mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 17:17:50 +00:00
http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-0186 http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/libsndfile-1.0.19.tar.gz This will likely require a fresh boostrap to updated source checkouts. git-svn-id: http://svn.freeswitch.org/svn/freeswitch/trunk@13415 d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
496 lines
12 KiB
496 lines
12 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Erik de Castro Lopo
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sndfile.h>
#include "regtest.h"
#include <sqlite3.h>
typedef struct
{ sqlite3 *sql ;
int count ;
int ekey_max ;
/* Filename and pathname for file. */
char filename [256] ;
char pathname [512] ;
/* Storage for createding SQL commands. Must be larger than logbuf below. */
char cmdbuf [1 << 15] ;
/* Storage for log buffer retrieved from SNDFILE* .*/
char logbuf [1 << 14] ;
/* In checksum.c */
int calc_checksum (SNDFILE * file, const SF_INFO * info) ;
static void get_filename_pathname (REGTEST_DB * db, const char *filepath) ;
static void single_quote_replace (char * buf) ;
static int get_ekey_from_filename (REGTEST_DB * db, const char *filepath) ;
static int get_filename_pathname_by_ekey (REGTEST_DB * db, int ekey) ;
static int check_file_by_ekey (REGTEST_DB * db, int ekey) ;
static int count_callback (REGTEST_DB * db, int argc, char **argv, char **colname) ;
static int ekey_max_callback (REGTEST_DB * db, int argc, char **argv, char **colname) ;
static int callback (void *unused, int argc, char **argv, char **colname) ;
db_open (const char * db_name)
{ REGTEST_DB * db ;
int err ;
if ((db = malloc (sizeof (REGTEST_DB))) == NULL)
{ perror ("malloc") ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
if ((err = sqlite3_open (db_name, &(db->sql))) != 0)
{ printf ("Can't open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg (db->sql)) ;
sqlite3_close (db->sql) ;
free (db) ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
return (REG_DB *) db ;
} /* db_open */
db_create (const char * db_name)
{ REGTEST_DB * db ;
const char *cmd ;
char * errmsg = NULL ;
int err ;
db = (REGTEST_DB *) db_open (db_name) ;
cmd = "create table sndfile (ekey INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
"fname VARCHAR(1),"
"fpath VARCHAR(1),"
"srate INTEGER,"
"frames VARCHAR(1),"
"channels INTEGER,"
"format VARCHAR(1),"
"checksum VARCHAR(1),"
"logbuf VARCHAR(1)"
");" ;
err = sqlite3_exec (db->sql, cmd, callback, 0, &errmsg) ;
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
printf ("Line %d : SQL error: %s\n", __LINE__, errmsg) ;
sqlite3_close (db->sql) ;
free (db) ;
return 0 ;
} /* db_create */
db_close (REG_DB * db_handle)
{ REGTEST_DB * db ;
db = (REGTEST_DB *) db_handle ;
sqlite3_close (db->sql) ;
free (db) ;
return 0 ;
} /* db_close */
db_file_exists (REG_DB * db_handle, const char * filename)
{ REGTEST_DB * db ;
const char * cptr ;
char * errmsg ;
int err ;
db = (REGTEST_DB *) db_handle ;
if ((cptr = strrchr (filename, '/')) != NULL)
filename = cptr + 1 ;
snprintf (db->cmdbuf, sizeof (db->cmdbuf), "select fname from sndfile where fname='%s'", filename) ;
db->count = 0 ;
err = sqlite3_exec (db->sql, db->cmdbuf, (sqlite3_callback) count_callback, db, &errmsg) ;
if (db->count == 1)
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
} /* db_file_exists */
db_add_file (REG_DB * db_handle, const char * filepath)
{ REGTEST_DB * db ;
SNDFILE * sndfile ;
SF_INFO info ;
char * errmsg ;
int err, checksum ;
db = (REGTEST_DB *) db_handle ;
get_filename_pathname (db, filepath) ;
if (db_file_exists (db_handle, filepath))
{ printf (" %s : already in database\n", db->filename) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info)) ;
sndfile = sf_open (db->pathname, SFM_READ, &info) ;
sf_command (sndfile, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, db->logbuf, sizeof (db->logbuf)) ;
checksum = (sndfile == NULL) ? 0 : calc_checksum (sndfile, &info) ;
sf_close (sndfile) ;
if (sndfile == NULL)
{ printf (" %s : could not open : %s\n", db->filename, sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
puts (db->logbuf) ;
return 1 ;
} ;
single_quote_replace (db->logbuf) ;
snprintf (db->cmdbuf, sizeof (db->cmdbuf), "insert into sndfile "
"(fname, fpath, srate, frames, channels, format, checksum, logbuf) values"
"('%s','%s',%d,'%ld', %d, '0x%08x', '0x%08x', '%s');",
db->filename, db->pathname, info.samplerate, (long) info.frames, info.channels, info.format, checksum, db->logbuf) ;
if (strlen (db->cmdbuf) >= sizeof (db->cmdbuf) - 1)
{ printf ("strlen (db->cmdbuf) too long.\n") ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
err = sqlite3_exec (db->sql, db->cmdbuf, callback, 0, &errmsg) ;
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
{ printf ("Line %d : SQL error: %s\n", __LINE__, errmsg) ;
puts (db->cmdbuf) ;
} ;
return 0 ;
} /* db_add_file */
db_check_file (REG_DB * db_handle, const char * filepath)
{ REGTEST_DB * db ;
int ekey ;
if (db_file_exists (db_handle, filepath) == 0)
{ printf ("\nFile not in database.\n\n") ;
exit (0) ;
} ;
db = (REGTEST_DB *) db_handle ;
ekey = get_ekey_from_filename (db, filepath) ;
return check_file_by_ekey (db, ekey) ;
} /* db_check_file */
db_check_all (REG_DB * db_handle)
{ REGTEST_DB * db ;
char * errmsg ;
int err, ekey ;
db = (REGTEST_DB *) db_handle ;
db->ekey_max = 0 ;
snprintf (db->cmdbuf, sizeof (db->cmdbuf), "select ekey from sndfile") ;
err = sqlite3_exec (db->sql, db->cmdbuf, (sqlite3_callback) ekey_max_callback, db, &errmsg) ;
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
{ printf ("Line %d : SQL error: %s\n", __LINE__, errmsg) ;
puts (db->cmdbuf) ;
} ;
for (ekey = 1 ; ekey <= db->ekey_max ; ekey++)
if (get_filename_pathname_by_ekey (db, ekey) != 0)
check_file_by_ekey (db, ekey) ;
return 0 ;
} /* db_check_all */
db_list_all (REG_DB * db_handle)
printf ("%s : %p\n", __func__, db_handle) ;
return 0 ;
} /* db_list_all */
db_del_entry (REG_DB * db_handle, const char * entry)
printf ("%s : %p %s\n", __func__, db_handle, entry) ;
return 0 ;
} /* db_del_entry */
static int
get_ekey_from_filename (REGTEST_DB * db, const char *filepath)
{ char * errmsg, **result ;
int err, ekey = 0, rows, cols ;
get_filename_pathname (db, filepath) ;
snprintf (db->cmdbuf, sizeof (db->cmdbuf), "select ekey from sndfile where fname='%s'", db->filename) ;
err = sqlite3_get_table (db->sql, db->cmdbuf, &result, &rows, &cols, &errmsg) ;
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
{ printf ("Line %d : SQL error: %s\n", __LINE__, errmsg) ;
puts (db->cmdbuf) ;
} ;
if (cols != 1 || rows != 1)
{ printf ("Bad juju!! rows = %d cols = %d\n", rows, cols) ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
ekey = strtol (result [1], NULL, 10) ;
sqlite3_free_table (result) ;
return ekey ;
} /* get_ekey_from_filename */
static int
get_filename_pathname_by_ekey (REGTEST_DB * db, int ekey)
{ char *errmsg, **result ;
int err, rows, cols ;
snprintf (db->cmdbuf, sizeof (db->cmdbuf), "select fname,fpath from sndfile where ekey='%d'", ekey) ;
err = sqlite3_get_table (db->sql, db->cmdbuf, &result, &rows, &cols, &errmsg) ;
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
{ printf ("Line %d : SQL error: %s\n", __LINE__, errmsg) ;
puts (db->cmdbuf) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
if (cols != 2 || rows != 1)
{ printf ("\nError (%s %d) : rows = %d cols = %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, rows, cols) ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
snprintf (db->filename, sizeof (db->filename), "%s", result [2]) ;
snprintf (db->pathname, sizeof (db->pathname), "%s", result [3]) ;
sqlite3_free_table (result) ;
return 1 ;
} /* get_filename_pathname_by_ekey */
static int
check_file_by_ekey (REGTEST_DB * db, int ekey)
{ SNDFILE * sndfile ;
SF_INFO info ;
char * errmsg, **result ;
int err, k, rows, cols, checksum ;
printf (" %s : ", db->filename) ;
fflush (stdout) ;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info)) ;
sndfile = sf_open (db->pathname, SFM_READ, &info) ;
sf_command (sndfile, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, db->logbuf, sizeof (db->logbuf)) ;
checksum = (sndfile == NULL) ? 0 : calc_checksum (sndfile, &info) ;
sf_close (sndfile) ;
if (sndfile == NULL)
{ printf ("\n\nError : Could not open '%s' : %s\n", db->pathname, sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
puts (db->logbuf) ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
single_quote_replace (db->logbuf) ;
snprintf (db->cmdbuf, sizeof (db->cmdbuf), "select fname,srate,frames,channels,format,"
"checksum,logbuf from sndfile where ekey='%d'", ekey) ;
err = sqlite3_get_table (db->sql, db->cmdbuf, &result, &rows, &cols, &errmsg) ;
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
{ printf ("Line %d : SQL error: %s\n", __LINE__, errmsg) ;
puts (db->cmdbuf) ;
} ;
for (k = 0 ; k < cols ; k++)
{ if (strcmp (result [k], "fname") == 0)
{ if (strcmp (result [k + cols], db->filename) == 0)
continue ;
printf ("\n\nError : fname doesn't match : %s != %s\n", result [k + cols], db->filename) ;
} ;
if (strcmp (result [k], "srate") == 0)
{ if (strtol (result [k + cols], NULL, 10) == info.samplerate)
continue ;
printf ("\n\nError : srate doesn't match : %s == %d\n", result [k + cols], info.samplerate) ;
} ;
if (strcmp (result [k], "frames") == 0)
{ if (strtoll (result [k + cols], NULL, 10) == info.frames)
continue ;
printf ("\n\nError : frames doesn't match : %s == %ld\n", result [k + cols], (long) info.frames) ;
} ;
if (strcmp (result [k], "channels") == 0)
{ if (strtol (result [k + cols], NULL, 10) == info.channels)
continue ;
printf ("\n\nError : channels doesn't match : %s == %d\n", result [k + cols], info.channels) ;
} ;
if (strcmp (result [k], "format") == 0)
{ if (strtol (result [k + cols], NULL, 16) == info.format)
continue ;
printf ("\n\nError : format doesn't match : %s == 0x%08x\n", result [k + cols], info.format) ;
} ;
if (strcmp (result [k], "checksum") == 0)
{ int db_val = (int) strtoll (result [k + cols], NULL, 16) ;
if (db_val == checksum)
continue ;
printf ("\n\nError : checksum doesn't match : 0x%08x == 0x%08x\n", db_val, checksum) ;
} ;
if (strcmp (result [k], "logbuf") == 0)
continue ;
printf ("\nHere is the old logubuffer :\n\n%s\n\nand the new :\n\n%s\n\n", result [2 * cols - 1], db->logbuf) ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
sqlite3_free_table (result) ;
puts ("ok") ;
return 0 ;
} /* check_file_by_ekey */
static void
get_filename_pathname (REGTEST_DB * db, const char *filepath)
{ const char * cptr ;
int slen ;
if (filepath [0] != '/')
{ memset (db->pathname, 0, sizeof (db->pathname)) ;
if (getcwd (db->pathname, sizeof (db->pathname)) == NULL)
{ perror ("\ngetcwd failed") ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
slen = strlen (db->pathname) ;
db->pathname [slen ++] = '/' ;
snprintf (db->pathname + slen, sizeof (db->pathname) - slen, "%s", filepath) ;
snprintf (db->pathname, sizeof (db->pathname), "%s", filepath) ;
if ((cptr = strrchr (db->pathname, '/')) == NULL)
{ printf ("\nError : bad pathname %s\n", filepath) ;
exit (1) ;
} ;
snprintf (db->filename, sizeof (db->filename), "%s", cptr + 1) ;
} /* get filename_pathname */
static void
single_quote_replace (char * buf)
{ while ((buf = strchr (buf, '\'')) != 0)
buf [0] = '"' ;
} /* single_quote_replace */
static int
count_callback (REGTEST_DB * db, int argc, char **argv, char **colname)
{ db->count ++ ;
(void) argc ;
(void) argv ;
(void) colname ;
return 0 ;
} /* count_callback */
static int
ekey_max_callback (REGTEST_DB * db, int argc, char **argv, char **unused)
{ int ekey ;
(void) argc ;
(void) unused ;
ekey = strtol (argv [0], NULL, 10) ;
if (ekey > db->ekey_max)
db->ekey_max = ekey ;
return 0 ;
} /* ekey_max_callback */
static int
callback (void *unused, int argc, char **argv, char **colname)
{ int k ;
(void) unused ;
for (k = 0 ; k < argc ; k++)
printf ("%s = %s\n", colname [k], argv [k] ? argv [k] : "NULL") ;
printf ("\n") ;
return 0 ;
} /* callback */
int dummy (void) ;
dummy (void)
{ /*
** Empty dummy fnction so tha compiler doesn't winge about an
** empty file.
return 0 ;
} /* dummy */