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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* @mainpage Portable SIP Stack API
* @section intro_sec Introduction
* The portable SIP stack is used in multiple SIP endpoints. This document
* describes the API's provided by the portable SIP stack that third party
* vendors must implement to use the stack.
* @section sub_sec Functionality
* The SIP stack can be viewed as composed of different components each
* dealing with a specific functionality.
* functional modules in SIP stack
* @subsection Management Management
* This section covers the API that deals with managing the sip stack
* initialization, shutdown and state management.
* @li cc_types.h @par
* Type definitions used by SIP stack
* @li cc_constants.h @par
* Constant definitions used by call control
* @li cc_config.h @par
* This section covers API to set config data for the SIP stack
* @li cc_service.h @par
* Commands to initialize, restart, shutdown sipstack
* @li cc_service_listener.h @par
* Callbacks from SIP stack for SIP stack and registration status updates
* @subsection cf Call Features
* Call Control features and calls related APIs
* @li cc_call_feature.h @par
* APIs to create/terminate calls and invoke call features on them
* @li cc_call_listener.h @par
* Callbacks for call states and call related data updates
* @li cc_info.h @par
* API to send a SIP INFO info Message in the context of a call
* @li cc_info_listener.h @par
* Callback on receipt of SIP INFO Message in the context of a call
* @subsection df Device Features
* Device based features related APIs
* @li cc_device_feature.h @par
* APIs to invoke device specific features
* @li cc_device_listener.h @par
* Callbacks for device specific feature/data updates
* @subsection blf BLF APIs
* This covers Busy Lamp Field subscription and state notifications
* @li cc_blf.h @par
* BLF subscription and unsubscription APIs
* @li cc_blf_listener.h @par
* BLF state change notification call backs
* @subsection vcm Media APIs
* Media related APIs
* @li vcm.h @par
* This file contains API that interface to the media layer on the platform.
* The following APIs need to be implemented to have the sip stack interact
* and issue commands to the media layer.
* @li ccsdp.h @par
* Contains helper methods to peek and set video SDP attributes as the SDP negotiation for m lines needs
* to be confirmed by the application after examining the SDP attributes. See vcmCheckAttribs and
* vcmPopulateAttribs methods in vcm.h
* @subsection xml XML
* This section covers the XML Parser API that are invoked by the SIP stack to parse and encode XML bodies
* @li xml_parser.h @par
* Methods to be implemented by platform for XML enoced and decode operations
* @li xml_parser_defines.h @par
* Type definitons and data structures used by the XML APIs
* @subsection util Utilities
* Misc utilities
* @li sll_lite.h @par
* Simple linked list implementation bundled with SIP stack to be used in xml_parser apis
* @li dns_util.h @par
* DNS query methods to be implemented by the platform code
* @li plat_api.h @par
* APIs that must be implemented by the platform for platform specific functionality
#include "cc_constants.h"
/***********************************Basic Call Feature Control Methods************************************
* This section defines all the call related methods that an upper layer can use to control
* a call in progress.
* Used to create any outgoing call regular call. The incoming/reverting/consultation call will be
* created by the stack. It creates a call place holder and initialize the memory for a call. An user needs
* other methods to start the call, such as the method OriginateCall, etc
* @param line line number that is invoked and is assigned
* @return call handle wich includes the assigned line and call id
cc_call_handle_t CC_createCall(cc_lineid_t line);
* Start the call that was created.
* @param call_handle the call handle
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
/*move it up...*/
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_originateCall(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref);
* Terminate or end a normal call.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_terminateCall(cc_call_handle_t call_handle);
* Answer an incoming or reverting call.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_answerCall(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref);
* Send a keypress to a call, it could be a single digit.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param cc_digit digit pressed
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_sendDigit(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_digit_t cc_digit);
* Send a backspace action.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_backSpace(cc_call_handle_t call_handle);
* Send a dial digit string on an active call, e.g."9191234567".
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @param numbers dialed string
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_dial(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref, const cc_string_t numbers);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_CreateOffer(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, const cc_media_constraints_t *constraints);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_CreateAnswer(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, const cc_media_constraints_t *constraints);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_SetLocalDescription(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_jsep_action_t action, const char* sdp);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_SetRemoteDescription(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_jsep_action_t action, const char* sdp);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_SetPeerConnection(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_peerconnection_t pc);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_AddStream(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_media_stream_id_t stream_id, cc_media_track_id_t id, cc_media_type_t media_type);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_RemoveStream(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_media_stream_id_t stream_id, cc_media_track_id_t id, cc_media_type_t media_type);
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_AddICECandidate(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, const char* candidate, const char *mid, cc_level_t level);
* Initiate a speed dial.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param speed_dial_number speed dial number to be dialed.
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_speedDial(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref, const cc_string_t speed_dial_number);
* Initiate a BLF call pickup.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param speed_dial_number speed dial number configured.
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_blfCallPickup(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref, const cc_string_t speed_dial_number);
* Redial the last dial numbers.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
* @note: if there is no active dial made, this method should not be called.
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_redial(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref);
* Update a video media capability for a call. To be used to escalate deescalate video on a specified call
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_updateCallMediaCapability(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref);
* Make a call forward all on the line identified by the call_handle.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_callForwardAll(cc_call_handle_t call_handle);
* Resume a held call.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_resume(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref);
* End a consultation call.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_endConsultativeCall(cc_call_handle_t call_handle);
* Initiate a conference. Steps to make a conference or transfer:
* @li Step1 Create a call handle, e.g. chandle1.
* @li Step2 Start the call on this call handle.
* @li Step3 When the call is answered, invoke:
* CC_CallFeature_conference(chandle1, FALSE, CC_EMPTY_CALL_HANDLE) to start a conference operation.
* @li Step4 Upon receiving the consultative call (cHandle2) created from pSipcc system,
* invoke:
* CC_CallFeature_dial(cHandle2)
* to dial the consultative call.
* @li Step5 When the consultative call is in ringout or connected state, invoke:
* CC_CallFeature_conference(cHandle2, FALSE, CC_EMPTY_CALL_HANDLE) to
* finish the conference.
* Note: @li in the step 4, a user could kill the consultative call and pickup a hold call (not the parent call that
* initiated the conference). In this scenario, a parent call handle should be supplied.
* For instance,
* CC_CallFeature_conference(cHandle2, FALSE, cHandle1)
* @li If it's a B2bConf, substitute the "FALSE" with "TRUE"
* @param call_handle the call handle for
* @li the original connected call.
* @li the consultative call or a held call besides the parent call initiated the transfer. This is used
* on the second time to finish the transfer.
* @param is_local Local conference or not. If it's a local conference, it's a b2bconf.
* @param parent_call_handle if supplied, it will be the targeted parent call handle, which initiated the conference.
* @param video_pref the sdp direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_conference(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_boolean is_local,
cc_call_handle_t parent_call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref);
* Initiate a call transfer. Please refer to Conference feature.
* @param call_handle the call handle for
* @li the original connected call.
* @li the consultative call or a held call besides the parent call initiated the transfer. This is used
* on the second time to finish the transfer.
* @param parent_call_handle if supplied, it will be the parent call handle, which initiated the transfer.
* @param video_pref video preference for the consult call as specified by direction
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_transfer(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_call_handle_t parent_call_handle, cc_sdp_direction_t video_pref);
* Initiate a direct transfer
* @param call_handle the call handle for the call to initialize a transfer
* @param target_call_handle the call handle for the target transfer call.
* @retrun SUCCESS or FAILURE. If the target call handle is empty, a FAILURE will be returned.
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_directTransfer(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_call_handle_t target_call_handle);
* Initiate a join across line
* @param call_handle the call handle for the call that initializes a join across line (conference).
* @param target_call_handle the call handle for the call will be joined.
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_joinAcrossLine(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_call_handle_t target_call_handle);
* Put a connected call on hold.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @param reason the reason to hold. The following values should be used.
* CC_HOLD_REASON_XFER, //Hold for transfer
* CC_HOLD_REASON_CONF, //Hold for conference
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_holdCall(cc_call_handle_t call_handle, cc_hold_reason_t reason);
/********************************End of basic call feature methods******************************************/
/*************************************Additional call feature methods***************************************
/** @todo if needed
* Direct transfer a call.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
//cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_directTransfer(cc_call_handle_t call_handle);
* Select or locked a call.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_select(cc_call_handle_t call_handle);
* Cancel a call feature, e.g. when the consultative call is connected and the
* user wishes not to make the conference, thie method can be invoked.
* @param call_handle call handle
* @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
cc_return_t CC_CallFeature_cancelXfrerCnf(cc_call_handle_t call_handle);
* Indicate the mute state on the device
* Used to send a mute state across over CAST to the PC
void CC_CallFeature_mute(cc_boolean mute);
* Indicate the speaker state on the device
* Used to send a speaker state across over CAST to the PC
void CC_CallFeature_speaker(cc_boolean mute);
* Returns the call id of the connected call
cc_call_handle_t CC_CallFeature_getConnectedCall();
#endif /* _CC_CALL_FEATURE_H_ */