Latest automake will detect then warn if the Makefile uses source
files that are in subdirectories, but the subdirs option is not
set. In the FreeSWITCH build system the current expected behavior is
to expect the subdirs option to be enabled.
FS-7122 #resolve
for codec2/unittest
Created David Rowe 31 July 2012
Training (experimental) sparse phase VQs:
1/ In ../src/phase.c phase_experiment() enable:
and 'make' c2sim (in src)
2/ Run over a training database:
$ ./c2sim /xhome1/codec2/samples/train.spc --phaseexp > train_phtrain.txt
a) check stats in Octave:
octave> load ../src/train_phtrain.txt
octave> std(nonzeros(train_phtrain(:,1:20)))
octave> hist(nonzeros(train_phtrain(:,1:20)),20)
3/ Extract and convert to floats vector you wish to train for example
first 20 (out of MAX_AMP == 80):
$ ./extract ../src/train_phtrain.txt train_phtrain.flt 1 20
4/ Convert to rectangular:
$ ./polar2rect train_phtrain.flt train_phtrainr.flt
5/ Run this program:
$ ./vqtrainph train_phtrainr.flt 20 1024 vq.txt
Ouput is vq.txt
+ build up insmallest possible stesp
+ impl errors v alg errors
+ use actual phase data as codebook
+ test vq with rand phases first or known data