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* FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
* Michael Jerris <mike@jerris.com>
* switch_core_db.h -- Sqlite wrapper and extensions Header
/*! \file switch_core_db.h
\brief Core DB Header
* @defgroup switch_sqlite_top Brought To You By SQLite
* @ingroup FREESWITCH
* @{
* @defgroup switch_core_db Database Routines
* @ingroup switch_sqlite_top
* @{
* Each open database is represented by an instance of the
* following opaque structure.
typedef struct sqlite3 switch_core_db_t;
typedef struct sqlite3_stmt switch_core_db_stmt_t;
typedef int (*switch_core_db_callback_func_t) (void *pArg, int argc, char **argv, char **columnNames);
typedef int (*switch_core_db_err_callback_func_t) (void *pArg, const char *errmsg);
** These are special value for the destructor that is passed in as the
** final argument to routines like switch_core_db_result_blob(). If the destructor
** argument is SWITCH_CORE_DB_STATIC, it means that the content pointer is constant
** and will never change. It does not need to be destroyed. The
** SWITCH_CORE_DB_TRANSIENT value means that the content will likely change in
** the near future and that the db should make its own private copy of
** the content before returning.
** The typedef is necessary to work around problems in certain
** C++ compilers.
typedef void (*switch_core_db_destructor_type_t) (void *);
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_STATIC ((switch_core_db_destructor_type_t)0)
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_TRANSIENT ((switch_core_db_destructor_type_t)-1)
* A function to close the database.
* Call this function with a pointer to a structure that was previously
* returned from switch_core_db_open() and the corresponding database will by closed.
* All SQL statements prepared using switch_core_db_prepare()
* must be deallocated using switch_core_db_finalize() before
* this routine is called. Otherwise, SWITCH_CORE_DB_BUSY is returned and the
* database connection remains open.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_close(switch_core_db_t *db);
* Open the database file "filename". The "filename" is UTF-8
* encoded. A switch_core_db_t* handle is returned in *Db, even
* if an error occurs. If the database is opened (or created) successfully,
* then SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK is returned. Otherwise an error code is returned. The
* switch_core_db_errmsg() routine can be used to obtain
* an English language description of the error.
* If the database file does not exist, then a new database is created.
* The encoding for the database is UTF-8.
* Whether or not an error occurs when it is opened, resources associated
* with the switch_core_db_t* handle should be released by passing it to
* switch_core_db_close() when it is no longer required.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_open(const char *filename, switch_core_db_t **ppDb);
* The next group of routines returns information about the information
* in a single column of the current result row of a query. In every
* case the first parameter is a pointer to the SQL statement that is being
* executed (the switch_core_db_stmt_t* that was returned from switch_core_db_prepare()) and
* the second argument is the index of the column for which information
* should be returned. iCol is zero-indexed. The left-most column as an
* index of 0.
* If the SQL statement is not currently point to a valid row, or if the
* the colulmn index is out of range, the result is undefined.
* These routines attempt to convert the value where appropriate. For
* example, if the internal representation is FLOAT and a text result
* is requested, sprintf() is used internally to do the conversion
* automatically. The following table details the conversions that
* are applied:
* Internal Type Requested Type Conversion
* ------------- -------------- --------------------------
* NULL INTEGER Result is 0
* NULL FLOAT Result is 0.0
* NULL TEXT Result is an empty string
* NULL BLOB Result is a zero-length BLOB
* INTEGER FLOAT Convert from integer to float
* INTEGER TEXT ASCII rendering of the integer
* FLOAT INTEGER Convert from float to integer
* FLOAT TEXT ASCII rendering of the float
* TEXT INTEGER Use atoi()
* TEXT FLOAT Use atof()
* TEXT BLOB No change
* BLOB INTEGER Convert to TEXT then use atoi()
* BLOB FLOAT Convert to TEXT then use atof()
* BLOB TEXT Add a "\000" terminator if needed
* Return the value as UTF-8 text.
SWITCH_DECLARE(const unsigned char *) switch_core_db_column_text(switch_core_db_stmt_t *stmt, int iCol);
* The first parameter is a compiled SQL statement. This function returns
* the column heading for the Nth column of that statement, where N is the
* second function parameter. The string returned is UTF-8.
SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_core_db_column_name(switch_core_db_stmt_t *stmt, int N);
* Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the compiled
* SQL statement. This routine returns 0 if pStmt is an SQL statement
* that does not return data (for example an UPDATE).
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_column_count(switch_core_db_stmt_t *pStmt);
* Return a pointer to a UTF-8 encoded string describing in english the
* error condition for the most recent switch_core_db_* API call. The returned
* string is always terminated by an 0x00 byte.
* The string "not an error" is returned when the most recent API call was
* successful.
SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_core_db_errmsg(switch_core_db_t *db);
* A function to executes one or more statements of SQL.
* If one or more of the SQL statements are queries, then
* the callback function specified by the 3rd parameter is
* invoked once for each row of the query result. This callback
* should normally return 0. If the callback returns a non-zero
* value then the query is aborted, all subsequent SQL statements
* are skipped and the switch_core_db_exec() function returns the SWITCH_CORE_DB_ABORT.
* The 4th parameter is an arbitrary pointer that is passed
* to the callback function as its first parameter.
* The 2nd parameter to the callback function is the number of
* columns in the query result. The 3rd parameter to the callback
* is an array of strings holding the values for each column.
* The 4th parameter to the callback is an array of strings holding
* the names of each column.
* The callback function may be NULL, even for queries. A NULL
* callback is not an error. It just means that no callback
* will be invoked.
* If an error occurs while parsing or evaluating the SQL (but
* not while executing the callback) then an appropriate error
* message is written into memory obtained from malloc() and
* *errmsg is made to point to that message. The calling function
* is responsible for freeing the memory that holds the error
* message. Use switch_core_db_free() for this. If errmsg==NULL,
* then no error message is ever written.
* The return value is is SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK if there are no errors and
* some other return code if there is an error. The particular
* return value depends on the type of error.
* If the query could not be executed because a database file is
* locked or busy, then this function returns SWITCH_CORE_DB_BUSY. (This
* behavior can be modified somewhat using the sswitch_core_db_busy_handler()
* and switch_core_db_busy_timeout() functions below.)
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_exec(switch_core_db_t *db, const char *sql, switch_core_db_callback_func_t callback, void *data, char **errmsg);
* This function is called to delete a compiled
* SQL statement obtained by a previous call to switch_core_db_prepare().
* If the statement was executed successfully, or
* not executed at all, then SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK is returned. If execution of the
* statement failed then an error code is returned.
* This routine can be called at any point during the execution of the
* virtual machine. If the virtual machine has not completed execution
* when this routine is called, that is like encountering an error or
* an interrupt. (See switch_core_db_interrupt().) Incomplete updates may be
* rolled back and transactions cancelled, depending on the circumstances,
* and the result code returned will be SWITCH_CORE_DB_ABORT.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_finalize(switch_core_db_stmt_t *pStmt);
* To execute an SQL query, it must first be compiled into a byte-code
* program using the following routine.
* The first parameter "db" is an SQLite database handle. The second
* parameter "zSql" is the statement to be compiled, encoded as
* UTF-8. If the next parameter, "nBytes", is less
* than zero, then zSql is read up to the first nul terminator. If
* "nBytes" is not less than zero, then it is the length of the string zSql
* in bytes (not characters).
* *pzTail is made to point to the first byte past the end of the first
* SQL statement in zSql. This routine only compiles the first statement
* in zSql, so *pzTail is left pointing to what remains uncompiled.
* *ppStmt is left pointing to a compiled SQL statement that can be
* executed using switch_core_db_step(). Or if there is an error, *ppStmt may be
* set to NULL. If the input text contained no SQL (if the input is and
* empty string or a comment) then *ppStmt is set to NULL.
* On success, SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK is returned. Otherwise an error code is returned.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_prepare(switch_core_db_t *db, const char *zSql, int nBytes, switch_core_db_stmt_t **ppStmt, const char **pzTail);
* After an SQL query has been compiled with a call to either
* switch_core_db_prepare(), then this function must be
* called one or more times to execute the statement.
* The return value will be either SWITCH_CORE_DB_BUSY, SWITCH_CORE_DB_DONE,
* SWITCH_CORE_DB_BUSY means that the database engine attempted to open
* a locked database and there is no busy callback registered.
* Call switch_core_db_step() again to retry the open.
* SWITCH_CORE_DB_DONE means that the statement has finished executing
* successfully. switch_core_db_step() should not be called again on this virtual
* machine.
* If the SQL statement being executed returns any data, then
* SWITCH_CORE_DB_ROW is returned each time a new row of data is ready
* for processing by the caller. The values may be accessed using
* the switch_core_db_column_*() functions described below. switch_core_db_step()
* is called again to retrieve the next row of data.
* SWITCH_CORE_DB_ERROR means that a run-time error (such as a constraint
* violation) has occurred. switch_core_db_step() should not be called again on
* the VM. More information may be found by calling switch_core_db_errmsg().
* SWITCH_CORE_DB_MISUSE means that the this routine was called inappropriately.
* Perhaps it was called on a virtual machine that had already been
* finalized or on one that had previously returned SWITCH_CORE_DB_ERROR or
* SWITCH_CORE_DB_DONE. Or it could be the case the the same database connection
* is being used simulataneously by two or more threads.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_step(switch_core_db_stmt_t *stmt);
* The switch_core_db_reset() function is called to reset a compiled SQL
* statement obtained by a previous call to switch_core_db_prepare()
* back to it's initial state, ready to be re-executed.
* Any SQL statement variables that had values bound to them using
* the switch_core_db_bind_*() API retain their values.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_reset(switch_core_db_stmt_t *pStmt);
* In the SQL strings input to switch_core_db_prepare(),
* one or more literals can be replace by parameters "?" or ":AAA" or
* "$VVV" where AAA is an identifer and VVV is a variable name according
* to the syntax rules of the TCL programming language.
* The value of these parameters (also called "host parameter names") can
* be set using the routines listed below.
* In every case, the first parameter is a pointer to the sqlite3_stmt
* structure returned from switch_core_db_prepare(). The second parameter is the
* index of the parameter. The first parameter as an index of 1. For
* named parameters (":AAA" or "$VVV") you can use
* switch_core_db_bind_parameter_index() to get the correct index value given
* the parameters name. If the same named parameter occurs more than
* once, it is assigned the same index each time.
* The switch_core_db_bind_* routine must be called before switch_core_db_step() after
* an switch_core_db_prepare() or sqlite3_reset(). Unbound parameterss are
* interpreted as NULL.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_bind_int(switch_core_db_stmt_t *pStmt, int i, int iValue);
* In the SQL strings input to switch_core_db_prepare(),
* one or more literals can be replace by parameters "?" or ":AAA" or
* "$VVV" where AAA is an identifer and VVV is a variable name according
* to the syntax rules of the TCL programming language.
* The value of these parameters (also called "host parameter names") can
* be set using the routines listed below.
* In every case, the first parameter is a pointer to the sqlite3_stmt
* structure returned from switch_core_db_prepare(). The second parameter is the
* index of the parameter. The first parameter as an index of 1. For
* named parameters (":AAA" or "$VVV") you can use
* switch_core_db_bind_parameter_index() to get the correct index value given
* the parameters name. If the same named parameter occurs more than
* once, it is assigned the same index each time.
* The switch_core_db_bind_* routine must be called before switch_core_db_step() after
* an switch_core_db_prepare() or sqlite3_reset(). Unbound parameterss are
* interpreted as NULL.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_bind_int64(switch_core_db_stmt_t *pStmt, int i, int64_t iValue);
* In the SQL strings input to switch_core_db_prepare(),
* one or more literals can be replace by parameters "?" or ":AAA" or
* "$VVV" where AAA is an identifer and VVV is a variable name according
* to the syntax rules of the TCL programming language.
* The value of these parameters (also called "host parameter names") can
* be set using the routines listed below.
* In every case, the first parameter is a pointer to the sqlite3_stmt
* structure returned from switch_core_db_prepare(). The second parameter is the
* index of the parameter. The first parameter as an index of 1. For
* named parameters (":AAA" or "$VVV") you can use
* switch_core_db_bind_parameter_index() to get the correct index value given
* the parameters name. If the same named parameter occurs more than
* once, it is assigned the same index each time.
* The fifth parameter to switch_core_db_bind_blob(), switch_core_db_bind_text(), and
* switch_core_db_bind_text16() is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or
* text after SQLite has finished with it. If the fifth argument is the
* special value SQLITE_STATIC, then the library assumes that the information
* is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed. If the
* fifth argument has the value SQLITE_TRANSIENT, then SQLite makes its
* own private copy of the data.
* The switch_core_db_bind_* routine must be called before switch_core_db_step() after
* an switch_core_db_prepare() or sqlite3_reset(). Unbound parameterss are
* interpreted as NULL.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_bind_text(switch_core_db_stmt_t *pStmt, int i, const char *zData, int nData, switch_core_db_destructor_type_t xDel);
* In the SQL strings input to switch_core_db_prepare(),
* one or more literals can be replace by parameters "?" or ":AAA" or
* "$VVV" where AAA is an identifer and VVV is a variable name according
* to the syntax rules of the TCL programming language.
* The value of these parameters (also called "host parameter names") can
* be set using the routines listed below.
* In every case, the first parameter is a pointer to the sqlite3_stmt
* structure returned from switch_core_db_prepare(). The second parameter is the
* index of the parameter. The first parameter as an index of 1. For
* named parameters (":AAA" or "$VVV") you can use
* sqlite3_bind_parameter_index() to get the correct index value given
* the parameters name. If the same named parameter occurs more than
* once, it is assigned the same index each time.
* The sqlite3_bind_* routine must be called before switch_core_db_step() after
* an switch_core_db_prepare() or switch_core_db_reset(). Unbound parameterss are
* interpreted as NULL.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_bind_double(switch_core_db_stmt_t *pStmt, int i, double dValue);
* Each entry in a table has a unique integer key. (The key is
* the value of the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column if there is such a column,
* otherwise the key is generated at random. The unique key is always
* available as the ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_ column.) The following routine
* returns the integer key of the most recent insert in the database.
* This function is similar to the mysql_insert_id() function from MySQL.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int64_t) switch_core_db_last_insert_rowid(switch_core_db_t *db);
* This next routine is really just a wrapper around switch_core_db_exec().
* Instead of invoking a user-supplied callback for each row of the
* result, this routine remembers each row of the result in memory
* obtained from malloc(), then returns all of the result after the
* query has finished.
* As an example, suppose the query result where this table:
* Name | Age
* -----------------------
* Alice | 43
* Bob | 28
* Cindy | 21
* If the 3rd argument were &azResult then after the function returns
* azResult will contain the following data:
* azResult[0] = "Name";
* azResult[1] = "Age";
* azResult[2] = "Alice";
* azResult[3] = "43";
* azResult[4] = "Bob";
* azResult[5] = "28";
* azResult[6] = "Cindy";
* azResult[7] = "21";
* Notice that there is an extra row of data containing the column
* headers. But the *nrow return value is still 3. *ncolumn is
* set to 2. In general, the number of values inserted into azResult
* will be ((*nrow) + 1)*(*ncolumn).
* After the calling function has finished using the result, it should
* pass the result data pointer to switch_core_db_free_table() in order to
* release the memory that was malloc-ed. Because of the way the
* malloc() happens, the calling function must not try to call
* free() directly. Only switch_core_db_free_table() is able to release
* the memory properly and safely.
* The return value of this routine is the same as from switch_core_db_exec().
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_get_table(switch_core_db_t *db, /* An open database */
const char *sql, /* SQL to be executed */
char ***resultp, /* Result written to a char *[] that this points to */
int *nrow, /* Number of result rows written here */
int *ncolumn, /* Number of result columns written here */
char **errmsg /* Error msg written here */
* Call this routine to free the memory that sqlite3_get_table() allocated.
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_db_free_table(char **result);
* Call this routine to free the memory that switch_core_db_get_table() allocated.
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_db_free(char *z);
* Call this routine to find the number of rows changed by the last statement.
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_changes(switch_core_db_t *db);
* Call this routine to load an external extension
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_core_db_load_extension(switch_core_db_t *db, const char *extension);
/** Return values for switch_core_db_exec() and switch_core_db_step()*/
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK 0 /* Successful result */
/* beginning-of-error-codes */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_ERROR 1 /* SQL error or missing database */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_INTERNAL 2 /* NOT USED. Internal logic error in SQLite */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_PERM 3 /* Access permission denied */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_ABORT 4 /* Callback routine requested an abort */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_BUSY 5 /* The database file is locked */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_LOCKED 6 /* A table in the database is locked */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_NOMEM 7 /* A malloc() failed */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_READONLY 8 /* Attempt to write a readonly database */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_INTERRUPT 9 /* Operation terminated by switch_core_db_interrupt() */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_IOERR 10 /* Some kind of disk I/O error occurred */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_CORRUPT 11 /* The database disk image is malformed */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_NOTFOUND 12 /* NOT USED. Table or record not found */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_FULL 13 /* Insertion failed because database is full */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_CANTOPEN 14 /* Unable to open the database file */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_PROTOCOL 15 /* Database lock protocol error */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_EMPTY 16 /* Database is empty */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_SCHEMA 17 /* The database schema changed */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_TOOBIG 18 /* NOT USED. Too much data for one row */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_CONSTRAINT 19 /* Abort due to contraint violation */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_MISMATCH 20 /* Data type mismatch */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_MISUSE 21 /* Library used incorrectly */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_NOLFS 22 /* Uses OS features not supported on host */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_AUTH 23 /* Authorization denied */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_FORMAT 24 /* Auxiliary database format error */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_RANGE 25 /* 2nd parameter to switch_core_db_bind out of range */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_NOTADB 26 /* File opened that is not a database file */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_ROW 100 /* switch_core_db_step() has another row ready */
#define SWITCH_CORE_DB_DONE 101 /* switch_core_db_step() has finished executing */
/* end-of-error-codes */
/** @} */
/** @} */
* This routine is a variant of the "sprintf()" from the
* standard C library. The resulting string is written into memory
* obtained from malloc() so that there is never a possiblity of buffer
* overflow. This routine also implement some additional formatting
* options that are useful for constructing SQL statements.
* The strings returned by this routine should be freed by calling
* switch_core_db_free().
* All of the usual printf formatting options apply. In addition, there
* is a "%q" option. %q works like %s in that it substitutes a null-terminated
* string from the argument list. But %q also doubles every '\'' character.
* %q is designed for use inside a string literal. By doubling each '\''
* character it escapes that character and allows it to be inserted into
* the string.
* For example, so some string variable contains text as follows:
* char *zText = "It's a happy day!";
* We can use this text in an SQL statement as follows:
* char *z = switch_core_db_mprintf("INSERT INTO TABLES('%q')", zText);
* switch_core_db_exec(db, z, callback1, 0, 0);
* switch_core_db_free(z);
* Because the %q format string is used, the '\'' character in zText
* is escaped and the SQL generated is as follows:
* INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('It''s a happy day!')
* This is correct. Had we used %s instead of %q, the generated SQL
* would have looked like this:
* INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('It's a happy day!');
* This second example is an SQL syntax error. As a general rule you
* should always use %q instead of %s when inserting text into a string
* literal.
/* For Emacs:
* Local Variables:
* mode:c
* indent-tabs-mode:t
* tab-width:4
* c-basic-offset:4
* End:
* For VIM:
* vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet: