mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 09:21:29 +00:00
292 lines
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292 lines
15 KiB
* Copyright 2011 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "libyuv/rotate_row.h"
#include "libyuv/row.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace libyuv {
extern "C" {
// This module is for Mips MMI.
#if !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_MMI) && defined(_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON3A)
void TransposeWx8_MMI(const uint8_t* src,
int src_stride,
uint8_t* dst,
int dst_stride,
int width) {
uint64_t tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6;
uint64_t tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
uint8_t* src_tmp = nullptr;
__asm__ volatile(
"1: \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src]) \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (00 10 01 11 02 12 03 13) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp0], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (04 14 05 15 06 16 07 17) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp1], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp2 = (20 30 21 31 22 32 23 33) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp2], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp3 = (24 34 25 35 26 36 27 37) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp3], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp4 = (00 10 20 30 01 11 21 31) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp4], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp5 = (02 12 22 32 03 13 23 33) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp5], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp6 = (04 14 24 34 05 15 25 35) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp6], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
/* tmp7 = (06 16 26 36 07 17 27 37) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp7], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (40 50 41 51 42 52 43 53) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp0], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (44 54 45 55 46 56 47 57) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp1], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp2 = (60 70 61 71 62 72 63 73) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp2], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp3 = (64 74 65 75 66 76 67 77) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp3], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp8 = (40 50 60 70 41 51 61 71) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp8], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp9 = (42 52 62 72 43 53 63 73) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp9], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp10 = (44 54 64 74 45 55 65 75) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp10], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
/* tmp11 = (46 56 66 76 47 57 67 77) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp11], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp4], %[tmp8] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp4], %[tmp8] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp5], %[tmp9] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp5], %[tmp9] \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp6], %[tmp10] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (05 15 25 35 45 55 65 75) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp6], %[tmp10] \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp7], %[tmp11] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (07 17 27 37 47 57 67 77) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp7], %[tmp11] \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst], %[dst], %[dst_stride] \n\t"
"daddi %[src], %[src], 0x08 \n\t"
"daddi %[width], %[width], -0x08 \n\t"
"bnez %[width], 1b \n\t"
: [tmp0] "=&f"(tmp0), [tmp1] "=&f"(tmp1), [tmp2] "=&f"(tmp2),
[tmp3] "=&f"(tmp3), [tmp4] "=&f"(tmp4), [tmp5] "=&f"(tmp5),
[tmp6] "=&f"(tmp6), [tmp7] "=&f"(tmp7), [tmp8] "=&f"(tmp8),
[tmp9] "=&f"(tmp9), [tmp10] "=&f"(tmp10), [tmp11] "=&f"(tmp11),
[tmp12] "=&f"(tmp12), [tmp13] "=&f"(tmp13), [dst] "+&r"(dst),
[src_tmp] "+&r"(src_tmp)
: [src] "r"(src), [width] "r"(width), [src_stride] "r"(src_stride),
[dst_stride] "r"(dst_stride)
: "memory");
void TransposeUVWx8_MMI(const uint8_t* src,
int src_stride,
uint8_t* dst_a,
int dst_stride_a,
uint8_t* dst_b,
int dst_stride_b,
int width) {
uint64_t tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6;
uint64_t tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
uint8_t* src_tmp = nullptr;
__asm__ volatile(
"1: \n\t"
/* tmp12 = (u00 v00 u01 v01 u02 v02 u03 v03) */
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src]) \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src], %[src_stride] \n\t"
/* tmp13 = (u10 v10 u11 v11 u12 v12 u13 v13) */
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (u00 u10 v00 v10 u01 u11 v01 v11) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp0], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (u02 u12 v02 v12 u03 u13 v03 v13) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp1], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
/* tmp12 = (u20 v20 u21 v21 u22 v22 u23 v23) */
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
/* tmp13 = (u30 v30 u31 v31 u32 v32 u33 v33) */
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp2 = (u20 u30 v20 v30 u21 u31 v21 v31) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp2], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp3 = (u22 u32 v22 v32 u23 u33 v23 v33) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp3], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp4 = (u00 u10 u20 u30 v00 v10 v20 v30) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp4], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp5 = (u01 u11 u21 u31 v01 v11 v21 v31) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp5], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp6 = (u02 u12 u22 u32 v02 v12 v22 v32) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp6], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
/* tmp7 = (u03 u13 u23 u33 v03 v13 v23 v33) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp7], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
/* tmp12 = (u40 v40 u41 v41 u42 v42 u43 v43) */
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp13 = (u50 v50 u51 v51 u52 v52 u53 v53) */
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (u40 u50 v40 v50 u41 u51 v41 v51) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp0], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (u42 u52 v42 v52 u43 u53 v43 v53) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp1], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
/* tmp12 = (u60 v60 u61 v61 u62 v62 u63 v63) */
"ldc1 %[tmp12], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp13 = (u70 v70 u71 v71 u72 v72 u73 v73) */
"dadd %[src_tmp], %[src_tmp], %[src_stride] \n\t"
"ldc1 %[tmp13], 0x00(%[src_tmp]) \n\t"
/* tmp2 = (u60 u70 v60 v70 u61 u71 v61 v71) */
"punpcklbh %[tmp2], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp3 = (u62 u72 v62 v72 u63 u73 v63 v73) */
"punpckhbh %[tmp3], %[tmp12], %[tmp13] \n\t"
/* tmp8 = (u40 u50 u60 u70 v40 v50 v60 v70) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp8], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp9 = (u41 u51 u61 u71 v41 v51 v61 v71) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp9], %[tmp0], %[tmp2] \n\t"
/* tmp10 = (u42 u52 u62 u72 v42 v52 v62 v72) */
"punpcklhw %[tmp10], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
/* tmp11 = (u43 u53 u63 u73 v43 v53 v63 v73) */
"punpckhhw %[tmp11], %[tmp1], %[tmp3] \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (u00 u10 u20 u30 u40 u50 u60 u70) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp4], %[tmp8] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (v00 v10 v20 v30 v40 v50 v60 v70) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp4], %[tmp8] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (u01 u11 u21 u31 u41 u51 u61 u71) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp5], %[tmp9] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (v01 v11 v21 v31 v41 v51 v61 v71) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp5], %[tmp9] \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_a], %[dst_a], %[dst_stride_a] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_b], %[dst_b], %[dst_stride_b] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (u02 u12 u22 u32 u42 u52 u62 u72) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp6], %[tmp10] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (v02 v12 v22 v32 v42 v52 v62 v72) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp6], %[tmp10] \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_a], %[dst_a], %[dst_stride_a] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_b], %[dst_b], %[dst_stride_b] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
/* tmp0 = (u03 u13 u23 u33 u43 u53 u63 u73) */
"punpcklwd %[tmp0], %[tmp7], %[tmp11] \n\t"
/* tmp1 = (v03 v13 v23 v33 v43 v53 v63 v73) */
"punpckhwd %[tmp1], %[tmp7], %[tmp11] \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_a], %[dst_a], %[dst_stride_a] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp0], 0x07(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp0], 0x00(%[dst_a]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_b], %[dst_b], %[dst_stride_b] \n\t"
"gssdlc1 %[tmp1], 0x07(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
"gssdrc1 %[tmp1], 0x00(%[dst_b]) \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_a], %[dst_a], %[dst_stride_a] \n\t"
"dadd %[dst_b], %[dst_b], %[dst_stride_b] \n\t"
"daddiu %[src], %[src], 0x08 \n\t"
"daddi %[width], %[width], -0x04 \n\t"
"bnez %[width], 1b \n\t"
: [tmp0] "=&f"(tmp0), [tmp1] "=&f"(tmp1), [tmp2] "=&f"(tmp2),
[tmp3] "=&f"(tmp3), [tmp4] "=&f"(tmp4), [tmp5] "=&f"(tmp5),
[tmp6] "=&f"(tmp6), [tmp7] "=&f"(tmp7), [tmp8] "=&f"(tmp8),
[tmp9] "=&f"(tmp9), [tmp10] "=&f"(tmp10), [tmp11] "=&f"(tmp11),
[tmp12] "=&f"(tmp12), [tmp13] "=&f"(tmp13), [dst_a] "+&r"(dst_a),
[dst_b] "+&r"(dst_b), [src_tmp] "+&r"(src_tmp)
: [src] "r"(src), [width] "r"(width), [dst_stride_a] "r"(dst_stride_a),
[dst_stride_b] "r"(dst_stride_b), [src_stride] "r"(src_stride)
: "memory");
#endif // !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_MMI) && defined(_MIPS_ARCH_LOONGSON3A)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
} // namespace libyuv