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synced 2025-03-09 11:27:09 +00:00
229 lines
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Executable File
229 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
# ads2gas.pl
# Author: Eric Fung (efung (at) acm.org)
# Convert ARM Developer Suite 1.0.1 syntax assembly source to GNU as format
# Usage: cat inputfile | perl ads2gas.pl > outputfile
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use thumb;
my $thumb = 0;
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
$thumb = 1 if ($arg eq "-thumb");
print "@ This file was created from a .asm file\n";
print "@ using the ads2gas.pl script.\n";
print "\t.equ DO1STROUNDING, 0\n";
if ($thumb) {
print "\t.syntax unified\n";
print "\t.thumb\n";
# Stack of procedure names.
@proc_stack = ();
while (<STDIN>)
undef $comment;
undef $line;
$comment_char = ";";
$comment_sub = "@";
# Handle comments.
if (/$comment_char/)
$comment = "";
($line, $comment) = /(.*?)$comment_char(.*)/;
$_ = $line;
# Load and store alignment
# Hexadecimal constants prefaced by 0x
# Convert :OR: to |
s/:OR:/ | /g;
# Convert :AND: to &
s/:AND:/ & /g;
# Convert :NOT: to ~
s/:NOT:/ ~ /g;
# Convert :SHL: to <<
s/:SHL:/ << /g;
# Convert :SHR: to >>
s/:SHR:/ >> /g;
# Convert ELSE to .else
# Convert ENDIF to .endif
# Convert ELSEIF to .elseif
# Convert LTORG to .ltorg
# Convert endfunc to nothing.
# Convert FUNCTION to nothing.
# Convert IF :DEF:to .if
# gcc doesn't have the ability to do a conditional
# if defined variable that is set by IF :DEF: on
# armasm, so convert it to a normal .if and then
# make sure to define a value elesewhere
if (s/\bIF :DEF:\b/.if /g)
# Convert IF to .if
if (s/\bIF\b/.if/g)
# Convert INCLUDE to .INCLUDE "file"
s/INCLUDE(\s*)(.*)$/.include $1\"$2\"/;
# Code directive (ARM vs Thumb)
s/CODE([0-9][0-9])/.code $1/;
# No AREA required
# But ALIGNs in AREA must be obeyed
s/^\s*AREA.*ALIGN=([0-9])$/.text\n.p2align $1/;
# If no ALIGN, strip the AREA and align to 4 bytes
s/^\s*AREA.*$/.text\n.p2align 2/;
# DCD to .word
# This one is for incoming symbols
s/DCD\s+\|(\w*)\|/.long $1/;
# DCW to .short
s/DCW\s+\|(\w*)\|/.short $1/;
s/DCW(.*)/.short $1/;
# Constants defined in scope
s/DCD(.*)/.long $1/;
s/DCB(.*)/.byte $1/;
# Make function visible to linker, and make additional symbol with
# prepended underscore
s/EXPORT\s+\|([\$\w]*)\|/.global $1 \n\t.type $1, function/;
s/IMPORT\s+\|([\$\w]*)\|/.global $1/;
s/EXPORT\s+([\$\w]*)/.global $1/;
s/export\s+([\$\w]*)/.global $1/;
# No vertical bars required; make additional symbol with prepended
# underscore
# Labels need trailing colon
# s/^(\w+)/$1:/ if !/EQU/;
# put the colon at the end of the line in the macro
s/^([a-zA-Z_0-9\$]+)/$1:/ if !/EQU/;
# ALIGN directive
if ($thumb) {
# ARM code - we force everything to thumb with the declaration in the header
} else {
# ARM code
# push/pop
s/(push\s+)(r\d+)/stmdb sp\!, \{$2\}/g;
s/(pop\s+)(r\d+)/ldmia sp\!, \{$2\}/g;
# NEON code
if ($thumb) {
thumb::FixThumbInstructions($_, 0);
# eabi_attributes numerical equivalents can be found in the
# "ARM IHI 0045C" document.
# REQUIRE8 Stack is required to be 8-byte aligned
s/\sREQUIRE8/.eabi_attribute 24, 1 \@Tag_ABI_align_needed/g;
# PRESERVE8 Stack 8-byte align is preserved
s/\sPRESERVE8/.eabi_attribute 25, 1 \@Tag_ABI_align_preserved/g;
# Use PROC and ENDP to give the symbols a .size directive.
# This makes them show up properly in debugging tools like gdb and valgrind.
if (/\bPROC\b/)
my $proc;
$proc = $1;
push(@proc_stack, $proc) if ($proc);
s/\bPROC\b/@ $&/;
if (/\bENDP\b/)
my $proc;
s/\bENDP\b/@ $&/;
$proc = pop(@proc_stack);
$_ = "\t.size $proc, .-$proc".$_ if ($proc);
# EQU directive
s/(\S+\s+)EQU(\s+\S+)/.equ $1, $2/;
# Begin macro definition
if (/\bMACRO\b/) {
$_ = <STDIN>;
s/\$//g; # remove formal param reference
s/;/@/g; # change comment characters
# For macros, use \ to reference formal params
s/\$/\\/g; # End macro definition
s/\bMEND\b/.endm/; # No need to tell it where to stop assembling
next if /^\s*END\s*$/;
print "$comment_sub$comment\n" if defined $comment;
# Mark that this object doesn't need an executable stack.
printf ("\t.section\t.note.GNU-stack,\"\",\%\%progbits\n");