this links too many # of our libraries against -lsocket, but a finer-grained mechanism would # require too much testing.) AC_CHECK_FUNC(socket, , AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, socket)) # For some reason, we don't seem to need this on Solaris. If you do # need it, go ahead and try it. # AC_CHECK_FUNC(gethostent, , AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, gethostent)) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Checks for header files. dnl ======================================================================= AC_STDC_HEADERS AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdarg.h, , [ AC_MSG_ERROR(stdarg.h is required to build this library) ]) # I/O headers, needed by Abyss on Solaris. AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/filio.h sys/ioctl.h) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. dnl ======================================================================= dnl AC_C_BIGENDIAN AC_TYPE_SIZE_T dnl This check is borrowed from Python 1.5.2. va_list_is_array=no AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether va_list is an array) AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #include <stdarg.h> ], [va_list list1, list2; list1 = list2;], , va_list_is_array=yes) AC_MSG_RESULT($va_list_is_array) if test x"$va_list_is_array" = xyes; then VA_LIST_IS_ARRAY_DEFINE=1 else VA_LIST_IS_ARRAY_DEFINE=0 fi AC_SUBST(VA_LIST_IS_ARRAY_DEFINE) dnl See if the compiler supports __attribute__ gracefully. AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether compiler supports __attribute__) AC_TRY_COMPILE(, [int x __attribute__((__unused__));], compiler_supports_attribute=yes, compiler_supports_attribute=no) AC_MSG_RESULT($compiler_supports_attribute) if test x"$compiler_supports_attribute" = xyes; then ATTR_UNUSED="__attribute__((__unused__))" else ATTR_UNUSED= fi AC_SUBST(ATTR_UNUSED) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Checks for library functions. dnl ======================================================================= AC_CHECK_FUNC(vsnprintf, , [ AC_MSG_ERROR(your C library does not provide vsnprintf) ]) dnl CygWin looks like Unix, but doesn't provide setgroups. AC_CHECK_FUNCS(setgroups) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(asprintf) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(setenv) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Checks for operating system features. dnl ======================================================================= dnl Non-Unix systems will need to set up their platform configuration file dnl by hand. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR="/" AC_SUBST(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) dnl ======================================================================= dnl ABYSS Configuration dnl ======================================================================= dnl Abyss doesn't pay any attention to xmlrpc_config.h, so we need to dnl pass it some flags on the command-line. AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use Abyss pthread function) AC_ARG_ENABLE(abyss-threads, [ --disable-abyss-threads Use fork in Abyss instead of pthreads], , enable_abyss_threads=yes) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_abyss_threads) ENABLE_ABYSS_THREADS=$enable_abyss_threads AC_SUBST(ENABLE_ABYSS_THREADS) if test x"$enable_abyss_threads" != xno; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_THREAD" LIBABYSS_LDADD="-lpthread" fi AC_SUBST(LIBABYSS_LDADD) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Finding wininet stubs dnl ======================================================================= dnl If you implement the parts of wininet.h the wininet_transport uses, dnl you will need to configure this way.. if test $MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT = yes; then dnl You can control which of these gets chosen by fooling around with PATH. AC_PATH_PROGS(WININET_CONFIG, wininet-xmlrpc-config wininet-config, no) if test "x$WININET_CONFIG" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR(wininet lib not found; see './configure --help') fi dnl Get our wininet version. dnl Adapted from a macro which called gtk-config. AC_MSG_CHECKING(for wininet version >= 1.0.0) W3VER=`$WININET_CONFIG --version` WININET_MAJOR=\ `echo $W3VER|sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)/\1/'` WININET_MINOR=\ `echo $W3VER|sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)/\2/'` WININET_MICRO=\ `echo $W3VER|sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)/\3/'` AC_MSG_RESULT($WININET_MAJOR.$WININET_MINOR.$WININET_MICRO) dnl Check to make sure our version is OK. WININET_VERSION_OK=yes if test $WININET_MAJOR -lt 1; then WININET_VERSION_OK=no else if test $WININET_MAJOR -eq 1 -a $WININET_MINOR -lt 0; then WININET_VERSION_OK=no else if test $WININET_MAJOR -eq 1 -a $WININET_MINOR -eq 0 \ -a $WININET_MICRO -lt 0; then WININET_VERSION_OK=no fi fi fi if test "x$WININET_VERSION_OK" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR(wininet version >= 1.0.0 required) fi dnl Get the necessary CFLAGS, and merge them into our master list. WININET_CFLAGS="`$WININET_CONFIG --cflags`" AC_SUBST(WININET_CFLAGS) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $WININET_CFLAGS" dnl Get the huge list of libraries we need to link against. WININET_LDADD="`$WININET_CONFIG --libs`" AC_SUBST(WININET_LDADD) dnl Oh, such massive brain damage! Because there may be another copy dnl of libwww in the default dynamic loader search path, we need to dnl adjust the search patch manually. Just gag me with a backquote, OK? AC_MSG_CHECKING(for wininet library directory) if $WININET_CONFIG --rpath-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then dnl Yay! We're using our smart version of wininet. WININET_LIBDIR="`$WININET_CONFIG --rpath-dir`" else dnl Yawn. We're using the regular boring version. WININET_LIBDIR="`$WININET_CONFIG --prefix`/lib" fi AC_MSG_RESULT($WININET_LIBDIR) AC_SUBST(WININET_LIBDIR) WININET_RPATH="-rpath $WININET_LIBDIR" AC_SUBST(WININET_RPATH) WININET_WL_RPATH="-Wl,--rpath -Wl,$WININET_LIBDIR" AC_SUBST(WININET_WL_RPATH) fi # MUST_BUILD_WININET_CLIENT dnl ======================================================================= dnl Finding w3c-libwww dnl ======================================================================= dnl Once upon a time, we used a patched copy of libwww that needed to dnl co-exist with the system copy of libwww. We have some vestigal support dnl for keeping track of libwww's rpath, although this is no longer really dnl necessary. if test $MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT = yes; then dnl First of all, locate the semi-broken libwww config program. dnl You can control which of these gets chosen by fooling around with PATH. AC_PATH_PROGS(LIBWWW_CONFIG, libwww-xmlrpc-config libwww-config, no) if test "x$LIBWWW_CONFIG" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR(w3c-libwww not found; see './configure --help') fi dnl Get our libwww version. dnl Adapted from a macro which called gtk-config. AC_MSG_CHECKING(for w3c-libwww version >= 5.2.8) W3VER=`$LIBWWW_CONFIG --version` LIBWWW_MAJOR=\ `echo $W3VER|sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)/\1/'` LIBWWW_MINOR=\ `echo $W3VER|sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)/\2/'` LIBWWW_MICRO=\ `echo $W3VER|sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)\.\([[0-9]]*\)/\3/'` AC_MSG_RESULT($LIBWWW_MAJOR.$LIBWWW_MINOR.$LIBWWW_MICRO) dnl Check to make sure our version is OK. LIBWWW_VERSION_OK=yes if test $LIBWWW_MAJOR -lt 5; then LIBWWW_VERSION_OK=no else if test $LIBWWW_MAJOR -eq 5 -a $LIBWWW_MINOR -lt 2; then LIBWWW_VERSION_OK=no else if test $LIBWWW_MAJOR -eq 5 -a $LIBWWW_MINOR -eq 2 \ -a $LIBWWW_MICRO -lt 8; then LIBWWW_VERSION_OK=no fi fi fi if test "x$LIBWWW_VERSION_OK" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR(w3c-libwww version >= 5.2.8 required) fi dnl Get the huge list of libraries we need to link against. LIBWWW_LDADD="`$LIBWWW_CONFIG --libs`" AC_SUBST(LIBWWW_LDADD) dnl Oh, such massive brain damage! Because there may be another copy dnl of libwww in the default dynamic loader search path, we need to dnl adjust the search patch manually. Just gag me with a backquote, OK? AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libwww library directory) if $LIBWWW_CONFIG --rpath-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then dnl Yay! We're using our smart version of libwww. LIBWWW_LIBDIR="`$LIBWWW_CONFIG --rpath-dir`" else dnl Yawn. We're using the regular boring version. LIBWWW_LIBDIR="`$LIBWWW_CONFIG --prefix`/lib" fi AC_MSG_RESULT($LIBWWW_LIBDIR) AC_SUBST(LIBWWW_LIBDIR) # Some ancient rpath stuff, now disabled. I turned this off because it # breaks Debian (and Mandrake?) policy, and we don't use it anymore. # If you have multiple copies of w3c-libwww lying around, you can turn # it back on. #LIBWWW_RPATH="-rpath $LIBWWW_LIBDIR" LIBWWW_RPATH="" AC_SUBST(LIBWWW_RPATH) #LIBWWW_WL_RPATH="-Wl,--rpath -Wl,$LIBWWW_LIBDIR" LIBWWW_WL_RPATH="" AC_SUBST(LIBWWW_WL_RPATH) fi # MUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT dnl ======================================================================= dnl Finding cURL dnl ======================================================================= if test $MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT = yes; then dnl First of all, locate the curl config program. dnl You can control which of these gets chosen by fooling around with PATH. AC_PATH_PROGS(CURL_CONFIG, curl-xmlrpc-config curl-config, no) if test "x$CURL_CONFIG" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR(cURL not found; see './configure --help') fi dnl There used to be code here to check the Curl version and make sure dnl it is at least 7.8. But there were bugs both in the code and in dnl curl (curl-config --vernum, at least in older versios of Curl, dnl omits the leading zero). So it didn't work. Plus, checking version dnl numbers isn't a good idea. Better to check for feature presence. dnl So we don't do any check now. If we find out there's a problem with dnl older Curls, we will revisit that. dnl Get the huge list of libraries we need to link against. dnl MRB-20010516-For some reason, curl-config dnl does not list itself '-lcurl'. 2004.12.12. It seems to do so dnl now. CURL_LDADD=`$CURL_CONFIG --libs` AC_SUBST(CURL_LDADD) dnl Oh, such massive brain damage! Because there may be another copy dnl of curl in the default dynamic loader search path, we need to dnl adjust the search patch manually. Just gag me with a backquote, OK? AC_MSG_CHECKING(for curl library directory) dnl Yawn. We're using the regular boring version. CURL_LIBDIR="`$CURL_CONFIG --prefix`/lib" AC_MSG_RESULT($CURL_LIBDIR) AC_SUBST(CURL_LIBDIR) CURL_RPATH="-rpath $CURL_LIBDIR" AC_SUBST(CURL_RPATH) CURL_WL_RPATH="-Wl,--rpath -Wl,$CURL_LIBDIR" AC_SUBST(CURL_WL_RPATH) fi # MUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT dnl ======================================================================= dnl Checks for build options. dnl ======================================================================= AC_ARG_WITH(libwww-ssl, [ --with-libwww-ssl Include libwww SSL capability.] ) if test x"$enable_libwww_client" != xno; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use SSL with libwww) if test x"$with_libwww_ssl" = xyes; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) HAVE_LIBWWW_SSL_DEFINE=1 else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) HAVE_LIBWWW_SSL_DEFINE=0 fi fi AC_SUBST(HAVE_LIBWWW_SSL_DEFINE) dnl Check to see if we should build the libxml2 backend. AC_ARG_ENABLE(libxml2-backend, [ --enable-libxml2-backend Use libxml2 instead of built-in expat], , enable_libxml2_backend=no) AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build the libxml2 backend) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_libxml2_backend) ENABLE_LIBXML2_BACKEND=$enable_libxml2_backend AC_SUBST(ENABLE_LIBXML2_BACKEND) dnl If we're using the libxml2 backend, look for pkg-config if test x"$enable_libxml2_backend" != xno; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pkg-config) AC_PATH_PROG(PKG_CONFIG, pkg-config, no) if test x$PKG_CONFIG = xno; then AC_MSG_ERROR([*** pkg-config not found. See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig/]) fi dnl Set up the appropriate Makefile substitutions LIBXML2_CFLAGS=`pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0` AC_SUBST(LIBXML2_CFLAGS) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $LIBXML2_CFLAGS" LIBXML2_LIBS=`pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0` AC_SUBST(LIBXML2_LIBS) EXTRA_XML_LIBS="$LIBXML2_LIBS" else EXTRA_XML_LIBS="-lxmlrpc_xmlparse -lxmlrpc_xmltok" fi AC_SUBST(EXTRA_XML_LIBS) AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to test with Electric Fence) AC_ARG_ENABLE(efence, [ --enable-efence Enable malloc/free debugging with Bruce Perens\' Electric Fence library (test suites only).]) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_efence) ENABLE_EFENCE=$enable_efence AC_SUBST(ENABLE_EFENCE) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Compiler information dnl ======================================================================= C_COMPILER_GNU=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu AC_SUBST(C_COMPILER_GNU) CXX_COMPILER_GNU=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu AC_SUBST(CXX_COMPILER_GNU) dnl obsolete variables, need to be removed from Makefile.in: CC_WARN_FLAGS= AC_SUBST(CC_WARN_FLAGS) CPP_WARN_FLAGS= AC_SUBST(CPP_WARN_FLAGS) BUILDDIR=`pwd` AC_SUBST(BUILDDIR) AC_DEFUN([AX_COMPILER_VENDOR], [ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for _AC_LANG compiler vendor], ax_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_compiler_vendor, [ax_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_compiler_vendor=unknown # note: don't check for gcc first since some other compilers define __GNUC__ for ventest in intel:__ICC,__ECC,__INTEL_COMPILER ibm:__xlc__,__xlC__,__IBMC__,__IBMCPP__ gnu:__GNUC__ sun:__SUNPRO_C,__SUNPRO_CC hp:__HP_cc,__HP_aCC dec:__DECC,__DECCXX,__DECC_VER,__DECCXX_VER borland:__BORLANDC__,__TURBOC__ comeau:__COMO__ cray:_CRAYC kai:__KCC lcc:__LCC__ metrowerks:__MWERKS__ sgi:__sgi,sgi microsoft:_MSC_VER watcom:__WATCOMC__ portland:__PGI; do vencpp="defined("`echo $ventest | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/,/) || defined(/g'`")" AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM(,[ #if !($vencpp) thisisanerror; #endif ])], [ax_cv_]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[_compiler_vendor=`echo $ventest | cut -d: -f1`; break]) done ]) ]) AX_COMPILER_VENDOR # Enable 64 bit build AC_ARG_ENABLE(64, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-64],[build with 64 bit support])],[enable_64="$enable_64"],[enable_64="no"]) if test "x${ax_cv_c_compiler_vendor}" = "xsun" ; then if test "${enable_64}" = "yes"; then COMPILER_CFLAGS=-m64 COMPILER_CXXFLAGS=-m64 fi fi AC_SUBST(COMPILER_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(COMPILER_CXXFLAGS) dnl ======================================================================= dnl Libtool dnl ======================================================================= AM_PROG_LIBTOOL dnl ======================================================================= dnl Output our results. dnl ======================================================================= AC_OUTPUT(xmlrpc-c-config \ xmlrpc-c-config.test \ Makefile.config \ xmlrpc_config.h \ lib/expat/Makefile \ lib/expat/xmlparse/Makefile \ lib/expat/xmlwf/Makefile \ lib/expat/sample/Makefile \ ) chmod +x xmlrpc-c-config chmod +x xmlrpc-c-config.test