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* This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package
* Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation.
* Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef SDP_H
#define SDP_H
/**@file sofia-sip/sdp.h Simple SDP (RFC 2327) Interface.
* @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com>
* @author Kai Vehmanen <kai.vehmanen@nokia.com>
* @date Created: Fri Feb 18 08:54:48 2000 ppessi
#ifndef SU_ALLOC_H
#include <sofia-sip/su_alloc.h>
#ifndef SU_TYPES_H
#include <sofia-sip/su_types.h>
/** SDP session description */
typedef struct sdp_session_s sdp_session_t;
/** SDP version "v=" line */
typedef unsigned long sdp_version_t;
/** SDP origin "o=" line */
typedef struct sdp_origin_s sdp_origin_t;
/** SDP connection "c=" line */
typedef struct sdp_connection_s sdp_connection_t;
/** SDP bandwidth "b=" line */
typedef struct sdp_bandwidth_s sdp_bandwidth_t;
/** SDP time "t=" line */
typedef struct sdp_time_s sdp_time_t;
/** SDP repeat "r=" line */
typedef struct sdp_repeat_s sdp_repeat_t;
/** SDP timezone "z=" line */
typedef struct sdp_zone_s sdp_zone_t;
/** SDP encryption key "k=" line */
typedef struct sdp_key_s sdp_key_t;
/** SDP attribute "a=" line */
typedef struct sdp_attribute_s sdp_attribute_t;
/** SDP media "m=" line */
typedef struct sdp_media_s sdp_media_t;
/** SDP list ("e=", "p=" lines) */
typedef struct sdp_list_s sdp_list_t;
/** SDP rtpmap attribute */
typedef struct sdp_rtpmap_s sdp_rtpmap_t;
/** Message text */
typedef char const sdp_text_t;
#define SDP_MIME_TYPE "application/sdp"
enum {
/** Session description */
struct sdp_session_s
int sdp_size; /**< sizeof sdp_session_t */
sdp_session_t *sdp_next; /**< Next description in list */
sdp_version_t sdp_version[1]; /**< SDP version */
sdp_origin_t *sdp_origin; /**< Owner/creator and session ID */
sdp_text_t *sdp_subject; /**< Session name */
sdp_text_t *sdp_information; /**< Session information */
sdp_text_t *sdp_uri; /**< URi of description */
sdp_list_t *sdp_emails; /**< E-mail address(s) */
sdp_list_t *sdp_phones; /**< Phone number(s) */
sdp_connection_t *sdp_connection; /**< Group (or member) address */
sdp_bandwidth_t *sdp_bandwidths; /**< Session bandwidth */
sdp_time_t *sdp_time; /**< Session active time */
sdp_key_t *sdp_key; /**< Session key */
sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attributes; /**< Session attributes */
sdp_text_t *sdp_charset; /**< SDP charset (default is UTF8) */
sdp_media_t *sdp_media; /**< Media descriptors */
/** Session description identification */
struct sdp_origin_s
int o_size; /**< sizeof sdp_origin_t */
sdp_text_t *o_username; /**< Username of originator */
uint64_t o_id; /**< Session identification */
uint64_t o_version; /**< Version of session description */
sdp_connection_t *o_address; /**< Address of originator */
/** Network type */
typedef enum
sdp_net_x = 0, /**< Unknown network type */
sdp_net_in = 1 /**< Internet */
} sdp_nettype_e;
/** Address type */
typedef enum
sdp_addr_x = 0, /**< Unknown address type */
sdp_addr_ip4 = 1, /**< IPv4 address */
sdp_addr_ip6 = 2, /**< IPv6 address */
} sdp_addrtype_e;
/** SDP connection - host or group address */
struct sdp_connection_s
int c_size; /**< Size fo sdp_connection_t */
sdp_connection_t *c_next; /**< Next connection in list */
sdp_nettype_e c_nettype; /**< Network type */
sdp_addrtype_e c_addrtype; /**< Address type */
sdp_text_t *c_address; /**< Host or group address */
unsigned c_ttl : 8; /**< Time to live (scope) */
unsigned c_mcast : 1; /**< True if multicast */
unsigned : 0;
unsigned c_groups; /**< Number of groups (if multiple) */
/** Bandwdith type */
typedef enum
sdp_bw_x, /**< Unknown bandwidth type */
sdp_bw_ct, /**< Conference total */
sdp_bw_as, /**< Application-specific */
sdp_bw_tias, /**< Application-specific */
} sdp_bandwidth_e;
/** Session or media bandwidth. */
struct sdp_bandwidth_s
int b_size; /**< Size fo sdp_bandwidth_t */
sdp_bandwidth_t *b_next; /**< Next bw description in list */
sdp_bandwidth_e b_modifier; /**< Meaning of value
(total, or per application). */
sdp_text_t *b_modifier_name; /**< Modifier if not well-known */
unsigned long b_value; /**< Bandwidth in kilobits per second */
/** Active time description. */
struct sdp_time_s
int t_size; /**< sizeof sdp_time_t in bytes */
sdp_time_t *t_next; /**< Next time description in list */
unsigned long t_start; /**< Start time (seconds since 1900) */
unsigned long t_stop; /**< Stop time (seconds since 1900) */
sdp_repeat_t *t_repeat; /**< Repeat information */
sdp_zone_t *t_zone; /**< Time Zone infromation */
/** Description of repetition. */
struct sdp_repeat_s
int r_size; /**< Size of structure including
* r_offsets[r_number_of_offsets]
int r_number_of_offsets; /**< Number of offsets in list */
unsigned long r_interval; /**< Time between activations */
unsigned long r_duration; /**< Duration of activation */
unsigned long r_offsets[1]; /**< List of offsets from start-time */
/** Timezone */
struct sdp_zone_s
/** Size of structure including z_adjustments[z_number_of_adjustments] */
int z_size;
int z_number_of_adjustments; /**< Number of adjustments in list */
struct {
unsigned long z_at; /**< Adjustment time */
long z_offset; /**< Adjustment offset */
} z_adjustments[1]; /**< List of timezone adjustments */
/** Mechanism to be used to obtain session key */
typedef enum {
sdp_key_x, /**< Unknown mechanism */
sdp_key_clear, /**< Key is included untransformed */
sdp_key_base64, /**< Key is encoded with base64 */
sdp_key_uri, /**< URI used to obtain a key */
sdp_key_prompt /**< No key is included,
prompt user for key */
} sdp_key_method_e;
/** Session key */
struct sdp_key_s
int k_size; /**< sizeof sdp_key_t */
sdp_key_method_e k_method; /**< Mechanism used to obtain key */
sdp_text_t *k_method_name; /**< Mechanism if not known */
sdp_text_t *k_material; /**< Encryption key */
/** Session or media attribute */
struct sdp_attribute_s {
int a_size; /**< sizeof sdp_attribute_t */
sdp_attribute_t *a_next; /**< Next attribute in list */
sdp_text_t *a_name; /**< Attribute name */
sdp_text_t *a_value; /**< Attribute value */
/** Media type @sa RFC2327 page 18. */
typedef enum
sdp_media_x = 0, /**< Unknown media */
sdp_media_any, /**< * wildcard */
sdp_media_audio, /**< Audio */
sdp_media_video, /**< Video */
sdp_media_application, /**< Conferencing */
sdp_media_data, /**< Bulk data transfer */
sdp_media_control, /**< Additional conference control */
sdp_media_message, /**< Messaging sessions*/
sdp_media_image, /**< Image browsing sessions,
* e.g., JPIP or T.38. */
sdp_media_red /**< Redundancy. @NEW_1_12_4. */
} sdp_media_e;
/** Media transport protocol. */
typedef enum
sdp_proto_x = 0, /**< Unknown transport */
sdp_proto_tcp = 6, /**< TCP */
sdp_proto_udp = 17, /**< Plain UDP */
sdp_proto_rtp = 256, /**< RTP/AVP */
sdp_proto_srtp = 257, /**< RTP/SAVP */
sdp_proto_udptl = 258, /**< UDPTL. @NEW_1_12_4. */
sdp_proto_msrp = 259, /**< TCP/MSRP @NEW_MSRP*/
sdp_proto_msrps = 260, /**< TCP/TLS/MSRP @NEW_MSRP*/
sdp_proto_extended_srtp = 261, /** WEBRTC SAVPF */
sdp_proto_extended_rtp = 262, /** WEBRTC AVPF */
sdp_proto_tls = 511, /**< TLS over TCP */
sdp_proto_any = 512 /**< * wildcard */
} sdp_proto_e;
/** Session mode. @note Identical to rtp_mode_t. */
typedef enum {
sdp_inactive = 0,
sdp_sendonly = 1,
sdp_recvonly = 2,
sdp_sendrecv = sdp_sendonly | sdp_recvonly
} sdp_mode_t;
/** Media announcement.
* This structure describes one media type, e.g., audio. The description
* contains the transport address (IP address and port) used for the group,
* the transport protocol used, the media formats or RTP payload types, and
* optionally media-specific bandwidth specification, encryption key and
* attributes.
* There is a pointer (m_user) for the application data, too.
struct sdp_media_s
int m_size; /**< sizeof sdp_media_t */
sdp_media_t *m_next; /**< Next media announcement */
sdp_session_t *m_session; /**< Back-pointer to session level */
sdp_media_e m_type; /**< Media type */
sdp_text_t *m_type_name; /**< Media type name */
unsigned long m_port; /**< Transport port number */
unsigned long m_number_of_ports; /**< Number of ports (if multiple) */
sdp_proto_e m_proto; /**< Transport protocol */
sdp_text_t *m_proto_name; /**< Transport protocol name */
sdp_list_t *m_format; /**< List of media formats */
sdp_rtpmap_t *m_rtpmaps; /**< List of RTP maps */
sdp_text_t *m_information; /**< Media information */
sdp_connection_t *m_connections; /**< List of addresses used */
sdp_bandwidth_t *m_bandwidths; /**< Bandwidth specification */
sdp_key_t *m_key; /**< Media key */
sdp_attribute_t *m_attributes; /**< Media attributes */
void *m_user; /**< User data. */
/** Rejected media */
unsigned m_rejected : 1;
/** Inactive, recvonly, sendonly, sendrecv */
/* sdp_mode_t */ unsigned m_mode : 2;
unsigned : 0;
/** Text list */
struct sdp_list_s
int l_size; /**< sizeof sdp_list_t */
sdp_list_t *l_next; /**< Next text entry in list */
sdp_text_t *l_text; /**< Text as C string */
/** Mapping from RTP payload to codec.
* The sdp_rtpmap_t() structure defines a mapping from an RTP payload to a
* particular codec. In case of well-known payloads, the sdp_rtpmap_t()
* structure may be predefined, that is, generated by SDP parser without
* corresponding "a" line in the SDP. The sdp_rtpmap_t() structure may also
* contain the @c fmtp attribute, which is used to convey format-specific
* parameters.
struct sdp_rtpmap_s {
int rm_size; /**< sizeof sdp_rtpmap_t */
sdp_rtpmap_t *rm_next; /**< Next RTP map entry */
sdp_text_t *rm_encoding; /**< Codec name */
unsigned long rm_rate; /**< Sampling rate */
sdp_text_t *rm_params; /**< Format-specific parameters */
sdp_text_t *rm_fmtp; /**< Contents of fmtp */
unsigned rm_predef : 1; /**< is this entry well-known? */
unsigned rm_pt : 7; /**< Payload type */
unsigned rm_any : 1; /**< Wildcard entry */
unsigned :0;
SOFIAPUBVAR sdp_rtpmap_t const * const sdp_rtpmap_well_known[128];
/** Duplicate an SDP session description structure. */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_session_t *sdp_session_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_session_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP origin structure. */
sdp_origin_t *sdp_origin_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_origin_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP connection structure. */
sdp_connection_t *sdp_connection_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_connection_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP bandwidth structure. */
sdp_bandwidth_t *sdp_bandwidth_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_bandwidth_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP time structure. */
sdp_time_t *sdp_time_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_time_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP repeat structure. */
sdp_repeat_t *sdp_repeat_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_repeat_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP timezone structure. */
sdp_zone_t *sdp_zone_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_zone_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP key structure. */
sdp_key_t *sdp_key_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_key_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP attribute structure. */
sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attribute_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_attribute_t const *);
/** Duplicate an SDP media description structure. */
sdp_media_t *sdp_media_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_media_t const *,
sdp_session_t *);
/** Duplicate a list of SDP media description structures. */
sdp_media_t *sdp_media_dup_all(su_home_t *, sdp_media_t const *,
sdp_session_t *);
/** Duplicate a list structure. */
sdp_list_t *sdp_list_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_list_t const *);
/** Duplicate an rtpmap structure. */
sdp_rtpmap_t *sdp_rtpmap_dup(su_home_t *, sdp_rtpmap_t const *);
/** Compare two session descriptions. */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_session_cmp(sdp_session_t const *a,
sdp_session_t const *b);
/** Compare two origin fields */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_origin_cmp(sdp_origin_t const *a,
sdp_origin_t const *b);
/** Compare two connection fields */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_connection_cmp(sdp_connection_t const *,
sdp_connection_t const *b);
/** Compare two bandwidth (b=) fields */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_bandwidth_cmp(sdp_bandwidth_t const *a,
sdp_bandwidth_t const *b);
/** Compare two time fields */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_time_cmp(sdp_time_t const *a, sdp_time_t const *b);
/* Compare two repeat (r=) fields */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_repeat_cmp(sdp_repeat_t const *a, sdp_repeat_t const *b);
/* Compare two zone (z=) fields */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_zone_cmp(sdp_zone_t const *a, sdp_zone_t const *b);
/** Compare two key (k=) fields. */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_key_cmp(sdp_key_t const *a, sdp_key_t const *b);
/** Compare two attribute (a=) fields */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_attribute_cmp(sdp_attribute_t const *,
sdp_attribute_t const *);
/** Compare two media (m=) descriptions */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_media_cmp(sdp_media_t const *, sdp_media_t const *);
/** Compare two rtpmap structures. */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_rtpmap_cmp(sdp_rtpmap_t const *a, sdp_rtpmap_t const *b);
/** Compare two text lists */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_list_cmp(sdp_list_t const *a, sdp_list_t const *b);
/** Get connections of a media description */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_connection_t *sdp_media_connections(sdp_media_t const *m);
/** Check if media uses RTP as its transport protocol */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_media_has_rtp(sdp_media_t const *m);
/** Set media type */
SOFIAPUBFUN void sdp_media_type(sdp_media_t *m, char const *s);
/** Set transport protocol */
SOFIAPUBFUN void sdp_media_transport(sdp_media_t *m, char const *s);
/** Find named attribute from given list. */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attribute_find(sdp_attribute_t const *a,
char const *name);
/** Find named attribute from given lists. */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attribute_find2(sdp_attribute_t const *a,
sdp_attribute_t const *a2,
char const *name);
/** Get session mode from attribute list. */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_mode_t sdp_attribute_mode(sdp_attribute_t const *a,
sdp_mode_t defmode);
/** Get session mode from attribute list. */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attribute_by_mode(su_home_t *,
sdp_mode_t mode);
/** Find a mapped attribute. */
sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attribute_mapped_find(sdp_attribute_t const *a,
char const *name,
int pt, char **return_result);
/** Append a attribute to a list of attributes. */
SOFIAPUBFUN void sdp_attribute_append(sdp_attribute_t **list,
sdp_attribute_t const *a);
/** Replace a attribute within a list of attributes. */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_attribute_replace(sdp_attribute_t **list,
sdp_attribute_t *a,
sdp_attribute_t **return_replaced);
/** Remove a named attribute from a list of attributes. */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attribute_remove(sdp_attribute_t **list,
char const *name);
/* Return 1 if m= line struct matches with given type and name */
SOFIAPUBFUN unsigned sdp_media_match(sdp_media_t const *m,
sdp_media_e type,
sdp_text_t *type_name,
sdp_proto_e proto,
sdp_text_t *proto_name);
SOFIAPUBFUN unsigned sdp_media_match_with(sdp_media_t const *a,
sdp_media_t const *b);
/** Count media lines in SDP. */
SOFIAPUBFUN unsigned sdp_media_count(sdp_session_t const *sdp,
sdp_media_e type,
sdp_text_t *type_name,
sdp_proto_e proto,
sdp_text_t *proto_name);
SOFIAPUBFUN unsigned sdp_media_count_with(sdp_session_t const *sdp,
sdp_media_t const *m0);
/** Return true if media uses RTP */
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_media_uses_rtp(sdp_media_t const *m);
/** Check if payload type, rtp rate and parameters match in rtpmaps*/
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_rtpmap_match(sdp_rtpmap_t const *, sdp_rtpmap_t const *);
/** Search for matching rtpmap from list */
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_rtpmap_t *sdp_rtpmap_find_matching(sdp_rtpmap_t const *list,
sdp_rtpmap_t const *rm);
/* ======================================================================== */
/** Flags given to sdp_parse()/sdp_print(). */
enum sdp_parse_flags_e {
/** Accept only conforming SDP */
sdp_f_strict = 1,
/** Accept any network type. */
sdp_f_anynet = 2,
/** Reallocate message. */
sdp_f_realloc = 4,
/** Include well-known rtpmaps in message, too */
sdp_f_all_rtpmaps = 8,
/** Print buffer already contains a valid prefix */
sdp_f_print_prefix = 16,
/** Connection line with INADDR_ANY is considered equal to sendonly */
sdp_f_mode_0000 = 32,
/** Don't run sanity check */
sdp_f_insane = 64,
/** Don't require c= for each media line */
sdp_f_c_missing = 128,
/** Parse SDP config files */
sdp_f_config = 256,
/** Do not generate or parse SDP mode */
sdp_f_mode_manual = 512,
/** Always generate media-level mode attributes */
sdp_f_mode_always = 1024
/** SDP parser handle. */
typedef struct sdp_parser_s sdp_parser_t;
typedef sdp_parser_t *sdp_parser;
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_parser_t *sdp_parse(su_home_t *,
char const msg[], issize_t msgsize,
int flags);
SOFIAPUBFUN char const *sdp_parsing_error(sdp_parser_t *p);
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_session_t *sdp_session(sdp_parser_t *p);
SOFIAPUBFUN void sdp_parser_free(sdp_parser_t *p);
SOFIAPUBFUN int sdp_sanity_check(sdp_parser_t *);
SOFIAPUBFUN su_home_t *sdp_parser_home(sdp_parser_t *);
/* ======================================================================== */
/** SDP printer handle */
typedef struct sdp_printer_s sdp_printer_t;
typedef sdp_printer_t *sdp_printer;
SOFIAPUBFUN sdp_printer_t *sdp_print(su_home_t *, sdp_session_t const *,
char msgbuf[], isize_t maxmsgsize,
int flags);
SOFIAPUBFUN char const *sdp_printing_error(sdp_printer_t *p);
SOFIAPUBFUN char const *sdp_message(sdp_printer_t *p);
SOFIAPUBFUN isize_t sdp_message_size(sdp_printer_t *p);
SOFIAPUBFUN void sdp_printer_free(sdp_printer_t *p);
#define sdp_mapped_attribute_find sdp_attribute_mapped_find
#define sdp_free_parser sdp_parser_free
#define sdp_free_printer sdp_printer_free
#endif /* SDP_H */