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synced 2025-03-22 15:32:03 +00:00
174 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
174 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Term::ReadKey;
my %opts;
sub getpass {
ReadMode( "noecho");
print "Password: ";
chomp (my $pwd = <STDIN>);
ReadMode ("original");
return $pwd;
sub getfield {
my $prompt = shift;
my $default = shift;
print $prompt . ($default ? "[$default]: " : "");
chomp (my $data = <STDIN>);
if (!$data) {
$data = $default;
return $data;
'bug=s' => \$opts{bug},
'msg=s' => \$opts{msg},
'user=s' => \$opts{user},
'pass=s' => \$opts{pass},
'debug' => \$opts{debug},
'noresolve' => \$opts{noresolve},
'append=s' => \$opts{append},
'comment=s' => \$opts{comment},
'versions=s' => \$opts{versions},
'author=s' => \$opts{author},
'auth' => \$opts{auth}
) or die "Usage: $0 -bug <bug-id> [--auth] [-m [edit|<msg>]] [--append <msg>] [--debug] <files>\n";
$opts{bug} or $opts{bug} = shift;
if ($opts{versions}) {
$opts{auth} = 1;
$opts{versions_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{versions})];
my $url = "https://freeswitch.org/jira/si/jira.issueviews:issue-xml/$opts{bug}/$opts{bug}.xml";
my $cmd;
my $prog = `which curl` || `which wget`;
my $auto = 1;
my $post = " \#resolve";
my $component;
my $summary;
chomp $prog;
if ($opts{auth}) {
if (!$opts{user}) {
$opts{user} = getfield("User: ");
if (!$opts{pass}) {
$opts{pass} = getpass();
print "\n";
$jira = JIRA::REST->new('https://freeswitch.org/jira', $opts{user}, $opts{pass}) or die "login incorrect:";
$issue = $jira->GET("/issue/FS-7985") or die "login incorrect:";
my $issue = $jira->GET("/issue/" . $opts{bug});
$component = join(",", map {$_->{name}} @{$issue->{fields}->{components}});
$summary = $issue->{fields}->{summary};
if ($opts{versions_array}) {
$input = {
update => {
fixVersions => [
{set => $opts{versions_array}}
$jira->PUT("/issue/" . $opts{bug}, undef, $input);
} else {
$prog || die "missing url fetch program, install curl or wget";
if ($prog =~ /wget/) {
$cmd = "$prog -O -";
} else {
$cmd = $prog;
my $xml = `$cmd $url 2>/dev/null`;
if ($opts{debug}) {
print "URL $url\n";
print $xml;
my $xs= new XML::Simple;
my $r = $xs->XMLin($xml);
$summary = $r->{channel}->{item}->{summary};
$summary =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
$component = $r->{channel}->{item}->{component};
if(ref($component) eq 'ARRAY') {
$component = join(",", @{$component});
$component =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
if ($opts{noresolve}) {
$post = "";
if ($opts{msg} eq "edit") {
$auto = 0;
$opts{msg} = undef;
open T, ">/tmp/$opts{bug}.tmp";
print T "$opts{bug}${post} [$summary]\n\n---Cut this line to confirm commit.....";
close T;
my $args = join(" ", @ARGV);
my $gitcmd;
if ($opts{append}) {
$opts{append} = " -- " . $opts{append};
if ($opts{comment}) {
$opts{append} .= " #comment " . $opts{comment};
if ($auto) {
if ($opts{msg}) {
$opts{msg} =~ s/%s/$summary/;
$opts{msg} =~ s/%b/$opts{bug}/;
$opts{msg} =~ s/%c/$component/;
$gitcmd = "git commit $args -m \"$opts{msg}$opts{append}\"";
} else {
$gitcmd = "git commit $args -m \"$opts{bug}: [$component] ${summary}$opts{append}${post}\"";
} else {
$gitcmd = "git commit $args -t /tmp/$opts{bug}.tmp";
if ($opts{author}) {
$gitcmd .= " --author \"$opts{author}\"";
if ($opts{debug}) {
print "CMD: $gitcmd\n";
} else {
system $gitcmd;